The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Falling Down

It was late at night, but the pale-faced Sandra still couldn’t sleep. The thick stack of papers in her hand was filled with the details of her research on Onyx. She read the last sentence of the report aloud.

“Of the five Vice Guildmasters, he is considered the most likely to become the next Guildmaster.”

It was bad enough that the little blob had survived the cold streets alone, but now he was being recognized as the next Guildmaster of Ashmore, one of the best of the Information Guilds.

“…Well done.”

Sandra put the report down and looked out the window. The black, moonless night sky seemed to speak for itself.

She rose to her feet, eager to get to bed before it got too late. One of the maids approached with quick steps and whispered in Sandra’s ear. Sandra’s face crumpled as she listened.

“What, the Emperor at this time of night?”


The carriage carrying Tate pulled up in front of the stately Oaks mansion. 

Tate stepped out of the carriage and gazed up at the burned-out ruins of the massive mansion. It had once been a glorious imperial residence, but now it lay in ruins.

As he scanned the building, he saw a faint glow in a second-floor window.

‘So here we are.’

Tate’s narrowed eyes glowed with a sharp light, the signal between him and the Dark Guild Kalmadi. Mission accomplished, waiting in the wings.

‘You vile bastards, you’re going to get away with it!’

His tightly balled fists shook with anger. Tate turned to the knights.

“Five of you will wait here, and five will follow me. We are going to the annex, not the main building.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Walking ahead, Tate led the way across the back courtyard to the annex. The small, two-storey building was where the hired hands were housed.

“What the hell? Why isn’t anyone here? This must be the right place.”

According to the prearranged arrangement, the workers and the child should have been in the annex, but they were nowhere to be seen.

“What the hell is going on? Damn it!”

Irritation welled up at the unknown. Just then the front door opened and a group of armed men walked in. Tate’s gaze locked on the woman in the lead.

“Long time no see, Brother Tate.”

It was Veronia, with Killion, Onyx, and a dozen other members of the Ashmore Guild behind her.

“… Veronia!”

Tate’s eyes widened at the sight of Veronia in front of him. Rich blonde hair and red eyes. The woman in front of him was his sister, Veronia, who had died five years ago.

“You… really are alive.”

Tate squinted, his eyes searching Veronia’s face as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. 

Veronia’s eyes, on the other hand, were as cold as ever. The urge to punch Tate in the face was overwhelming.

“We’ll settle this later, but first, I need to hear your story.”

“What do you mean… what do you mean…?”

“What does that mean? I think you know that better than I do.”


Caught off guard by Veronia’s fierce tone, Tate involuntarily took a step backwards. His head was dizzy from the succession of unexpected variables.

‘This… is a complete disaster! The Kalmadi and the kid I expected to be here are gone, and Veronia is here instead! How the hell did she even know about this place?’

Besides, Veronia was already doubting herself.

‘You don’t mean… was it a trap set up by Jonathan? Oh, no! I’ve been set up!’

It was a stupid mistake. He shouldn’t have taken Jonathan’s letter at face value. He should have doubted. But it was too late for regret. Tate opened his mouth, trying to keep his face calm.

“Veronia, that is. It’s not what you think it is, so…”

That was it. Outside, a voice boomed. 

“I know what you’re doing in there! You ragtag bunch of treasonous plotters, come outside and kneel before the Emperor at once!”

Everyone in the annex stood frozen, wide-eyed, as the voice continued.

“Lay down your weapons and surrender, and I will spare your lives!”

Assessing the situation was the first priority. Killion slid his unsheathed sword back into its scabbard and spoke.

“I will lead the way, all of you, lay down your swords and follow me.”


“It will be fine.”

Locking eyes with Veronia and smirking, Killion walked out of the building, then gasped at the sight before him.

“This is…!”

Dozens of Imperial Knights surrounded the small annex. Veronia and Tate, who had followed Killion, were equally surprised at the sight of the encamped Imperial Knights.

At their head was Jonathan. From his horse, he looked down at Killion and Veronia and called out.

“Killion Drea, what do you think you’re doing, dragging Veronia and Tate into this?!”

Jonathan’s shout, thrown without any context, stunned Killion, Veronia, and Tate. Jonathan, who looked at them with disdain, scattered the papers he was holding into the air.

“How dare you plot treason in the midst of domestic turmoil, you unscrupulous creatures!”

Killion picked up one of the fallen papers and examined its contents. It was a request to investigate the link between the evidence gathered in the nursery director’s lab and the plague that had broken out in the south. One corner of Killion’s mouth twitched up.

‘This is all you have to offer as evidence of treason. You seem intent on disposing of us in one fell swoop.’

Heat flared in Jonathan’s head at the smile that tugged at the corners of Killion’s mouth. Such a relaxed expression for a cornered rat. Jonathan had always hated Killion’s easygoing expression. 

He’d always hated the arrogant look on Killion’s face, the arrogant look of one who had all the power in the world. He wanted to plunge his sword into Killion’s chest without hesitation, but he held back and shouted at the top of his lungs.

“How dare you fake a Veronia Princess’s death, conspire with the nobles behind my back to slander me, the Emperor, and drag Tate into it!”

Jonathan’s voice crackled with anger.

“I’ve held you in high esteem all these years, and now you’re trying to stab me in the back, so you’ll have to admit your guilt!”

Tate lunged forward, furious at being accused of participating in Killion’s treason.

“You are mistaken, brother, to think otherwise!” 

But just as Tate was about to reach Jonathan, an arrow flew out and struck him in the chest.


Tate let out a terminal scream and fell to the ground. The sight of Tate lying there bleeding out made Veronia’s eyes, and those of everyone else watching, bulge. Jonathan spoke coldly. 

“I want to hear no more of the sinner’s excuses! Take those traitors over there, and use force against those who defy you!”

Barely had Jonathan given the order when the imperial knights began their attack. Arrows flew here and there, and knights with swords drawn closed the distance.

Killion drew his own sword and stood in front of Veronia.

“Come forth, all of you, and defend the Princess Veronia!”

At that, the soldiers who had been hiding in various places came out at once. There were over a hundred of them, including members of the Ashmore Guild, the Duke of Drea’s knights who had travelled south, the Knights of the Noble Alliance, and the Paladins.

Jonathan, who had only fifty men with him at most, panicked at the unexpected outnumbering.

Killion pointed his sword at Jonathan and shouted again.

“Jonathan Boynson, you are guilty of murdering the Emperor and taking the throne for yourself! We have already investigated, and we have enough evidence and witnesses!”

Everyone’s mouths dropped open at the horrific statement: the son killed the father! It sounded absurd, but not if the speaker was the national hero Killion.

How the hell did he know that? Jonathan was equally surprised.

Killion’s words didn’t stop there.

“That’s not all! Jonathan Boynson is also responsible for the plague that has spread to the south! He killed Prince Caspian, who feared he would become a quiescent, and now he wants to kill Prince Tate and Princess Veronia!”

The Emperor was the one who killed Prince Caspian, and he was the one who caused the plague? The knights of the Imperial Knights began to stir as Jonathan’s crimes were listed one by one. 

How could a man who had killed the previous Emperor and taken the throne for himself be called an Emperor? The imperial knights rolled their eyes in bewilderment.

“Seize Jonathan Boynson, the man who has done all manner of dastardly deeds behind the scenes to ascend to the Emperor’s throne, and to secure it, and we will bring him to trial and expose his crimes before all the people!”

With a great shout, Killion’s knights rode out and attacked. The imperial knights surrendered without being able to mount a significant counterattack.

Jonathan, realizing he was cornered, shouted.

“Halt! The son of Princess Veronia is in my hands. If you wish to save him, stop now and lay down your weapons!”

In an instant, everyone stopped moving, and the surroundings fell silent. As she followed Jonathan’s gaze, a shadow emerged from the top floor of the building. A burly man was holding a child.

“Mum! Mum!”

The terrified child cried out, calling for her mother.

“Oh my god… Jediel! Mummy’s here! It’s okay, I’ll save you soon!” 

Veronia sprinted forward.

But Jonathan didn’t miss the moment. With all eyes focused on the child in the building, he lunged at Veronia and plunged a sword into her stomach.


In horrific pain, Veronia clutched her stomach and collapsed to the ground, her body cooling rapidly in Killion’s arms as he rushed to her aid.

“No! Veronia!”

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