The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Save Ted!

As they exited the building, the nursery school teacher, who had been fidgeting the whole time, let out a shout of relief.

“Oh my God! Amy! Julie! Thank God you’re safe! Good job! Are you hurt?”

“Miss! I was scared, I missed you, hu… huhu!”

“But I didn’t fall, and I didn’t hurt.”

The two girls threw themselves into the teacher’s arms. The teacher gently stroked the girls’ dusty faces and thanked Veronia.

“Thank you so much for saving our children,” she said.

“It was the right thing to do.”

They were just taking a moment to catch their breath. Behind her, she heard the urgent voice of a male teacher.

“Sir, Ted is missing from our class, we’ve looked everywhere and can’t find him, I think he’s still inside!”

Everyone froze in their tracks, but Veronia was the most surprised. Thump, thump, thump, her heart was beating like a bat out of hell.

“I’ve searched the men’s room, but Ted isn’t there. Is it possible he’s somewhere other than the living room or the bathroom?”

“Oh, well, in that case…”

Veronia’s question caused the teachers to ponder. The male teacher who appeared to be in charge of Ted replied.

“Maybe he was coming back to his room from the bathroom and was startled by the explosion and hid in the corridor, or in another room, or somewhere, because he’s a very scared child.”

As soon as the teacher had finished, Veronia spoke up quickly.

“I’ll go back in and look for him, and you teachers should hurry up and get the children away from the building.”

“But… the building is about to collapse.”

“That’s right, and maybe it’s already too late.”

The teachers couldn’t help but nod at Veronia’s suggestion. 

It seemed suicidal to jump into a building that was about to collapse, even if it was to save a child. But Veronia had no intention of listening to their objections.

She lowered her voice so that only the teachers nearby could hear her next words. She didn’t want the children to come in and panic unnecessarily.

“There are soldiers at the front of the building. One of you go and bring them in here, and keep the children safe. In case the demons that were trapped in the basement come out.”

“Oh, the demons…”

The teachers shuddered as they recalled the forgotten creature’s existence. Veronia was right. Just because they were out of the building didn’t mean they were safe yet.

“Okay, please, take care of yourself. Please look after our Ted.”


Veronia shouted back, then turned and headed for the crumbling building. As she ran at full speed, she prayed, prayed, prayed. That she wasn’t too late. That she would make it back safely with the child.

The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor. The huge flames were engulfing the building with terrifying speed.

Pausing at the thick smoke that filled the interior, Veronia took off her jacket and dipped it in the fountain before pulling it out. Drenched and dripping wet, she pulled her jacket back over her head and stepped into the building. There was no hesitation.

“Ted! Ted! I’m here to save you! Ted!”

Veronia screamed his name at the top of her lungs as she reached the third floor. 

The smoke made it hard to see, but she still managed to scan the corridor that led from the bathroom to the living quarters, as well as the rooms in between.

“Ted! Come out here! Come with me! Ted!”

But he was nowhere to be found. Her soaked jacket was slowly drying out, and the thick smoke was making it harder and harder to see and breathe. But she can’t give up now.

‘Oh, maybe he’s downstairs!’

Driven by this sudden thought, Veronia headed downstairs, where the explosion had frightened the child who had been trying to escape down the stairs.

“Ted, I’ve come to save you, the building is burning, it’s about to collapse, we need to get out, Ted!”

She called to him with all her might. Her throat stung, but Veronia raised her voice anyway.

It was then. The faint sound of a child’s cry seemed to reach her ears. No, it was definitely a child’s voice. With all her senses focused on hearing, Veronia searched for the source of the faint sound.

“Ted! Where are you? I’ve come to get you! Ted! I’m the healer, remember? I healed you when you were sick, didn’t you? Ted!”

She was calling his name desperately, hoping her voice and sincerity would reach his frightened ears. With a bang that shook the building, the room at the end of the corridor burst into flames and collapsed.

“Ahhh! Ow! Help me… help me! Huhu… Uh!”

“… Ted!”

The child’s voice was clearer this time, coming from the end chamber, which had collapsed with a loud crash. Veronia rushed there in a flash.


Veronia’s eyes widened momentarily at the sight of a small child struggling under the rubble, one leg trapped. She rushed to the child’s side.

“Ted, you’re safe! Do you remember me? I healed Ted’s stomach.”


The child nodded in response to Veronia’s question, tears welling up in his eyes. Veronia smiled weakly as she fumbled with her jacket. She wanted to reassure the frightened child.

“From now on, I’m going to lift the heavy brick on Ted’s leg, and when I give you the signal, you’re going to crawl forward on your arms. Okay?”


“It’s going to hurt a lot right now, but I will take care of it as soon as we get out of here. Then you’ll feel better. Do you trust me?”


The child nodded languidly, biting her lower lip. Veronia gripped the brick with her jacketed hands. 

The huge brick seemed very heavy. She had never lifted anything this heavy in her life, let alone tried to lift it.

‘But I must lift it at once!’

Halfway through the lift, she lost her grip and couldn’t let go of the brick. She took a deep breath and lifted the brick with all her might. 

But the brick wouldn’t budge. Ugh, gritting her teeth and trying harder didn’t make a difference. Tears welled up in her eyes. She resented her strength for being of no help in a life-or-death situation.

‘This won’t work!’

Veronia took her hand off the brick. She wiped away the tears that were streaming down her face and looked around. With the right stick as leverage, she thought she might be able to. But all she could see were bricks.

‘Oh… my God’

Veronia grew impatient as she watched the flames that had consumed one wall rise to the ceiling. 

If she waited any longer, the charred ceiling would soon collapse, and she would have to escape before it did. As a last and only resort, Veronia decided to use her body as leverage.

‘Will it work?’

There was no time to think, no time to weigh things up. She immediately thrust her shoulder between the floor and the brickwork. With both hands firmly on the ground, she pushed up with all her might.

‘That’s it!’

The brick slowly began to move. Her shoulder hurt like it was going to be crushed, but she didn’t stop. Finally, when there was enough of a gap between the floor and the brick, she called out softly.

“Now, now, Ted, you can get out, come on!”

At her cue, Ted flailed his little arms and crawled eagerly forward. When Veronia saw that his leg was completely out of the way, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well done, Ted,” she said, “I knew you’d do well. Just wait there a minute.”

Holding the brick over one shoulder, Veronia slowly lowered herself. When she was close enough to the floor and the brick, she quickly removed her shoulder.

With a dull thud, the brick fell to the floor. Veronia quickly pushed herself to her feet. She could feel a dull ache in her shoulder, but now was not the time to worry about it.

Ted, whose leg was badly injured, lay on the ground, looking up at her with teary eyes. 

Veronia pulled out her teleportation scroll. She had brought two, and this was the last one she had left. “This is a teleportation scroll,” she said, holding it out to Ted.

“This is a magic tool called a teleportation scroll. Here, take your hand. Close your eyes for a second, open them again, and we’ll both be outside the building.”


Veronia smiled at the child, who nodded, still looking terrified, and squeezed her hand tightly, as she immediately opened the scroll. The ceiling, weakened by the fire, began to crumble.

“No! Uh… ugh!”

Veronia wrapped her arms around Ted’s small body with all her might. Timbers and bricks rained down on her body.

“Ugh…! Ouch!”

Blood trickled down her face from where the brick had split her head open. Her left hand felt like it was completely crushed under the bricks, and she felt a sharp pain in her side and thigh from the hot wood.

“… Ted, are you okay?”

Veronia slowly pulled herself up and looked at Ted first. The teary-eyed, runny-nosed child nodded.

“Huhu… what about you, I think you’re more hurt, hu!”

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  1. Keila lima says:

    Gente qui babado 😯😲Thanks for the chapter

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