The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 9

Chu Jin Yao secretly sighed in relief. Fortunately, there was still string and the jade pendant was hanging tightly around her neck. Otherwise, it would have been very bad!

Rather displeased, she turned around to see who was behind, scaring others. She discovered that it was a clean and upright young gentleman.

The gentleman looked at her, obviously surprised upon seeing her, “Who are you and why are you here?”

“I am the Fifth Young Lady of this residence. Who are you?”

“Fifth Young Lady?” The young gentleman frowned, “I have seen Fifth Biao Younger Sister; you are not… Oh, that’s not right.”

By now Chu Jin Yao had understood, “You are the gentleman of GuGu’s family?”

Lin Xi Ning had also recollected. WaiZuMu’s (Grandmother from the mother’s side) letter had mentioned that Eldest Jiu’s (mother’s brother) family had brought back the wrong daughter at the beginning and just found a Fifth Young Lady. It seemed that it was this person before him.

When Lin Xi Ning knew that he had made a fool of himself, he bowed to apologise to Chu Jin Yao, “Sorry, Fifth Biao Young Sister, I was too abrupt just now.”

Chu Jin Yao avoided it slightly and greeted him back, “Older Biao Brother, you need not be like this.”

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Lin Xi Ning felt apologetic about it. He saw an unfamiliar female roaming around and acting sneaky; thus, he voiced out to question her. If he had known earlier that it was his Younger Biao Sister, he would not have been as loud. young ladies were all weaker than one another; what if his loud voice scared these papered guests? Lin Xi Ning wanted to compensate and asked, “Why is Fifth Younger Biao Sister here?”

Chu Jin Yao was a little embarrassed. “I have lost my way.”

Lin Xi Ning suddenly understood. It was right; she had just returned and did not know the routes in this area. Lin Xi Ning said, “There are many vacant courtyards here and it is indeed difficult to identify one’s way. Younger Biao Sister, do come with me.”

“Thanking Older Biao Brother.” Chu Jin Yao was very grateful and quickly followed Lin Xi Ning and walked out.

With Lin Xi Ning leading the way, they soon arrived at RongNingTang. Chu Jin Yao repeatedly thanked him, “Many thanks to Older Biao Brother. Otherwise, I do not know how many rounds I would need to take.”

Qin Yi snorted coldly in his heart. It was obviously him that brought Chu Jin Yao out and this kid only led the last leg of the way. Moreover, even without this Lin family kid’s appearance, she would not have been loitering for long.

Of course, Chu Jin Yao would not know these words.

Lin Xi Ning smiled and personally parted the curtain for Chu Jin Yao, “Younger Biao Sister, no need to be courteous. It is cold outside; quickly come in.”

“How can it be like this?” Lin Xi-Ning was a guest. How could she let Lin Xi Ning draw the curtain for her? Chu Jin Yao continued, “Older Biao Brother, please enter first.”

The maid went up to take over but Lin Xi Ning shook his head and said, “Younger Biao Sister is a young lady and weak. You should enter first.”

It was Chu Jin Yao’s first time being cherished like this by others; she entered the room in shock. Lin Xi Ning then followed and accompanied her.

Old Furen, Chu Zhu, and the rest were sitting in the western hall, chatting. When they heard the door opening, Old Furen said, “Ning boy has arrived.”

After Chu Jin Yao entered the room, she dared not lift her head and immediately said, “Jin Yao is late. May Zu Mu and Gu Mu forgive.”

Madam Zhao frowned, “Why are you here only now?”

The other young ladies were all present except Chu Jin Yao; thus, Chu Zhu had specially asked about it. Madam Zhao was very embarrassed so when she saw Chu Jin Yao, she became angry.

Chu Jin Yao maintained a greeting posture and lowered her head without speaking. It was Lin Xi Ning who took the initiative to say, “This cannot be blamed on Younger Biao Sister. There are many vacant courtyards on the eastern side of RongNingTang. I was previously lost many times before. She has just returned, and this is inevitable. I coincidentally encountered the Fifth Younger Biao Sister and thus brought her over.”

Lin Xi Ning had put it so; Madam Zhao naturally did not say more. He was the only son of Chu Zu and the gentleman of the Prince Residence; how could she say anything about the other?

When Old Chu Furen heard it, her brows furrowed. “Who is by the Fifth Young Lady’s side?”

Upon hearing those words, Yue Ji braced herself and took a step forward. “It is this servant.”

Gu Momo leaned over and said something to Old Chu Furen; the latter’s expression became worse: “You are a second-ranked maid and actually do not recognize the way around?”

“Old Ancestor, at the beginning of the year, our residence was short of manpower; thus, the middlemen were called over to the residence to buy a batch of maids. She is from that batch.” Gu Momo reminded her softly.

A maid who was new to the residence and didn’t even know the way around actually became a second-ranked maid stationed at a young lady’s side. Old Chu Furen’s indifferent and fierce eyes swept towards Madam Zhao. Madam Zhao quickly lowered her head and revealed a gesture of acknowledgment for her mistake. In front of Chu Zhu and so many of the younger generation, Old Furen saved some face for Madam Zhao and did not say anything. She just glanced at her before retrieving her gaze. Madam Yan stood at the side and smiled secretly.

This is Madam Zhao. To say she was stupid, she was able to suppress the YiNiangs and servants in the Inner Courtyard. To say she was smart is to say she could always do some stuff that made one laugh.

Eldest Young Lady was the Eldest Di-daughter and raised by Old Furen since she was young. She was very respectable but not close to the Eldest Young Lady. As parents favoured the youngest son or daughter and Madam Yan was one who had children, she could understand why Madam Zhao doted on the Fourth Young Lady wholeheartedly. However, it is now said that Fourth Young Lady was not born by her, but she still continued to dig her heart and organs for her. Was this not stupid?

When Madam Yan secretly laughed with pleasure at the other’s misfortune, she then smiled at Chu Zhu and said, “GuNaiNai has good fortune. Ning Boy is good-looking, filial, and compassionate to younger brothers and sisters. There will be even more good fortune in the future.”

Chu Zhu smiled slightly in response. Her eyes then moved to Chu Jin Yao and after sizing her up, she asked, “It is the first time one has seen the Fifth Young Lady. What did you say your name is?”

Chu Jin Yao cautiously replied, “Answering GuMu, my name is Chu Jin Yao.”

“Yao…” Chu Zhu’s gaze changed as she turned to look at Old Chu Furen, “Why is Fifth Young Lady not following Xian-er’s generation of naming?”

This generation of young ladies of the Chu family had the character ‘Jin’ and was named with a ‘female’ side character. The meaning behind it was to take examples of flowers and brocades, which denoted the virtues of females. However, Chu Jin Yao’s name was ‘Yao’, which was considered the same generation as Chu Zhu.

Using Chu Jin Xian 楚锦娴 as an example.
楚 = Chu Family Name
锦 = Jin Generation Name/Character
娴 = Xian Name/Character

The names of the rest of the younger female generation have the ‘female 女’ side character
Chu Jin Xian 楚锦娴
Chu Jin Miao 楚锦妙
Chu Jin Jiao 楚锦娇

The names of the older female generation have the ‘wang 王’ side character.
Chu Zhu 楚珠
And this is the same with Chu Jin Yao’s name/character
Chu Jin Yao 楚锦瑶

It is not explained in the novel what the meaning behind ‘wang’ side character is, but this character is also used for royalty. For example, Xie Jing Xing’s title is Prince Rui, and the ‘wang’ is translated as Prince. [New readers, I’m referring to Malicious Empress’s Male Lead.]

Upon Chu Zhu’s reminder, Old Chu Furen realised that Chu Jin Yao’s name had conflicted with Chu Zhu’s generation. She paused before speaking, “This child had it rough and did not live well in the past thirteen years. Her ‘Yao’ character was given by a Taoist Priest at birth.” The implication behind the words was ‘do not be bothered by such small things with the younger generation’.

Chu Zhu was after all married and it was difficult for her to intervene in the matters of her niece in her maiden family. Moreover, it was Old Chu Furen who said as such. Chu Zhu said, “I remember when I returned before, Fourth Young Lady was always the most active one. Where is Fourth Young Lady?”

“GuMu, I am here.” Chu Jin Miao stood up and bowed towards Chu Zhu.

Chu Zhu pulled Chu Jin Miao over and smiled, “Go and stand with Fifth Young Lady so that I can take a good look at both of you.”

Chu Jin Miao’s smile froze. Ever since Chu Jin Yao came, her identity had become more and more awkward. Things that she had originally thought were hers were slightly changed now. And as there were many people in this large household, it was inevitable for her to hear some gossip. And now Chu Zhu still instructed her to stand with Chu Jin Yao to compare.

It did not matter to Chu Jin Yao, as she had long been accustomed to being looked upon. However, when Chu Jin Miao almost reached Chu Jin Yao and was two steps away, she refused to go any further.

There was a saying that one did not fear of knowing goods but one feared of comparing goods. Because Chu Jin Miao was the daughter of a farmer family, her features had always been inferior to that of a proper young lady in the Chu family. Now standing next to Chu Jin Yao, the gap was more obvious. Chu Jin Yao was a head taller than her and even though she was slightly darker in complexion, her facial features were crushing hers. The only advantage that Chu Jin Miao had was that she was slimmer than Chu Jin Yao but her type of slim was boney and did not look as comfortable as Chu Jin Yao’s natural figure.

Even Qin Yi, who was quietly waiting to watch the show, felt embarrassed.

Obviously, the other Furens had the same feeling and tactfully did not continue on this topic. Chu Zhu did not expect that her kind intentions had spoiled the matter and thus could only call Chu Jin Miao over and pat her hand quietly.

Chu Zhu thought with regret that Chu Jin Miao was slimmer than Chu Jin Yao and had a better temperament. At first glance, she looked like a child who was raised by a wealthy family and had an air of scholar. The only shortcoming was that Chu Jin Yao was so much more beautiful than her. Even though Chu Zhu was biased towards Chu Jin Miao, she was unable to say, against her conscience, that Chu Jin Yao did not look good.

Chu Zhu initially wanted to let Chu Jin Miao stand together with Chu Jin Yao so that everyone could take a look. Even though Chu Jin Miao still remained at the Marquis Residence, her birth parents had done such things so it was inevitable that some shallow people of the Marquis Residence would look down upon her. Chu Zhu did this to remind everyone that a noble lady that was raised by the Marquis Residence was not comparable to a random village girl.

In the end, it was her who was embarrassed.

Although Chu Jin Yao was the true Young Lady of the Chu family, to Madam Zhao, Old Chu Furen, and Chu Zhu, Chu Jin Miao was the one that grew up under their eyes and they truly loved her over the years. When Chu Jin Yao suddenly appeared and it was said that they had cherished the wrong person, Chu Jin Yao was the real noble lady, while Chu Jin Miao was the fake one, who could accept it? When Chu Zhu received the letter, she felt baffled.

Chu Jin Yao was a real stranger to her. Chu Zhu had originally thought that since Chu Jin Yao grew up in a farmer family, she must be vulgar and greedy, and now that the sparrow had turned into a phoenix, she would show her greed, selfishness, and love of money. How could she be compared to Chu Jin Miao’s cultured and educated self?

Even after seeing Chu Jin Yao in person and even though Chu Zhu did not see the scene that she had originally expected, she still felt that a person who was raised in a poor family would be a poor person from the root. Even if it could not be seen now, there would be some inkling of it in the future. Chu Zhu thought regretfully that if Chu Jin Yao’s face were to be on Chu Jin Miao’s, how perfect it would be.

Old Chu Furen watched the entire scene sullenly and waited till Chu Zhu stopped before saying, “It is getting late. Set the meal.”

With Old Chu Furen present, the rule of avoiding the other gender from the age of seven was not required. Lin Xi Ning and the Chu family’s Young Masters and Young Ladies all accompanied Old Chu Furen to eat. Naturally, Old Chu Furen sat at the center, Chu Zhu brought Lin Xi Ning to sit on the right side of Old Chu Furen, while Chu Jin Xian sat on Old Furen’s left. Madam Zhao and the rest of the Daughter-in-laws could only stand and serve her meal.

The seats at both sides of Old Chu Furen had always been for the most favoured people. Her preferences were like the wind and such people were the most popular in the inner courtyard. Currently, on one side were Chu Zhu and Lin Xi Ning and the other side was Chu Jin Xian. Chu Jin Yao could understand the arrangement, and as for her, She sat at another table.

A table could only seat eight and with the few Young Masters present, how could she sit at the table with the highest-ranked Old Furen?

Halfway through the meal, Old Furen said to Madam Zhao, “You all have stood for a day. Sit down and rest.”

Madam Zhao and the rest declined it once before putting down the chopsticks that were used to serve the dishes. The maids immediately brought the stools over and waited upon the three Furens to sit.

After dinner, Chu Jin Yao returned to her courtyard and secretly spoke to Qin Yi: “In such a solemn scene like today, we, the younger generations, could sit down to eat but Mother and the rest had to stand and serve dishes as per the rules. They could only have the meals after standing for half a meal. Even so, a lot of people said that ZuMu is compassionate towards the Daughters-in-law. Everyone was a papered guest before marriage, so why is it like this after marriage?”

“This is the etiquette regulation. Nothing can be done.” Qin Yi sighed, “It is better in TaiYuan. The Capital has strict rules and if one encounters an old-fashioned Mother-in-law who talks about regulation for everything with you, then that is distressing.”

Qin Yi was the Crown Prince. Although he spent most of the time in court, he had also heard about these things. The life of a new bride was not easy and when he thought about the day Chu Jin Yao would have to live like that, he started to feel worried for her.

She was of a one-track mind and also trusted people easily, so if she were to really encounter a mean Mother-in-law, what could she do? He thought of mentioning to her that she should pay attention to the male family side when she is engaged but felt that he was an external male and had to leave sooner or later and the other party would be her husband’s family. Instead, he might be complained to by Chu Jin Yao after he mentioned it.

He should not be mixed up in these matters.

When Chu Jin Yao thought that she would also serve her Mother-in-law like this in the future, she felt that there was no light in her life. After being sullen for a long time, Qin Yi saw that Chu Jin Yao was just too dispirited and took the initiative to speak and divert her attention, “I saw you secretly taking a few glances at Lin Xi Ning. Do you…”

“No!” Chu Jin Yao blushed and said in embarrassment, “What are you doing? Why speak of such things without reason?”

In fact, Qin Yi was right. It was rare for females in the inner courtyard to see external males and Lin Xi Ning’s age was right, looked good, and was a Gentleman in the Residence of a Second-ranking Prince. During the entire meal, there were young ladies that kept stealing secret gazes at him. It was Chu Jin Yao’s first time seeing a noble male around her age and he was a gentle, considerate, and handsome young Gentleman. It was normal for one to develop good feelings and secretly look a few times.

Qin Yi snorted softly and said, “You still slander me. From ten years old, I was able to understand those palace Females’ thoughts. These little careful thoughts of yours are as incomparable to their little finger.”

“I already said that I did not!”

“If you haven’t, then why are you yelling at me?”

“You are sure annoying.” Chu Jin Yao took the jade pendant off in a fit of anger, placed it on the table outside the canopy bed and drew the curtain close with a humph, “I want to sleep. Don’t bother me.”

After a while, Qin Yi leisurely said, “They are right. Females are indeed unreasonable.”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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