The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 22

Chapter 22 I Liked This Better

‘What’s wrong with him, as if he’d never thought of breaking up before? You’re supposed to like him. If this is acting, he’s a great actor.’

Veronia spoke up, calmly collecting her thoughts.

“You don’t have to pretend, I get it.”


“I want to marry… and make a new family… with someone I love, someone who loves me, and that person isn’t… Lord Killion.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

She thought she saw a flash of blue lightning in Killion’s eyes.


Veronia clamped her jaw shut, because she couldn’t say that, not after reading it in a novel.

‘Because you’ll end up loving Evangeline, not me.’

Unable to read her mind, Killion stepped closer.

So close that their shoes touched.

“You said I don’t like you, that I’m not the one who loves you… The truth is, I’m still not sure what it is…”


Veronia didn’t understand what Killion didn’t know.

But he seemed to be sincere when he said he didn’t know what was what. His brow furrowed deeply with effort.

“But I do know this. Ever since I saw you again after two years, I’ve been wondering about this one thing.”

“And what is that?”

“That is, how on earth has the Princess  changed so much that she won’t even kiss me?”

“What do you mean, kiss…?”

Veronia’s eyes widened at the unfamiliarity of the word.

Oh, right. The original Veronia had kissed Killion every time they met, and that was why he hated it.

“I thought you didn’t like kissing…?”

So why didn’t he kiss her now? Veronia was confused by this statement.

“I don’t even remember if I hated kissing… anymore. Or maybe… I’ve changed, and I’m not the same person I was two years ago.”

What kind of fatuous rambling is this? Is he drunk? Veronica eyed Killion carefully.

His face was a little flushed, but he didn’t look drunk.

Killion lowered his head, inching closer. So close that their noses were almost touching.

“So I’d like to check it out.”

“Check, what, how?”

Veronia repeated, but no answer came. Instead, her lips pressed together.

The coolness of his lips caressed her lips with affection.

Veronia couldn’t breathe.

Her thoughts stopped, and time stopped with them.

Only the softness of the touch ruled her. Thump, thump, thump, her heart raced like crazy.

Today, for the first time in all her life, in this life and in her previous life, she knew that a man’s lips could be so soft, that a man’s breath could be so hot.

‘Should I accept Killion’s kiss… as it is?’

This was the thought that poked its head through the chasm of her confused mind.

Why can’t she enjoy the present for what it is? Why can’t she enjoy what I’ve been given… Veronia squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

‘Just for today… Just tell me it’s okay. After all, I’ve been so badly treated by the Empress, I’m sure she can forgive me this much, right?’

With that, Veronia carefully wrapped her arms around Killion’s neck.

She pressed her lips against his and swallowed his breath as it rushed in.

His lips were sweet, his breath even sweeter.

How much time had passed.

Their lips parted, both of them gasping for the breath that remained in their bodies.

Ha, ha, ha… spat out, the sweet breath disappearing into the garden air.

Their lips parted, but their eager gazes remained fixed on each other.

Embarrassment slowly dawned on Killion’s reddened face.

‘Oh, no…!’

A kiss! He put his lips to Veronia’s first.

It was impossible.

Even though they were betrothed, she was an Princess.

He didn’t even dare to ask for her permission, let alone put his lips on her body! This was a different matter from her putting her lips on him first.

Was it the alcohol? No, he hadn’t had much to drink.

Was it the atmosphere of a midnight stroll in the garden? Could it be…?

Or was it jealousy or something else? Maybe.

Was it hurt by Veronia’s constant attempts to draw the line? Yes, maybe…

“Your Majesty… what I was trying to do… was a sin, I’m sorry…”

Killion couldn’t finish what he was about to say. Veronia’s lips met his with a snap.

It was a kiss that didn’t want to hear an apology.

The lips met briefly, then parted, and she smiled.

“So, I checked it out, and what do you think? Do you like it? Or do you still hate it?”


Killion looked at Veronia with a puzzled expression. Thump, thump, thump, his heart raced out of control.

He’d never felt his heart beat like this before.

He’d never felt his body temperature rise like this.

I’d never had such a strange, unexplainable, erotic feeling.

‘What the hell is this feeling?’

Killion swallowed dryly, unable to find the words.

It was then. The luscious, red lips moved again.

“I liked…”

Veronia smiled brightly and reached for Killion’s hand.

To wipe the glistening saliva from his lips.

But her hand didn’t reach its destination, and Killion grabbed it.

“I liked … better.”

With a slight tug on her hand, Killion pulled her into his arms and captured her lips again.

There was no hesitation.

Not embarrassment, not questioning, not even shame.

The kiss lasted for a long time, with everything poured into it.

He breathed in what he couldn’t put into words, what he didn’t know what to say.

It began in the bright moonlight and continued all the way to the palace. Finally, they were in Veronia’s bedroom.

There was no need to ask permission or say yes.

They knew it by the way their lips never parted, by the longing in their sparkling eyes, by the heat of their bodies.

He could tell from their touch, sometimes tenderly stroking, sometimes clinging fiercely.

On the fluffy bed, in the moonlight, Veronica and Killion exchanged a fire he didn’t know was in his.

All night long.

* * *

Killion woke from a light sleep and squeezed his eyes open. Outside the window, the dawn twilight was still thick.

This was Veronia’s bedroom, with its unfamiliar ceiling and unfamiliar bedding.

He turned his head and saw Veronia sleeping soundly in his arms.

Killion wasn’t sure if this was a dream or a wake-up call.

‘This is the kind of thing… that happens so suddenly.’

He pulled the blanket over Veronia’s bare shoulders to keep them warm.

He couldn’t think of anything more adorable than her sleeping form.


Isn’t that the kind of thing you think of when you think of someone you like? He must have thought of the Empress as…

‘I didn’t really like her… No, it was more like I disliked her…’

You mean you’ve grown to like her… now? You can’t possibly…

Killion rolled his eyes and swiped at his face with one hand.

Thump, thump, thump, his heart pounded like a seizure.

He wiped his forehead to clear his thoughts. No, he tried to clear his mind.

But as his body began to heat up, he couldn’t think straight.

There was only one clear thought, and that was…

He could only think of one clear thought, and that was that he wanted to kiss her red lips, the ones she sometimes smeared when she was asleep.

‘But I can’t wake her, because…’

A trickle of heat rose from the arm Veronia was using as a pillow.

Wherever it touched her soft bare skin, it tickled like a fever blossom.

‘…This is crazy.’

Killion was casting a disgruntled glance at Veronia, who was sleeping restlessly.


Veronia rolled over and snuggled deeper into his embrace, her lips brushing against his bare chest.

The coolness of her lips tickled his chest, and he had to clench his teeth.

But no amount of gritting his teeth could stop the uncontrollable rise in his body temperature.

Perhaps it was the heat of the flesh against his own.

Veronia tossed and turned, pulling back the covers.

“Uh… hot… ah?”

It was then. Veronia’s eyes slowly opened, and then her body jerked upright.

Sitting up, Veronia looked around in surprise, finally locking eyes with Killion, who lay beside her.

“Lord Killion…?”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

The two blushed as deeply as crimson roses.

Veronia, now fully awake, looked grave and troubled, then spoke slowly.

“Don’t worry, Lord Killion won’t let this get in the way of his plans to marry you, and I’m sure he won’t change his mind.”

“Your Majesty, I’m…”

Before Killion could begin, Veronia interrupted him.

“I’m… tired and need a bath, so I can’t see you off, then.”

The corners of Veronia’s mouth turned up slightly as she bowed.

It was a very professional smile.

It was a barrier-building smile, an unspoken signal not to cross the line.

Killion raised his hand, but was forced to take a step back.

A dry voice spoke.

“I’ll be back soon, and we’ll talk about the breakup, and about last night.”


Unlike Veronia, Killion was unable to contain any expression on his face.


Veronica slipped into the steaming tub and closed her eyes tightly, holding her head in her hands.

The warm water soothed the weariness of her body, but not her mind.

‘No wonder I’m impulsive. I’m an impulsive human being by nature! But Killion, why on earth would you… You’re not that kind of character!’

Veronia stamped her foot and struggled, and with a clang, the bathtub overflowed.

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you♡


  1. yoghurt_warrior says:

    Oop. Scandalous.

  2. ABlossom says:

    Mano? Disseram não pra caverna e sim pra isso? 🤡
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

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