The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Chu Jin Miao knelt on the ground with a thud as she cried out, “ZuMu, I really don’t know what is going on. You have to spare me this time!”

If one does not know what was going on then why would there be a need to ask Old Furen for mercy? Chu Jin Xian did not lose the sarcasm in her heart. Yesterday, she was still crying like raindrops on a pear blossom, repeatedly saying that Chu Jin Yao tore her collection of poems and even arbitrarily insisted that it was an individual manuscript and there were no copies. However, there appeared to be a perfectly fine copy today. Among those present, not mentioning Old Chu Furen and Chu Jin Xian, both of whom were used to weathering big storms, even a young maid would be able to figure out that it was most likely that Chu Jin Miao tore the collection of poems herself and did not want to admit to it. She then used the copy as a smokescreen and replaced the original with a fake before framing Fifth Young Lady.

Chu Jin Yao had not expected that it was only yesterday when she was beaten on the palm and today Chu Jin Miao’s retribution had arrived. Chu Jin Yao thought of how Qin Yi hadn’t been normal and afterwards even went out alone. Even though she did not ask Qin Yi, in her heart, she had already guessed it. One fears that this was Qin Yi’s trick, right?

After all, besides him, who else had the ability to silently discover the copy that was hidden by Chu Jin Miao and place it in Old Chu Furen’s rear room? There was also Lin Xi Yuan. Who was Lin Xi Yuan? How could he leave his collection of essays at Old Chu Furen’s without any rhyme or reason and even coincidently find Chu Jin Miao’s copy of the collection of poems when he was looking for his book?

There was only one person who was able to accomplish this unknown to god or ghost. Qin Yi found the collection of poems that Chu Jin Miao had hidden, then went to Lin Xi Yuan’s courtyard to take an important book, a book that one would need to look for if it had gone missing, and place them both in Old Furen’s rear room. On the next day, when Lin Xi Yuan was searching for it, he would naturally expose everything.

Chu Jin Yao thought about it and found it unbelievable. It was fine with Chu Jin Miao’s and Old Chu Furen’s things, but how did Qin Yi sneak into Lin Xi Yuan’s courtyard and even take a book out without alerting anyone at all? A man’s study and a female’s were different. Male would handle external affairs, read and write all in the study, thus that was a strategic location. Chu Jin Yao thought about it for a long time but still could not figure out how Qin Yi did it.

However, Old Furen did not know about Qin Yi’s existence. She only felt that Chu Jin Miao had framed Chu Jin Yao and was stupid enough to leave the evidence of the crime in place and on the next day was discovered by ShiZi accidentally. Leaving aside whether Lin Xi Yuan did it by accident or not, Chu Jin Miao had bad intentions and was stupid, and there was no way around it.

Chu Jin Miao knelt on the floor as if her body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar that she kept on trembling. Old Furen especially hated others for deceiving her, even her real granddaughters would not be able to escape a harsh punishment, much less Chu Jin Miao, an outsider. She was not Marquis Chang Xing’s and Madam Zhao’s daughter and had no relations to the Chu family. Now that she had angered Old Furen, would she be sent away?

When Chu Jin Miao thought about this, she became more frightened. She knew that she could never admit to this matter, else her reputation and her image of thirteen years in the residence of Marquis Chang Xing would be destroyed. At this period, the most taboo thing for a female was jealousy, so how could she let herself be guilty of such crimes? Chu Jin Miao walked to Old Furen on her knees and grasped the hems of Old Furen’s clothes. “ZuMu, you watched me grow up. You have to believe me that I really do not know what was going on! When I returned, I really was not able to find the collection of poems. I really thought that it was torn by others and only know that it was a misunderstanding now. My collection of poems was placed at another place thus I was unable to find it. ZuMu, it is all my fault for being unable to find the collection of poems and becoming anxious, thus saying the wrong thing.”

Chu Jin Miao’s words sounded good when first heard but upon thinking about it, they were full of loopholes. If it was misunderstood because it was not found, then why did Chu Jin Miao insist that there was only one collection of poems and there were no copies? It was obvious that she was still quibbling about it.”

Old Chu Furen suddenly felt a deep sense of disappointment. She had really raised Chu Jin Miao as her granddaughter for the past thirteen years. She had never been close to the younger generation but Chu Jin Miao was a Di daughter of the Eldest Household, thus she spent a lot of effort in educating her. However, Old Chu Furen personally watched, the young lady that she raised do such a thing.

Chu Jin Yao was unwilling to admit her wrong till death yesterday and she even felt that the other was muddled. Now it seemed that the one muddled was herself.

Old Chu Furen leaned against the couch and let Chu Jin Miao grab the hem of her clothes. Her voice did not hold any emotion as she asked, “You really do not know about this?”

Chu Jin Miao thought that Old Furen believed her and quickly said, “Yes. This granddaughter really does not know.”

After a long time, Old Chu Furen sighed deeply, “Since you say that it is not you then I have nothing to say. Take this one month to meditate quietly and copy Women Doctrine.”

This was considered confinement. Confined for a month and copy Women Doctrine. Chu Jin Miao did not consider this to be a harsh punishment. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and kowtowed to Old Chu Furen, “Thanking ZuMu.”

Old Chu Furen leaned tiredly against the red soft pillow and motioned for Chu Jin Miao to withdraw. Chu Jin Miao lowered her head and obeyed her order. As she headed out, she happened to pass by Chu Jin Xian and Chu Jin Yao, who were staying by the frame.

The three of them did not look at each other but they all knew that the other party’s gaze was on themselves. In that short moment that they brush past each other, there seemed to be sparks flying but that moment quickly passed by. Chu Jin Miao walked out and stood still to dry her tears and continued with slightly lifting chin as if nothing had happened.

That was just great. The only few people who knew the truth were Chu Jin Xian, Chu Jin Yao and Old Furen. The rest of the family did not know the full story. As for ShiZi who knew the truth, even though this was a concealed danger, ShiZi was a male so how would he mention an unmarried young lady’s matter? As long as one carefully avoided and did not provoke Lin Xi Yuan, he would never be the one to take the initiative to mention to anyone.

Therefore, the fault was still on Chu Jin Yao and she was still the aloof Fourth Young Lady.

When Chu Jin Miao left, the room fell silent for a while. Old Furen seemed to be extremely tired and kept her eyes closed as she leaned against a big red pillow.

After a while, Old Furen spoke, “Jin Yao, come here.”

Chu Jin Yao’s attention slightly stirred. Chu Jin Xian nodded her head secretly, signaling her to go up at ease.

Chu Jin Yao stood in front of Old Chu Furen and heard her asking, “Why were you not willing to admit your wrongs yesterday?

“This granddaughter will say the same thing again.” Chu Jin Yao said, “I was wrong for arguing with my sisters. As for others, I am not wrong.”

“What a good ‘you are not wrong’.” Old Furen said, “Do you not understand the reasoning of it is breakable for being overly firm?”

“Even if one puts one’s own safety before matters of principle, there are things that you should do and shouldn’t do. In order to maintain the prestige of the country, His Highness the Crown Prince dared to kill the palace maid in public. Even though I am not as virtuous and bloodthirsty as the Crown Prince, when I am wrong, I am unlikely to go so far as to completely lack a moral backbone.”

“You are good at discussing, to actually bring the Crown Prince up as an example.” Old Chu Furen opened her eyes and her oppressive gaze landed on Chu Jin Yao, “You also mentioned that it is the Imperial Crown prince. No matter what he does, the entire court of civil and military ministers would only think of ways to save him. He is the Crown Prince, but you are just a weak female. The most important thing for a female is to be gentle and yielding, but you actually dare to compare with His Highness the Crown Prince?”

Chu Jin Yao quickly said that she did not dare. When Old Chu Furen was speaking those words, Qin Yi was in the jade pendant listening. As he listened, he felt that something was wrong.

What was wrong with him? Did he do something wrong? On what basis should she not learn from him?

Old Chu Furen said, “Alright. After tossing around due to yesterday, you are also tired so go and rest. Another thing, even though you grew up in the common folk, you are a well bred young lady of our residence of Marquis Chang Xing. In the future, you are not allowed to speak such rude and impetuous words. The reckless and unruly temper that was cultivated from the common folk has to be changed as soon as possible.”

Her temper was considered reckless and unruly? Chu Jin Yao wanted to tell Old Furen that she had not seen Qin Yi’s. However, before she could finish thinking about it, Chu Jin Xian called over and held Chu Jin Yao’s hand, “You still do not quickly give thanks to ZuMu’s teachings?”

Chu Jin Yao did not understand but Chu Jin Xian often stayed by Old Furen’s side, so she understood the other side of Old Furen’s words. The real meaning of those words that Old Chu Furen said was that she had truly acknowledged Chu Jin Yao and given up on Chu Jin Miao. So what if they raised her for thirteen years? She was rotten from the roots.

Chu Jin Miao’s punishment was so light and yet she was complacent about it. Chu Jin Xian was an external party and could see it clearly that Old Furen was not even willing to punish her. That meant that she thoroughly did not view her as part of Chu family. In the future, Chu Jin Miao was just another mouth to feed in the Marquis residence. As for others, she was considered nothing.

The residence of Marquis Chang Xing was after all considered a noble and large household, it was impossible for them to send away a young lady that they had raised for thirteen years. This was really beneath one’s dignity. However, the relations in the courtyard were complicated and a female’s life was tied to the current ancestor managing the household. If Old Furen were to give up on someone in her heart, the meaning behind it was far more chilling than a harsh punishment.

After Chu Jin Yao was reminded of this by Chu Jin Xian, she quickly thanked Old Furen. Old Furen nodded her head lightly before sending them out tiredly. Before they left, she said, “You two should forget about today’s events. Don’t speak of it outside.”

Old Chu Furen was after all the elder of the household, she hoped to pretend that everything was going well.

Chu Jin Xian and Chu Jin Yao responded, “Yes.”

After leaving Rong Ning Tang, Chu Jin Yao parted ways with Chu Jin Xian and headed towards Chao Yun Yuan alone. Upon returning to the room, Chu Jin Yao sent the maids out and placed the jade pendant on the table respectfully and pretended to pay her respects.

Qin Yi truly felt angry and funny at the same time, “What are you doing?”

“I am worshipping the omnipotent, super elusive, beautiful, kind, righteous and big-hearted god of the jade pendant.”

Qin Yi materialised from the jade pendant, “Enough. Just look at your flattering appearance.”

Qin Yi was long used to listening to those below pandering. Those people would praise him in a hundred variety of ways, but other than disgust, Qin Yi had no other thoughts of it. Strangely, after hearing Chu Jin Yao’s words today, he felt that it was very pleasant.

After Chu Jin Yao praised Qin Yi ferociously, she sat across Qin Yi and asked curiously, “What did you do yesterday? How were you able to retrieve Chu Jin Miao’s and ShiZi’s book that it was unknown to even god or ghost?”

“Well, that is a long story.”

Chu Jin Yao waited for a while and could not help but continue asking, “And then?”

“I have said that it is a long story.”

“Aye. You, this person…” Chu Jin Yao was so annoyed that she swatted the table once, “It is fine that you don’t speak of it. I, too, am not happy to listen to it.”

When Chu Jin Yao swatted the table, she did not pay any attention and used her injured hand to do so. When the pain registered to her brain, her tears almost burst out. However, in order to support the angry scene before, she forcibly endured it and said nothing.

Qin Yi looked for a while and asked leisurely, “Is it painful?”

“Not painful.”

“Really not painful?”

Chu Jin Yao turned her face, unwilling to speak. After Qin Yi saw it, he stretched his hand to her, “Give me your hand. You used a lot of strength just now. Be careful in case the wounds get hurt by that swat.”

Chu Jin Yao awkwardly stretched out her hand to Qin Yi. She turned her head and saw him untying the gauze, round and round from her hand. He looked at it for a while before retrieving the soothing ointment from yesterday and smeared it gently on Chu Jin Yao’s palm. Chu Jin Yao watched quietly like this when she suddenly remembered, “Oh yes. Didn’t ShiZi gift the Jade Soothing Cream? Why not use his medicine?”

“It is the same whichever you use.”

“But you said yesterday that it is an Imperial medicine and the effects are much better than ordinary ones.”

Qin Yi calmly took a clean gauze and wrapped Chu Jin Yao’s hand, “But it is too late. I have already wrapped it up.”

Chu Jin Yao looked at him and could not hold back as she burst out a laugh, ” Qin Yi, although you know almost everything, you really don’t look like a newly formed spirit. Every time when things like this happen, I would find that among spirits, you must be young.”

“I am not a spirit.”

“See. You are still a child at heart, domineering, stubborn and reluctant to admit defeat.”

Qin Yi paused and said quietly, “My self-restraint is improving more and more. A month ago, if anyone dared to speak to me like this, they would be taken care of.”

Chu Jin Yao was not afraid at all as she still felt that Qin Yi was just scaring her. She said, “It is not good for you to always be so arrogant. It is fine if it is just towards me, but if you were to encounter an elderly and yet behave like this, then it would be too disrespectful to the old.”

Qin Yi let out a chuckle from his chest, “I do not need to respect the old.”

Chu Jin Yao felt that she had more life experience than Qin Yi and would always want to teach him to walk on the right path. When she heard him say so, it was like she was looking at a disobedient younger brother and thus persuaded patiently. “You cannot do this. You have to be easy-going else others would always think that you have an arrogant temperament and would neglect you on matters.”

“Neglect.” Qin Yi repeated it and smiled softly. However, Chu Jin Yao was still talking, “I am doing this for your own good. Don’t laugh.”

Qin Yi managed to hold his laughter back, “Alright. I will not laugh. Does your hand still hurt?”

Chu Jin Yao sighed, “Of course it hurts, but it is much better than yesterday. I had thought yesterday that the beating was all for nothing. Even though ZuMu did not say anything, she had set her mind that I was me. Even though I was beaten, there was nothing I could say. Fortunately, Heavens have eyes. Today, Chu Jin Miao will suffer the consequences.”

Qin Yi also said, “Although Old Chu Furen did not punish her severely, this is more terrifying than harsh punishment. I see that your family’s Old Furen is a sensible person. This time, she knows the ins and outs about both of you and will not be deceived by Chu Jin Miao in the future.”

“Yes. After all, Chu Jin Miao grew up in front of ZuMu and it has always been easier for people to trust those that they know well. However, those who know about this matter are ZuMu and Older Sister. In others’ eyes, I am still the one that tore her whatever lousy collection of poems. But as long as ZuMu understands, it is enough. I saw that Chu Jin Miao secretly gave a sigh of relief when she went out. She still has not understood that her tower has collapsed from the inside. Hey, why are you laughing?”

Qin Yi shook his head but there was an unstoppable laughter in his eyes, “It is too obvious that you are using the public area to avenge personal wrongs. I see that her literary talent is considered not bad among females, but you actually said lousy collection of poems.”

“Hurmph.” Chu Jin Yao snorted in disapproval, “Even if she wrote it well, I will also scold her. Whoever made her thoughts skewed. She deserves it! On the contrary, why are you speaking up for her?”

Qin Yi was stunned, “Was I?”

“You just said that her literary talent is considered not bad among females.” Chu Jin Yao said with puffed up anger, “You men are indeed all like this. On the outside when it comes to dealing with court matters, everything is managed logically, but upon returning to the inner courtyard, whoever is putting up an act or pretending to be pitiful, all these obvious things, you all will not be able to see it!”

“That is not necessarily cannot be seen.” Qin Yi said, “It is just sometimes, one is unable to bear.”

Chu Jin Yao was even more annoyed after hearing it, “Unable to bear? You all are truly… Never mind. I am too lazy to speak to you. In the future when I look for a husband, if he dares to do this, I will definitely not marry him.”

Qin Yi suddenly became curious and asked, “What sort of husband are you looking for?”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


  1. 🐥 says:

    Ehhhh why is he interested AHAHAH we see u ML

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