The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Chu Jin Miao said that she wanted to write in the rear room and the rest of the young ladies had their interests peaked. In the end, the small rear room was filled with people and everyone was holding brushes as they knelt in front of the desk to write.

Lin Xi Yuan said to Chu Jin Yao, “Younger Biao Sister, there is no more space on the table here, do move a little there.”

“No.” Chu Jin Yao glared at him when she turned around, “There is no more space here. Go out and find another place.”

“I will not.” Lin Xi Yuan forced himself to Chu Jin Yao’s side to sit down. She felt that this person was just sick in his brain and thus squeezed to the right and continued to write with her head bowed.

Lin Xi Yuan did not care about Chu Jin Yao’s indifference. He placed a hand on the table and propped his chin up as he watched her write. After a while, he asked, “It seems that you are still unfamiliar with moving the brush and should be a beginner student. Why does it seem that there is a heroic spirit in your penmanship and not like a female’s?”

She was taught calligraphy by Qin Yi, so of course there was a heroic spirit to it. Chu Jin Yao said, “Perhaps it is because I grew up like a boy and thus the handwriting looks like a male.”

Lin Xi Yuan chuckled. He put his head on his hands and laughed uncontrollably. Chu Jin Yao was startled, but she immediately understood that he had thought of the day where she jumped over the wall.

It was true that whatever one fears would soon arrive. A number of people looked at Lin Xi Yuan and asked, “ShiZi, what are you laughing at?”

Chu Jin Yao’s face stiffened as she feared he would speak of it. Fortunately, Lin Xi Yuan only waved his hands and endured his laughter to speak, “I only thought of a cat. Nothing is the matter.”

“Cat?” Lin Xi Ning thought about it and asked suspiciously, “There are no cats in the Prince residence and the Marquis residence.”

Lin Xi Yuan only smiled and did not speak a single word, while Chu Jin Yao lowered her head, pretending not to listen.

The rest of the people had been monitoring Lin Xi Yuan’s actions and only when they saw him finally start to flip the book did they turn their heads back. When everyone’s sight had shifted, Lin Xi Yuan whispered to Chu Jin Yao, “I had said that I will not tell anyone else and would definitely do it.”

The tip of Chu Jin Yao’s brush paused and she looked up to see Lin Xi Yuan but did not say anything before lowering her head again.

However, Qin Yi, inside the jade pendant, snorted secretly. A few years ago, Prince Huai Ling of the Second Rank brought Lin Xi Yuan to the capital and even brought him to the Eastern Palace to see him. At that time, Qin Yi only knew that Lin Xi Yuan was generous and a talent with great potential, but he did not know he was one who was good at garnering the admiration of females in private.

Chu Jin Miao quietly stole a furtive glance to the back and brought out a book of poems, flipping it purposefully. When Third Young Lady heard it, she raised her voice to ask, “Fourth Younger Sister, what is this?”

Chu Jin Miao said, “I wrote these poems previously. It is just too messy so I planned to copy a new one.”

Third Young Lady picked the collection of poems for a look, and said, “This is the original manuscript, right? Ah, this is a precious item since you had taken a long time to write it. You must keep it well else if someone were to accidentally spill some water, then all your hard work would be ruined.”

“How could it be?” Chu Jin Miao smiled, “There would not be such a recess maid at ZhuMu’s.

When Sixth Young Lady heard them say that, she came over to poke fun, “One heard you all talking about a collection of poems. What collection of poems is it?”

When Chu Jin Miao saw that Sixth Young Lady had come over, she flipped it randomly twice before placing the collection of poems under the book, “I wrote it casually. It is not worth reading.”

When Sixth Young Lady saw Chu Jin Miao putting the collection of poems away, she smiled, “Fourth Older Sister’s words are too modest. You are the best in literary talent among us sisters, if you say that carefully written poems are written carelessly, what does it make of us?”

Even though Sixth Young Lady spoke as such, she was somewhat disapproving in her heart. Chu Jin Miao’s poems were praised so much by the family that Sixth Young Lady felt that they were nothing more than vassals to express sorrow. She felt that it was a joke to show them to her, but they had to even guard against her. Who would want to see it!

Chu Jin Miao had already copied two pages before speaking, “It is too boring to stay here. Let’s go out and relax! We will later write more when we return.”

Seventh Young Lady had been impatient for a long time and immediately consented upon hearing those words. Third Young Lady also responded positively, while Sixth Young was indifferent. Lin Xi Ning saw that Chu Jin Miao wanted to go out, thus he of course would accompany her. In the end, everyone in the rear room wanted to go out to play.

Chu Jin Miao looked at Chu Jin Yao with a smile, “Fifth Younger Sister, we want to go out. How about you?”

Chu Jin Miao played the host and Chu Jin Yao did not want to go. She replied, “I will not go, you all have fun.”

Chu Jin Miao had long expected this answer and she looked at Lin Xi Yuan, “ShiZi, you…”

Lin Xi Yuan flipped a page of the book and said, “I too am too lazy to go out. You all should go ahead.”

Chu Jin Miao was somewhat hesitant while Third Young Lady silently felt that things were not going well and quickly said, “Fifth Younger Sister is too lazy to move and it is better to stay in the rear room. However, if ShiZi remained behind, one fears…”

Lin Xi Yuan looked up and even though he was still smiling, Third Young Lady shrank back inexplicably. However, the darkness in Lin Xi Yuan’s eyes quickly disappeared. When he thought about how he and Chu Jin Yao were indeed not related cousins, her reputation would be tainted if he were to forcefully remain. He could only stand up when he thought about it and resist the annoyance in his heart to speak, “Alright. Then let’s go together.”

Lin Xi Yuan and the rest left in an outright manner. After everyone left, the rear room suddenly became much quieter. Chu Jin Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “They are finally gone.”

Qin Yi had been watching for a long time, but he was inexplicably upset. He said to Chu Jin Yao, “The next time you go out, there is no need to avoid it. You are Chu Jing’s Di daughter, so even if one is avoiding, it would be them that should be avoiding you. How could you stay behind and let them leave?”

“It is just that I do not want to go.” Chu Jin Yao continued, “Following such a big group of people, one does not know how long it would take. First, I want to practice my calligraphy. Second, there is still you! If I were to go out now, then I would not be able to talk to you for a long period of time.”

This reason rendered Qin Yi speechless. It took him a long time before he sighed, “You are sure obstinate.”

Chu Jin Yao quietly wrote in the rear room, as no one was present, it made her calmer. After a while Lin Xi Yuan came in. When he entered, he saw Chu Jin Yao still writing and he raised his brows unexpectedly, “Could it be that you have been writing for such a long time?”

“En.” Chu Jin Yao raised her head and asked, “Why has ShiZi returned? How about the rest?”

“They have gone to look at fishes. I do not like those so I came back first.” Lin Xi Yuan watched as Chu Jin Yao’s brush moved with discipline and could not help but sigh. “If my Younger Sister had half your perseverance, my parents would not need…”

Chu Jin Yao waited for a while and could not help but raise her head to ask, “You should continue speaking. Would you not need to?”

Lin Xi Yuan saw that Chu Jin Yao looked up and smiled at him, and a smile appeared in his eyes. He shook his head and replied, “Nothing.”

“Really hate how you people have a habit of speaking half and hiding the other half. If there are any words to say, just say it without hesitation, why the need to have others guess?”

Lin Xi Yuan heard it and was curious, “You people? Who else?”

Chu Jin Yao blinked and also replied, “Nothing.”

Lin Xi Yuan was taken aback before laughing out. He always had a third of a smile on his lips and treated everyone like a spring breeze and was always polite. However, it was very rare for him to laugh out heartily like this. While Lin Xi Yuan could not stop laughing, Chu Jin Yao was thinking- Qin Yi is like this, why is Lin Xi Yuan also like this? She was somewhat embarrassed and annoyed. “What are you laughing at?”

Lin Xi Yuan finally stopped laughing after some difficulty and when he looked at Chu Jin Yao, his eyes were sparkling, “Fifth Younger Biao Sister, you are really…”

Really what? Lin Xi Yuan could not continue. However, before he could think of a reason, their conversation was interrupted.

Chu Jin Miao entered the rear room with the accompaniment of Third Young Lady. Upon seeing Lin Xi Yuan and Chu Jin Yao, she was slightly startled, “ShiZi, why have you returned?”

Lin Xi Yuan became inexplicably uncomfortable upon hearing those words, “Why? Should I not come back?”

“That is not so.” Chu Jin Miao smiled politely. She walked over to her own desk and flipped through her things as she spoke, “I am tired after walking around and returned to rest. I beg for forgiveness with everyone, hoping that no one will not despise me. Oh, where is my collection of poems?”

“Poems?” Chu Jin Yao did not understand. What poems? She said, “No one has touched your things. You can look for it yourself.”

Third Young Lady had wanted to talk to Lin Xi Yuan but seeing that Chu Jin Miao was searching all over, she could only go over to help, “I remember that it was still on the table before we left. Why has it disappeared?”

“Found it!” Chu Jin Miao’s maid exclaimed in surprise, but her voice quickly wilted, “Young Lady…”

Chu Jin Miao walked over with a calm face, “What is the matter?”

The maid handed the collection of poems timidly to Chu Jin Miao. When she received it, she was so angry that her hands were trembling. Third Young Lady also spoke loudly, “How could a perfectly fine collection of poems be torn apart like this?”

Initially Chu Jin Yao had not taken them seriously, but now upon hearing that something was torn, her heart hung and she quickly stood up to look. Lin Xi Yuan also accompanied her to walk over and check on the said collection of poems.

The collection of poems was written in a blue-covered notebook and it was torn forcefully in the middle of it. As it was completely torn in half, the rest of the other pages were torn into smaller pieces, making it a tragic sight.

Lin Xi Yuan instinctively felt that something was wrong, “It looks like it was torn apart with brute force. There was only Fifth Younger Biao Sister in the room, so how can it be like this?”

Chu Jin Miao immediately said, “Yes. There was only her in the rear room! Fifth Young Lady, why don’t you talk about what exactly is going on?”

Chu Jin Yao frowned as she took a piece of shredded paper to look at it carefully. Upon hearing Chu Jin Miao’s interrogating tone, she raised her head, “Why ask me? It was not me who did it. Are you trying to plant this on me?”

“It is not you who did it? But there was only you in the rear room. If it is not you that tore it, then could it be me who tore it?”

Third Young Lady said faintly, “When we went out, Sixth Younger Sister and I saw  Fourth Younger Sister keep it. At that time, the collection of poems was still fine. During this period of time we did not return and there was only Fifth Younger Sister. If Fourth Younger Sister wanted to tear it herself, one fears that it cannot be done.”

“Fifth Younger Biao Sister was not the only one in the rear room.” Lin Xi Yuan suddenly spoke. His expression was serious and with one light glance at Third Young Lady, she dared not look back at him. Lin Xi Yuan said, “I had long returned to the rear room. From that, it seems I am also suspicious.”

“How can it be?” Chu Jin Miao would not dare to implicate the ShiZi of Prince Huai Ling residence. She carefully searched for the correct words. “How would ShiZi be like this? We do not dare to think so.”

Lin Xi Yuan suppressed his anger, “Then you dare to think that Fifth Younger Biao Sister is like this?”

Chu Jin Miao did not speak, but Third Young Lady said, “This is an indisputable fact. It was perfectly fine when we left but torn apart when we returned. Other than Fifth Younger Sister, we cannot think of other possibilities.”

Chu Jin Miao said, “Fifth Younger Sister, I know that you have always disliked me and it is alright for you to let out your anger on me. Why secretly tear up my collection of poems? It is my year’s worth of painstaking effort to write. Even if you target me deliberately, you cannot be like this!”

“Who said that it was I who tore it?” Chu Jin Yao glared at Chu Jin Miao before she suddenly smiled, “No wonder. It turns out that both of you had arranged it early on.”

Now that the matter had come to this, how could Chu Jin Yao not see that Chu Jin Miao and Third Young Lady had formed an alliance and they had deliberately set her up today? Chu Jin Miao had definitely not touched any collection of poems, but she had remained in the rear room all the time and before leaving, Chu Jin Miao had showed the others the collection so how would it turn into shreds upon returning?

Chu Jin Yao frowned and was unable to figure out the critical point. Qin Yi saw the split in the book and intuitively felt that something was wrong. However, there were too many people present, thus he was unable to prompt Chu Jin Yao. If he spoke rashly and was heard by others, both Chu Jin Yao and he would suffer.

Chu Jin Miao coldly scoffed, “I knew that you have always hated me, but I did not expect that you would be this uncomfortable with me. It is fine that you do it directly to me, why the need to tear up my collection of poems? You must feel in your heart that I took everything from you! Thus taking your anger out on my hard work.”

Chu Jin Yao was feeling very upset from being wronged and upon hearing Chu Jin Miao’s cynical remarks, she was unable to control her temper. She said to Chu Jin Miao coldly, “Yes, you are not wrong, your mother is also not wrong. So it is my fault? Who do you say was the one who opened their eyes wide at the sight of profit and had askew thoughts? For whom did they deliberately make the swap to replace me?”

Chu Jin Yao had long wanted to say those words. Chu Jin Miao had always had the attitude of ‘I am innocent as I do not know anything’, but why did she not think of the reason Father Su and Mother Su swapped the babies? It was only to let Chu Jin Yao live a better life. It was true that Father Su and Mother Su were vicious and selfish, but Chu Jin Miao could truly enjoy the glory and wealth that her parents deceived and could justly accuse Chu Jin Yao, the true and only victim?

Chu Jin Miao had enjoyed thirteen years of wealth and glory and now with her ‘I do not want that, I am innocent’, she pushed everything off. This was getting all the advantages and showing it off.

Chu Jin Miao’s expression changed drastically. She never allowed anyone to mention the Su family in front of her as she did not feel that they were her birth parents in her heart. Now that Chu Jin Yao stabbed that wound, she immediately became agitated and trembled in anger. She suddenly took her bracelet off and threw it onto the ground. The sound of the shattering jade rang, making everyone around jump in shock. She continued to pick all the jewelry that she was wearing and threw it to the ground, “Yes. It is all my fault. I will return everything to you now!”

The maids and servants in the rear room jumped in shock and quickly restrained Chu Jin Miao, “Young Lady mustn’t. Don’t hurt your hands.”

The breaking sounds also alarmed the people outside. Gu Momo hurried over to check and when she saw the fragments in the rear room, she spoke, “Everything was going fine so what is this? Fourth Young Lady, please quickly stop!”

However, Chu Jin Miao did not listen and frantically smashed the jewelry and other things. Qin Yi did not care about being exposed and quickly said to Chu Jin Yao, “Quickly get out of the way!”

Chu Jin Yao was stunned and frozen by Chu Jin Miao’s sudden madness. Upon hearing his words, she then woke up from the dream and quickly evaded. Chu Jin Miao smashed all the things in a craze and fortunately Chu Jin Yao avoided it early and was not hit by any broken fragments.

However, Third Young Lady was scratched by a piece of broken porcelain. She looked at the situation and was speechless. She used her unharmed arm to cover the back of her hand and felt disgust in her heart. Why was Chu Jin Miao unable to retort and was such a sore loser? It was just talking about the Su family and all of it was true, so why was there a need to be this angry? ShiZi was still present, this was letting others watch a joke!

Old Furen and Chu Zhu also came over. Old Chu Furen pounded her crutch with force and spoke imposingly, “Stop!”

Old Chu Furen had arrived and Chu Jin Miao was finally restrained a little. The maids quickly stepped forward to hold her. Old Chu Furen was so angry that her face was ashen, “A proper and dignified lady of a Marquis residence dared to actually do such a thing. All of you kneel!”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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