The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant



“Huai Ling ShiZi has arrived.”

As soon as those words were spoken, a number of people in the room were shocked and the young ladies started to whisper among themselves.

In this period, ethics were stringent. Siblings aged seven and above would not be allowed to be at the same table and young ladies could only go out a few times a year. Normally, they would not leave the second doors and one could count the number with their fingers about the times they met with males. It was even lesser with outside males. With regards to the opposite gender, youths would be more emotional, and young ladies at the same age were no exception.

Lin Xi Yuan smiled as he entered the room. All the while his gaze was ahead, never once looking to his sides. There were so many young ladies sitting around, he did not impolitely raise his eyes. When he walked to Old Chu Furen’s side, he leisurely greeted her with a posture of a younger generation, “Greetings to Old Chu Furen. May Old Chu Furen be healthy and well.”

Old Chu Furen had always been solemn, but when she saw Lin Xi Yuan at this moment, she could not help but smile. “So it is ShiZi. How did ShiZi think about coming to our Residence of Marquis Chang Xing? Seeking ShiZi forgiveness if the hospitality is not adequate.”

Lin Xi Yuan smiled, “What is Old Furen talking about? The Residence of Marquis Chang Xing is a family of luxury. During the journey here, the rules and regulation of the Residence are so proper that it is a revelation for me. How can it be that the hospitality is not adequate?”

Old Chu Furen laughed aloud. She seldom laughed so heartily that the deep wrinkles appeared on the corner of her lips. “It is good that ShiZi likes it.”

After greeting Old Chu Furen, Lin Xi Yuan greeted Chu Zhu, “Second Shen.” He then smiled and nodded his head to Lin Xi Ning and the rest. “Second Younger Brother, Eldest Youngest Sister, Second Younger Sister.”

When Chu Zhu returned to her maiden family, she naturally brought her children and Shu-daughter along. Lin Xi Yuan was the Eldest Di-son of the Prince Residence, and Lin Xi Ning the Second Younger Brother he mentioned, the Eldest Younger Sister was Chu Zhu’s Shu daughter, Lin Bao Ying and Second Younger Sister was the Di-daughter Lin Bao Huan.

As compared to the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing, the descendants of the Residence of Prince Huai Ling were comparatively fewer. The Prince of Second-Rank and the Prince Consort had only one son and one daughter, both were Di-born, and they were ShiZi and County Princess, Lin Bao Zhu. The Second Master of the Prince Residence was Chu Zhu’s husband, and he too only had one son, Lin Xi Ning, one Shu-daughter, and one Di-daughter.

Lin Bao Huan was a delicate daughter of the Prince Residence and was the only Di-daughter of GuNaiNai, so she was like a star when she came to the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing. However, when Lin Xi Yuan appeared, Lin Bao Huan dared not show a little arrogance and quickly bowed her head in greeting, “Eldest Brother.”

Lin Xi Yuan was their Eldest Di-Brother and was the dignified ShiZi of the Prince Residence. Even though he seemed to have a gentle temperament, Lin Bao Huan knew that their Eldest Brother was much more than that.

When the other young ladies of the Chu family saw that the usual Lin Bao Huan, who was always proud and arrogant, became like a behaved rabbit in front of her Eldest Brother, they became more favourable towards Lin Xi Yuan. A gentleman, distinguished family background, handsome face and always wearing a three-tenths smile. Which young female would not like such a perfect gentleman?

Lin Xi Yuan stood in RongNingTang and that was where everyone was looking. The young ladies were all looking at him secretly. They still thought Older Biao Brother, Lin Xi Ning, was outstanding yesterday, but upon seeing ShiZi at present, Lin Xi Ning had suddenly become mediocre. To put it bluntly, Lin Xi Ning was like their brothers, under the guidance of the family, they were noble but were not much different from their peers as everyone was the same. However, Lin Xi Yuan was obviously different.

There were many pairs of eyes on Lin Xi Yuan, but his smile remained unchanged and there was not the sightless stiffness on his face as if he was accustomed to being noticed by others. He talked and laughed with the elders like Old Chu Furen, Chu Zhu, and the rest, knew how to advance and retreat accordingly, and had elegant manners that anyone would praise upon glimpsing.

Chu Jin Miao secretly looked for a while before withdrawing her gaze, but her hands at the sides had become stiff. This was the difference between the Prince Residence and the Marquis Residence. Both had raised their heirs but Second Young Master did not have the brilliance of Lin Xi Yuan. As long as she went to the Prince Residence, she would have the opportunity to have encounters with the County Princess and ShiZi type of people. In the future, borrowing the County Princess’s opportunity, she would be able to see ShiZi often and might even see the Crown Prince! This held far more prospect than staying in the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing!

While Chu Jin Miao was thinking so, the other young ladies were no fools either. Those with more courage continued to look at Lin Xi Yuan secretly and those whose hearts were moved had already lowered their eyes and head, making one unable to know what they were thinking about.

Their standing posture did not change but the distance between the sisters had suddenly become quite far.

Old Chu Furen inquired about Old TaiJun’s health, and after Lin Xi Yuan replied, she smiled and said, “It is truly laborious for ShiZi to specially come here today. Since you have come from afar, one might as well stay for a few more days. Both of our residences are in-laws, and that is a relationship that cannot be more intimate. Your ShenMu (Chu Zhu), Ning Boy, and the rest are all present, so just treat this as your home and stay peacefully. These are your younger Biao sisters; there is no need to feel unfamiliar.”

Lin Yi Yuan then turned over and greeted the young ladies, “Greetings to all Younger Biao Sisters.”

Although he turned around, his eyes were still focused on the ground, and he did not look at the young ladies’ faces. Old Furen became more satisfied upon seeing it. Even Madam Zhao was all up in smiles.

This was indeed a fine young man. He had a good family background, talent, and character. There was nothing to be picky about.

ShiZi had spoken to them, so the young ladies bowed their heads slightly to return his greetings, “Greetings to Older Biao Brother.”

Calling an older Biao brother and a younger Biao sister was actually rather far-fetched. However, Old Furen had already said it as such, and the younger generation understood the meaning of it in their hearts and thus followed it. Chu Jin Yao was mixed with the rest of the females. With her head lowered, she tried to reduce her existence and greeted Lin Xi Yuan with a whisper.

There were a total of seven or eight young ladies from the three households. These young ladies usually had different temperaments; some were very free-spirited and some did not like to talk. However, at this point in time, they all became gentle and weak and their greetings were at their pinnacle. If Hua MoMo was present, one did not know how emotional she would feel.

Madam Yan was astute and possessed a sharp and skilled tongue. When she saw Lin Xi Yuan, she felt that this big fish could not be set free and upon seeing the current situation, she took the opportunity to go up and smile heartily. “Since we are all one family, then there is no need to be polite between Biao-siblings. It seems that this is ShiZi’s first time here; is everyone recognizable to you?”

Lin Xi Yuan’s eyes flashed as he smiled, “Yes, have to trouble Second Furen to introduce me to my Younger Biao Sisters.”

Old Chu Furen had felt that Madam Yan’s words were not proper and before she could stop her, she heard Lin Xi Yuan actually smiling and agreeing to it. Somewhat surprised, she exchanged a look with Gu MoMo before sitting down again, as she intended to observe the goings-on.

At Lin Xi Yuan’s acceptance, Madam Yan became happier and introduced the various young ladies enthusiastically. During the introduction, she did some work and highlighted the young ladies of the Second Household and only mentioned the other household with a sentence.

Madam Zhao was so angry that her liver started aching, but she dared not rebuke in front of others. When Madam Yan pointed out Chu Jin Miao and Chu Jin Yao, she schemed a little: “These two are our residence’s Fourth Young Lady and Fifth Young Lady. ShiZi must be very unfamiliar with Fifth Young Lady, right? She was just brought back from outside.”

This was the sly aspect of Madam Yan. She introduced Chu Jin Miao and Chu Jin Yao at the same time, but Chu Jin Miao was only mentioned before she moved on. Instead, she emphasized that Fifth Young Lady was brought back from outside.”

What kind of young lady would just be brought back from outside? No one would think that the reason was that they were wrongly exchanged. Everyone would assume that it was the daughter of an outside concubine.

She was obviously a Di-daughter, but Madam Yan implied that she was the daughter of an outside concubine who could not be brought out to the surface. But could one say that Madam Yan was wrong? It was not possible. Chu Jin Yao could not help but be impressed when she heard it. In the Inner Courtyard, speaking was indeed a skillset.

However, Chu Jin Yao did not have any intention to correct it. She did not have any thoughts about this ShiZi and was already so embarrassed due to that incident during the day that she wished this ShiZi would not even look at her.

Lin Xi Yuan smiled and said, “Greetings to the Fifth Younger Sister.”

After speaking, he looked straight at Chu Jin Yao with a pair of smiling eyes.

Chu Jin Yao’s eyes were lowered, so she did not have any exchange with Lin Xi Yuan. Even though everyone secretly hated her for getting Lin Xi Yuan’s individual greetings, as they watched, they saw Chu Jin Yao’s performance. Thus, they could only say that she knew her place and turned their attention away.

Old Chu Furen also felt that Chu Jin Yao was very disciplined. Even though she came from a poor family, she did not take the opportunity to fool around. Also, her manners were even better than the young ladies that grew up in the residence. She was very satisfied, and her view of this suddenly appearing granddaughter improved a lot.

Outsiders thought that Chu Jin Yao knew her manners, but the real reason she dared not raise her head could scare them to death. Chu Jin Yao could not express her suffering. She feared being recognized and even made a special excuse to change her clothes in the afternoon. She had not considered Lin Xi Yuan would especially come to Old Furen’s and even greet individually. She was very upset. She had changed her clothes, but why was she still recognised?

Lin Xi Yuan’s arrival was like a stone thrown into the calm and peaceful lake that depicted the unmarried lives of young ladies. On the surface, the lake seemed quiet and peaceful, but there were turbulent undercurrents underneath.

This time, the young ladies intuitively realised what it meant to be selected as a study companion.

Chu Jin Yao returned to ChaoYunYuan, and before she went to bed, she sat on the little stool to complain to Qin Yi, “What do you say about me being a study companion?”

Qin Yi harked back to the kind of life his study companions went through. He could not go against his conscience to say that it was a good job to be a study companion, so he said, “A study companion looks glamorous, but secretly, one would need to be the scapegoat for the princes and princesses. One would inevitably be bullied.”

Chu Jin Yao nodded. “Yes. I thought so too. However, it was not easy to have a MoMo come to teach. I am lacking against others, and this is a very good opportunity. If I do not take advantage of it, then I would deserve to be laughed at by the Fourth Young Lady. So, I was thinking of studying hard during the day, and when I finally go to the Prince Residence to be seen by the Prince Consort, I will show my weak points on purpose and get dropped out.”

Qin Yi agreed to it very much. He discovered that Chu Jin Yao’s attitude was surprisingly good—motivated but very free-spirited. He asked, “Even though Prince Huai Ling is not here or there, it is still the residence of a second-ranked prince. Are you not at all a little moved?”

“My heart is moved. But it depends on if it is mine or not.” Chu Jin Yao smiled as she raised the jade pendant. “Do you expect me to say that I am not moved?”

“Yes.” Qin Yi wanted to put on a sullen face but in the end, could not hold back his laughter, “You sure have a one-track mind.”

“Who wouldn’t want to live a little better? If there is an opportunity to live better, I will fight for it. However, I have embarrassed myself big time in front of the ShiZi. Since there are no more opportunities, it is better to calm down and learn some things from MoMo. This is more important.”

Qin Yi did not speak. It was a male’s common issue. He used to dislike these kinds of people who tried all types of ways to climb up and always felt that a quiet, indifferent female was better. However, upon listening to Chu Jin Yao, he felt that it was very real and also very adorable.

Those females in the Inner Palace who said that they don’t fight, in fact, didn’t fight. They, however, fought the toughest.

“You should sleep.” Qin Yi said, “One fears that there will be trouble tomorrow.”

Chu Jin Yao sighed. “It turns out that there are hidden meanings behind the words of these young ladies, and each one of them has schemes. Now that they are fighting for the position of study companion, one does not know how they would bite. Say, What if I get accidentally injured?”

“No need to worry.”

“En? Are you saying that you will help me avoid it?”

“No.” Qin Yi told her the truth calmly and coldly, “My meaning is that you will definitely be accidentally hurt. How can you beat others with your pettiness? On matters of fighting and scheming against each other, one would need to suffer a few losses to learn it. Anyway, your skin is firm, so it will be alright. Just go without worries and remember it.”

“You are so annoying.” Chu Jin Yao slammed the jade pendant onto the bedding and went barefoot to retrieve a plate of fruit from the table before placing the jade pendant in it. “Then I will also let you remember it well. You will sleep like this at night, then.”

Qin Yi laughed softly. Chu Jin Yao heard that he could still laugh and became even angrier. She had originally planned to frighten him, but now she really got angry and did not care about the jade pendant. She went to bed by herself and put down the curtains to go to sleep.

After the candle was lit, only the moon shone through the window screen and landed on the floor, making it quiet and clear. In the moonlight, a figure slowly walked out of the jade pendant. His stature was tall, with straight shoulders and a thin waist. He had the appearance of a youth but a straight, tall, and well-defined back. He was wearing an indigo-blue uniform with narrow sleeves, and a four-claw python dragon was embroidered with gold thread on the cuff.

The dragon in the Crown Prince’s clothes can only be sewn with four claws (python-dragon). Five claws (dragons) can be sewn onto the Emperor’s clothes. If there are five claws sewn on the Crown Prince’s clothes, it is deemed a rebellion and a major crime against the Emperor.

These few days, Qin Yi’s spirit was getting stronger and stronger; gradually, he could break away from the jade pendant and walk outside. It was just that, until now, he could not grasp things. As the moon shone on his body, it passed through him and onto the ground. His face was almost as clear and white as the moonlight, and his eyes were sharp and bright. The corners of his eyes were slightly upturned, lending him a delicate yet heroic appearance.

Qin Yi had been walking around these few nights to see if he could find any clues in the Chu Residence. He planned to personally head to that courtyard during that day. His brain would be on fire if he were to count on Chu Jin Yao. He planned to avoid any eyes and ears when he left. Before leaving, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the canopy bed.

A slumbering Chu Jin Yao turned over in her dreams, exposing half of her shoulders and arms out of the quilt.

In February, the spring chill was still in the air, and the nights were rather cold. If she were to sleep like this, she would feel pain in her shoulder upon waking up tomorrow.

Qin Yi turned around and pulled the quilt up to cover her.

Qi Yi suddenly discovered that he could touch things.

This was indeed good news.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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