The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Underground Labs

– Do you recognize the Michelson Nursery?

“There’s an outbreak, and the children there are being treated.”

– Oh, right. Normally, I’m not supposed to share other clients’ referrals, but this one is so unusual that I can’t resist.

“What do you mean, unusual?”

– The first thing I looked into when I was commissioned by Prince Tate was the flow of funds for the Michelson Nursery School, and the same name popped up there.

“You can’t be… Club Ares?”

Veronia asked, just in case, and Onyx’s face lit up with a smile. It was like a teacher’s beaming smile at a pupil who had correctly guessed the answer.

– That’s right, the Michelsons had been receiving a huge donation from Club Ares for ten years, ten times the amount of the other orphanages, which was puzzling, because even the biggest orphanages weren’t ten times as big.

“But why did Prince Tate commission an investigation into Michelson’s?”

– Very good question.

At Killion’s question, Onyx nodded slowly, this time with the smile of a pleased teacher. The sound of Killion’s clenching molars could be heard by Veronia, who sat next to him.

– This is exactly what Prince Tate asked for: to find a connection between the Michelson Nursery and the Emperor, and it seems he’s caught wind of the Director’s late-night meeting with the Emperor a few nights ago.

“So… you’re saying the Emperor is behind the huge donation from Club Ares to the nursery.”

– Very likely.

Onyx said confidently, almost with certainty. Veronia and Killion agreed. Veronia looked at Killion and spoke cautiously.

“Remember, you wanted to nationalize the orphanage first, but Jonathan stopped you, telling you to focus your efforts on the commercialisation of the magic tools first?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I thought it was strange then… Jonathan didn’t want you to touch the nursery because he was afraid it would reveal things that shouldn’t be revealed.”

“You have a point.”

Killion nodded, a serious look on his face. Veronia told him about the children from the Michelson nursery she had treated yesterday and today. 

About their symptoms, which were so different from the usual ones, about the suspicious needle marks found on their bodies, and about the time the director herself had come to the clinic in the middle of the night to pick up the children who had been hospitalized.

Onyx, who had been listening to Veronia’s story, suddenly remembered something to say and opened his mouth. 

– Oh, and one more thing. The director of the orphanage was known to be a very capable priest. 

“A priest?”

– Yes. Apparently he has considerable healing powers and served as an imperial physician for many years until ten years ago. 

Killion, who had been pondering Onyx’s story, spoke cautiously. Like a jigsaw puzzle, he recounted what he had learned so far. 

“An able priest and a large donation from the Emperor. The strange needle marks on the children’s bodies, the peculiar symptoms exhibited only by those children, and the mysterious plague… from the south are… very strange.”

– What is this? It reeks of something foul? Wow… does that mean… that maybe the source of the plague is the Michelson Nursery School?! And there’s an Emperor behind it?! I’m not the only one who thinks that, am I? Isn’t my thinking a bit far-fetched? Wow… my god!

Onyx exclaimed, jumping up and down in surprise. Peeling back the layers of the onion, it was one amazing and dangerous story after another. 

A bizarre plague and an Emperor, and an Emperor who might have killed his father and taken the throne for himself!

“But we can’t conclude anything yet. We need to investigate further. We need to be sure.”

Killion said, jumping to his feet. Like he was going to run off to investigate any minute now. Veronia’s eyes widened in confusion.

“You mean the investigation, the one you’re going to do now?”

“That’s right. Investigations are supposed to be done in secret, in the middle of the night, when everyone is asleep.” 

Veronia smirked at Killion’s comment and rose to her feet.

“I’ll come along, too. I’m sure I’ll need some of my paraphernalia for this covert investigation, don’t you think?”


Killion paused, a puzzled look on his face. Veronia didn’t press him for an answer, just stared up at him, her eyes glowing. Finally, Killion’s shoulders sagged, and he said, as if he had no choice.

“I expected that, but very well. Let’s go together. But you’ll have to follow closely behind me.”


Veronia chuckled and nodded vigorously. She thought to herself. She can’t just chase after Killion’s arse when she doesn’t know when or where she needs to use her magic tools.

– Now, wait a minute! You’re going to investigate without me, now? Don’t you think it might be a little dangerous without me?

Onyx exclaimed urgently. With a face that was half disappointed, half arrogant.

“Onyx, I need you to do some more research in the capital. I heard medical experts are studying this plague, and I need to know what they’re finding.”

“And I’d also like you to find out more about the magic shop, what they bought, who came, etc.”

It took less than half a second for Onyx’s excited expression to turn blank. The disappointment was not lost on Onyx, who soon let out a shallow sigh of understanding. 

– There are some things that only I can do… I’m the only one who can do them. Okay, then you two take care of yourselves.

“Please, Onyx.”

“I’ll be in touch soon.”

With that, Onyx’s communication ended, and Veronia and Killion made their way to the Michelson Nursery. 

Veronia’s heart fluttered with excitement as she mounted her horse, her tack bag securely strapped on. What could be more nerve-wracking and exciting than discovering a secret hidden in a secret place?

Meanwhile, Killion’s feelings were mixed as he watched Veronia’s excitement grow.

‘It’s not a dangerous place, it’s just a nursery… it’s the middle of the night when they’re all asleep… there can’t be too much danger, can there? No, there can’t.’

Killion had to keep reassuring himself to calm his worries.


The Michelson Nursery School was a huge building that had been repaired and renovated from an old castle.

“They said there were almost 200 children living there, which is really big.”

Veronia and Killion were standing on a hill overlooking the orphanage. The bright moonlight made the imposing building clearly visible. Killion scrutinized the plans he’d been handed by Onyx.

“I don’t see it on these plans, but there must be a basement, a perfect place to do strange things away from prying eyes.”

“I think so, too. There’s no way a castle wouldn’t have a cellar, and there’s probably a secret passage down to it, probably in the director’s office.”

The director seems to be the one responsible for everything that happens in this nursery.

The two put their heads together and stared at the plans. Killion pointed his finger at a large room on the second floor.

“This is the Director’s office, so…”

Killion looked up this time and extended his arm toward the nursery building. His index finger pointed to a south-facing balcony.

“That must be the balcony of the director’s office.”

“Shall we go to that balcony then?”


Killion folded the plans and put them in his pocket, and Veronia pulled a teleportation scroll from her bag. 

Traveling to a visible location was a breeze. She didn’t even have to concentrate, she just tore the scroll open while looking straight at the place she wanted to go.

Fixing their gaze on the second-floor balcony, Veronia and Killion joined hands and tore the scroll together with one hand and the other. 

A magical circle formed beneath their feet and glowed, growing stronger and stronger until it engulfed them both.

When they reopened their closed eyes to the blinding light, they were already standing on the balcony. They pushed open the glass doors and stepped into the room, which, as expected, was the Director’s office.

It was late, past midnight, and the room was empty. Killion went straight to one wall, where a large bookcase stood. This must be where he’d marked the plans.

First, Killion carefully checked the walls and bookcases, thumping and gently knocking on them to see if there was any empty space beyond, until he found a small lever on the inside of the bookcase. Pulling it, the bookcase swung open, revealing a secret passage.

“Here it is.”

“Oh, great!”

The secret passage down to the basement was pitch black, with no light. But Veronia and Killion were prepared, and when they activated the illumination stones in their necklaces, the path was quickly illuminated.

Killion led the way, with Veronia following close behind. They descended the stairs, careful not to make any footsteps. 

The winding staircase was quite long, with several forks. At each fork, they sprinkled powder made from ground magic stones to find the footprints of the past and followed them.

Finally, a heavy iron gate appeared before them. Fortunately, it was unlocked.


Opening the door and stepping inside, Veronia and Killion’s faces fell at the sight before them.

“What is this?”


Veronia’s voice quivered slightly. Her eyes were trembling as well. 

Killion clamped his jaw shut and scanned the interior of the cellar. The door led to a long corridor, lined on all sides with bars. It was like a prison.

“It seems that this man, the Director, has been conducting bizarre experiments with these creatures.”

The condition of the creatures in the cages was deplorable. Some had had their arms and legs severed, and were barely gasping for air with foam in their mouths. 

Another had half of its body cut off, exposing all of its innards, but it was still breathing and squinting through its one remaining eye.

Veronia buried her face in her hands and squeezed her eyes shut as the sight was too horrific to bear.

“I can’t, I can’t take it anymore!”

Veronia cried out incoherently. By now, her palms were damp. Tears had rolled down her cheeks.

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