The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Upon seeing Qin Yi, Chu Jin Yao felt inexplicably guilty. Today, he had warned her despite the dangers, but she insisted on doing it her way. She did not feel that she was wrong but felt that she had let down Qin Yi’s intentions.

Qin Yi’s eyes seemed to be covered with thousand miles of ice. He sat across and said to Chu Jin Yao, “Give me your hand.”

His voice did not fluctuate when he said those words but it was like tens of thousands of bows were pulled, there was immense pressure. Chu Jin Yao heard it and obediently stretched her hand out.

Qin Yi held Chu Jin Yao’s fingertips with his almost transparent hands and carefully checked her injuries. Chu Jin Yao had a thin layer of calluses on her hands originally, but upon returning to the residence of the Marquis of Chang Xing, they had faded a lot as she took great care. Even her skin had become much fairer. As such, after being beaten, her palm was very much swollen, making it look particularly terrifying.

Qin Yi grew up in the Palace and all the females that he came into contact with were all pampered and had soft skin and tender flesh. He almost subconsciously felt that females were like these delicate porcelains. When he was in the residence of the Marquis of Chang Xing, even though he was not happy at first, he still gradually taught Chu Jin Yao etiquettes, taught her to write, and afterwards gave her careful guidance towards the schemes of the inner courtyard. As long as he was present, no one would dare to deal with the maids, especially those from the Eastern Palace. Moreover, Chu Jin Yao was someone that he took utmost care of, but she was beaten to such a state.

Qin Yi kept his face calm and did not speak. Chu Jin Yao gradually became somewhat uneasy and said to him softly, “I am fine. It just looks serious, but it doesn’t really hurt that much. I was raised freely and am not as delicate as those noble young ladies. These things are actually nothing to me.”

Qin Yi lightly touched Chu Jin Yao’s palm and she immediately gasped uncontrollably. Qin Yi knew that he still used too much strength. He withdrew his hands and looked at Chu Jin Yao before sighing, “It is already like this and you still say that it is not serious?”

Chu Jin Yao could not reply. Qin Yi looked at it again for a while and said, “I remember that there is a type of ointment that is very effective. After applying it, even welts are healed quickly without leaving any scars. I remember that it is called… Jade Soothing Cream. Instruct your maid to search for it in the storeroom.”

“Jade Soothing Cream?” Chu Jin Yao was surprised, “I remember hearing it from Younger Biao Sister of the Lin family that Jade Soothing Cream was the best medicine for wounds, and it has always been offered as tribute. Even the Prince Huai Ling residence might not have it, so how would this be found in the Marquis of Chang Xing’s storeroom?”

Qin Yi’s brows pinched, “It is a tribute? I cannot remember. Then it is better for me to do it.”

When Chu Jin Yao heard it, she was scared to death and quickly said, “You better not suddenly become interested in robbing the tributes. This is a matter where one can be beheaded! I find that these medications are all the same. It is fine to just use Eldest Sister’s. I can see you, so logically, others can also see you. You must not act rashly!”

Qin Yi did not say anything else, “You do not have to worry about this. Give me the medicine. The cream has to be applied thickly only then its effectiveness would be seen when you wake up tomorrow morning.”

“I only injured one hand so I can do it myself.” Chu Jin Yao picked the medicine bottle up and intended to apply the medication herself. Qin Yi was after all a male, even though he was a spirit, she felt that it was inappropriate.

Qin Yi reached out and said lightly, “Give it to me.”

Chu Jin Yao felt an inexplicable pressure. She seldom saw Qin Yi like this. He was obviously calm but made others not dare to look at him. Her hand movements paused as she lifted her head up to glance at him and was startled by the undercurrent in the other’s eyes. She dared not go against him and obediently placed the medicine bottle in his hands.

Qin Yi unscrewed the medicine bottle and put the medication on Chu Jin Yao in a familiar and light manner. His hands were originally rather illusory and in addition to his light movements, it did not hurt Chu Jin Yao at all, and instead, she was more comfortable than when Ding Xiang did it.

Chu Jin Yao watched as Qin Yi meticulously applied the medicine on her and was a little dazed for a while. When she recovered herself, she saw him putting the medication away. His long slender fingers held the neck of the porcelain bottle as he placed it aside gently. The elegant white porcelain bottle lined with his delicate sleeves, making him look particularly beautiful. Qin Yi was wearing narrow-sleeved clothes and one could vaguely see the fine lines on the sleeves. If it were a few days earlier, Chu Jin Yao would have recognised that it was a four-clawed dragon pattern.

After Qin Yi applied the medicine on Chu Jin Yao and put away the items, He looked up and said to her, “You are tired after today. Go and sleep first.”

Chu Jin Yao felt that it was wrong after hearing it, “I sleep first? How about you?”

Qin Yi paused. He was already seventeen and at an age to marry a consort. Although in the eyes of the old cabinet ministers he was still a young Crown Prince that needed to be taken care of, to Qin Yi, he had been independently working the court for years and had long been an adult. Upon hearing Chu Jin Yao’s words, Qin Yi naturally thought of the other meaning that all men under Heavens would have thought. He then forcibly pulled his thoughts back and said to Chu Jin Yao with some resentment for failing to meet expectations, “The words you speak… Have to go through your brains!”

Chu Jin Yao was unable to make head or tail of it, “What is the matter?” Because Qin Yi was required to stay in the jade pendant, she always placed the jade pendant in the side room when she slept in the inner room. At times when Qin Yi was in a good mood, she would say good night to him before sleeping. Thus, when Chu Jin Yao asked that question, it was made in passing and she was unable to figure out what was wrong with it.

Chu Jin Yao did not expect such simple words would make someone think deviously.

The tips of Qin Yi’s ears turned a little red, but because he was a spirit, one was barely able to see it. He did not want to explain and rushed over to chase Chu Jin Yao, “Go and sleep and don’t worry about it!”

Chu Jin Yao was forced to sleep in a daze. She was thinking in her heart… what is going on with this person. Why is he speaking out of context?

Chu Jin Yao was about to rest and Qin Yi had returned to the jade pendant, so she instructed Ding Xiang and Jie Geng to enter to wait upon herself in undressing and changing clothes. When the lights of the inner room were extinguished and movements ceased, Qin Yi materialised from the jade pendant. He avoided Ding Xiang and the rest and headed towards the dark and quiet Marquis Chang Xing residence.

Chu Zhu, Lin Xi Yuan, and the others would be leaving the next day. Even though there was a lot of commotion the previous day, the set date for returning to the Prince residence could not be changed. Chu Zhu woke up early in the morning and after she finished dressing up, she instructed her servants to carry the things into the carriages. Chu Jin Miao knew that Chu Zhu would be leaving and had come over early on. When she entered, she spoke softly to Chu Zhu, “GuGu.”

When Chu Zhu saw Chu jin Miao, she quickly pulled her over to take a closer look. She instructed the maids to continue moving things, but she pulled Chu Jin Miao into the inner courtyard before sitting down to comfort, “Miao-er, yesterday your ZuMu was very angry and I had no way of pleading for you. You will not blame GuGu right?”

“Of course not.” Chu Jin Miao smiled shyly, “I understand how well GuGu treats me.”

“That is good.” Chu Zhu smiled reassuringly. She looked at Chu Jin Miao’s hand and said in distress, “Since young, you would hurt for a long time when a needle pricks you. To be actually hit yesterday is a big matter. Mother is indeed as such. It was clearly not you at fault, why do you need to be beaten together!”

Chu Jin Miao also felt aggrieved about it. When Chu Zhu spoke as such, she almost burst into tears. She said in tears, “GuGu, don’t talk about it. It is not ZuMu’s fault.”

Then who was to be blamed? Chu Jin Miao did not go on but Chu Zhu understood. Chu Zhu started getting angry and patted Chu Jin Miao’s hand lightly, “Miao-er, rest assured. After returning to the Prince residence, I will definitely tell the Prince Consort and my Mother-in-law about these family matters. They have high and honourable positions and enlightened people. They will definitely know who the true unpolished jade is.”

Chu Jin Miao raised her brows with joy and quickly said, “Thanking GuGu.”

Chu Jin Miao was secretly pleased with herself. She had persuaded Deng Momo and now had GuGu help to speak for her. This position of a study companion was in her bag! Chu Jin Miao did not expect that the trick of injuring oneself would be so effective that one palm beating would enable her to gain the position of a study companion. Since that was so, she no longer felt bitter about yesterday’s beating or Old Chu Furen’s order. She would let them go for the time being and when she becomes the study companion of the County Princess and afterwards gains the appreciation from the Crown Prince, then Old Chu Furen would naturally realise her mistake and take the initiative to speak to her well.

Chu Jin Miao kept Chu Zhu company by chatting. When the sun got higher, she then accompanied her to Old Furen’s courtyard to sit. When Chu Jin Miao entered, she happened to see Chu Jin Xian sitting by the side. When Chu Jin Xian saw them, she got up to perform a greeting before looking away. Chu Jin Miao snorted in her heart as she accompanied Chu Zhu to sit at the other side, secretly viewing Chu Jin Xian as peer competition.

Chu Jin Yao arrived shortly after. She greeted Old Furen, Chu Zhu, and the rest before standing quietly at the side. She had a very calm demeanour and if her hands were not wrapped in gauze, everybody would have thought that nothing had happened yesterday.

When Old Chu Furen saw her daughter, she became increasingly emotional and kept on telling them to be careful on the road. There were more and more people in Rong Ning Tang as Chu Zhu was leaving today, so everyone came over to send her off. Chu Zhu and Old Chu Furen were reluctantly saying their goodbyes when they saw a young servant running in and nodding to Chu Zhu, “Second Furen, ShiZi said that the preparations are almost completed and it is time to leave.”

Chu Zhu had no choice but to get up. Old Chu Furen could not help but tear up as she did not know when they would be able to see each other again after this goodbye. Chu Zhu also cried, “Mother, I am leaving. Take care!”

Old Furen’s and Chu Zhu’s tears were falling and when the others saw it, they comforted both of them. Lin Xi Yuan walked in to bid farewell to Old Chu Furen. Upon seeing the teary goodbyes of the mother and daughter, he said, “Old Chu Furen do not have to be like this. In a few days time, it will be ZuMu’s birthday and one hopes that Old Furen would honour with your presence. As such, you will be able to see Second Shen again.”

Old Chu Furen wiped her tears away and turned her tears into laughter, “ShiZi is right. Why the need to cry like this? There will be many more opportunities to meet in the future.”

Chu Zhu also wiped her tears away. Chu Zhu then took Lin Xi Ning, Lin Bao Huan, and Lin Bao Ying to give farewell greetings to Old Chu Furen before walking out. The rest of the people around also followed. Old Chu Furen was an elder so there was no reason for her to go out to send her daughter off, thus she could only stay in Rong Ning Tang. The others, like Madam Zhao, naturally had to personally send GuNaiNai off.

Lin Xi Yuan took two steps and suddenly said, “Old Chu Furen, I suddenly remembered that I could not find one of my collection of articles. Perhaps it was left in the rear room. Can you please allow me to look for it there?”

Old Chu Furen quickly replied, “ShiZi’s collection of articles has been lost? Why not mention it earlier? This is a big deal, just go and find it!”

Chu Jin Xian stayed by Old Chu Furen’s side and had planned to send off Chu Zhu and the others, but upon hearing Lin Xi Yuan’s words, she inexplicably stopped.

Lin Xi Yuan went to the rear room and after a while, he returned. Old Chu Furen saw the book in his hands and breathed a sigh of relief, “It is good that it is found. ShiZi is being too polite. If something is dropped, just look for it, why the need to wait for a night?” As Old Furen was speaking, her eyes landed on the stuff in Lin Xi Yuan’s hands. She paused before asking, “ShiZi, you lost two books?”

“No.” Lin Xi Yuan lifted the other thread-bound book up and looked at Old Chu Furen calmly, “This seemed to be Fourth Young Lady’s collection of poems.”

Old Chu Furen’s expression changed immediately. Chu Jin Xian raised her eyebrows slightly and said, “Didn’t Fourth Young Lady say that she only had one copy of the collection of poems and it was torn up yesterday?”

Chu Jin Miao was standing by the doors and when she heard her name, she hurried in to look, “ZuMu, are you calling for me?”

She came in with a smile and as soon as she walked to the partition and saw the thing in Lin Xi Yuan’s hand, her expression changed immediately, “This…”

She wanted to say how could this be here! This was a handwritten copy of her collection of poems and it had been hidden in her room. She had secretly used the copy to throw some confusion. Her original copy of the collection of poems was torn up by that screwed Third Young Lady. Chu Jin Miao was heartbroken but turned the matter into her own and went back to retrieve a handwritten copy to give others a look before keeping it, so as to not let others recognise it. Then she deliberately called everyone out and left Chu Jin Yao behind. Upon returning, she then instructed the maid to take the torn copy from their sleeves and pretended that they just found it, so as to frame everything onto Chu Jin Yao.

That was the reason why she was that panicky when Chu Jin Yao questioned her if she had a copy of it yesterday. Of course, she did have a copy. Chu Jin Yao had unintentionally guessed the truth.

Yesterday, Chu Jin Miao refused to admit to it and actually fooled Madam Zhao and Old Chu Furen. She had succeeded in making everyone believe in her and making everyone believe that it was Chu Jin Yao that was jealous of Chu Jin Miao and thus tore up the collection of poems. Chu Jin Miao secretly brought the intact copy back to her room and intended to gift it to Deng Momo, after working on it the entire night and let her bring it back to the Prince residence. With this move, not only would it show the Prince Huai Ling Consort her talent, she could also completely eliminate the evidence, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Chu Jin Miao had arranged it very well and even kept the handwritten copy properly, waiting to gift it to Deng Momo at dawn. However, she did not expect that when she woke up in the morning, she was unable to find the handwritten copy. She had instructed people to look for it and even threw a tantrum in her room, but it could not be found. She had no other choice but to tell Deng Momo that her collection of poems had been torn by Chu Jin Yao and because her hand was injured, she was unable to copy and could only give it a miss. Yesterday’s event had already reached Deng Momo’s ears and thus she understood, taking it that Chu Jin Miao’s effort was ruined. Thus, she comforted Chu Jin Yao and no longer mentioned it again.

Afterwards, things went on so smoothly. It was so smooth that Chu Jin Miao got carried away and actually ignored the abnormality of this inexplicably disappeared collection of poems. Upon seeing it in Lin Xi Yuan’s hands without warning, Chu Jin Miao felt as if lightning had struck her on a clear day and she could not move or speak.

Old Chu Furen looked at the collection of poems in Lin Xi Yuan’s hands before looking at Chu Jin Miao’s expression and there was nothing that she could not understand. It would seem that Lin Xi Yuan’s sudden mention of going to the rear room to search for something was fishy. Was it really a coincidence that Lin Xi Yuan happened to lose something and when he was searching for it in the rear room, he happened to find the collection of poems that Chu Jin Miao claimed to be torn up?

In a short moment, Old Chu Furen was unable to think of the reason behind it, but at least she was sure that Chu Jin Miao lied. Old Furen sneered in her heart multiple times. What a good Chu Jin Miao. Not to mention about framing their Chu family’s daughters, she even dared to include her in her schemes! She was Old Chu Furen. How could she be so easy to be schemed upon?

Old Chu Furen took a glance at Chu Jin Miao silently and immediately Chu Jin Miao started sweating and almost knelt down. All the masters of the Chu family were standing outside as they were all bustling with noise and excitement in sending Chu Zhu home and were ignorant of what was happening inside the room. There were only three masters standing in the room now, namely Lin Xi Yuan, Chu Jin Xian, and Old Chu Furen. If Old Furen were to slightly raise her voice and alarm others, Chu Jin Miao would be thoroughly finished!

Tears welled up in Chu Jin Miao’s eyes. She shivered and said softly to Old Chu Furen, “ZuMu, I too really do not know what is going on. You have to believe me! I really do not have any knowledge!”

Old Chu Furen’s face was sullen. She did not speak and the lines beside her lips were dropping deeply. Chu Jin Yao was standing at the doors and upon seeing that Chu Jin Miao had gone in for a long time, she felt that something was not right and turned around to enter. When Chu Jin Yao walked into the inner room, she discovered that the atmosphere was not right. She did not know what was going one so she could only slow down her steps and ask carefully, “ZuMu, Eldest Sister. What is wrong?”

Chu Jin Xian swept a glance at Chu Jin Miao, with a sarcastic smile in her eyes. Old Chu Furen seemed to have finally made her mind up and said to Lin Xi Yuan, “Since ShiZi has found the book, it is to everyone’s delight. Our family’s daughter is not mature and you have seen a joke. Someone come and take the thing from ShiZi’s hands.”

Old Furen’s maids stepped forward and took the collection of poems from Lin Xi Yuan. Using this opportunity, Chu Jin Yao could see clearly what Lin Xi Yuan was holding in his hands.

Chu Jin Yao opened her mouth slightly in surprise. She seemed to have thought of something and immediately exercised restraint on her expression, bowing her head quickly. Lin Xi Yuan saw that Old Chu Furen took the collection of poems and knew in his heart that she did not intend to make a big deal out of this matter. It was the right thing as a young lady that was raised for thirteen years framed the newly returned genuine daughter. It was indeed not a glorious thing. However, Old Chu Furen was the master of the Inner Courtyard, as long as she knew who was right and wrong in her heart, that was enough.

Lin Xi Yuan let the maid put the evidence away and let Old Furen take care of the matters herself. He smiled at Old Furen and bowed. “Old Chu Furen, I will take my leave first. In the near future when the Prince residence holds a banquet, one hopes that you will not hesitate to attend.”

Old Chu Furen smiled lightly and nodded in agreement. Lin Xi Yuan let his servants keep his things and went out. Just when he passed Chu Jin Yao, he stopped and said, “One heard that Fifth Younger Biao Sister has suffered hardship. Fifth Younger Biao Sister has a lofty and unyielding character that lets one admire. This is the Jade Soothing Cream from the Palace. It was bestowed to me by the Eastern Palace when I was in the capital last year. These things only collect dust with me so it would be better to be gifted to Fifth Younger Biao Sister.”

How could Chu Jin Yao accept it? She immediately declined. Old Chu Furen drew closer to take a look and said, “Jin Yao, since ShiZi gave it to you, then you can accept it.”

To actually let her accept it? Chu Jin Yao’s head was starting to ache. However, since Old Furen had said as such, she could only bow towards Lin Xi Yuan and complied, “Thanking ShiZi.”

Old Furen then said again, “Gu Momo, send ShiZi off for me.”

“Yes.” Gu Momo’s face was filled with smiles as she walked towards Lin Xi Yuan and personally sent him out. Chu Jin Yao turned sideways to avoid them and waited until both Lin Xi Yuan and Gu Momo left before she raised her head up and secretly inquired with Chu Jin Xian with her eyes.

What’s going on here?

Chu Jin Xian just shook her head and motioned her to watch what would follow.

After Lin Xi Yuan went out, Chu Zhu’s carriage could finally start moving. The womenfolk stood at the second door and sent Chu Zhu off. However, in Rong Ning Tang, Old Chu Furen slammed the table loudly and shouted, “You still won’t kneel!”

Chu Jin Miao’s legs weakened and she could no longer stand as she fell onto the ground with a thud. Thinking about the inexplicable appearance of the collection of poems, she was frightened. Her entire body felt cold and she could not figure out why.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


  1. 🐥 says:

    Serves her right that

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