The D-Class Hunter Became a Munchkin Saint in a Rofan

Chapter 5


As soon as her eyes met the silver-haired man, Gabi recalled what Arnold told her.

“Don’t let anyone see that strange magic you use.”

Pretending not to see him, Gabi tried to sneak back inside of her room, but the man grabbed her.

“Hello there.”

There is a door in the middle of nowhere, but the man just smiled and greeted her as if he’s pretending not to see the current situation.

“Ah, yes. Hello…”

The man looked curiously at Gabi, who awkwardly accepted his greeting.

“Your clothes are unique. Are you a foreigner?”

Although his curious gaze was drawn to the unusual door, all that came out of his mouth was about her clothing.

Gabi lowered her head at the man’s words and looked down at her clothes. A strawberry-patterned microfiber pajamas.

“…Is it?”

Gabi, who answered timidly, wished that the man would just go as soon as possible.

“Foreign visitors are always welcome. Where are you staying?”

Why do you keep asking me instead of going ahead?

Gabi regretted that she came out instead of lying down on her bed.

When Gabi was asked where she is staying instead of where she came from, she hesitated to answer before opening her mouth.

“I don’t have a specific place to live.”

She was doubtful whether the flow of this conversation was right since this man just kept on talking without asking about the door.

“It looks like you are homeless.”

“To be called homeless…”

“It’s good that you visited, but leaving you here without a place to live would not live up to my duty as the Goddess’ follower”

The man in front of her shook his head.

“If you don’t have a place to stay, would you like to come with me?”

“Yes? Isn’t this the first time we’ve met each other?”

Gabi was very wary of this man, who offered her a place to stay with a questionable intention.

“I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry for the late introduction, but I am Simon, who serves the Archbishop. What I mean is, let’s go back together to the church.”

She felt embarrassed after hearing Simon’s words. Perhaps it was an opportunity to find a place to stay and finish the quest quickly.

She’s in a situation where she has nowhere to go on top of being penniless, still, it’s unreasonable to blindly follow a stranger, even if they’re going to the church.

Follow him. Are you in a position to find a shelter on your own right now?

While Gabi was still hesitating, Mr. Si already spoke up.

The man in front of her said that he’s from the church, and he leaves a quite good impression. He didn’t seem to lie and someone who will drag her to a strange place.

Gabi always believed on not judging based on appearance, but she didn’t think about it anymore since she currently has a strong desire to find a place to live.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Let’s go.”

When Gabi leaves the room to follow Simon, the door disappeared.

Simon, who watched this quietly, did not ask any question about the room until the end and just headed toward the city with Gabi.

Your pajamas are cute. Strawberry pajamas.

Knowing that she was ashamed of her current appearance, Gabi ignored Mr. Si’s words.

That said, Gabi couldn’t just go back to the room and say, ‘Wait a minute, I’ll just change my clothes’, so she followed Simon in her pajamas. It was very difficult to walk down a crowded street wearing a set of pajamas.


On the way to the church, Gabi glanced at Simon.

His nape was covered by the eye-catching silver hair, but what stands out the most is his emerald eyes. He even has a beauty mark near his mouth.

Gabi and Simon passed through the city walls on the outskirts of the city and came into the abbey. Gabi looked around at the church that is as wide as a castle.

Every time she sees exotic sights that are hard to see in Korea, she continues to feel the fact that she really came to this world after her death.

They went straight into the largest central building, and Simon guided Gabi to a large room where nobles would usually stay in.

“You can stay here.”

“Wow, thank you.”

Gabi looked around the luxurious room after Simon left. After jumping in the soft as water king-sized bed, Gabi sat on it comfortably. When she was happily bouncing on the bed, 6sp was credited on her along with the window that says ‘Quest complete’ and a total of 4 silver coins fell in front of her.

“Is this a shilling? How much is this?”

Gabi went through one of the coins and put it on the bedside table.

“Si, I want to use my sp.”

Okay, what skill would you like to have?

“The skill to be able to pull out a gun at will.”

That’s 30sp. With your 6sp, you’re obviously short of points ┐( ˘_˘ )┌  

With the unfortunate emoticon, Gabi clenched her fists and almost swing them, nevertheless, she still smiled.

“Then give me more quests.”

Gabi is so greedy, but I can only give you one per day.

Gabi, who’s feeling unlucky and petty, groaned and lay down on the bed.

Lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling, she thought a lot. She had no idea what she was doing in this world and was worried about her family.

Shall I bring you back to life?

She was going to ignore Mr. Si’s words, but at his unexpected question, her body jumped in surprise.

“Is it possible?”

I’m omnipotent you know, so yeah, possible.

“…Then let me go back”

Not for free.

Sheesh, I knew it!

She clicked her tongue, but still, she asked what he wants just in case.

Don’t move in the direction that the Goddess wants.

“What? Won’t that make the Goddess’ angry?”

Why do you care about it? You’re not a person of this world in the first place.

She’s a little worried, but she will do it if it means she can go back to her family.

But Gabi, who doesn’t know what direction the Goddess wants her to go, tilts her head as she can’t figure out exactly what to do.

You’ll find out soon.

Mr. Si didn’t say anything after that.


Meanwhile, Simon, who came out of Gabi’s room, headed to the Archbishop’s room.

“I inspected a new dungeon spot, it will be registered soon.”

After Simon reported the Archbishop respectfully, he looked at the elegant silver-haired woman in front of him, who smiled and asked.

“Good work. Did you bring a guest, Simon?”

“Yeah, I thought I should bring her in. I also want the Archbishop to see her.”

The woman raised the corners of her mouth, seemingly interested in Simon’s words.

“I couldn’t feel her magic, but she seems to be a saint.”

At Simon’s words, the woman laughed as if it was funny and shook her head.

“Yes, the time has finally come for the world to be saved.”

When the woman told him that she wanted to have lunch with Gabi, Simon bowed his head and quietly left the Archbishop’s room.

* * *

Gabi, who grieved over her own death and was worried about her family and friends, was suddenly told by Mr. Si that she could come back to life. She rolled the silver coin she had earned from completing the quest in the palm of her hand, vowing that she would do the quest diligently and prepare her own house.

She couldn’t go on with her pajamas, so Gabi entered her room with the skill once again.

She checked her closet, but where did the clothes go? There were only her pajamas and the school uniform she took off yesterday. Still, she thought that her uniform would be better than pajamas, so she changed her clothes again.

She suddenly came to this world and her stomach, which had not eaten anything, roared madly for food. She was stroking her bellowing stomach when she heard a knock and Simon’s voice from outside the room.

“Are you hungry? The Archbishop said she would like to have a meal with you, Gabi.”

“The Archbishop?”

She wanted to refuse a table with a high-ranking person as much as possible, but she was hungry.

Simon heard Gabi’s reply and led her to the dining room.

As she entered, she saw a woman seated in the middle of the long table. The woman has a soft, straight, long hair that seemed to have never been permed, and mild but distinct features. She was such a beauty that if there was a goddess, she would have this kind of appearance.



Crouching at the intimidation she felt from the woman, Gabi sat down in the chair Simon gave her.

“My name is Erica, Archbishop of the Order of Formene. You may call me by my first name.”

Erica introduced herself, placing her hand on her chest. It was an elegant hand gesture.

After introducing each other, Gabi quickly started eating as if it was uncomfortable when any food was left on the table.

“Excuse me, but Gabi-nim has magic, right?” [t/n : originally, it was ‘-sama’ but I think ‘-nim’ would be better]

Erica asked as the meal was over.

She wants to deny it, but she remembered the skills she had acquired while being transported to this place.

Can those things be called magical powers?

Come to think of it, Simon saw her use her skill when she came of the room. As Gabi looked across, her eyes met Simon’s, and he grinned.

“Sorry, it might supposed to be a secret, but please be honest. It’s an important matter to us.”

Gabi was taught by Arnold to hide her powers, so she thought about what to say, but eventually, she cautiously nodded her head.

Seeing her answer, Erica clapped her own hands and rejoiced like a child.

“It’s good that Simon brought you.”

Before she could ask why she was so happy, Erica got up from her seat, leaving her word to see her later and then left the restaurant.

What the hell was that?

After finishing the meal with a puzzled face, Gabi asked Simon, who was with her heading to the room, what was going on.

“As you probably know, in this world, women do not have magical powers.”

‘Is that why Arnold and his party was surprised to see me use it as a woman?’

Simon explained that in this world, women cannot be born with magical powers, and that it is very rare to have magical powers.

She explained that when a woman with a gift was born, she would be considered a person close to Gaia, the Goddess worshipped by the church.

It was understandable that Erica, the head of the church, was so happy to meet someone who is close to her Goddess.

However, Gabi wasn’t a person from this world, and she only had ambiguous skills that could not be called magical powers, so it was a burden to consider her as such.

“Gabi-nim, I’m really sorry.”

When Gabi arrived at the room, Simon immediately apologized.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“You will find out soon. Just rest.”

Having said that, Simon left.

Mr. Si, do people in this world like to use the term ‘you will find out soon’ like you? If I’m going to find it out, then might as well just tell me right now!

Feeling displeasured and frustrated, Gabi stormed into the room.

Since she’s full and in a good mood, she planned to just forget about it. But when she’s about to jump on the bed and take a rest, she heard a commotion outside.

“What happened?”

Gabi grabbed a busy passerby and asked.

“A dungeon appeared in the church. Hurry up and evacuate!”

The one who answered in a hasty voice shook off her grasp and ran away.

Hello everyone! I hope you're having a good read~


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