The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Old Chu Furen was so angry that her face was ashen. She was one that would not speak or smile and thus was not favoured by her husband when younger. As such, she became even more serious and disciplined and managed her children more. Now that she had waited till the skies were cleared and the moon had appeared, she had become the old dowager who said as she means and thus was very proud of her own teachings. However, she had never expected her granddaughters, who she thought were very disciplined and proud of, would actually throw things in public.

Seeing that Old Chu Furen had arrived, the young ladies in the rear room restrained themselves. One did not know when Sixth Young Lady had returned as she supported Old Furen to the rear room and shook her head silently after sweeping her eyes across the room.

Old Chu Furen then said to Lin Xi Yuan, “ShiZi has seen a joke today. It is this Old One that did not discipline the younger generation well and have offended ShiZi. This Old One will make amends for ShiZhi.”

Lin Xi Yuan quickly stopped Old Furen, “Old Ancestress, what kind of words are you saying?”

Old Chu Furen said, “May ShiZi not despise. These young ladies of my family are so lawless that this Old One has no more face to look at anyone. Gu Momo, bring ShiZi out to rest. When this Old One has finished disciplining, I will approach you personally to apologise.”

Lin Xi Yuan declined but Old Chu Furen insisted that she wanted to make amends. He knew that Old Chu Furen wanted to discipline these young ladies and first had to chase him, an outsider, away. Since the Chu family would be disciplining the younger generation, Lin Xi Yuan, naturally, could not stay any longer. Before he left, he glanced back worriedly.

Chu Jin Yao was still in the rear room and from Lin Xi Yuan’s point of view, he could only see through the delicate yet fine muslin, reflecting a young lady’s shadow on it. He felt uneasy as he felt that the events of the day were particularly queer. However, Gu Momo urged a second time, “ShiZi, this old servant will send you back to rest.”

Lin Xi Yuan retracted his gaze and could only say, “Alright. Troubling Gu Momo.”

After Lin Xi Yuan left, Old Chu Furen pulled a long face and forcefully knocked her wooden cane onto the floor. “You all are surely brave!”

Those young ladies and young masters that went to look at fishes had heard that Old Furen was angry and quickly returned. They had just entered the room when they heard Old Furen’s angry words. They looked at one another but dared not lift their heads up as they stood at the side of the room with their hands together.

Chu Jin Yao and Chu Jin Miao walked out from the rear room and stood in front of Old Furen, with heads bowed, ready to listen to the lecture. Chu Zhu was standing to Old Furen’s right and when she saw that Lin Biao Huan and Lin Xi Ning had returned, she quickly said, “Ning-er and Bao Huan, your Eldest Brother has left. Go and look for your Eldest Brother.”

Lin Bao Huan did not want to leave. She was a favoured Biao Young Lady and no one would dare to speak to her in a loud voice. Now that there was a commotion to watch, she did not want to leave at all. Lin Xi Ning initially felt that when WaiZuMu disciplined the young ladies, they as the grandchildren of the female line, should recuse, but when he saw Chu Jin Miao, he could not feel assured.

Chu Zhu stared at Lin Bao Huan who shook her head coquettishly. Chu Zhu raised her eyes and motioned for Lin Xi Ning to drag his younger sister out but did not expect that he would also lower his head, pretending not to see it.

Now Chu Zhu had no other choice but to stare at them angrily before withdrawing her gaze.

Old Furen was supported and sat on the TaiShi chair. Her gaze slowly swept around. Chu Jin Miao was crying so hard that she was breathless, Third Young Lady’s eyes were spinning around and the other affected party, Chu Jin Yao was, however, expressionless and looked calm. The Furens of the various households had heard of the matter and rushed over, now standing on either side. Madam Zhao stood there too, especially anxious. The three who were involved in the matter were all young ladies of the Eldest Household. Chu Jin Miao was so angry that she cried and she wanted to speak a few times but because of Old Furen’s imposing manner, she swallowed her words.

Old Chu Furen’s voice filled the entire solemn hall, “Speak then. What exactly went on?”

Only Chu Jin Miao’s sobs could be heard in the room. The other three involved did not speak so a maid who was serving in the rear room stood out and said, “Replying to Old Furen, when Fourth Young Lady returned, she discovered that her collection of poems was torn up by others. At that time only Fifth Young Lady was in the rear room so they quarreled. Fourth Young Lady was very angry and thus threw her bracelet and jewelry.”

Chu Jin Miao sobbed, “Chu Jin Yao said that I am not a person of the Chu family. Back then my parents were greedy upon seeing money and deliberately exchanged, to place me in the Marquis residence. She said that I carry the sins of my parents so how would I still dare to stay in the Marquis residence. Fifth Younger Sister is correct, I am originally an untouchable, and just by standing here, I am dirtying the Marquis residence. I will pack my things and leave so as to not contaminate Fifth Younger Sister’s eyes.”

When Madam Zhao heard those words, she quickly said, “What are you talking about! Why do you speak of such bitter words like leaving?”

Chu Jin Miao cried more ferociously. Madam Zhao walked over to wipe her tears with heartache and she was almost in tears as she wiped them away. She hugged Chu Jin Miao and sighed, “My unfortunate Miao-er, what did you do wrong?”

Madam Zhao was hesitant to say anything to Chu Jin Yao but in the end, due to the presence of Old Furen, she only gave a long sigh before turning back to wipe Chu Jin Miao’s tears and no longer looking at Chu Jin Yao.

Chu Jin Yao turned her face slightly over and smiled in sarcasm.

It was always the crying weakling that had reasons. It was ridiculous.

Chu Jin Miao cried so pitifully that no one could not bear to hear it. Although it was true that the parents of the Su family were hateful then, it seemed too cruel and unkind for Chu Jin Yao to speak of such. A number of gazes on Chu Jin Yao had started to look somewhat accusatory, fortunately, Old Furen was not like Madam Zhao, who listened selectively. Old Furen looked at Chu Jin Yao and asked, “What do you want to say? Are the events as what Fourth Young Lady says?”

“This granddaughter has nothing to say.” Chu Jin Yao said indifferently. “I was writing perfectly fine when Fourth Young Lady came in and accused me of being unable to tolerate her and deliberately tearing her collection of poetry. I did not even see the said collection of poems, so how would I tear it? I only refused in two sentences and she went crazy and started smashing things, saying that she could not bear the Chu family’s grace and wanted to return it as she thrashed things around. I am also baffled and how would I know what happened to her?”

When Chu Jin Miao heard it, she did not refute Chu Jin Yao but cried even more bitterly. Madam Zhao’s organs were almost torn apart by the cries. She hugged Chu Jin Miao in distress, “My pitiful daughter, what kind of evil things did you do that you were mocked like this?” Madam Zhao could not tolerate it and said to Chu Jin Yao, “What did you promise me? You clearly promised me not to target Miao-er. It was only a few days ago, how could you be like this!”

The others were discussing softly but when Old Chu Furen patted the table, everyone immediately quieted down. Old Chu Furen continued asking, “What is the matter with the collection of poems?”

Third Young Lady quickly said, “I have knowledge of this. Let me explain to ZuMu.”

Third Young Lady glanced secretly at Chu Jin Yao and suppressed the smile at the corner of her eyes. She then turned back and spoke to Old Chu Furen with a pitiful expression, “This matter has to be spoken from when lunch was finished. After the meal, Fifth Younger Sister went to the rear room alone and one did not know what happened but ShiZi also went over after a while. Afterwards, Fourth Younger Sister wanted to copy her collection of poems and the rest of the sisters all felt that it was a good idea and let the maids move the tables in and prepare ink. When Fourth Younger Sister had copied halfway, she was a little tired and called all the sisters along to take a walk outside to relax. All of us then went out but only Fifth Younger Sister said that she wanted to write and did not go along with us. At that time there were many people in the rear room. Older Biao Brother and Younger Biao Sister were also present. ZuMu can also ask them about it.”

Old Chu Furen looked towards Lin Xi Ning and he nodded, “It is indeed so. Eldest Brother, Jin Miao, me, and a few of the Younger Biao Sisters all came out. Only Fifth Younger Biao Sister remained in the rear room.”

After Old Chu Furen had that confirmation, she motioned for Third Young Lady to continue speaking. Third Young Lady was secretly pleased with herself as she continued, “We went to walk around the gardens after sometime Fourth Younger Sister was unable to continue walking and asked me to accompany her back. When Fourth Younger Sister returned to the rear room, she wanted to look for that collection of poems so that she could return to the room to copy it slowly. However, we did not expect that when we found it, the collection of poems would be torn to shreds.”

Gu Momo had already placed the shredded collection of poems on the tray and immediately presented it to Old Furen when she heard it. Old Furen casually flipped a few pages before speaking, “It was torn to such a state.”

Third Young Lady said hurriedly, “Isn’t that so? To be torn to such a state was obviously not accidental but intentional. At that time, there was only Fifth Younger Sister in the rear room… Oh. Yes, one did not know when, but ShiZi had returned earlier and was speaking to Fifth Younger Sister. One did not know what was spoken too. When Fourth Younger Sister saw that her efforts were wasted in such a manner, she was so angry and questioned Fifth Younger Sister. Fifth Younger Sister had a straight temper and immediately retorted. When Fourth Younger Sister heard those devastating words, she could not tolerate and took off her bracelet to throw it onto the ground. With regards to the matters afterwards, ZuMu is also aware of what happened next.”

Old Chu Furen asked Chu Jin Yao solemnly, “Is that so?”

Chu Jin Yao paused. Although Third Young Lady added a lot of emotions, there were no issues in matters before and after the event thus she could only reply, “It is as such.”

Seventh Young Lady immediately turned around to ask Madam Yan, “Mother, isn’t it obvious that she tore up another’s collection of poems? Otherwise, would Chu Jin Miao tear it up herself?”

Third Young Lady added on hurriedly, “When we left, the collection of poems were shown to others and at that time, it was perfectly fine.” Third Young Lady turned to look at Sixth Young Lady, “Sixth Younger Sister, you were also present. Is it correct?”

Sixth Young Lady glanced at Chu Jin Yao hesitantly. There seemed to be a thousand words in her eyes, but she sighed in the end, “Yes.”

Sixth Young Lady’s actions further corroborated everyone’s speculation and the whispering in the room became louder. Chu Jin Yao’s eyes were looking at her nose, her nose was pointing to her heart as she remained unmoved. Old Furen slammed the table forcefully and her tone of voice sounded particularly fierce, “Fifth Young Lady, did you tear the collection of poems?”

“No.” Chu Jin Yao’s reply was bright and loud, her neck straight. She suddenly thought of a loophole, “There was only me in the rear room and I cannot argue about it, but I really did not touch her poetry collection. I have a clear conscience on this point. Fourth Young Lady said that her collection of poems is torn, but who would know if she only has one collection of poems? What if she has another copy? One copy was long torn and she had another perfectly fine copy. In the beginning, she showed us a perfectly fine copy and upon her return, she exchanged it with a torn one. To be this secretive, who would know if it was her that tore it up or someone else?”

“You falsely accuse me!” Chu Jin Miao’s heart jumped and she was inexplicably flustered. She said in a sharp tone, “On what basis do you say I tore it myself? Why would I do that? Do you have any evidence to even falsely accuse me as such?”

“Then do you have evidence? You dared to falsely accuse me and said that I tore your poem collection up.” Chu Jin Yao fixed her eyes on Chu Jin Yao and argued tit for tat, “Did anyone see me tearing your things up? No, then on what basis do you say that it was me? Who knows if you have a copy or not.”

“I do not have!” Chu Jin Miao shouted, “I have only one sole copy and my maids and Momos can prove it!”

“You also said that those are your maids and Momos, so of course, they will side with you!”

“You…” Chu Jin Miao was so angry. Chu Jin Yao looked like one who loved talking and laughing so she had an amiable personality, how could she be this fierce when quarrelling!

Lin Xi Ning was also secretly stunned into silence. Fifth Younger Sister had an appearance of a wealthy flower and would usually smile sweetly, he did not think that she would not even give a little in when quarrelling and was even fiercer than the common shrew. The rest of the Furens also thought that she indeed grew up among the common folk. Look at this quarrelling stance, which young lady would be as articulate and sharp as her?

“Everybody stop.” The Old Furen scolded angrily, “All these noises, do all of you still have the image of a lady?”

Chu Jin Yao glared at Chu Jin Miao fiercely before retracting her gaze. Chu Jin Miao was so angry that her fingers were trembling, but in front of Old Furen, she dared not make trouble and could only tolerate it.

Old Chu Furen asked, “Fourth Young Lady, let me ask you. How many copies of the collection of poems do you have?”

Chu Jin Miao’s heart shuddered but she gritted her teeth, “There is only one copy.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure.”

Old Chu Furen sighed. “Fifth Young Lady said that she did not tear the collection of poems up and she was alone. This cannot be proven.”

Chu Jin Miao and Third Young Lady were overjoyed but they immediately heard Old Chu Furen continue speaking, “However, Fourth Young Lady said that she only has a single copy of the collection of poems, this also cannot be proven except by herself. The three of you are ladies of Marquis lineage but made a big fuss over something so small. Not mentioning throwing things around wilfully, to even bite one another and sow discord among sisters. From an outsider’s perspective, who would not laugh at our Marquis Chang Xin for not being proper? A family should unite to deal with the world but you all only fight with one another. Gu Momo, bring the family discipline stick over.”

Gu Momo looked at the delicate young ladies and was hesitant, “Old Ancestress…”

“I said bring the family discipline over!” Old Chu Furen hit the table hard. Gu Momo no longer dared to speak and she quickly went to retrieve the family discipline.

Old Chu Furen stood up from the TaiShi chair and picked up the ruler, speaking to the entire hall of grandchildren, “Today, I’ve retrieved the family discipline, not only to discipline the three of them but also to let you all bear it in mind. It is always said that when brothers are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. If you continue to use wicked thoughts on your own family then you will likewise be waited upon by the family discipline!”

Everybody was already standing with bated breaths when Gu Momo brought the family discipline earlier on and upon hearing Old Chu Furen words, they did not dare to even breathe loudly and said in unison, “Sincerely comply with Old Ancestress’ teachings.”

Upon seeing that these people were all intimidated, Old Chu Furen then walked to Chu Jin Miao and asked, “What were your mistakes?”

When Old Chu Furen brought the ruler out and stood in front of the three of them, their heads were lowered as they knelt. When Chu Jin Miao saw that Old Chu Furen questioned her first, she cried even harder. She had never suffered any physical pain since young and could not even take a harsh word, much less being hit on her palm. She cried till she hiccupped and said breathlessly, “I should not throw the bracelet and should not speak about returning home.”

“Anything else?”

Anything else? Chu Jin Miao thought for a while and said reluctantly, “I should not have said that Fifth Young Lady tore my things up without any evidence.”

“Yes.” Old Chu Furen nodded in satisfaction and continued, “Since you know that you are wrong, then your failure of etiquette will no longer be looked into. However, in front of so many people, without harsh punishments, it would not convince the masses. Stretch your hand out.”

Chu Jin Miao cried and refused to stretch her hand out. Madam Zhao also knelt on the ground in accompaniment, “Mother, Miao-er has been weak since young, so don’t use the family discipline? If you spare her this once, I will definitely discipline her upon returning.”

“No. If she is not beaten, she will not remember. Stretch your hands out!”

Chu Jin Miao stretched her hand out trembling and Old Chu Furen hit it firmly. Chu Jin Miao immediately retracted her hand. She was unable to straighten her fingers and refused to stretch her hand out.

Madam Zhao kept on begging for mercy while Lin Xi Ning could no longer watch on, standing out to speak, “ZuMu, Young Biao Sister knows her mistake, so please spare her this time.” He then muttered softly, “It is after all not her fault.”

Chu Zhu secretly reached out and pinched Lin Xi Ning, signalling him not to speak. However, upon seeing Chu Zhu’s expression, she obviously felt that Old Chu Furen’s punishment for Chu Jin Miao was too severe.

It was obviously someone else that should be beaten.

Old Furen had originally planned to hit Chu Jin Miao twice. She had wanted to hit Chu Jin Miao to show that everyone had equal treatment and rectify this air of internal fighting. She had no intention of punishing Chu Jin Miao harshly. However, Chu Jin Miao refused to extend her hand after one hit and she was openly challenging Old Chu Furen’s authority. Old Chu Furen felt somewhat annoyed in heart and that this granddaughter was spineless and could not be seen in public. Her face turned darker. Gu Momo saw that the situation was not right and quickly stood out to smooth out the situation, “Old Ancestress, you must not be angry. It would be our wrongdoings if you get angry. If Old Ancestress does not mind, why not give the ruler to this old servant and let this old servant discipline the young ladies.”

Madam Yan and the rest echoed and Old Chu Furen said in passing, “Alright.”

Gu Momo took the family discipline from Old Chu Furen’s hands and said to Chu jin Miao, “Fourth Young Lady, you should suffer one more time but in consideration of your weak health, this hit will be retained. Hope that you will remember Old Ancestress’ teachings and not disappoint Old Ancestress’ expectations.”

Madam Zhao responded in compliance and even though there were streams of tears on both of Chu Jin Miao’s cheeks, she nodded repeatedly in tears. Gu Momo was rather satisfied with Chu Jin Miao’s attitude of admitting her mistakes and walked to the next one, speaking to Third Young Lady, “Young Lady, please stretch your hand out.”

Third Young Lady could not stop scolding in her heart. She really had eight lifetimes of bad luck to even encounter such an event. Chu Jin Miao and Chu Jin Yao, the real and fake lady, were quarrelling, so what did it have to do with her? On what basis should she be beaten? There were so many people present so no matter how thick her skin was, Third Young Lady knew not to act like a spoilt child and could only stretch her hand out. Gu Momo’s arm moved a bit and Third Young Lady quickly stepped back to dodge.

Old Furen was unable to put up with Third Young Lady’s action anymore, “You are the same. You are the older sister but still let the two younger sisters quarrel. This is your mistake as an elder sister. You are hit today so you remember that two Chus cannot be written in a stroke. A family of sisters’ glory and losses are tied together. It is a big mistake for you to think of watching the fire burn at the side.”

Old Furen sat on the chair and after she finished teaching Third Young Lady, Gu Momo then stepped up to hit her palm. Even though Gu Momo was doing it on Old Furen’s behalf, she was after all a servant and was not qualified to speak of the young ladies’ misgivings. She could only take action after Old Furen finished speaking.

Third Young Lady dodged and was hit once before she withdrew her hands and was unwilling to be hit again. She was not stupid. Chu Jin Miao was only hit once even though she had the most serious mistakes, but she was only the fish in the moat*, so on what basis should she be hit twice?

(the fish in the moa : It means that she was just a bystander but still she will also suffer.)

Upon seeing this, Gu Momo could only put a pretense and say a few words to pass it over before walking over to Chu Jin Yao.

Qin Yi did not care about being revealed and whispered to Chu Jin Yao before Gu Momo came over, “A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against one. Admit to it first and seek justice later.”

He still wanted to continue but Gu Momo was already approaching so he could only stop. Qin Yi suddenly felt powerless. If his body were here, as long as he did not nod his head, who would dare to even touch Chu Jin Yao? Madam Zhao and the rest all felt that Chu Jin Miao was beaten unfairly but Qin Yi felt that on what basis did they want to hit Chu Jin Yao? What wrong did Chu Jin Yao commit? Even if she did something wrong, they should not be the ones hitting her.

Qin Yi had never had a moment like now, being so desperate to return to his Crown Prince identity. Previously, he did not feel that this identity was anything until at this moment, he felt powerless, then he understood the privilege that comes with the Crown Prince title.

In a second, Gu Momo had already walked to Chu Jin Yao. Chu Jin Yao had a calm expression and stetted her hand out towards Gu Momo.

Old Furen questioned, “Fifth Young Lady, do you know what your mistakes are?”

“I should not have argued with my sisters in public and should not have said those words.” Chu Jin Yao finally understood that those cruel words should be said to Chu Jin Miao alone and in person else when she was caught like today, she would be at fault no matter what.

Old Furen nodded in satisfaction and asked, “What else?”

Was there more? Chu Jin Yao was silent. Upon hearing Old Furen’s question, she knew that Old Furen had felt in her heart that she tore Chu Jin Miao’s collection of poems but in order to establish her might, she punished them all. To put it bluntly, Old Furen’s thoughts were no different from Madam Zhao and the rest.

It was indeed that Chu Jin Yao was unable to prove her innocence as she was the only one in the rear room and because of Qin Yi, she had sent all the servants out. If Chu Jin Miao’s things were really torn by others, then even if Chu Jin Yao had hundreds of mouths, she would still be unable to explain why she wanted to withdraw all the servants. With so many people testifying, Chu Jin Yao was the most suspicious person today. This was what Madam Zhao thought and Old Furen also thought the same.

Old Furen’s words were just taking the opportunity to make Chu Jin Yao admit her mistake so that this incident would pass over, so as to preserve her reputation. But Chu Jin Yao knew that she did not do it. No one believed in her and she could not explain it. However, she was unable to bow her head by force.

When Qin Yi saw that Chu Jin Yao did not answer, he knew in his heart that it would be bad. Sure enough, Chu Jin Yao said, “It is my fault for arguing with my sister and I am willing to be punished for it. As for the others, I have a clear conscience.”

When those words were spoken out, everyone was stunned. Third Young Lady looked at her in surprise and even Chu Jin Miao unconsciously stopped crying.

There were soft breathing sounds everywhere. Chu Jin Xian almost died of anger when she heard it and quickly stood out to speak, “Jin Yao, don’t throw a tantrum with ZuMu. Still won’t quickly admit your mistake to ZuMu?” After finishing, she bowed to Old Furen, “ZuMu, Jin Yao is stubborn, please don’t be bothered with her.”

Old Furen also felt that Chu Jin Yao was too stubborn. She dared to refuse to admit her wrongdoings in front of so many people and even said words like ‘clear conscience’. Old Furen’s voice became even more solemn and questioned with an oppressive tone, “Do you admit your wrongdoings?”

Chu Jin Yao stretched her hands out and spoke calmly, “I am not wrong.”

“Good!” Old Furen slammed her hands on the table forcefully and said to Gu Momo, “Gu Momo, start it then. There is no need to be lenient.”

Gu Momo sighed and used the ruler to hit Chu Jin Yao’s palm once before asking, “Fifth Young Lady, I know that you are sensitive but when one does something wrong, one must admit to one’s mistake to one’s grandparents.”

This hit was much heavier than the others and Chu Jin Yao’s tears burst forth. Her palms were flushed red and her fingers curled up uncontrollably as if she could barely stretch it out. Qin Yi became anxious as he watched and whispered to Chu Jin Yao hurriedly, “Chu Jin Yao, don’t be stubborn and admit to it! There is still me behind you.”

Chu Jin Yao forced her tears back and shook her head slowly, “It is my mistake to argue with my sisters. However, for the rest, I did no wrong.”

Gu Momo did not expect that there would be such a stubborn young lady like this in the Chu family. As she gave one more stroke, she thought that this time she would give in.

There were exclamations from the crowds. They were all in pain as they watched but Chu Jin Yao knelt with her back straight. Obviously, she was unable to stretch out, but she refused to withdraw it and was unwilling to act coquettishly or plead for mercy. However, since Chu Jin Yao refused to give in, Old Chu Furen and Gu Momo were unable to retreat. Thus, Gu Momo could only secretly withdraw some of her strength and hit Chu Jin Yao the third time.

Qin Yi became furious, “You all don’t want your lives! Still dare to hit?”

Although he had persuaded Chu Jin Yao to bow her head, he was one who was stubborn and would not give in till death. Else, he would not be sent to the frontier by the Emperor. At the beginning, he shot and killed the Empress’s favoured maid without hesitation and all the cabinet ministers and advisers of the Eastern Palace came to persuade him to give in to the Empress but he refused, and even when he was sent to the frontier, he would never bow his head down for something that was not his fault.

However, now, when the same thing happened with Chu Jin Yao, Qin Yi was so anxious that he almost materialised, not caring about any danger to persuade her to admit to the mistake and give in first. However, Chu Jin Yao would rather be hit than bow her head and admit to it. Qin Yi was helpless due to her stubbornness and hated how he could not return to his body immediately.

Qin Yi would remember all these people of the Chu family.

Chu Jin Yao was beaten three times and this was something that other young ladies could never think about. Old Chu Furen could no longer stand it and seeing that Chu Jin Yao did not show any signs of resignation, she could only say, “Forget it. Since you are stubborn then go and reflect upon it.”

Old Chu Furen stood up as Gu Momo placed the ruler down to support Old Chu Furen hurriedly. Upon seeing Old Chu Furen standing up, they all made gestures to help, but Old Chu Furen waved her hands, “Alright. I am tired and all of you should disperse.”

After Old Furen finished speaking, she was supported by the maids to the inner room. When Old Furen’s shadow was no longer seen, Ding Xiang and the few maids immediately rushed over to Chu Jin Yao. They were scared into tears by the scene and whispered, “Young Lady, how are you?”

Chu Jin Xian also rushed over. Upon seeing Chu Jin Yao’s swollen hands, she was angry and felt heartache, “Quickly support her to stand. The floor is hard and her kneecaps will hurt tomorrow after kneeling for too long!”

Chu Jin Yao stood up staggeringly. She had only just found a footing when she fell right on her knees, she was even unable to move her hands. Chu Jin Xian carefully held her and looked at Chu Jin Yao’s hands, speaking angrily, “I know you have been wronged, but why are you on a one-track mind? Couldn’t you give in to grandmother first and discuss about it later? Why do you let yourself suffer from this physical pain?”

Chu Jin Yao lowered her head and said to Chu Jin Xian, “It is all my fault. I have let Older Sister worry.”

Chu Jin Xian looked at Chu Jin Yao, who remained silent after the beating, and then looked at Chu Jin Miao, who was surrounded after Old Furen had left before the expression in her eyes became colder. Third Young lady was crying as she was hugged by Huang YiNiang, Chu Jin Miao was being enquired and pampered by Madam Zhao, Chu Zhu, and the rest. Even Lin Xi Ning, Lin Bao Huan, and the rest were consoling her. While Chu Jin Yao was hit three times, with each hit stronger, Madam Zhao seemed to forget it and did not even take a look here.

Chu Jin Xian retracted her gaze and said to Chu Jin Yao, “Go back and rest well today, I will go and talk to ZhuMu. I have a bottle of cream to reduce wounds and will send someone to send it to you.”

Chu Jin Yao nodded and left first. Even when she left Rong Ning Tang, Madam Zhao and the rest did not realise that she was gone.

After finally returning to Chao Yun Yuan, Jie Geng and the rest immediately went to boil water and carefully wiped Chu Jin Yao’s palms. As they wiped, they teared up continuously, “How could Gu Momo bear to hit so hard? Fourth Young Lady was only hit once, even dodging half of it, but Furen was so heart ached about it. However, Young Lady was hit with full force three times but no one cared.”

Chu Jin Yao replied, “Alright. I can still bear this pain, don’t talk about it.”

While they were talking, there was a knock on Chu Jin Yao’s doors. It turned out that Chu Jin Xian had sent someone to deliver the medication. After Chu Jin Xian’s personal maid left, Ding Xiang applied the soothing cream on Chu Jin Yao. This cream was cool to touch and Chu Jin Yao’s fiery hot palms immediately felt better.

Chu Jin Yao then spoke, “You all are tired after today. Go and rest. Let me be alone for a while.”

Ding Xiang and the rest were still worried, but they all knew of Chu Jin Yao’s temperament. She did not like people in the inner room. Ding Xiang could only sigh, “Young Lady must rest well. If there is anything, just call for us. I will be standing at the doors.”

“En.” Chu Jin Yao nodded as Ding Xiang and the rest filed their way out. When there was no one else in the inner room, Qin Yi’s figure slowly materialised. The cold expression on his face could almost generate ice in summer.

“Give me your hand.”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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