The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Grace Like Goddess 

“Your Majesty was distressed and troubled, but in the end you could not override my will. So please do not punish me for lying to you about not finding the silver-haired healer, but punish me for lying to you, Your Majesty.”

He sounded a little sobbing as he uttered the last sentence.

It was then. Clap, clap, clap, echoed through the silent ballroom. It was Prince Caspian.

Prince Caspian, who was naturally susceptible to emotion, was quite moved by the sight of Killion and Veronia kneeling together in front of him, asking for forgiveness. Caspian spoke up.

“You both look so good. It’s beautiful, and it’s heartwarming to see real love in action. Love in this day and age!”

Sandra scrunched up her face and silently shouted, “What are you talking about? You’re crazy!” but the oblivious Caspian didn’t seem to notice.

The room erupted in applause. It was a sign of agreement with Caspian’s words. 

The clapping in the ballroom grew louder and louder, as did the clapping of neighbours. Sandra was baffled by the absurdity of it all.

Caspian cried out in a loud voice and fell to his knees.

“I beseech thee, my lord, to look upon their love with favour, and to bestow upon them the same grace as Goddess.”

“You can’t come out of here like that!” Sandra squeaked, but apparently the language was too difficult for Caspian to understand.

‘You fool, you fool, I’ve given birth to and raised a child like you!’

Sandra looked down at Caspian on her knees and bit her lower lip hard. Her pupils fluttered precariously as they held her only biological son.

Caspian was the child of her sickness, but Sandra had always had a vague fear that one day, at some crucial moment, he would stab her in the back. Just like now.

Worse still, Caspian had no idea. He had no intentions, he was just doing what his mood and emotions told him to do, and he was stabbing himself in the back.

Things went from bad to worse. Now the nobles, who had been looking at each other, began to kneel together. As if that was the most noble thing they could do at this moment.

“Please grant us the same grace as Goddess, Empress Dowager.”

“Please grant me the same grace as Goddess, Your Majesty.”

Sandra was now the only one standing in the ballroom. All eyes turned to her, and she felt dizzy with the unpredictability of the situation.

‘What the hell is going on? Has there ever been a time in the last ten years when I’ve been the centre of attention for so many people?’

No, never. Now she was more dumbfounded than angry. But she couldn’t just stand there like this forever. Everyone was waiting for her answer..

‘Don’t show emotion. Give them the answer they want.’

Sandra repeated to herself. The agenda was already out of her hands. From the moment the clueless Prince Caspian clapped his hands. 

No, from the moment Killion had fallen to his knees and begged for forgiveness in front of everyone. All she could do was put on a public smile.

“What’s like being punished for something like that?”

Sandra approached Killion and Veronia with graceful strides, tugging on their hands to help them to their feet.

“It is not in my heart… to punish you two for what has happened because of your affection, and I will not hold you guilty of anything for this, it is my engagement gift to you both.”

As soon as Sandra finished speaking, Killion and Veronia bowed their heads together in gratitude.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, we will not forget this favor.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

They were not alone. Everyone in the ballroom thanked Empress Sandra.

“Thank you for your kindness.”

“Hail, Your Majesty the Empress!”

“Merciful Empress!”

As Sandra looked down at the kneeling people, a benevolent smile spread across her face. But her inner thoughts were the opposite.

‘Killion, I’ve been outmaneuvered by him, damn it!’

The sour feeling didn’t go away, but seemed to linger somewhere in her body like filth. 

Sandra wondered how she could repay him for what he had done to her today. One day, she really wanted to make it up to him, no, she had to.


The commotion finally died down, and the engagement party officially began.

Whether it was the bond of having witnessed and experienced a dramatic scene together or the exhilaration of a collective, aristocratic achievement, the mood of the party was joyous.

The godmother of the Duke of Drea raised her champagne glass high, drawing everyone’s attention.

“The wedding of my son, Duke Killion Drea, and his sweetheart, Lady Nia Lampert, will take place in two months.”

Everyone in the banqueting hall widened their eyes in surprise at the godmother’s announcement.

“My goodness, two months from now, so soon?”

“It’s not too soon, love!”

Exclamations of admiration erupted from all around the room. Most couples wait at least a year after their engagement to get married, so it was no surprise that they were getting married in two months. The godmother spoke again, a bright smile spreading across her face.

“I trust that all of you who are here today will be at the wedding.”

The nobles all nodded vigorously at the invitation, or rather, request, in the gentle voice. They all looked delighted to be invited to the Duke of Drea’s wedding.

“Of course!”

“Of course!”

“We look forward to it, Godmother.”

The Godmother’s smile deepened at the favorable response. She raised the arm holding the champagne glass even higher.

“I raise my glass to Duke Killion Drea and Lady Nia Lampert, may their love bear beautiful fruit.”

The nobles who filled the ballroom followed their godmother’s lead and raised their champagne glasses high.

“May you both be happy!”

“May the goddess’s favor be with the new couple!”


“Beautiful love, we cheer you on!”

The words of blessing for Killion and Veronia, who would be man and wife in two months, erupted here and there.

Veronia had been nervous and uncomfortable throughout the party, but for this moment, a feeling of gratitude and excitement washed over her. 

The realization that she was about to marry Killion, that she was about to step back into the aristocratic society she had left five years ago, was sinking in.

It was then. Killion took her hand gently in his. His large, firm hand wrapped around her slender one.

“I will do better in the future.”

A sweet bass tickled her earlobe. Veronia’s heart skipped a beat, a pleasing beat, as her gaze locked with Killion’s, who smiled softly, his eyes folded in half.

Do I dare to be near this man? Do I dare to marry this man? Do I dare to be loved by this man? The questions that had been plaguing her mind for days were instantly answered.

Suddenly, everything seemed so obvious. As if all her worries were worthless.

‘The only place I belong is next to this man. He’s the only man I want to marry, and I want to give him as much love as he’s given me.’

The corners of Veronia’s eyes moistened. They looked at each other and toasted. Everything was dreamlike and ecstatic.

She tried her best to ignore Sandra’s piercing gaze.


A beautiful melodious ballad played, and Killion held out his hand to Veronia, asking her to dance. Veronia took his hand gently and followed his lead.

All eyes were on Veronia and Killion, who were beautiful on their own, but even more beautiful together. 

They were so well matched, people thought they looked like a painting. 

But not all eyes were on Veronia, who, despite being a commoner, was far more graceful and elegant than anyone else here.

Meanwhile, off to one side of the ballroom, Prince Caspian was asking Prince Espin to dance. 

She hated to hold his hand, hated to look at his face, but she could not refuse: he was the prince of the empire, and this was a ballroom with many eyes.

‘Consider it the least polite thing to do, and bear with me, bear with me. It’s only once, not twice.’

Princess Espin braced herself and finally reached for Caspian’s hand, but as soon as she took it, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. It was an unavoidable physical reaction.

‘After seeing that horrible deed right in front of my eyes at the festival, every face, every smile, and especially this hand, looks hideous.’

Caspian’s face is objectively very handsome, but the feeling of being scared is stronger than being handsome. 

Holding his hand made Princess Espin nervous, as if Prince Caspian were a madman who might turn on her at any moment.

Princess Espin tried to force a smile to hide what she was feeling, but it wasn’t easy. The tension in her facial muscles made for an awkward smile.

As she danced with Prince Caspian to the music, Princess Espin felt like she had just tasted hell, and her mind was racing. She wished and wished for the song to end.

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