The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 75

Chapter 75 If You Miss It, You’re Dead

Jonathan continued, his expression and voice impassive.

“The Emperor has always taught me that it is a virtue to be merciful, even to one’s enemies, and in order to keep that lesson in his heart forever, is about to make a difficult decision.”

The people waited for the emperor’s next words, their mouths still tightly shut, the madness and disappointment fading from their eyes.

“The death penalty would be appropriate for Brienne Shannon, the murderer of the Emperor, but in keeping with the Emperor’s teachings, I am commuting her sentence to life imprisonment. However, the tendons of one arm and one leg will be severed to give you the opportunity to repent for your past sins whenever you see your crippled body.”

When Jonathan had finished speaking, he lowered the volume amplifier.

By then, the square was so silent you could hear the leaves rustling in the breeze.

The very next moment, everyone opened their mouths to let out a deafening roar.

“Long live the benevolent Emperor!”

“Long live the generous Emperor!”

“Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!”

The people went wild. A shout louder than the coronation shout echoed through the square. The air in the square shuddered, and the dirt floor vibrated.

Jonathan turned away from the people and climbed back into his golden carriage. Smiling with satisfaction, Jonathan recalled his conversation with Killion a few days earlier.

‘Why don’t you use the murder of Prince Caspian to your advantage, Your Majesty?’


‘To show the people that there are some in the Imperial family who are cruel, and some who are not, and that you, Your Majesty, are a merciful man.’

‘…A benevolent one?’

‘Do you remember the last time I spoke to you, Your Majesty, about Madame Brienne’s execution?’

‘Of course.’

‘Well, there’s one more reason why it’s a good idea to postpone her execution, Your Majesty: if you show mercy in front of a crowd of people gathered to watch her execution, the people will be moved and praise you for being merciful.’


He had been skeptical at the time of the conversation. But nothing that Killion advocated in such a strong tone ever went wrong. Including the fire extinguisher installation that he announced this time.

He thought it was a necessary evil, but judging by the reaction in the square, he’s glad he did it.

‘Duke Killion Drea… he’s quite the bastard.’

If he became an enemy, he would be someone to be most wary of, but if he became an ally, he would be a great ally.

When he was crown prince, he felt the capable Killion was an obstacle in his way. He was jealous of him and hated him.

But now that he was Emperor, things were different. Killion Drea was not only competent, but also well-liked, and he could not resist him.

‘Veronia, if only she were alive! What a picture it would have been if they had been married, but she is dead!’

All his good feelings were suddenly overtaken by his sister’s death. Clucking his tongue, Jonathan shook his head to clear his thoughts.

‘It’s only for small-minded people to lament a hand that’s already gone, and I need to make Killion Drea my own.’

An older maiden from the imperial family would be perfect, but he couldn’t think of anyone. Hmph, he sighed, his anguish deepening.

‘If I can’t make him mine, I should nip it in the bud, before it’s too late.’

Jonathan ran a hand down his face and pondered.


“Have you truly lost your mind, Emperor?”

Back at the palace, Jonathan had to deal with an angry Sandra. His ears hurt and he was annoyed, but he wasn’t in a bad mood.

“Oh my God, you’re talking too much. You’re still your mum’s son, but now you’re the emperor of this great empire, so don’t talk too much.”


Sandra’s shoulders twitched under the fierce stare. Jonathan was right, he was the true Emperor now. If he was wrong, even his mother could punish him severely.

Sandra swallowed a sigh and opened her mouth again.

“I’m sorry, Emperor. I spoke in the heat of the moment, and I will try to be more restrained in the future.”

“Please, mother.”

One corner of Jonathan’s mouth twitched upward, pleasantly, and the sight of it set Sandra’s eyes alight again, but this time she clenched her molars to hold it in.

“But, Emperor, you’re letting her live! The risk is great. She’s too big.”

“What is there to risk, the fact remains that she is guilty of murdering my father.”


“Besides, we needed to show that the imperial family value human lives like ants, so we made a decision.”

“Well, that’s…”

Jonathan’s remark about Caspian’s work deeply annoyed Sandra, but she balled her fists into tight fists and held it in. 

She could barely contain the harsh words that threatened to spill out, but she couldn’t hide the look on her face. Jonathan narrowed his eyes and spoke in a concerned voice.

“Well, well, well. You must be in a lot of trouble. Don’t worry too much, it’s not good for the skin you’ve worked so hard to keep wrinkle-free.”

His tone was clearly sarcastic. His voice was full of concern, but she knew it was false. She could see the smile trying to escape his face. Sandra’s blood boiled upside down.

“The true identity of my father’s killer is a secret between the two of us. There’s no danger of it getting out, so stop worrying about it, mother.”

“The Emperor!”

Sandra blurted out, finally unable to hold it in. Sandra bit her lower lip hard. She bit down so hard that her entire lip was white.

Jonathan wanted to burst out laughing, but he held it in. In a stern voice, he continued, “I’m sorry.

“Worrying won’t make your worries go away, it’s all futile and useless. I’m going to send you a bottle of good wine as a gift, so drink it and relax, mother.”


Sandra had to give up. Jonathan was not going to change his mind. 

Without a proper goodbye, she turned and left the room. Her shaky limbs creaked, but she managed to walk out without falling.

BANG. As she walked down the corridor, she could hear Jonathan laughing loudly behind the closed door.

“Ugh… Jonathan…!”

Sandra’s eyes lit up as she gritted her teeth.

‘I can’t do this, I’m going to get my arse handed to me by that stupid, greedy Jonathan if I keep this up, I have to do something before it’s too late.’

Sandra’s little head began to spin.


Killion was starting his day by checking the pile of letters on one side of his desk when he heard a tap on the window.

He went to the window and saw that it was a light bulb. Killion immediately opened the window and dragged the letter from its leg.

“Who is this?”

Killion immediately opened the letter and read the contents. The letter began with the sender’s name.

[Greetings, Your Excellency. This is Coslo’s Toolworks on McBurney Street. It would be polite to come and speak to you in person, but the matter is of such urgency that we must write first].

It’s a name he hasn’t seen in a very long time, but he recognized it as soon as he saw it. It was the same workshop where she had ordered the magical piercing she wears today.

The piercing was a magic tool that allowed her to see the archetype of her magically transformed form. 

She had been wearing it the entire time, and it had changed her hair colour and eye colour, added burn scars and tattoos, and made her instantly recognisable as Veronia.

Killion’s face contorted into a grimace as he quickly reviewed the information. The story was that the workshop had been forced to reveal Killion’s name as the client of the magical piercings due to threats.

[…We are truly shameful, Your Excellency, for failing to fulfil our moral responsibilities to the very end. Please do not forgive us…]

The master craftsman apologised again and again. And at the end he added

[…The people who found out your name were from the Ashmore Information Guild, I hope you won’t be too upset…]

“The Ashmore Information Guild…”

It wasn’t mentioned in the letter, but it was clear that Veronia or Onyx were behind the Ashmore Intelligence Guild.

‘Either Veronia commissioned the investigation, or Onyx… the Intelligence Guild!’

Recalling Onyx’s impeccable skill and finesse at darts, Killion moved beyond speculation to near certainty.

He tucked the finished letter deep into a drawer and rose to his feet. He had to see Veronia now, and he had to strike first before she disappeared.

“Get my horse ready, now!”

His horse stood ready before him, ready for Killion’s command. He quickly mounted and spurred it on.

‘We can’t be late. If we miss this time, it’s over.’

Killion sped off at a furious pace.

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you♡


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