The Detective Agency For Regretful Male Leads Is Now Open For Business!

Episode 18

Cash Balance: Empty~

The cash obtained from the previous commission from Marquis Grayden was already spent.

…It wasn’t because I was busy playing around.

The cash had an expiration date.

One day left until cash expires.

Please use it quickly!

They even informed me of this fact the day before the cash expired.

I was irritated, but I resigned myself to it, knowing that protesting wouldn’t change anything.

Fortunately, I could use the cash at the ‘Enhancement Item Shop’ or ‘Cash Withdrawal’ to consume it at least.

I roughly shopped for what I needed at the enhancement shop and withdrew the remaining cash to convert it into real money.

After doing so, my remaining cash was 0 won.

In other words, it meant I had to go through the laborious task of mining cash again to read novels.

…No, it could just say ‘0’. Why was it saying ‘Empty~’ like that?

Was it making fun of me?

Current Cash Recharge Station: Relint Manor

(All other locations are locked.)

Moreover, what was this about other locations being locked?

…Anyway, there was no point in wasting my time pondering about it alone.

‘I should first visit the activated cash recharge station.’

Whatever it was, confronting it directly was probably the fastest way to learn.

Thinking so, I picked up the documents the maid had left behind.

I should familiarize myself with the information properly.

And as soon as morning broke, I would head to the Relint mansion.

Forcing open my sleepy eyes, I concentrated on my first work-related task in a long time.


  *  *  *

The next day, at the first light of dawn, I was ready to go out.

“Where are you going?”

I was about to leave the office when Damon emerged from the kitchen and grabbed me.

“Have lunch before you go.”

“No, it’s still morning.”

I really did wake up early today, you know?

“I have to quickly run a work trip. You can take care of the house well by yourself, right?”

“Have a meal before you go. I’ve already prepared it…”

“I don’t have time for that. You eat it yourself.”

Eat, get energetic, and run away!

Whether he understood my earnest feelings or not, Damon quietly scanned my appearance.

His gaze was as if he was examining something.

“What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”


After a long pause, Damon opened his mouth.

“…I was wondering if you might have plans to eat with someone else.”

I tilted my head at his somewhat hesitant tone and replied,

“No, I’m just going out to work.”

Of course, if I asked for food, they’d have to give it to me.

I’d have to ask them for a favor if I got hungry.

“Then I’ll be back soon.”

As I was about to leave the office with a casual greeting,


Damon called out to me in a low, solemn voice, stopping me.

For some reason, he exuded a different, serious atmosphere from usual.

“…Please take me with you.”


What was he saying all of a sudden?

“Please let me help you with your work, Director.”

“You’re going to help me with my work?”

“I am confident I can be of assistance. Just let me.”

I wasn’t expecting that interview-like answer!

I was speechless with bewilderment.

“Why did you suddenly… decide to think that way?”

There had been many times when I had been away from the office for one reason or another until now. But this was the first time he had ever asked to be taken along.

‘I thought my role was to go out and earn money, and Damon’s was to quietly assist me from behind the scenes.’

Why did he suddenly want to go out? What’s gotten into the guy who didn’t even want to go out unless it was absolutely necessary?

“…I heard a detective’s assistant must always be by their side when they’re solving a case,” Damon added as he saw my furrowed brows.

“Who said that?”

“I read it in a book.”

Was it that R guy again?

He was really useless from start to finish.

Well… it wasn’t entirely wrong.

In mystery novels, the detective’s assistant often took on roles that included fetching missed clues, catching fleeing culprits, and providing hints with seemingly casual remarks that make something accidentally come to the detective’s mind.

But that was within the story of a novel, and our relationship was completely different.

Why the sudden change of heart anyway?

“Hmm, I don’t think so.”

I still felt uneasy about Damon going outside.

After all, it wasn’t long ago that he was almost sold off, and I barely managed to rescue him. What if he encountered people like ‘sharks’ again? That could be a disaster.

“Do you dislike the idea of me being noticed by anyone other than you, Director?”

As if he had read my mind, Damon asked the right question.

“You know me well.”

Damon’s face relaxed a bit at my answer.

“In that case, I’ll make sure to cover my face or body. I won’t do anything conspicuous… and I’ll stick close to you, Director.”

“Well, um…”

“I won’t even make eye contact with anyone else, nor will I speak to them.”

No, there was no need to go that far.

Why are you acting like a male lead with the character tag ‘’ReservedMan(Extremely so)’?

Did he want to go out that badly?

Or was I too obsessed? I did habitually nag him about staying in places I could see him…

‘Wait, is that why he wants to go out more? He’s tired of being stuck next to me and is trying to escape the office by using this?’

That seemed plausible, didn’t it?

So that’s why he was suddenly trying to follow me out while saying he was an assistant and all?

Moreover, today’s destination was near the seaside, which required a long carriage ride.

It was the perfect place to go to get far away from this house.

“Hmm, come to think of it, it’s a good idea.”

He was all grown up, wasn’t he? For the first time in a while, I felt very proud.

Yes, let’s put it into action right away. I’ll do my best to help.

“Then let’s pack first.”

“Pack… what?”

“The things an assistant needs.”

To be precise, the things someone leaving their home needs. A light outer garment, simple necessities, some snacks, a map, self-defense supplies, and plenty of money.

Damon looked at me with a strange expression as I enthusiastically gathered the escape supplies.

“Are you perhaps planning on staying overnight?”


I’m not. But you are.

I crammed this and that into the bulging bag and gave it to Damon.

“Hold onto it well.”


He accepted the bag without saying anything, even though he looked a bit uncomfortable.

“By the way, I’m used to working alone, so follow along, but keep your distance so you don’t get in the way.”

I even encouraged him to stay out of sight.

This should be enough for him to understand, right?

“Now, let’s go catch a carriage.”


Damon, who had been staring at the backpack with narrowed eyes, soon followed me without a word.


  *  *  *

“Welcome, Detective! The master is not here, but he told me to cooperate with you actively.”

Upon our arrival at the Relint mansion, the young maid who had entrusted us with the commission not long ago greeted us.

“Thank you for the welcome.”

“I should be the one thanking you. I can’t remember the last time we had a visitor. How quiet the mansion has been since Miss Elisa disappeared…”

The chattering maid’s expression turned gloomy as soon as Elisa’s name came to her tongue.

“No one has come to the mansion since she left. We didn’t have many visitors to begin with, though.”


I slowly looked around the interior of the house at her words.

Indeed, for a house belonging to an admiral who commands the empire’s fleet, it was quite simple and modest in scale.

There didn’t seem to be any employees other than a few maids necessary for household chores.

It felt like only the essentials for living alone were prepared.

Perhaps sensing my observing gaze, the maid looked embarrassed.

“The master isn’t very interested in socializing. He doesn’t have much interest in decorating the house either.”

As she said, the stiff and frugal personality of the male protagonist was visible throughout the house. If such a person had been deeply involved with someone, it would have been obvious right away.

It didn’t seem like he dumped Elisa for another love interest.

“What kind of person was Miss Elisa?”

I had this chapter ready already, but forgot to post. My apologies for being a dumbass.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. Nicki says:

    Thanks for the update! Love this story so far.

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