The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Pretending To Be A Benevolent Emperor

Before long, the procession arrived at the main lobby of the Star Palace.

“Wow, this is amazing!”

“Amazing! The stairs move!” 

“We won’t have to walk up those tall stairs!”

Jaws dropped as they saw the moving staircase, a giant magic tool installed in the Star Palace.

Veronia was equally amazed. In her previous life, she had used it every day, but seeing it here for the first time was a new experience.

“We can’t just look at it like this. Come on, let’s go up the stairs.”

Jonathan’s voice rose in excitement at the sight of the enormous and marvellous machine, and Judith, the director of the Matap Institute, who was hosting the event, led the way.

“This way, Your Majesty.”

Jonathan followed Judith up the stairs, followed by the royal family, nobles, and newspaper reporters. Killion and Veronia followed at the back of the procession.

“Once you’re on the stairs, please hold on to the handrails as tightly as you can without moving.”

Judith relayed the caution in a squeaky voice. The first people to step onto the moving staircase narrowed their eyes nervously and did as she said, holding on to the handrails tightly.

“Oooh, move!”

“It’s so steady!”

They exclaimed, smiling as they became somewhat accustomed to the moving staircase. The sharp-eyed newspaper reporters quickly opened their notebooks and jotted down their impressions.

Jonathan, for his part, was delighted.

“This will be a very useful tool for the administrative staff at the palace, as they won’t have to waste energy traveling up and down the stairs. It’s an excellent idea.”

“You have a point, Your Majesty.”

Everyone nodded in agreement at Jonathan’s generous appraisal. Before long, those who had arrived on the second floor were busily adding their own impressions and words of praise for Killion and Veronia.

Jonathan stepped up to Veronia’s side with a smile.

“I hear it was Lady Nia’s idea to create this remarkable tool. How did she come up with such a brilliant plan?”

Jonathan’s question drew all eyes to Veronia. 

Nervousness washed over her, but she forced herself to breathe and open her mouth. “I’m just recreating something I saw every day in my previous life,” she blurted out, a more believable lie.

“I’ve loved to daydream since I was a little girl, and every time I had to climb the garden or climb the stairs, it was so hard, so I took the opportunity to let my imagination run wild, and now it’s come true, and I’m very happy about that, too.”

Her demeanor was humble and her words were soft. Her answer brought a smile of satisfaction to Jonathan’s lips and the lips of everyone listening.

“What do you think of this, Chancellor?”

Jonathan called out to Killion in an excited voice.

“I think it would be a good idea to install these fine tools throughout the imperial palace, not just in the star palace. What do you think?”

“I think it’s an excellent idea, Your Majesty. I think it would be a great showcase of the technological prowess of the Asnerdom Empire.”

“And the Chancellor would be happy to continue this project?”

“Of course, Your Majesty, I would be honored.”

“If there’s anyone I can trust, it’s you!”

Hohoho, a pleasant laugh escaped Jonathan’s mouth. The emperor laughed, and the royalty, nobles, and newspaper reporters beside him joined in. Veronia and Killion were the only ones in the procession not smiling, but no one minded.

For the next leg of the journey, they had to leave the palace. They were waiting to board their carriages. 

Veronia and Killion were about to join Judith, the director of the Matap Institute, and the three of them, when suddenly Jonathan called out to Killion.

“Why don’t you come with me in the carriage? I have a lot to tell you about the plans for the future installation of the magic tools.”

“Yes. I will, Your Majesty.”

Killion nodded, unable to refuse the Emperor’s offer.

But the numbers weren’t right. The carriage was designed for four people, but Killion’s party was three, and Jonathan was to ride with Tate.

Judith, perceptive, took a step back and spoke up.

“You go first. I’ll be right behind you.”

“No, you won’t. I must hear what the warden has to say about the plans for the installation of the harness, and how… it will be done.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Jonathan turned to Tate.

“Tate, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.”

“Ah… of course, Your Majesty, I will.”

For a moment, Tate looked terribly embarrassed, but he was a master at managing his facial expressions. He quickly shook off his embarrassment and turned and headed for the other carriage.

The people who watched the scene up close were not as skilful as Tate in managing their facial expressions, and their consternation was transparent, grating on Veronia’s nerves.

‘Must be a bit of a bruised ego, huh?’

It meant a great deal to stand by the Emperor’s side at official functions. It meant being one of the Emperor’s most trusted confidants.

Tate has been at the Emperor’s side from the start of today’s event until now. Naturally, there was envy in the eyes of those watching him.

But things began to change when Killion and Veronia arrived. 

As Jonathan greeted Veronia with great enthusiasm and bombarded Killion with questions and suggestions, Tate found himself further and further away from the centre of the conversation, until he was forced to take a seat in the carriage.

“Isn’t that… a little unbecoming of Prince Tate?”

“Shh, hush! What if someone overhears?”

Someone’s whisper came clearly to Veronia’s ears, but apparently not to Jonathan’s, for he climbed into the carriage, still smirking.


Jonathan was fascinated by all the tools, and asked questions. Judith, flattered by the emperor’s interest, answered his questions with enthusiasm. This kept the conversation flowing as the carriage made its way to its next destination.

“Now that the moving staircase has demonstrated the Empire’s technological prowess, and the fire extinguishers have shown that the Emperor prioritizes the safety of his subjects, what do you recommend for our next carriage project?”

Jonathan asked, his eyes not only on Judith, but also on Veronia and Killion. Veronia was mildly surprised to see the Emperor so sincere in seeking advice for the administration of the Empire.

‘He seems to be trying to play the role of Emperor properly. I’m surprised.’

While Veronia kept her surprise under wraps, Judith spoke up.

“I don’t think we’ve done enough yet, Your Majesty, to show the Empire’s technological prowess, or to show that we’re prioritizing the safety of the people, and we’ve only just taken the first step.”

“Of course… won’t be enough.”

Jonathan nodded in agreement as he listened to Judith’s words, which made her even more excited, and she spoke next.

“Yes, that’s right. Here’s my short opinion: I think it would be more efficient if we split the harness installation business plan into two areas, as we are doing now, to keep planning and managing.”

Hmm… Jonathan stroked his chin slowly as he considered Judith’s advice. Then he looked at Killion and asked for his opinion.

“What does the Chancellor think?”

“I’m inclined to agree with the Warden. Showing that you’re constantly working on something is probably the most effective way to show authenticity.”

“Hoooo… authenticity! I guess you’re right.”

Jonathan said firmly, his mind made up.

“I want you to collaborate with the Matap Lab to form a commercialisation division.”


Caught off guard by the sudden command, Killion was silent for a moment, waiting for Jonathan’s response before he nodded slowly and spoke again.

“I remember well that the Lord Chancellor has expressed his desire to move down to the provincial estates in half a year after his marriage. So for the next half year, I expect you to work on that agenda.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.”

Killion bowed his head and accepted Jonathan’s orders. Jonathan looked at Judith and Veronia this time.

“I hope the Warden will take an active role in this endeavor. I know you will be a great asset to the Empire of Asnerdom, and I trust that Lady Nia will be able to serve the Chancellor and the Major General well.”

“Of course, Your Majesty, I will do everything in my power to assist the Chancellor in his endeavours, and I promise to show you results that will satisfy you for your faith.”

Judith’s eyes widened in disbelief and her shoulders heaved, as if she wanted to break out into a full-blown dance.

Jonathan’s gaze flicked to Veronia, who hadn’t yet responded. She gave a slight nod of her head.

“I will endeavour to be of service to you and the Warden in whatever capacity I can.”

“Thank you. The Lord Chancellor must be very fortunate to have so many people on his side.”

Hehehe, Jonathan smirked, and Killion added politely.

“Please remember that we all want to support the king’s will, not my own. We will do our best to stand by your side.”

“You’re right, the Chancellor is my man, and to serve him is to serve me.”

Jonathan smiled even wider, his mood lifted. Judith, thrilled to be used by the Emperor, grinned from ear to ear.

Veronia, who had been sitting quietly the entire time, sneaked a glance at Jonathan’s expression. He was laughing at the top of his lungs, but his eyes were different. Rather than just being amused, there was something else in his eyes.

‘What is it, a fake smile? What is he trying to hide?’

Suddenly, she realized that both his expression and his laugh were false, and she felt goosebumps all over her skin. Suddenly, there seemed to be something more to Jonathan’s demeanor than a benevolent Emperor ordering the commercialisation of his tools.

‘I have a bad feeling about this.’

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