Episode 3


I opened the closed drawer under the desk for easy access to work.

Inside were three unopened letters.


Indeed, letters stuck in drawers were a universal rule.


You found 700 cash in the ‘letters I put away because I didn’t want to read them.’



A cash acquisition notification came up with a lively sound effect.


“So, you find cash like this along with clues.”


This was really the same way a detective investigated.

Fortunately, the system provided rough information, so it wasn’t too difficult.


Alright, I got the hang of it.

The enjoyable moderate difficulty level made me feel better.


I casually opened the letter and read it.


[I sent you peaches harvested this year. Reply if you need cherries.]

[The Viscount expects a reply.]

[Visit Viscount Larmin’s Estate as soon as you read this letter.]


…Is that it?

Wasn’t this too short and stiff for a letter?


Moreover, doesn’t the tone it’s written in seem like it’s giving instructions to a subordinate?


Was this really written by a person? The system interface might have been warmer.


“It’s sent by Viscount Larmin’s Estate… Chelsea’s parents’ home.”


As soon as I saw the Viscount’s seal stamped on the envelope, I understood everything.

Ordinary families wouldn’t be so cold and cruel to their married daughter, but the Viscount was different.


Viscount Larmin, Chelsea’s uncle and guardian, had been abusing Chelsea since she was very young.


Chelsea’s reason for getting into a contract marriage with the Marquis of Grayden was to escape from the house.


[ “Marquis, I heard you are looking for a woman to fulfill the role of your wife for the former Marchioness.”


“If you sign a contract marriage with me… I will live as the Marchioness, quiet as a dead mouse, until the day the former Marchioness passes. After that, I will cleanly divorce you without seeking any title or property.”

“What benefit do you gain from this?”

Chelsea flinched at Marquis Grayden’s cold question.

However, as if she had made up her mind, she spoke again.

“Marriage Dowry. It’s the only property I can get from Viscount Larmin. I will take that and become independent.” ] 


Marquis Grayden, who wanted to fulfill his dying mother’s wish.

Chelsea, who had no property to inherit from her household except for her dowry determined by civil law.


These two people’s interests aligned in that way, and they got into a contract marriage.


‘As the Marquis had hoped, the late Marchioness adored her new daughter-in-law. Chelsea had all her dowry. The contract was over.’


As Chelsea said, there was no reason for their marriage to continue.

However, the Marquis, who had already fallen for Chelsea, would not let her go.


Treating her like a stone that had rolled into the Marquis’s home at first, even passing on the burden of his ailing mother to her, and now clinging to her.


He was truly the textbook definition of a regretful man.

It’s clear why she fled from the Marquis…


‘I didn’t expect her to still be in touch with her family, though. Judging from the content, they must have often sent similar letters before.’


She kept in constant contact with her maiden family after collecting her dowry? Why?

Wasn’t the reason she got married in the first place to sever her relationship with the Viscount?

So why did he keep in touch with someone she didn’t like?


I carefully searched the room while pondering deeply.


You found 200 cash in the ‘ring I received as a gift from my mother-in-law’.

You found 100 cash in the ‘teacup that the couple used to drink in’.

You found 200 cash in the ‘cookies baked for my husband’.

You found 200 cash in the ‘bathtub we went in together’.

You found 100 cash in the ‘lotion with the scent my husband liked’.


A total of 1500 cash was collected from all the places of the room except for the bedroom.


Apart from a letter from Viscount Larmin, there were no particularly noticeable clues.

I thought she might have run away from here because she was mistreated at her in-laws, but that didn’t seem to be the case.


On the contrary…


“Weren’t you two extremely close?! Is this really a contractual couple?”


They weren’t just a contractual couple; they truly enjoyed their newlywed life.

The evidence that emerged one after another was ridiculous.


I clicked my tongue and made my way to Chelsea’s room.


“Now, after investigating this place, Chelsea’s room will be done.”


There must be some important clues hidden among the remaining 1500 cash hidden in the bedroom.


With that in mind, I searched every corner of the bedroom.


You found 200 cash between ‘the sheets we shared’.

You found 200 cash in the chair brought by the husband ‘to care for me when I had a cold’.

You found 200 cash placed by the ‘window where we sat side by side watching the stars’.

You found 100 cash in the ‘jewelry box left by my mother-in-law’.


…Yes, I get it.

I understand very well that you both had a very real love.


They slept under the same blanket, cared for each other when sick, watched the stars together, and she was even friendly with her old mother-in-law…


‘It doesn’t seem like she was given extremely cold treatment like other regret novels.’


Wouldn’t this be enough to live with satisfaction even if she was ignored at first? No matter how off to a rocky start a marriage may have been.


But why did Chelsea run away from the Marquis who treated her warmly after being contacted by her family who spurned her?


Well, I’d be able to find that out soon enough while I searched for cash to read the novel.

Most visible places have been investigated, but there was still 800 cash left.


When I reached under the bed to search every nook and cranny, I felt something at the tip of my finger.


You found 800 cash in the ‘??? collection box.’

Caution! This item has the potential to endanger your life.

Risk Level: C+


…What? Endanger my life?

I almost screamed in surprise at the system warning that popped up out of nowhere.


Why would there be a dangerous item hidden in the Marchioness’ room?

And the location risk was a D-! Does it make sense for C+ threat to appear all of a sudden?


…However, the item is not dangerous as long as a ‘specific action’ is not taken.

If returned to its place after investigation, the risk level of the location remains the same.


As if knowing my concerns, the system window displayed an additional message.


‘It’s not dangerous as long as you don’t do something specific.’


So, as long as I glanced at it and returned it to its place, it’s safe.

What on earth could the C+ level dangerous item hidden in the lady’s room be?


Nervously, I opened the lid.

Inside was…




I was scared that a monster might pop out, but there was nothing of the sort.

The box contained only seeds I couldn’t identify.


This was life-threatening?

What dangerous actions could one take with seeds?


Could it be that boiling them turns them into a deadly drug that can kill even an elephant, or that planting them in the ground results in carnivorous plants that eat humans…?


Even after thinking about it for a while, those were the only reasons that came to mind.


Clearly, I needed more clues and information to continue my deductions.

I neatly placed the box back under the bed, concluding the investigation of this room.


Chelsea Grayden’s room – Cleared!

Through the investigation, you discovered that Chelsea got along quite well with the Marquis’ family. However, it seemed like she harbored a secret she couldn’t reveal to anyone…

– Job experience has increased.

“Did you find everything you were looking for?”


When I stepped out of the room, the butler asked me in a gentle tone.


“Yes, I’m done with the Duke’s wife’s room. Next is…”


I hesitated for a moment, hanging out the end of words.

They said that cash was hidden in places closely related to the task.


Then maybe I should start by visiting the rooms of those who were close to Chelsea.


“I would like to investigate the room where the late Marchioness used to stay. Is that possible?”


The late Marchioness, who was also Chelsea’s mother-in-law, wanted to see her son start a family. 


Even though she was deceased at this point, she might have had an impact on Chelsea’s psyche, so I should check it out.


“That shouldn’t be a problem. Please follow me.”


“Oh, and also…”


The butler looked back at me with a puzzled expression at the added words.


“Would it be possible to see the Marquis’ room, too? I only plan to check the places where he stayed with his wife, excluding personal spaces.”


You can’t not see the room of the most important character, the male lead. Even if it might’ve been slightly presumptuous, I couldn’t help but ask.


“Well, that…”


The butler looked somewhat embarrassed at my request.

That was understandable.


Even if it was for the sake of his own wife, it would be a little uncomfortable allowing me to intrude into the Marquis’ personal space.


“I will try to ask the Marquis, but I can’t guarantee anything.”


“I understand it’s too much to ask. Just confirming the traces of the Marchioness in the company of the butler would be enough.”


“I see.”


At my persistent request, the butler nodded as if it couldn’t be helped.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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