The Dead Villainess Had A Child With The Male Lead

DVHMLC Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Hunting Festival

‘That jealousy is unusual, sheesh!’

Crown Prince Jonathan was just an ordinary man.

Average in appearance and physique, average in scholarship and swordsmanship, average in intelligence and leadership.

There wasn’t a single aspect that was exceptional, and there wasn’t a single aspect that was bad either.

That could be an advantage, but Jonathan himself seemed to think otherwise.

When Jonathan saw something in others that was better than him, he would quickly become jealous.

The problem was how he dealt with that uncomfortable feeling.

He was the kind of person who needed a good punch in the face to get rid of his jealousy.

‘I’m going to have to get rid of that jealousy before it gets any more perverse.’

Tate’s mind raced.

Killion Drea was no pushover.

His intelligence and physical abilities far exceeded those of the average man.

Of course, if that were the only thing he was good at, he could get away with it.

He was descended from House Drea, the loyal war heroes who helped found the Empire.

Killion’s greatest weapon was his composure.

Even in dire situations, such as when hordes of demons attacked from all directions or when enemies’ arrows filled the sky, his mind and heart remained calm, eventually finding a way out.

He was never easily excited or heated.

Naturally, he made fewer mistakes, and with fewer mistakes, he produced the best results, which naturally attracted many followers.

‘Killion, you won’t be able to take him down in the usual way.’

That’s when a light bulb went off in Tate’s head.

The conventional way was the last thing on his mind.

If he wanted to capture Killion, there was only one way.

“Why don’t we open up the imperial-owned Shiobo Forest and hold a special hunting festival, big brother?”

“A special hunting festival in Shiobo Forest?”

“To celebrate the victory of Lord Killion and the United Knights.”

Hmmm, Jonathan mused, stroking his chin.

Tate quickly added.

“It’s for Lord Killion, but he’ll never win.”

“How can you say that?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen, brother.”

Jonathan was puzzled by the confident tone.

‘You’re not a frivolous fellow, but if you’re this confident, does that mean you’ve got something in mind?’

Jonathan began to tap the abacus in his head.

Watching Killion lose the hunt would be a very satisfying entertainment.

And if Killion won, he could take out his anger by blaming it on Tate.

The calculation was simple.

Finally, Jonathan smiled with satisfaction.

“That’s a good idea, let’s do that.”

“Yes, I’ll see what I can do to arrange it, brother.”

Tate’s eyes gleamed with determination.


During dinner time at the Duke of Drea’s house, the three families sat down to eat.

It was the Duke of Drea who broke the silence.

“The Princess came today?” he asked.


Killion replied briefly to the Duke’s question.

This time the Duchess said with a meaningful smile.

“I heard the atmosphere in the drawing room was quite pleasant. What did you talk about that was so interesting?”

“Nothing in particular, just light conversation.”

The Duchess tilted her head slightly, as if she didn’t quite believe Killion’s casual answer.

The Duke and Duchess looked at each other with subtly glowing eyes.

“You say you were in good spirits? That’s a curious thing to say.”

“Yes. They say their laughter could be heard all the way down the corridor.”

“Laughter? All the way down the hall?”

The couple’s faces were filled with wonder. They had a lot of questions they wanted to ask Killion.

But Killion remained expressionless and focused on the steak in front of him.

The Duke and Duchess, realizing that there would be no more answers, stopped asking. They resumed eating, and soon silence descended on the dining room.


He suddenly remembered how Veronia said “Oh, really!” with an angry face and chuckled.

When the Duchess and Duke stared at their son in surprise, Killion quickly wiped the smile from his face and spoke up, looking sheepish.

“I’m sorry. This steak is so good, it made me laugh for a moment.”

The lie flowed so effortlessly that even Killion was surprised.

Why did he have to lie, he didn’t know.

“Is that so?”

“It’s nothing like the food I ate on the battlefield. I miss the flavor so much.”

What started out as a casual lie turned into a full-blown lie.

The Duke and Duchess’s faces turned puzzled once more at Killion’s praise of the food, even though he wasn’t usually a glutton.

“There is plenty, so go ahead and eat.”


[Special hunting festival to celebrate victory – specially organised by His Highness the Crown Prince – social circles abuzz with surprise this weekend!]

As soon as Veronia saw the bold headline that filled the entire front page of the gossip paper, her fatigue level rose sharply.

She crumpled up the gossipy newspaper and tossed it haphazardly on the table.

‘It’s coming!’

It was an episode from the original.

After possessing Veronia’s body, she had been acting in a way that slightly deviated from the flow of the original, but it wasn’t enough.

She wondered, ‘Will the big events and accidents follow the flow of the original?’

Just thinking about it sent a chill down her spine.

Veronia stepped out onto the terrace, intent on chasing away the negative feelings.

She would feel much better in the bright sunshine.

‘The purpose of the special hunt is nothing more than a bad prank by the crown prince, who has always regarded Killion as an eyesore.’

The thought of the event just days away did little to improve her mood.

Veronia sighed heavily.

According to the original story, the Special Hunting Festival was a hastily organized event that went awry in many ways.

In particular, the victor, Killion, was severely injured in an accident that drew widespread criticism.

This was the trigger for many families to turn their backs on the imperial family, even those who had been moderate in their attitudes.

‘No wonder, since the Crown Prince’s hostility towards Killion was so transparent.’

Phew, another long, drawn-out sigh.

At this point, Veronia couldn’t help but think.

‘Should we help Killion, or should we… Stay out of it and see what happens?’

If she tried to stop the accident, Killion might think she was trying to get his attention.

She didn’t want that. Not only was it untrue, but it hurt her pride.

But if she did nothing, Killion would fall into the trap the crown prince had laid for him and get hurt.

And the imperial family’s reputation, which was not good in the first place, would suffer.

‘But if I rescue Killion from the trap, the Crown Prince will probably punish me for interfering with his plans…’

Veronia let out an inward scream and clutched her head in her hands.
‘If only I could scurry away before the hunting festival!’

She still had to wait another week to get information about the ‘thick owl’ from Pelos, the toolmaker’s shop.

The hunting festival was, of course, before then.

‘I want to be very sick that day, so sick that I can’t get out of bed. I want my fever to boil over…


Killion didn’t like life in the capital.

He was always looking to escape to a secluded estate. Or even to the battlefield.

However, if there was one thing that was better about the capital than other places, it was the weather.

Located at the center of the Empire, the capital was always warm and sunny, except for the months of midsummer and midwinter.

Today, the day of the hunt, was no different.

Kilion was amazed once more at the cool blue sky, with its fluffy white clouds.

Before he mounted his horse, his aide Windler said, looking at Killion with eyes full of worry.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this Hunting Festival, Lord. How about making an excuse and not attending?”

“I appreciate your advice, but… having been through hell for the last five years, I don’t think I can trust your instincts.”

“My Lord!”

Windler raised his voice, frustrated that Killion was only smiling teasingly at him, not acknowledging his concern.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ll be careful. And you, be equally vigilant.”

“…Yes, My Lord.”

The two of them mounted their horses and spurred them on as the servants saw them off.


“You’re joining the hunt, too?”

Second Prince Tate’s eyes widened at the sight of Veronia in her hunting clothes.

It wasn’t Veronia who answered the question, but Empress Sandra.

“I see. I know times have changed, but an Empress in hunting clothes, ahhh…!”

Sandra looked Veronia’s hunting outfit up and down and shook her head.

The nagging had been going on since the carriage ride here.

Not wanting to be bothered by Sandra any longer, Veronia broke into a brisk walk as soon as she saw Killion in the distance.

Sandra loved to meddle in Veronia’s affairs, but when she realised it was Killion she was heading for, she kept her mouth shut.

Killion was dazzling today.

His hunting clothes were simple and unadorned, unlike those of the Crown Princes and Princesses with their glittering tassels and jewels.

It seemed to be more about activity than glamour.

‘Actually, I don’t think he needs any adornment, since his lean, well-muscled body is eye candy on its own.’

Killion wasn’t wearing the clothes, the clothes were wearing Killion.

Veronia stood before Killion with a smile on her face.

“Lord Killion, it’s been a long time.”

“It is good to see you, Your Majesty.”

Kilion was a little surprised to see Veronia in hunting clothes.

It was only natural. Veronia had always attended the hunt as a spectator, but never as a participant.

“Are you taking part in the hunt yourself today?”

“Yes, I am, and I have a favour to ask of Lord Killion.”


For a moment, Killion’s face stiffened with tension.

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