The D-Class Hunter Became a Munchkin Saint in a Rofan

Chapter 1


“I greet the saintess, for the eternal prosperity of the Hastou continent.”

Gabi smiled instead of replying to the person who uttered a needlessly grandiose greeting.

She’s been doing this for four hours, starting in the morning and until now when the sun has already passed the middle of the sky, so she felt like her facial muscles had already hardened into a smile.

She wanted to throw away the heavy lily head ornament that weighed down her head and hurts her back. It felt so cumbersome that she wanted to run away somewhere.


Although it was not much difficult for her to sit still and receive greetings, Gabi turned her stiff head and let out a painful moan after the entire audience had left.

“Thank you for your hard work, Gabi. Would you like some water?”

“Thank you.”

As she clear her throat and stretch her bones, Simon, the Archbishop’s aide, approached Gabi and handed her a glass of water.

She looked at Simon as she sipped the water that was handed to her. She was trying to figure out the timing to run away, but the window that looked like a computer system which could only be seen by Gabi’s eyes, popped up with a sound.

【Don’t think about running away. You’re the savior of mankind, the saintess ^▽^ (laughs)]

Gabi wished she could destroy this vexing system.

However, even if she punched it, her hands would only hit the air, and the system would not be affected at all.

Gabi was irritated and glared towards the window.

It’s only been a week since Gabi was treated as a ‘saint’ by this system window called ‘Mr. Si’.

* * *

Her name is Kwon Gabi, a 19-year-old high school girl hunter from South Korea.

When you ask elementary school students what job they want, 80% of them will answer that they wanted to be hunters. In a world where hunters were prevalent, Gabi became a hunter like everyone else.

But her class is D.

Although she belongs on the lower level, she was not so bad for a high school student. It was an ambiguous level that could not be called high and it has the highest distribution class in the country.

Ordinary hunters possess an ability, even if they were unsightly and low-rated, but Gabi does not have any of it. Nevertheless, she was able to get a grade of D because her own capabilities were exceptional.

But that was it. Gabi, who doesn’t have an ability, had no further progress because her weapons can only be used to low-level monsters.

One day, after finishing her PE class, Gabi returned to the classroom and found a note in her desk drawer with something written on it.

– I have something to say, can you stay after school?

Before returning to the classroom, Gabi looked at the front and back of the note, sucking the strawberry milk she bought at the store.

“Hey, is it a confession?”

“Spring has finally come to Kwon Gabi’s life!”

It was Gabi who received the note, but it was her friends around her who couldn’t hide their excitement and squealed.

When the bell rang to signal the end of their break, her friends returned to their seats, no longer inquiring about the note. Gabi shook her head as she placed the note back on the desk.

It wasn’t that she’s not interested in dating, but for her, dating wasn’t her priority.

Gabi, a high school student, was most concerned about the awakening of ability. Could she awaken in the first place? In Gabi’s head, it was always about being a Hunter.

She didn’t even want to go to college, so her eyes left the blackboard with boring formulas and took out her phone instead.

It is said that craftsmen are not picky about tools, but Gabi is not a craftsman, so she was willing to compete with equipment.

She will look for new weapons at the weapons mall, which is only available to a handful of certified people.

As she was thinking of shopping, the math class, which is her last class, finally ended

“Uh huh, where are you going?”

“I have to go home.”

After the dismissal, Gabi packed her bag and tried to leave the classroom, but her friends stopped her.

“Someone left a note.”

“Do you know who it is?”

“Even if you refuse, at least listen to him. You won’t have a boyfriend this way.”

She ignored the note and attempted to leave school, but for some reason, her friends were more excited and tried to persuade Gabi.

I’m so busy making a living, what a boyfriend.

Gabi snorted.

“If you stay, I’ll tell my dad about you.”

“Huh? Why are you doing it this way?”

Her friend’s father was an executive in a well-known Hunter Guild. It’s a tempting offer, but she couldn’t understand her friend who went this far even though she doesn’t have to bother.

Still, she said she didn’t understand, and it wasn’t that she wouldn’t comply.

After Gabi had sternly urged her friend to keep her promise, she grumbled back to her seat and wait for the owner of the note.

“See you tomorrow, Gabi!”

“Tell us about it tomorrow.”

Not knowing what to expect, she giggled and waved her hand to her friends as they left class. She pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her uniform jacket to browse shopping.

Gabi even pressed the order button without hesitation.


As soon as the ‘Your order has been completed’ window popped up, someone called Gabi. When she heard the voice of a strange man, she raised her head in surprise.

The person who left the note must have been this boy standing and smiling in front of her.

“When did you come in?’

She didn’t hear anything, not even the door opening. Gabi looked up again and looked at the boy then put her head out to check if the door was open.

He was in a different class, so she never talked to him, but she knew him very well.

The rising newcomer. A promising prospect. The youngest S-class Hunter. The 1st place in the survey of the guys that teenagers wants to date!

This child has many modifiers such as those.

But he was Ha Doyoon in class 8.

The tear spot that stands out because of the clear cat-like eyes was possessed by this boy with soft black hair.

“Ha Doyoon?”

“You know my name? I’m happy.”

Doyoon smiled, as though being called by Gabi was enough.

After all, how can she not know Ha Doyoon? What’s more, how does Ha Doyoon know her name?

Doyoon was famous not only throughout the school, but throughout the country. Would you have won the first place, beating a celebrity in a strange survey for no reason?

He became an S-class as soon as he awaken, he became famous for being the youngest and only S-class high school student in the country. In addition, his handsome face and friendly personality made him very popular in school.

Gabi also respected and thought he was great, who became an S-class at a young age, and because she thought he was a person from a different world, she understood that she wouldn’t be able to talk to him until she graduated.

Doyoon, who she assumed was from another universe, began to talk to her like a normal teenage boy.

“What do you have to say?”

At Gabi’s question, Doyoon bowed his head in embarrassment.


Doyoon twisted his body and hesitated to speak.

“I like you, Gabi.”

Doyoon, who had been hesitant, raised his head as if he had made up his mind to confess and stared straight at Gabi.

Gabi, who was stunned for a moment by the sudden confession that she had never imagined, regained consciousness and shook her head.

Gabi belatedly attempted to respond, ashamed by the idea that the famous Ha Doyoon confessed to a Villager C, a.k.a. herself.

Wee! Woo!

An ear-piercing siren suddenly spread all over the place.

Gabi and Doyoon left the confession atmosphere and looked around

[ An unidentified monster of unknown grade was found near Hansung High School. Citizens in the vicinity are requested to evacuate immediately ]

Soon after, an announcement came from the classroom speakers.

“Our school?”

Gabi was taken aback when she noticed that the gate had not exploded, but the monster was still able to get it, so she looked at the speaker through which the program was being played. Furthermore, Hansung High School is where exactly she is currently in.


Before she could even pay attention to Doyoon’s urgent cry, there was a loud bang and the sound of a window breaking.

Without realizing what was going on, Gabi was devoured by the giant beast that entered through the window.

* * *

Gabi gently opened her eyes and pulled herself up.

The place where she opened her eyes was not the school classroom she had just been in, nor the hospital, but rather a dark space. She had to say it was pure darkness, there was nothing all around her but black. But Gabi’s body, which should not have been seen, could be seen clearly as if standing in the light.

“Is this inside the monster’s belly?”

Right before she collapsed, she apparently came into the mouth of a gigantic monster, where she came right in.

Gabi looked around, but there was absolutely nothing. To say it was inside the beast’s stomach, the space she was currently standing in looked infinitely large. She feels a cold air in the empty space, but nothing could be seen.

“What…Did I really die after being confessed to?”

Gabi, who thought this place was the afterlife, sat down in frustration.

She’s still a D-class, and she’s halfway through becoming an adult soon! What about her parents? They will be very sad.

Besides, she still had to tell her friends that the owner of the note was Ha Doyoon, they will surely go wild in excitement.

While she thought she was dead, Gabi ironically regretted that she couldn’t see her friends being excited for her.



【 ♚♚☆Congratulations♚♚ ★㉧ㅣSeries Transmission Raffle ★ Upon approval $$ Special Ability ☜☜ 100% Gift ※ Free pet gift ¥Special condition §§ Orb of Enlightenment §§ Acquired @@@ ]


A window resembling a computer system suddenly appeared in front of Gabi, who was crying and banging her head on the floor.

In the window in front of her eyes, phrase like a message from a spam email was written.

“What bullshit is this?”

Gabi read slowly through the text, even the jumbled mess of symbols that she didn’t want to read.

She was reading the phrase written on the window over and over again with a face that seemed to have a hundred question marks floating around it, but suddenly a dazzling light shone brightly from the side.

Gabi squinted her one eye and lifted her head in the direction of the light.

The light in front of her that appeared out of nowhere soon faded enough for Gabi to open her eyes. The unusual thing was that it was in the form of a person, albeit faintly.

“Nice to meet you, human.”

The neutral voice, which could not be inferred as male or female, rang in Gabi’s head instead of hearing it in her ears.

“Who are you? Am I in hell or heaven?”

“I am the Great Sage, Gabriel. I am an apostle of the Goddess and is in charge of moving you to another world.”

Great Sage? Goddess? Moving to another world?

Gabi was taken aback when she heard words that would only appear in fantasy novels.

“This is just a space. This place is unaffected by any dimension.”

“Then I’m not dead?”

She was eaten by a monster, but Gabi still asked Gabriel with a glimmer of hope.

“Dead. Definitely.”

It would be enough to say that she was already dead, but Gabriel gave Gabi a harsh confirmation.

To die at the age of 19, Gabi felt very sorry for her short-lived fate.

“It’s too soon to be sad about your death, because you are the winner of the event that the Goddess personally held.”

An event? Do goddesses usually hold such events?

Hello everyone! I hope you're having a good read~


  1. sdjfk says:

    Spam mail XD

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