The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 12

Chapter 12 An Attack 

Killion quickly raised his bow and let fly an arrow in the direction of the sound. One shot, two shots.



The arrows struck.

With a muffled scream, the two fell, revealing more than a dozen black-clad men.

Veronia did as she was told, hiding behind Killion and biting her lip.

‘Jonathan! Tate, you’re my brother, you’re my family, how could you do this to your sister, how could you do this to your family, you crazy bastard!’

Thump, thump, thump, her heart was racing.

Unlike the original, this one had a lump on it, which seemed to make Killion’s fight even harder.

‘I was just trying to help, and now I’m a bump!’

She couldn’t help but think that Veronia herself had just plunged Killion into a deeper hole.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The clanking of metal against metal was harsh.

Killion continued to cut down the enemies in front of him, one by one, while protecting Veronia with his back.



Killion’s sword, which had reached the level of a Swordmaster, emitted sharp sword energy.

The mere touch of the sword was enough to cut through flesh, muscle, and bone.

It was then.

The struggling masked villains fell back.

The next moment, with a shriek, a net flew over Veronica and Killion’s heads.

Killion swung his sword quickly, trying to cut through the net, but it was impossible.

The net was made of light, not the kind that could be cut with a sword.

‘What, what is it? Is it a magic tool? Is it poisonous?’

Unsure of what kind of magic tool it was, Killion decided to protect Veronia for now.

He wrapped his arms around her with his whole body. No net touched her body.

Her slender body snuggled into his embrace.


A muffled groan escaped Killion’s netted mouth.

At the same time, the masked villains came closer.

Their cackling laughter was creepy.

“Hmph, how do you like it? Your body is very heavy, isn’t it? It’s a net that restricts the use of magic and energy in your body! If you want to deal with the Swordmaster, this is the least you can do! Hmph!”

Ugh… groaning, Killion staggered to his feet.

Even to the untrained eye, Veronia could see that his movements had slowed to a tenth of their normal speed.

A shiver ran down her spine.

This was beginning to look a lot like the original.

‘Oh no, Killion is going to be seriously injured at this rate!’

Veronia felt the pockets of her vest.

But her fingertips twitched with nervousness, and she kept fumbling.

Killion, meanwhile, refused to give up and shifted his weight.

He gripped his sword tightly with both hands and shouted at the villains.

“So this attack was aimed at me in the first place. This is getting interesting. I must capture you all alive and find out who is behind it.”

His eyes were fierce and his voice ferocious, unlike anything she had ever seen or heard before.

It was enough to send chills down the spine of even Veronia, her ally.

But Killion’s movements were not as fierce as his eyes or his voice, thanks to the influence of the net tool.

Veronia’s hand moved faster.

‘Found it!’

She threw the two round smoke bombs to the ground as hard as she could.

She’d brought them with her, just in case, and had had them specially customised.

In an instant, smoke billowed in all directions.

“What, what is this?”

“Oh, it’s a smoke bomb! I can’t even see it!”

“Ugh, it’s not just… a smoke bomb, it’s like… it’s a smoke bomb!”

The thick smoke from the smoke bomb was meant to blind you, but it was also enchanted to twist your internal organs once inhaled.

It was a particularly powerful spell that would make you throw up everything in your stomach.

Of course, it had been specially customised to have no effect on Veronia and Killion.

She held out her hand to Killion, who stood there, unsure of the situation.

“Sir Killion, let’s get you out of here now, now!”

“Is that what Your Majesty did?”

“Of course, I told you I was going to save you, remember?”

“… I didn’t forget, thank you.”

Killion’s large, rough hand gripped Veronia’s small one hard.

They started running.

He ran and ran towards the entrance of the forest where his horse was tethered.

Kilion seemed to have no trouble running, despite having his energy bound by the Net Magic Tool attack.

But not Veronia.

Her body, woefully lacking in both muscle strength and lung capacity, struggled to breathe after the slightest bit of running.

“Ha, ha, ha… ha, ha…”

Killion stopped, noticing Veronia’s breathing becoming increasingly ragged.

“Are you all right, Your Majesty?”

“Haa… I’m fine… haa… ouch!”

Veronia had barely finished her sentence. Killion scooped her up into a quick hug.

“What, what, Lord Killion, put me down!”

She struggled to her feet, but in vain.

Trapped in Killion’s strong arms, Veronia could not move.

“Rudeness, I apologize. But I think it would be quicker this way, don’t you think we should save our lives?”

“Well, yes, but…”

Veronia’s face flushed as she looked up at him in Killion’s arms.

“Don’t worry. It’s not very heavy.”


Should he be glad that his frail body was also light? No, absolutely not. Veronia felt like slapping him.

Killion’s legs began to move again.

He didn’t slow down at all as he carried her, and his breathing was steady.

They ran and ran, but the entrance to the forest where they had tethered their horses was nowhere in sight.

Veronia could feel the unfamiliarity of the woods. They were now circling the same place.

Finally, realising the gravity of the situation, Killion halted.

“They… It seems like a barrier has been set. It’s great preparation.”

“I can’t believe… would go that far.”

Veronia was at a loss for words.

She’d thought she’d done a good job of tweaking the original, but she hadn’t.

She was frustrated that the small changes she’d made seemed to get lost in the big picture.

That’s when it happened. Behind her, she heard footsteps approaching, running fast.

“Looks like they’re getting closer.”

“Maybe the smoke bomb didn’t have enough time to work.”

“There’s nothing we can do now, we have to run faster.”

What? I’m already running fast, but even faster? Veronia said in surprise, not in her voice, but in her eyes.

“It seems that the effect of the netting tool they used is almost over. My energy is slowly recovering.”


A fortunate misfortune, then.

Killion held Veronia more tightly, smiling brightly.

Veronia knew it was a reassuring smile.

“So hold on tighter, Your Majesty.”

“What? Ah… yes.”

“The bonds will be weakening too, and if we break through them, we will surely escape.”

“… Yes.”

She tightened her arms around Killion’s neck, burying her face in the crook of his chest.

A pounding of his heartbeat reached her ear.

It was hard and strong, and Veronia was strangely relieved.

With Killion by her side, it felt as if she could never be hurt or killed.

His arms felt like the safest place in the world.

Killion’s words about his strength returning were true, and he literally sprinted off.

‘Wow… I thought the Swordmaster was only good with his sword, not his body.’

Veronia squeezed her eyes shut against the wind.

When she opened them again, her vision was clear.

“We’re out of the forest, but I don’t think we’re at the entrance to the forest we need to go back to.”

“…I think so.”

There was a sound that was inaudible to Veronia’s ears, but definitely audible to Killion’s.

“They’re still after us. They’re persistent.”


“I will run again, hold on tight, Your Majesty.”

Veronia’s insides burned.

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered how much money she’d been paid to be so viciously pursued.

As Veronia clung to Killion’s arms, eyes tightly shut against her rising irritation and rising fear, the wind died down.

Killion stood tall in place.

“Lord Killion, what’s wrong, what happened?”

“Your Majesty, it’s….”

Veronia turned her eyes to where Killion’s gaze was directed.

Her mouth gaped open in surprise.


Ahead was a sheer cliff, with a deep river rushing below.

“That way! Quickly!”

The villains were close enough now that Veronia could hear them.

Killion spoke calmly.

“We don’t know what else they’re going to attack with, so it’s best to get out of the way.”


“Your Majesty, do you trust me?”

Killion’s blue eyes grew darker and deeper.

Veronia nodded.

“I do. I trust you.”

Of course she did. Killion was the only one she could trust at this moment.

“Very well, hold on to me.”

“What? What are you going to do?”

At Veronia’s last question, Killion didn’t answer, but smiled brightly.

The brilliant midday sunlight caught Killion’s smile.

She thought his smile was dazzling, but at the same time, she knew what he was about to do.

Veronia squeezed her eyes shut and pulled him into a hug with all her might.

Killion leapt into the air with all his might.

‘Aaaah…. falling!’

The immense force of gravity pulled their bodies down and down.

They fell endlessly.

But something was strange.

Even as they were falling, Veronia didn’t feel much fear.

No, she was relieved.

Partly because of the knowledge that they had completely outrun their pursuers, and partly because of the strong arms that held them tightly around their bodies.


Finally, the two of them fell into the cold water of the river.

Still hugging each other tightly.

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  1. ABlossom says:

    O terceiro casal perseguido que se joga no rio e o segundo casal que tiveram um gilho após isso… é um número pequeno, mas estranho que ocorreu mais de uma vez…
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

  2. Riane says:

    I just know where this is going hehehehe

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