The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Chu Jin Miao was halfway through peeling the orange when she discovered that Sun Momo was secretly looking at her. She inwardly cursed her as trash and passed the orange to the maid before straightening herself, “Mother, actually there is a reason behind Su Momo’s actions. Fifth Young Lady has just returned and for the past few days, money has gone missing. Now that she has obtained so much money, how would she be able to manage it?

What’s more, Sun Momo is not taking the keys and not returning them. She was only managing it and helping Fifth Young Lady be the gatekeeper. If Fifth Young Lady needs anything, just speak to Sun Momo about it and retrieve it. Could Sun Momo even be ignorant of such matters? One fears that Fifth Young Lady would spend too generously and be cheated by others. So it is alright to let Momo be in charge, no one would stop Fifth Young Lady from normal usage but for abnormal usage, Sun Momo would be able to warn in time. So what would the difference be?”

Chu Jin Yao was sneering when the other was speaking. It was not like she had no life experiences, so how would she believe in such pompous nonsense? Which family would keep their money with an outsider? It is said that they are managing it, but in the end they are holding it hostage. She had seen it too many times in the village.

The mother-in-law said that she feared that their daughter-in-law would spend too much and managed her dowry for her only in the end for it to be taken away. With the dowry taken as hostage, the daughter-in-law could only listen to the mother-in-law. Now Chu Jin Miao wanted to use the same trick on her?

Chu Jin Yao directly asked Chu Jin Miao, “Since Fourth Young Lady said it so well, then which Momo is managing your clothes, jewelry and personal wealth?”

Chu Jin Miao choked, “It is my wet nurse.”

Even though Chu Jin Miao also had a Momo managing, both of their situations were entirely different. Chu Jin Miao’s wet nurse had accompanied her since young and was the most trustworthy, thus she allowed her wet nurse to look after her jewelry so that other servants would not steal them. However, Chu Jin Yao was different. Sun Momo was not one of her people, how could one talk about the same thing with money? Chu Jin Miao looked at Chu Jin Yao triumphantly, “I too have a Momo that manages my jewelry and money. Why, do you have nothing to say now?”

However, Chu Jin Yao said, “I just returned and do not know much about these things. Since Fourth Young Lady is like this, then I will be like Fourth Young Lady.” Chu Jin Miao could not even be complacent when she heard Chu Jin Yao speak, “May Mother assign a wet nurse for me.”

Chu Jin Miao’s facial expression froze and even Madam Zhao was slightly awkward. Madam Zhao said, “Miao-er’s Momo breastfed her since young and has accompanied her since then. How would one be able to find a wet nurse for you now?”

“So it turned out to be like this.” Chu Jin Yao said, “The most regrettable thing in my life is that I did not grow up in front of Furen, otherwise I would have also had a wet nurse to worry about me and an unfamiliar old maid would not appear in front of me suddenly and immediately ask me for the keys.”

Madam Zhao became more embarrassed and before she could speak, Chu Jin Miao exploded, “What is your meaning? You were carried away and that should not be blamed on me since I was just born. Am I to blame for harming you?”

“Then should I be blamed?” Chu Jin Yao retorted with equal harshness.

“Enough!” Madam Zhao slammed on the table and shouted sharply, “Stop talking.”

Chu Jin Yao and Chu Jin Miao turned their eyes away, both enduring a stomachful of anger.

Madam Zhao said, “Just a Momo is able to make the two of you quarrel like this. Since Jin Yao is not willing then just switch to another.”

Chu Jin Miao coldly snorted. “How can it be enough with just switching a person? Someone was thinking to not have a discipline Momo and make all decisions themselves.”

Chu Jin Yao started to get angry at those words. She knew that if there was no Chu Jin Miao, she perhaps would be able to speak to Madam Zhao nicely but with her intervening, there was no chance for her to get along with Madam Zhao. Chu Jin Yao coldly swept a look at Chu Jin Miao. “Mother, I would like to speak to you alone.”

Madam Zhao frowned as she looked at Chu Jin Miao. “We are all a family, what do you want to say that one needs to avoid Miao-er?”

Chu Jin Miao lightly snorted, “Perhaps Fifth Young Lady is not willing to let me hear, since I am an outsider.”

“Yes. May Fourth Young Lady withdraw.” Chu Jin Yao agreed and said straightforwardly, “Can’t a mother and daughter have some private conversations? Or is it to say that you want to listen to whatever Mother and I speak about? Are you so afraid of me being alone with Mother?”

“You…” Chu Jin Miao suddenly exploded. In the inner courtyard, everyone would pay attention and be sensitive to other’s emotions and be tactful. There was no one like Chu Jin Yao who would speak straightforwardly.

Chu Jin Miao indeed did not want Chu Jin Yao and Madam Zhao to interact alone as she dared not test which was stronger, natural blood relations or relations that were built afterwards and thus spoke as such to Chu Jin Yao. According to Chu Jin Miao’s thoughts, after she had said those words, Chu Jin Yao would definitely let her remain due to face, but who knew she would admit it directly and even specifically mention for her to leave.

Chu Jin Miao was right to think it this way but after being singled out by Chu Jin Yao, she became angry instead. She stood up and said, “Since Fifth Young Lady does not welcome me, then I would not be staying here to annoy others. Mother, I will go out first.”

“Miao-er…” Madam Zhao called out but was unable to keep her. When Chu Jin Miao left, Madam Zhao looked at Chu Jin Yao angrily, “Why do you need to be like this? Both of you are my daughters but you always push her aside, how can this be done?”

“I push her aside?” Chu Jin Yao felt that it was ridiculous. When Chu Jin Miao went out, Chu Jin Yao also sent Sun Momo away. Now, there was only her and her mother, with some close servants. She was finally able to be frank and not mince matters, “Mother, in all fairness, is it me that keeps pushing her aside or is it you who always looks at me with prejudices?”

Madam Zhao was stifled with that question. She became a little annoyed and raised her eyebrows, “How could you talk like this? Do you talk like this to your mother?”

“I also do not want to but if I do not say that, you would still refuse to confront our relationship.” Chu Jin Yao said, “Mother, I have always wanted to ask you, do you want to acknowledge me as your daughter? If you want, then we can have a good talk, but if you do not want to, then I will just take it as I have showered affection on an uninterested party and did not come here today.”

Chu Jin Yao knew that there would always be a knot between Madam Zhao and herself and it was not ideal to keep things at a stalemate. The issues between both of them had to be resolved. The relationship with parents was all fated and Chu Jin Yao felt that she had a weak fate with parents.

She was in an awkward position in both families and did not expect Madam Zhao to be very affectionate with her, but she had to fight for the fair treatment that she deserved. Thus, she simply laid everything out and talked with Madam Zhao.

Madam Zhao sighed, “I naturally want to. You have been living outside since young and I know you have suffered, but Miao-er is pitiful. I have treated her as a daughter for thirteen years so how would one bear for her to return to the farmer family? She was after all a young lady originally and to suddenly be a farmer’s daughter, there are a lot of people that would despise her in the family. I fear that she would suffer so I supplement her in many ways. You are different from her. You have to be magnanimous and should not be annoyed with Miao-er and compare everything.”

“Mother, I understand what you mean. You are reluctant to let Chu Jin Miao leave and want her to remain, assuming that you have three daughters right?” Before Madam Zhao replied, Chu Jin Miao continued, “Your heart is good, but did you not think of how I would deal with matters? I obviously came back, but my own birth mother would not take me of importance. How would others view me? Since you want both Chu Jin Miao and me to be your daughters, then shouldn’t you treat everyone equally?”

Madam Zhao was silent for a long time before speaking. “So this is what you thought. You have been angry about my negligence to you? You feel that I am being unfair towards you?”

It was exactly so but Chu Jin Yao knew that it was meaningless to say such things, thus she avoided the topic and instead said, “This daughter dares not. Mother, perhaps you are unaware but I did not have a good life in the Su family. When you were treating Chu Jin Miao as your daughter and doting on her, that pair of parents in the Su family knew that I was not their daughter and would scold and beat me at every turn. I had always thought that I did not do well and thus did not gain the Su family’s love, but when Father turned up, I realised that I was not the Su family’s daughter. I have always been grateful that I was able to return to my own home. I really wanted to get along well with you, Eldest Sister and Second Older Brother. I do not ask that you dote on me immediately like how you do Chu Jin Miao, but at least put aside your prejudices and treat everyone equally, treating me the same way as you treat Chu Jin Miao. Could it be that this is that difficult?”

After Madam Zhao heard all of this, she gave out a long sigh. “Alright, I understand. In the future, whatever I prepare for Miao-er, I will always prepare one for you.”

In fact, all these should be ought to. However, Madam Zhao was willing to work things out, thus this was at least a good start. Chu Jin Yao finally smiled, “Thank you Mother.”

Madam Zhao said, “I did not expect that you would have so many thoughts. Since you feel that it is unfair then I will also prepare the same for you. However, there must be a discipline Momo as there is no family that does not have a Momo to guide a young lady and decide everything by oneself. Perhaps you are used to the ways of the common folks and want to be the master of your own house but for us, there are no such rules. Parents do not have personal wealth and a new bride would need to wait on their mother-in-law after marriage and let the mother-in-law educate her on the ways of the world. The daughters-in-law of those common folks are so powerful that they can surpass the mother-in-law, also being the master of the house is not plausible.”

Chu Jin Yao was indeed influenced by the situation in her village. The landlord family was not as particular as the noble families and thus if a capable daughter in-law married in, she would be able to manage the entire family. Also, there were situations where she even managed the entire family wealth. Outsiders would not feel that it was rude and instead feel that the family had obtained a good daughter in-law.

As for a discipline Momo in the courtyard, Chu Jin Yao felt that it was a fantasy to bypass her to make decisions. However, there was no way out as this was the regulation. Chu Jin Yao was currently a little unmarried lady and was unable to contend with the bigger environment.

Chu Jin Yao lowered her head, “Mother spoke correctly.”

As for what thoughts she had in her heart, it was another story.

When Madam Zhao saw that Chu Jin Yao was obedient, she revealed a satisfied look. She continued, “It is absolutely necessary to have a discipline Momo in your courtyard. If you do not like Sun Momo, then I will look for another one for you…”

“There is no need.” Chu Jin Yao interrupted. “This daughter came over today is to drill Sun Momo so as to keep her from being too arrogant. Just let her continue to manage in the future.”

Chu Jin Yao remembered what Qin Yi had said yesterday. When soldiers arrive, use a general to keep them off, when water rises, use earth to keep it back. It was obvious that Sun Momo was Chu Jin Miao’s, so even if she was able to drive Sun Momo away, Chu Jin Miao would stuff another person in. Instead of that, it would be better to let Sun Momo remain. At least the enemy was in the open and we were in the dark, thus, the decisive opportunity was still within grasp. That was what he had said and yes, this was called beating someone at their own game.

Madam Zhao was somewhat surprised, “You are still willing to retain Sun Momo?”

“Yes, how could I reject Mother’s kind intentions.” Chu Jin Yao brazenly told a bare-faced lie. She wore an aggrieved expression, “It is just that Sun Momo was extraordinarily dominating. When I returned yesterday, I could not even stand properly when I heard Sun Momo saying that she wanted to discipline me and even pointed at me, saying that there are no regulations in my courtyard and instructed me to give her the keys to my clothes and jewelry, saying that no matter what I do in the future, it would require her approval. I was too tired and irritable at that time and thus retorted a few words. But one did not think that after those few words were spoken, Sun Momo would become angry. She even yelled out that she will go to Mother to reason things out. I had thought that she was joking and thus ignored it, who knew that she would really come over.”

Chu Jin Yao looked at Madam Zhao at the end, asking, “Mother, could it be that Sun Momo did not speak of this?”

Chu Jin Yao had secretly thought that this was probably the trick of injuring oneself to gain the other’s trust.

Madam Zhao did not have a good expression. Sun Momo only mentioned that Chu Jin Yao refused to be disciplined and nothing else. Madam Zhao knew that she had almost wronged Chu Jin Yao and thus did not mention the words before and instead said, “I understand. I will drill it into Sun Momo. However, you should not be overly unyielding since there is no young lady that contradicts their discipline Momo. You have to read more of the Admonishment of Woman and Woman Scripture and get rid of all the bad habits that were brought from the common folks. Females must be gentle.”

“Yes.” Chu Jin Yao responded docilely on the surface and even took the initiative to say, “Mother, Sun Momo is overtly arrogant. If I were to rely on her heavily initially, it would be difficult to guarantee that she would not act up. It’s better that I give her the keys to the jewelry, continue to manage the clothes temporarily and give it to her after a few days.”

This was indeed a compromise. Madam Zhao spoke after some thought, “Alright. You have grown up and since it is your own courtyard, you should arrange it yourself.”

Chu Jin Yao was waiting for Madam Zhao to say those words. She had only returned recently and all her jewelry were newly made. Everyone knew that there weren’t many at all. However, it was different for clothes. She had accumulated a lot of fabrics, including half a blot of Yun brocade that she wanted to send to Su Hui. It seemed that Chu Jin Yao was taking a step back but in fact, she had given out the part where one was unable to tamper with. Moreover, she was able to dig a pit and eliminate Sun Momo in one fell swoop in the future.

Chu Jin Yao had achieved the goal for today and withdrew with satisfaction from Madam Zhao. Chu Jin Miao had mentioned things to the elders with bad intentions, but she would not be schemed for nothing. She made use of the scheme to defeat her and one would not know who would be defeated afterwards.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


  1. 🐥 says:

    Thanks for the update translator🤍🤍

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