The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Open Your Eyes

“Your Excellency, you’re finally out!”

Windler was the first to greet Killion as he exited the bedroom. The corners of Windler’s eyes instantly moistened.

“It’s been a long time coming.”

“It’s what I’m supposed to do.”

“I’ll have to do some paperwork this morning. I’ve got a lot of correspondence to send out, and I’d like a debriefing on the last two days.”

“Yes, of course. I’ll get it ready and report back to you right away.”

Killion made his way to the makeshift office set up in the Count’s chambers.

First, he wrote a letter to the Marquis of Lothra, president of Club Glory, a private society of the great nobility, and High Lord of the Southern Domain. It was about what he had seen in the cellar of the Mickelson Nursery and the relationship between the Emperor and director Lars.

As he was putting the letter in the envelope, there was an urgent knock on the door, and a welcoming face appeared.

“Hello, it’s been a long time, Your Excellency!”

“Onyx? How did you get here…”

“Because it’s my philosophy to get my money’s worth, and I heard you and Nia were struggling.”

“Ah…, I suppose the word has spread that far already.”

“The capital is still quiet, it just reached my ears a little early.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“And Nia? I hope she’s okay now that she’s been healed by the Saint?”

“Her wounds are healed, but she hasn’t woken up yet.”

“Well… That’s what happens.”

The two men’s expressions quickly turned grim. But only for a moment, as Onyx quickly added in a cheerful voice.

“She’ll wake up soon enough. It’s Nia.”

“I’m sure she will. Would you like to see her face for a moment?”

“No, thank you. I’ll see her when she wakes up.”

Killion’s heart felt lighter now that Onyx was so confident of Nia’s recovery. He was suddenly grateful for Onyx’s visit.

After greeting him, Onyx briefed Killion on his research in the capital. 

The work of medical experts has revealed that the cause of the plague is linked to a strange mutation in the creatures. The evidence collected from the basement of the Mickelson Nursery was still being analyzed.

“I’ve been undercover for a few days near the jug maker’s shop I mentioned, and I’ve seen the Emperor’s servant come in once a week, and he seems to be the only customer, as no one else comes in or out.”

“Then it is almost certain that it was the master of the Imperial Palace who arranged the murder of the First Emperor.”

Onyx finished his report and handed over a small box one last time. Inside was a magic tool piercing.

“This is…”

“Just in case. You never know what Nia will choose.”


Killion’s eyes fell heavy as he stared at the piercing. He was afraid.

“Do you think people will accept the fact that the Princess who was supposedly dead is back? Won’t they resent her for deceiving everyone and leaving?”

Hmph, Onyx let out a short sigh and stroked his chin. Then he looked at Killion, his eyes as serious as ever, and asked.

“How was the High Chancellor?”

“Me? What?”

“When you saw Nia again after five years. Did you resent her?”

Killion was silent for a moment, thinking back to that time. The time he’d bumped into Nia in the Star Palace and couldn’t take his eyes off her. He’d cried tears of gratitude, thinking that his brother Aaron in the sky had led her to him.

“No. I was grateful she was alive, and I swore to protect her with my life.”

“I’m sure the people will feel no differently, she was so beloved by the entire nation.”

Killion hoped so.

He thanked Onyx again for his visit.


It was dusky dawn. Veronia’s eyelids fluttered open.

‘Where am I?’

The unfamiliar ceiling disorientated her for a moment, but she was relieved when she remembered that this was Count Eidenbenz’s bedroom. She hadn’t slept in a long time.

Veronia slowly raised herself to her feet and found Killion sleeping on his stomach on the bed, still sitting in his chair. Even as he slept, he held her hand firmly.


She didn’t want to wake him, but she felt him stir, and he opened his eyes.


Unable to believe the sight before him, Veronia awake, Killion rubbed his eyes once, then checked her face again. Thump, thump, thump, Killion’s heart pounded frantically, and his eyes widened, moisture filling them.


“How long have I been asleep?”

“Three days.”

“Ah… Three days?”

Veronia winced at the thought that so much time had passed since she’d been awake. Gently hugging her, Killion spoke in a shaky voice.

“… Good, you’re awake, that’s all that matters.”

Without bothering to wipe the tears from his eyes, Killion buried his face in her shoulder. Feeling her shoulder grow damp, Veronia patted Killion’s back.

“I’m sorry for worrying you, and thank you.”

For staying by her side, for crying for her, for waiting for her. Before long, tears began to well up in the corners of Veronia’s eyes.

A few moments later, she woke up with questions.

“What about Ted? Is he okay? He looks so hurt.”

“If you mean the child you saved from the building, he’s fine. Everyone else who was injured in that accident has been treated.”

“What about the director, the lab?”

“The director fled into the woods during the chaos and was found dead the next day. The wounds on his body suggest that a demon was responsible.”

“Ah…, I see.”

It seemed like karma retribution that the man who had been tormenting the demon was killed by the demon. It was unfortunate, however, that we wouldn’t be able to hear the testimony of the director, who was the main witness in the case.

“Where have the children of the orphanage been since then?”

“They spent the day of the incident here, and the next day they were taken to Count Eidenbenz’s villa for boarding and lodging. They are being allowed to stay there until the new nursery building is built. Count Eidenbenz and his wife have done a lot of hard work.”

“They are very gracious.”

“Anything else?”

Kilion asked in a soft voice, tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. Veronia wiped his tears away and smiled wryly.

“That… My husband’s face is so disfigured. He has the most handsome face in the Empire… And now that that handsome face has been halved…”

“Even if it gets hurt a lot, even if it gets halved… you’ll still like it, won’t you?”

Veronia smirked at the cuteness of Killion returning her joke.

“Of course, I’ll still love you, even if it means more disfigurement and being half of me instead of half of you.”

“I think you’re a little late with your answer.”

“Give me five seconds, my head and body are still fuzzy from three days of sleep.”

“Ah… you need to eat something.”

Killion said, standing up. After lying down for three days, all Veronia had eaten was a small amount of water and milk.

“I’ll bring you some soup that will go down easily.”

“Yes, thank you.”

When Killion left, Veronia, alone, got off the bed and went to the dressing table. Her body creaked with every movement after lying there for so long.

She studied her reflection in the mirror. Her face was back to normal, missing the piercings from the transmogrification tool. Blonde hair, red eyes, and smooth, scarless skin. It was an unfamiliar face now.

“finally showed my true self to many people… What now?” 

Phew, she can only sigh. It had gotten to the point where she could no longer hide behind lies. She can’t erase the memories of many people, let alone have them turn a blind eye to her lies. 

“I can’t hide anymore, I can’t run away. Therefore… From now on, I have to stand in front of people like this.” 

Veronia muttered quietly while looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her heart started beating fast due to overwhelming fear. 

“Veronia, don’t be afraid. By your side, you have Killion to protect you and Jediel to support you. So you’ll be able to do well.” 

Before she realized it, a drop of tear rolled down her cheek. Veronia immediately wiped her tears away. Trying to ignore her slightly trembling fingertips. 


After eating and bathing, the sky had cleared up completely. Veronia asked Killion. 

“I want to hear Jediel’s voice. Is communication possible?” “No video, just the voice.” 

Veronia desperately wanted to see Jediel’s face, but had to hold back. It seemed too early to show her true self to Jediel. She wants to show the real person in person, not through communication. 

Killion said while handing over a small box from the table. 

“Onyx is leaving. He brought you this.”

Veronia seemed to know what was inside the box without even opening it. Sure enough, Veronia’s complex feeling showed on her face as she looked at the piercings inside the box. 

“I don’t plan on wearing this anymore. It seems that I can’t help it in front of Jediel.” 

“Are you planning not to wear it back?” 

“… Yes.”

Veronia nodded at Killion’s question. Her eyes, filled with strong determination, shone clearly.

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