The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Prince Caspian

“Jediel, do you want me to carry it?”

“Give it to me. I’ll hold it until we get home.”

“Really? You’re just going to hold it, not take it back?”

The child looked up at the two adults with suspicion. It was cute again, and Killion and Onyx were tempted to tease him further, but they decided to hold back. They took the doll back and hugged it tightly in their arms.

“How could you?”

“After all, I’m Uncle Onyx, unlike anyone else. Mister!”

Onyx jerked his chin up at Killion in a blood-curdling gesture, and blue sparks began to flicker in his eyes.

Veronia, seeing the flame, quickly opened her mouth. It was necessary to quell the two men’s bottomless rivalry before it ignited.

“First, I need to treat your onyx wrist. I need to go to the apothecary and get some ointment and cooling bandages.”

“I’m fine…”

“I’m not okay, and if we don’t go to the pharmacy, I’m just going to go home like this.”

“Oh, okay, let’s go into the alley over there and walk a little further, there’s a pharmacy. Let’s go there.”


Kilion’s heart ached again as he listened to the two of them talk. If only he had known, he thought, he would have fallen and broken his arm or leg.

Killion’s thoughts didn’t last long. His thoughts were interrupted by a blond man walking from the opposite direction.

The blond man was dressed in shimmering silks and dazzling jewels, and even in the faint moonlight, he was dazzling from head to toe. His eyes stung and ached from staring at him.

Behind him stood four escorting knights, each carrying a large longsword at his waist, and all wearing red cloaks with gold embroidery of the sun. They were unmistakably imperial knights, dressed in full regalia.

Why would they want to be so obviously imperial when they were out on the streets in the middle of a festival? Why would they want to steal the limelight without even trying? It was an appearance that raised a number of questions.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Caspian.”

One corner of Caspian’s mouth curled up in amusement at Killion’s polite greeting.

“What a coincidence! Lord Killion, it’s been a long time.”

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Caspian’s gaze went straight to Espin.

“And a pleasure to meet you, Princess Espin. I am Caspian Boyson, Prince of the Empire of Asnerdom.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. I am Espin Montez, Princess of the Kingdom of Hisric.”

The young prince’s eyes sparkled with interest as he took in the beauty of the young princess. Princess Espin didn’t like the look in his eyes when she first met him. There was something unnerving about the sweeping gaze.

As the three exchanged polite greetings, Veronia found herself unable to breathe properly.

‘Why is Caspian here? He never liked anything outdoors with so many commoners and so much noise. Why…’

Veronia pulled her hooded head a little tighter to hide her face. Onyx, noticing her nervousness, took a half step forward and gently shielded her.

Nervous was the same for Killion. No amount of hair and eye color changes, scars and tattoos could erase the aura of the past. 

If Windler could recognize Nia, Caspian could recognize Nia too. The last thing we needed was for Caspian and Veronia to come face to face.

Caspian, oblivious to this discomfort, forced his most charming smile and glanced at Espin, then waggled his eyebrows at Killion.

“Has Lord Killion led Princess Espin to this place?”

There was a look of disbelief. A look of disapproval. It looked up and down, as if to say.

The question was directed at Killion, but it was Espin who answered.

“No. I begged Lord Killion to come with me. It was actually the event I was most looking forward to on this diplomatic visit.”

Caspian shook his head in disbelief at Espin’s answer.

Watching from the sidelines, Veronia thought to herself. He really doesn’t get it. He’ll never get it, no matter how many times she explain it to him.

“I’m surprised you like the streets so much, with so many people, nobles and commoners alike.”

His intention in saying this was transparent. His intentions were transparent: to suggest that they get out of here and go somewhere quieter and more luxurious.

But before Prince Caspian could fulfill his intention, he had offended Princess Espin’s sensibilities. By now, the smile had all but disappeared from Princess Espin’s face.

Her bright red lips moved smoothly as she spoke.

“In fact, I’ve never been anywhere so lively. You know life in the palace, don’t you? That it’s quiet but boring, luxurious but boring.”


“I was just thinking how lucky I was to come out here today, because this is the first time I’ve ever had cotton candy and played a game of darts, and I think it’s going to be a special and beautiful memory.”

Espin smiled, one eye narrowed at Jediel behind her. Jediel winked at her, and she smiled sweetly in return.

Caspian’s mood was offended by the sight. He couldn’t understand why the princess was distracted from his conversation with him and paying attention to such a commoner.

But he couldn’t be annoyed with Princess Espin, a stranger. After all, today was about making a good impression on her.

Caspian opened his mouth in an effort to form something resembling a smile. But the muscles in his face tightened, revealing only an awkward grin.

“…I see.”

“And I don’t want any interruptions to this pleasant memory-making today. In fact, we were just on our way to the dining hall, and Lord Killion lost a game of darts, so we decided to take a break.”

The implication was to get out of the way and fuck off. But it was greedy to hope that Caspian would catch the meaning.

“Oh, you were on your way to the canteen! That’s great. I was just about to eat myself.”


“I have a strong hunch that my tastes are more suited to a royal lady than Lord Killion’s taste in food, what do you think?”


This man in front of me is so clueless, and if that wasn’t bad enough, she wonder where he left his manners.

‘No, it’s a matter of basic humanity, isn’t it?’

Espin clicked her tongue inwardly, but she didn’t let it show. She couldn’t afford to spoil her mood any more than she could spoil the mood of the others who had joined her.

The corners of her mouth turned up, and she spoke in a sing-songy voice.

“Oh, but what can we do? We’ve already picked a restaurant, it’s too crowded and noisy, and it’s not exactly the best place for commoners.”


“I don’t think it’s at all to the Prince’s taste, he’ll probably be uncomfortable.”

“He… I…”

He was going to tell her that it was okay, that it couldn’t be helped. But Princess Espin didn’t give him that chance and continued.

“I wouldn’t want to make the noble prince uncomfortable, so why don’t we call it a day and look forward to next time?”


“I hear you have many coronation banquets in the works, Your Imperial Highness, so I will see you at the next one.”

“That… be so. Yes, Princess Espin.”

Espin bowed her head in a somewhat unceremonious farewell, and Caspian returned her greeting with an awkward bow of his own.

Normally, Caspian would have been offended. 

How dare she disrespect his request! How dare she try to leave before he did! Even if she was the princess of a neighboring country, such behavior was rude. He was the prince of an empire.

But strangely, Caspian wasn’t angry in the least. On the contrary, he was amused.

‘I see. I suppose a casual greeting will have to suffice for today. Perhaps we can get to know each other better at the next banquet.’

Prince Caspian smiled contentedly as he watched Princess Espin’s backside recede into the distance.

Just as they were about to turn into the next alley to reach the pharmacy, a man ran up from behind and bumped into Espin with a thud.


The impact threw Espin off balance and she tilted sideways. But Killion was quick to grab her around the waist, preventing her from falling to the ground.

“Are you okay?”

“…Yes, thanks.”

Espin’s voice was shaky from the shock. She clung to Killion’s arm, catching her breath. Onyx grumbled in an angry voice.

“What is it, that bastard, running off without apologizing? Shall we go and get him?”

“It’s okay, I don’t think it’s necessary…”

Espin didn’t finish her sentence. She had just realized that her handbag was missing.

“Ah! My purse is gone! I think that thief…!”

“Damn that thief!”

Espin’s words were barely out of her mouth before Onyx lunged forward. Killion didn’t stand still.

“I’m just waiting here for a moment.”


“Watch out!”

Veronia’s mood was not good as she watched Killion and Onyx’s backs as they chased after the thief.

‘Onyx hurt his wrist, is he going to be okay? Killion probably isn’t familiar with the geography here… Besides, there are a lot of people on the streets…’

Worry tugged at her tail. A dark shadow fell over Espin’s otherwise cheerful face as she realized that he was similarly worried. Veronia wanted to reassure her.

“Don’t worry, Princess Espin. They both will be back safely.”


“Onyx knows the capital’s geography inside and out, and His Excellency Killion is quite skilled in the martial arts, so don’t worry too much.”


“Maybe it’s the thief we should be worried about, because if he gets caught by the two of them, he’s going to get a good beating.”

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you♡


  1. Archont says:

    I ship Onyx and Espen.

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