The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Schedule

“Uh… huh? What’s the matter?”

Veronia opened her eyes immediately, wondering how urgent it was to wake her up.

Linda handed over the newspaper she was holding and spoke urgently.

“It seems that a large-scale civil unrest has broken out in the southern provinces, so His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince have been up since dawn for an emergency meeting.”


Veronia’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Her sleep had been washed away.

Linda continued to explain the situation.

“The Imperial court will be issuing an edict and sending reinforcements to quell the civil unrest sometime today, and the Prince and Princess have been ordered by The Empress to be ready.”

“…Yes, I see.”

Veronia immediately slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

Her fingertips trembled.

‘Civil unrest already!’

This was only the beginning.

The Imperial army would fail to quell the uprising. And the rebellion that began in the southern provinces would gradually spread across the country.

‘And eventually… the imperial family will collapse!’

A chill ran down the nape of her neck, sending goosebumps all over her body.

‘No matter how much compassion or affection Killion may have for me, he will not be able to go against the… tide.’

The Imperial court was already corrupt as corrupt can be, and the people were starving and angry.

Many nobles and the righteous Killion would never ignore the voice of the people.

They would eventually turn against The Imperial family.

‘If the Empire falls, I will be on the gallows.’

She remembered a dream she had once had about the gallows. A terrible scene, with everyone in the square fervently wishing for her death.

She felt sorry for herself for losing sleep over Killion’s heartfelt confession, and she felt sorry for herself for falling in love, however briefly.

She felt sorry for herself for thinking that she could completely change the original story.

‘There’s no way there’s a romance novel… with me and Killion in it, you idiot!’

She cringed, tears threatening to fall.

It was then. The comm bracelet sparkled.


She knew the only way to survive was to escape.


The waiting room at Sharald’s Shoe Shop. Veronia’s thoughts as she waited for Onyx were complicated.

‘It doesn’t matter if the original story is twisted and the empire doesn’t fall, if I stay here, I’ll end up withering away.’

Or poisoned like the last time. Veronia glanced nervously at the wall clock.

The mood in the palace was grim.

They were discussing sending reinforcements to the southern overlords who were putting down a civil uprising.

The question was who was best suited to lead the force. The crown prince would look best, but he was not a man to risk his safety.

2 The choice was clear as day.

They couldn’t wait long to sneak out while everyone else was busy.

They couldn’t afford to be caught and unnecessarily anger The Imperial family.

Fortunately, the wait was not long, and Onyx soon appeared.

As soon as he arrived, he opened the jewelry box on the table. Veronia had brought it with her to pay the bill.

Onyx’s mouth curved into a grin of satisfaction as he took in the glittering, expensive jewelry.

“Excellent! It’s a shame it’ll be years before I can cash in, but that’s the kind of patience I need to make a living in this business.”

After a short laugh, Onyx got right to the point.

“That’s good news, we’re ready a lot faster than I expected.”

The man in front of her was resourceful.

Veronian’s brow, narrowed with tension and worry, relaxed.

“I’m going to be the granddaughter of an elderly couple on the outskirts of the capital. It’s better that way, as a young girl living on her own is too conspicuous. They’re good people, and I’ve made sure to keep them quiet.”

“It would be better if they were trustworthy.”

Veronia nodded approvingly.

“Now we just need to set a date. When would you prefer, a week from now, a month from now?”


A tidal wave of joy washed over her and she choked on her breath.

After catching her breath, Veronia slowly spoke.

“The sooner the better. Let’s make it a week from now.”

“Right. I’m sure the palace is in a state of flux these days, but if you need to change the schedule, let me know. It shouldn’t be too hard to change it by a day or two.”



Luckily, no one objected to the outing. Everyone’s attention was focused on the south.

“Have we seen the benefits of the uprising?

She rubbed her trembling chest to calm herself.

A servant entered, announcing the Princess’ summons.

Veronia immediately followed the servant to The Imperial palace. She had a bad feeling about this.

In the Emperor’s office was not only the Emperor, but also Sandra and Jonathan.

And someone she hadn’t expected at all.

“Lord Killion?”

As soon as she saw him, Veronia’s brain stopped working properly.

His words from last night replayed over and over in her head.

‘I’m bothered by the night I spent with you. I’m bothered by your kiss. Your… bothers me.’

Get a grip, Veronia! She gritted her teeth and tried to clear her head.

“I see Your Highness, the Princess.”

Killion’s face brightened at once as she caught Veronia’s eye, but she didn’t show it.

She knew they were about to have an important discussion.

Beside him were his parents, the Dukes of Drea. It wasn’t hard to work out the purpose of the gathering from the looks on their faces.

‘Are they trying to set a date for Killion and I to be married, at this time of year?’

Veronia’s heart began to pound uncontrollably in her chest as she slowly sat up.

Anxiety gripped her.

“I wish we could hasten the marriage of the princess and Lord Killion before public opinion worsens.”

The Emperor spoke first.

The Duke and Duchess of Drea showed no sign of having anticipated such a remark.

Sandra and Jonathan spoke next.

“In difficult times, it is necessary to show the people the beauty of their dreams and hopes, so I would like you to take this opportunity to announce your marriage without further delay.”

“If the Duke of Drea, who has the respect of the people, is strongly bound to the imperial family by marriage, won’t the people feel more secure and happy to follow the imperial family?”

It was Veronia’s turn to speak next, and Sandra signalled her with a roll of her eyes.

Veronica looked away, dismissive.

Then Sandra’s eyes narrowed ferociously, flashing like ax blades.

Sandra forced a smile to her red lips and spoke in a thin voice.

“Doesn’t the Princess have anything to say? Don’t be silent, and if you have something to say, say it without hesitation.”


All eyes turned to Veronia.

‘There’s a lot I want to say, but… tell me not to hold back, so will I really do it? What if I end up getting beaten up in front of the Duke and Duchess…’

For the next week, she couldn’t have any incidents or accidents.

It was time to think.

But she wanted to prevent the announcement of her marriage to Killion at all costs.

She didn’t want to run away with their marriage being made official. It would hurt him in some way.

“I agree that it would be good to show the people the beauty of dreams and hope in difficult times, but I think there is something that must come first.”

“What is that, Your Highness?”

The Duke of Drea, who had been silent the entire time, asked. Veronia looked at the Duke and spoke slowly and evenly.

“We must first listen to the people, to find out what they are struggling with and why they are hurting.”

Everyone in the room was taken aback by this unexpected opinion from Veronia’s mouth.

The Emperor looked dumbfounded, and Sandra’s fair face contorted.

Jonathan narrowed his brow.

Whether they did or not, Veronia continued where she had begun.

“We need to find out what they really are before we can do anything about it, and I think it’s enough to show them the beauty of dreams and hopes with Lord Killion and my wedding.”

Having said all she had to say, Veronia fell silent.

She was both excited and terrified to see what thunderbolt would fall.

It was a time when no one could speak easily. Hmph, Killion cleared his throat and spoke gravely.

“I must say that I strongly agree with the Princess. The wedding won’t be too late until after the civil unrest has been fully resolved, but I don’t think that should delay the announcement, so why don’t we push back the date of the wedding but bring forward the announcement?”

“As usual, Lord Killion, a long shot.”

Sandra’s face, which had been crumpled at his remark, brightened instantly, and she laughed ho-ho-ho-ho, contentedly.

Veronia, however, felt like crying.

‘Killion… please leave me alone…’

Unable to understand her thoughts, Killion continued.

“At the same time as I announce the wedding, I will be traveling down south myself to hear the grievances of my people.”

“Oho, that is indeed a splendid idea, Lord Killion, and I think the people will be even more impressed if the Princess is also present. What do you think, Veronia?”

The Emperor’s impassive gaze fell on Veronia.

It was as if he were asking for her opinion, but everyone here knew it was actually a command.

Veronia swallowed the sigh that threatened to escape and slowly opened her tightly closed mouth.

“I will gladly accompany Lord Killion to the south to hear the tales of the people. It would be an honor to be of any small assistance.”

There followed a brief discussion about a specific itinerary.

But none of the words reached Veronia’s ears.

Only one thought filled her mind.

‘We need to accelerate our escape!’

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you♡


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