The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 130

Chapter 130 If You Don’t Play

“We’re ready.”

The Count and Countess Eidenbenz came into Veronia and Killion’s bedroom. Veronia stood up, her face pale. Killion’s worried eyes searched Veronia’s expression. 

“Are you going to be alright?”

“Yes. I know you’ll be there for me.”

“Of course.”

Killion squeezed Veronia’s outstretched hand. Veronia relaxed a little at the gentle pressure of his hand.

In the hallway, along with the Count and Countess, was Saint Evangeline. Evangelina smiled gently at Veronia.

“I’m sure everything will be fine, Your Highness, so there’s no need to be nervous.”


Veronia took her steps slowly, feeling the gentle warmth surrounding her.

Knights, priests, and priestesses were all gathered in the forecourt. Veronia took a deep breath, nervous at the sight of the entire courtyard filled with people.

“Don’t worry, my dear. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

With Killion’s affectionate encouragement, Veronia stepped up to the dais. The room fell dead silent, and all eyes were on her.

Veronia slowly pulled out her piercings. As she removed the left piercing, her silver hair turned blonde and her green eyes turned red. 

When she removed her right piercing, the burn scar and the tattoo that covered it disappeared. Gasps of amazement erupted from the crowd.

“Oh my god…!”

“You’ve been transforming yourself into a mage!”

“The rumors that Lady Nia was actually the former Princess Veronia were true!”

“The Princess isn’t dead!”

After a moment’s silence, they quickly fell silent again. Veronia bowed deeply from the waist. Straightening her back, Veronia slowly opened her mouth.

“Life in the imperial palace, where I was labeled the Princess, was never happy. My family squeezed the life out of me, and I was in pain every day. I felt like I was going to die, and I couldn’t bear to live like that anymore. I didn’t want to die.”

Veronia began to tell her story, her voice shaking slightly from nervousness. 

“So I decided to die. I hid behind death, left everything behind, and ran away. I’ve never regretted my decision, and I’ve never regretted my choice, but I’m very sorry to those who shed so many tears mourning my death at the time.”

Those looking up at Veronia on the podium focused their attention on her story, some with shallow sighs, others with tears in their eyes.

“But here I am, standing before you all again, in my original form. When I ran into the burning building, I was scared, but I didn’t hesitate, because I had lost my magic piercing when I ran into the collapsing building, and that’s what I was supposed to do.”

Veronia’s voice no longer trembled as she spoke, as if she had grown accustomed to the atmosphere, and she continued, syllable by syllable.

“I was, and still am, afraid to show my true colors in front of you like this, but I didn’t hesitate, and I’m sure I won’t regret it. I promise you that when I have completed my duties here for the remainder of the year and return to the capital, I will stand before you in public.”

Veronia paused for a moment, scanning the faces of those watching her. 

Feeling the warmth of their gazes, she was no longer afraid or nervous. She felt a courage she hadn’t realized she had until she stood before them.

“I dare not ask you to be on my side, to understand me, but I am Princess Veronia, and I am also Nia Lampert, so I would appreciate it if you would treat me as a colleague for as long as we are here together.”

“Hail, Princess Veronia!”

“Long live Her Highness the Princess of Veronia!”

Waaah! The cheers and applause erupted, and Veronia couldn’t help but shiver at their enthusiasm. She locked eyes with Killion, and he nodded and smirked.

For a moment, Veronia remembered the first time she had woken up in the body of the evil woman. She had blamed the gods for the circumstances and the setting, for wanting her pain and death.

But not now. This world, the people of this world, were welcoming her back. And Veronia knew it was all because Killion had cared for her and loved her.

‘Thank you, Killion.’

‘I love you.’

Their gazes locked in silence, their hearts burning hotter than ever.


Jonathan’s face contorted into a grimace as he read the letter over and over again.

“That bitch was alive? What the hell is this… Do you mean?”

It was too much, too ridiculous. Veronia, who had died five years ago, was alive, and she’d been fooling the entire country all this time! 

“So you’re saying that the burned body was a lie, too? Heh… indeed! You’ve been running a very nasty scam! How could you do that with your dull brain?”

The back of his head tingled as if he was hit by a shocking twist. His mind was so jumbled that it was impossible to think straight.

Jonathan closed his eyes to calm his mind and concentrated on his thoughts.

‘Veronia has returned, and she is Lady Nia, known as Killion’s fiancée… with the divine power to heal children…’

Veronia’s return was of little consequence. The real problem was that she was Killion’s fiancée.

Jonathan’s eyes widened as his mind calmed somewhat, and he spoke to himself in a furious voice.


He felt both angry and ashamed that he had been completely deceived. 

He wanted to slap himself for being so naïve as to think that Killion would marry a commoner and not be greedy for power, but then he realized something and his heart began to race and beat dangerously.

“Killion and Veronia… No!”

Jonathan shouted, for he wanted to make sure that no one could take his place, and if he was to remain Emperor, he needed to remove the dangers one by one.

So he got rid of his father and Caspian, and put solid shackles on Tate and Sandra’s ankles. 

So far, everything was going well, and he thought it would only get better. If he could get Onyx, the Empire’s top intelligence guild, on his side, he’d be able to keep even Killion in check.

‘But Killion and Veronia together is bad! Damn it!’

Killion, a highly recognized talent and war hero, and Veronia, who had long been a favourite of the people, were both capable of wielding great influence.

On top of that, the two were conducting an investigation into the Mickelson Nursery and its director. They had the cause and the power to cut his own throats at any moment.

‘If I don’t play first… it’s only a matter of time before they eat me.’

The hand clutching the letter trembled with anger. His face flushed red as if it would explode at any moment.

‘I must not lose. I can’t be broken like this.’

He can’t show weakness, he can’t lose. Jonathan’s eyes glowed fiercely.


“Go and have fun, Jediel. And listen to Grandma and Grandpa. Okay?”

“Yes, Grandma, and don’t be too sad if you don’t see me to-night, and say good-night!”

“Of course! I’ll be waiting for you with joy, thinking that after one night’s sleep I shall see my dear Jediel again.”


Jediel giggled, his shoulders heaving, pleased that she would wait for him. The godmother scooped him up gently into her arms. His curly little body was warm.

The godmother felt even more empty now that Jediel was leaving the manor for the night than she had when Veronia and Killion had left for two weeks.

“Farewell, then, Godmother.”

“We will take good care of you, Master.”

“Please take care of me.”

There were many people to accompany Jediel on his outing. 

To the eyes of the world, this was a normal sight for a duke, but Jediel’s eyes narrowed at the knights on horseback waiting behind the carriage, as if he were still out of place.

“One, two, three, four… wow, that’s a lot!”

The godmother said fondly as she watched Jediel count the knights on her tiny fingers.

“This is all to ensure your safe journey. You are a precious child.”

“Thank you, grandma.”

With a final light kiss on his cheek, Jediel climbed into the carriage, followed by the maids and servants. Ready, the group began to move slowly. 

The sight of the carriage’s rear end as it drove towards the gates made the godmother feel even more anxious. Reading her expression, the maid asked politely.

“Madame, shall we prepare refreshments? Or would you like to take a bath?”

“No. I think I’ll feel less lonely if I keep busy today, and I need to go over the wedding guest list and invitations.”

The godmother turned as the carriage drove out the front door. A chill breeze brushed the nape of her neck and she shivered. 

For some reason, she wanted to catch another glimpse of the carriage, so she turned again, but it had already left the gate.

‘I know, I know, it’s only one night and I’m so anxious, but I’m sure everything will be fine.’

The godmother soothed herself, barely able to shake off the ominous premonition that was rising in her mind.

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