The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 6


Chu Jin Yao thought for a long time but was still unable to figure it out. Thus, she could only put the matter of her GuMu down. After a while, the maid brought the taels. Madam Zhao spoke a few more words to them before letting the young ladies prepare the clothes that would be used to greet the guests.


As it was rather free in the boudoir, the young ladies would spend most of their time in front of their elders, stay by their mothers, talk to the maids and sew a few stitches to pass an afternoon. It was like this for ordinary people but upon arriving in the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing, Chu Jin Xian did not choose to stay in front of her mother to do needlework but instead said, “Mother, you still need to meet with the maids and servants for household management. I will not disturb you then. I will return to my room.”


Chu Jin Yao took a look and hurriedly said, “Then this daughter will also withdraw.”


Chu Jin Xian looked back at Chu Jin Yao but did not speak. Madam Zhao did not hold them back and let them leave with a wave of her hands.


In the end, the Shu-daughter, Third Young Lady, looked over. The two Di-born daughters had left and instead, she and Chu Jin Miao remained with Madam Zhao. Just who was born from Madam Zhao?


Third Young Lady took the six-year-old Eighth Young Lady to pick flower patterns while Huang YiNiang and Fu YiNiang followed along to help their daughters with embroidery. Soon, only Chu Jin Miao was left by Madam Zhao’s side.


Chu Jin Miao leaned on Madam Zhao, “Mother, regarding GuGu’s return this time, why do we need to prepare so much? It wasn’t like this previously.”


Madam Zhao smiled but said nothing about it. “You just need to listen to Mother’s words. This time dress up meticulously and embroider the clothes well. Do you remember?”


Chu Jin Yao softly groaned, “I too want to dress up well but if one is not able to take out money to reward those servants, they will not embroider well for me.”


“What big deal is this? I have some remaining gold threads. Take all of them and don’t save it. Are there enough head ornaments? The other day, those outside sent me a set of ruby head ornaments. If you don’t have enough, then take these to use first.”


“Thanks Mother!” Chu Jin Miao responded immediately, “It is still Mother that treats me the best!”


Madam Zhao looked at Chu Jin Miao dotingly. One did not know what she was thinking of as she sighed, “You are a pitiful one. If I as a Mother do not subsidise you, then who else can one count on? Even though your Father does not speak of it, his heart is biased towards that one. Your Eldest Sister has your ZhuMu to provide supplements and one does not know how much private funds Old Furen has! Third Young Lady has Madam Huang’s help. In other words, only you are alone.”


“I still have Mother!” Chu Jin Miao hugged the other’s arm. Although she was still smiling, there was a loud thump in her heart. She was already accustomed to the high life of Fourth Young Lady and did not want to be defeated by her sisters! Chu Jin Miao’s thoughts started racing. What is GuGu’s purpose in returning to her maiden family at this point in time?


Madam Zhao wanted to supplement Chu Jin Miao. Not mentioning Chu Jin Yao and Chu Jin Xian, even Second Young Master Chu Cheng Ye was not comparable.


There was a reason why Madam Zhao doted on her second daughter more than her Di-born eldest daughter and Di-born eldest son.


Second Young Master was Madam Zhao’s only Di-born son, was the Di-born eldest son of the Eldest Household but ranked second in the clan. That year after Madam Zhao entered the household, she first gave birth to Chu Jin Xian. When Chu Jin Xian was born, she was taken away by Old Furen. Since Madam Zhao did not give birth to a son, she focused on getting pregnant but there were no movements for two consecutive years. However, the daughter-in-law of the Second Household gave birth to the Eldest Grandson. Madam Zhao was under great pressure so she stopped the medication for the YiNiangs and TongFangs. Not long after, she finally gave birth to her second child, which was Chu Cheng Ye, the Second Young Master.


However, before Madam Zhao could breathe a sigh of relief, the other two YiNiangs gave birth to Shu-sons one after the other. As Madam Zhao had too many worries when she was pregnant, Second Young Master was not very strong when he was born and was of weak health. Madam Zhao was the Marquis’s Furen and even though she did not give birth to the Eldest Di-Grandson, it was the Shu-born sons that were stronger than the son that was born with difficulty.


How was Madam Zhao able to take this lying? She was unable to stand up straight in her husband’s family and when the Tartar came to disrupt the borders, Madam Zhao was separated from Old Furen and the group. She fled alone, with only her wet nurse, Zhang Mama. One did not know how much resentment there was in Madam Zhao’s heart. Afterwards, when she gave birth in the farmer’s house, Chu Jin Miao cried till she was out of breath but her little hands still clutched onto her skirt. At that time Madam Zhao felt that this was her daughter and she must bring her daughter and fight for her. Upon returning to the Marquis Residence, Old Furen felt apologetic and supplemented Madam Zhao. And Madam Zhao was so good to Chu Jin Miao that she almost lifted Fourth Young Lady to the skies. Even Eldest Young Lady and Second Young Master could not compare.


Later, when Marquis Chang Xing brought Chu Jing Yao back, Madam Zhao felt that the world had collapsed and was unwilling to accept it at all. Chu Jin Yao had returned for a month and even the few YiNiangs were laughing and chatting with Chu Jin Yao but it was Madam Zhao that treated her coldly and indifferently.


And for Chu Jin Yao… In truth, she was much more indifferent to it in her heart. When she had just arrived, she was eager for Mother but when she passed the most difficult hurdle, she felt that it was just flowers on a brocade. Even if Madam Zhao did not like her, she did not need to keep going forward.


Chu Jin Yao and Chu Jin Xian withdrew together from Madam Zhao’s. After leaving, in an area where no one was around, Chu Jin Xian stopped to speak to Chu Jin Yao. “How could you come out with me?”


Chu Jin Yao was surprised. “Yes. Is… There anything wrong with it?”


Chu Jin Xian did not know what to say, her heart was somewhat resentful towards iron for not becoming steel. “You are sure honest. I have ZuMu to take care of me and will be married off in a few days time, but what about you? In the Inner Courtyard, men are not dependable. You are only thirteen this year and have to stay in the Marquis Residence for a few more years. If you don’t stay in front of Mother to do needlework and interact with her more, what will happen to you in the future? Don’t forget that your marriage needs to be arranged.”


Chu Jin Yao was being told off and she did not dare to rebuke. Chu Jin Xian took a deep breath and calmed the anger in her heart before continuing, “Next time, be smarter. Didn’t you see that Fourth Young Lady did not withdraw? When there is no one else, she acts coquettishly with Mother and would definitely gain some items. The Inner Courtyard expenses are very huge, who is able to survive on the monthly allowance? It is all through being supported by the elders privately. If you are not smarter, then with one inferior step, all steps would be inferior and in the end, she will press you down. If finally your marriage is crushed by her, I will see what you can do about it.”


“Eldest Sister, I am wrong.” Chu Jin Yao honestly and sincerely lowered her head to admit her mistake. When Chu Jin Xian saw her attitude in acknowledging her fault was true, she felt a little relieved and vaguely guided, “A person’s heart is made of flesh. When you interact more around Mother, she will definitely see you. I will be married off soon and Father does not stay in the residence all year round, so you need to make plans for yourself.”


How could Chu Jin Yao not understand it? Chu Jin Xian instructed her to get close to Madam Zhao, act coquettishly, and play dumb so that she can live better in the future. Chu Jin Yao too understood the logic, but she just could not do it. It was all right to scheme against a stepmother but Madam Zhao was her biological mother.


Chu Jin Xian had already said what she needed to and thus no longer spoke. While they were talking, they had arrived at Chu Jin Xian’s courtyard. She stopped and spoke to Chu Jin Yao, “Keep the thirty taels well. There are a lot of expenses in the Inner Courtyard.” She wanted Chu Jin Yao to think of more ways to obtain more money to her side but after thinking, Chu Jin Xian was unable to think of any suitable ways of earning. In the end, she could only sigh. “Endure it a little now. It will be better in the future.”


Will it be better in the future? It was difficult for Chu Jin Xian to say. If it was only Chu Jin Yao, then Chu Jin Xian would not be as worried, but there was also Chu Jin Miao. Chu Jin Xian originally had a weak relationship with Chu Jin Miao and now upon knowing that she was a fake, she had no thoughts about this one at all. How could she not be biased towards her only Younger Sister? However, Chu Jin Miao had a lot of thoughts and her lips were best at getting what she desired. Besides, that girl had favourable time, geographical and social conditions so Chu Jin Xian did not feel assured at all.


Chu Jin Yao understood Chu Jin Xian’s thoughts. She smiled at her. “Eldest Sister, no need to say more, I understand. Money is dead and people are alive, so how could the dead baffle the living? You just need to embroider your dowry at ease and not worry about me.”


Chu Jin Xian knew that it was useless to speak more and nodded, “All right. You can go back like this today. But you cannot do this the next time. You have to say in front of Mother to fight for favour, otherwise, all the advantages would be taken by that one.”


Chu Jin Yao smiled in compliance and parted with the other at the fork of the road. When Chu Jin Xian returned to her room, Chu Jin Yao headed towards the remote ChaoYunYuan.


When there was no one around, Chu Jin Yao instructed Ding Xiang to follow from a distance and spoke to Qin Yi quietly, “Qi Ze, both of my Older Sisters are all good people.”


Qin Yi smiled, “You are only this promising? She is right. Your current situation is indeed not good.”


“But there is already a family member that is willing to think about me. This is a very good start right?” Chu Jin Yao said, “It would only get better and better in the future.”


It was Qin Yi’s first time encountering such a person. She was obviously helpless but still pledged in all sincerity and solemnity that it would be better in the future.


The people that Qin Yi knew would turn against each other for a petty benefit and stab others at the back. From when he was five years old, he had been living a life of endless scheming and strife. He had never expected that in the depths of a bottomless Inner Courtyard, there would be someone who would say such naïve words.


Qin Yi paused for quite a while, but in the end, could not bear to expose her fantasy. He said, “Yes it will.” He also hoped that Chu Jin Yao would be this optimistic forever.


“Qi Ze, do you remember what Father said about the Crown Prince?”


Qin Yi paused for a while before making a low sound of assent.


“To dare to shoot the Palace maid dead in front of everyone… I think he must be young.”


“Huh?” Qin Yi’s voice became sharp, “What did you say?”


“I don’t think I’ve guessed incorrectly. But the reason I guessed was not that he killed a person from the Palace in front of everyone. In his heart, the military drums should be a very sacred thing, so I can understand why he did it. He must be an upright and open person to dare to do such a thing!” When Chu Jin Yao finished speaking, she waited for a bit before asking curiously, “Why are you not refuting me? I thought that an intelligent person like you would not acknowledge others.”


Qin Yi softly sighed. “He is not upright or open. He just cannot stand by idly and watch.”


“But only he dared to do so in front of all the civil and military officials! I know that you will definitely say that because he is Crown Prince, but not all Crown Princes would dare to confront the Emperor and Empress directly. Because of this point, I surmised that he is young. He would rather go to the border with damping expectations than give in to the Empress. He still has a child-like temperament.”


Chu Jin Yao heard her jade pendant speak coolly, “Then, I want you to act like a spoilt child before Madam Zhao for the things you are short of. Will you go?”


“I will not go.”


Qin Yi’s snorted. Chu Jin Yao felt somewhat embarrassed and quickly spoke to save her some face, “That is because I was separated when young! I did not grow up in front of Mother, so how can one act coquettishly so confidently and also ask for things? But the Crown Prince grew up in the Palace so he is different from me.”


“There is nothing different.” Qin Yi sighed in audibly, “The Empress is not his birth Mother. She is his YiMu.”


“YiMu?” Chu Jin Yao was completely shocked. She knew that there was the Emperor, Empress, and Crown Prince in court. As for how these legendary nobles lived their lives and what relationships they had, she had no knowledge at all.


Qin Yi’s lips were raised, but he did not want to speak more. When Chu Jin Yao did not receive a reply, she was a little disappointed in her heart but then she suddenly thought of a question, “Oh. Qi Ze, why do you know so much?”


“One will know after inquiring a little.” When Qin Yi finished speaking, he spoke to her pointedly, “You should use your brains.” Qin Yi felt that he had revealed too much information and if Chu Jin Yao used it to guess his identity, he would just admit to it.


But Qin Yi… Really thought too much. Chu Jin Yao understood that Qin Yi was hinting at something and thought about it carefully. “That is true. In the future, I will be living in the Marquis Residence for a long time, how can I still be like in the past where I do not know anything? Thanks for your reminder. In the future, I will inquire about the powerful and nobles. I cannot keep on relying on you.”


Qin Yi was speechless. When Chu Jin Yao saw that he was not responding, she thought that he felt embarrassed and deliberately repeated, “Thank you.”


“Don’t thank me. I did not remind you of anything.”


Chu Jin Yao felt that it was really too difficult to chat with Qin Yi.


After finally walking back to ChaoYunYuan, she instructed someone to open up the chest and retrieve the brocade. At the same time, she locked up the thirty taels.


While the maids were not paying attention, Chu Jin Yao asked Qin Yi quietly, “Is thirty taels really not considered a lot?”


“I don’t consider thirty taels as money.” Qin Yi replied.


“You…” Chu Jin Yao obviously wanted to be angry but instead was amused, “Why are you like this!”


Qin Yi did not refute. In his opinion, thirty taels… That was something that no one would dare to bring up to him.


Chu Jin Yao opened up the bundle and her fingers slid over the shiny silver ingots. Overcome with emotions, she said to Qin Yi, “A month ago, I could not even earn ten coins in a year but now I feel that thirty taels is not enough to spend. Aren’t the ups and downs of life strange?”


Qin Yi was slightly taken aback, “You…”


“I am fine. This is not something to be avoided. I am indeed poor when young and even upon coming to a rich and noble area, I always felt terrified.” Chu Jin Yao smiled, “It is not wrong to be poor. It is if one is poor, lazy and greedy. Isn’t it so?”


Qin Yi felt that this young lady in front of him would always surprise him just when he thought he could see through her. When he spoke again, there was a tinge of emotion in his voice, “I have met many people. Once they prosper, they abandon their wives and children, despise the poor and love the rich and are unwilling to acknowledge their past. It is good for you to be this unperturbed. This is good and is far better than the person who replaced you.”


Chu Jin Yao smiled, being praised so much her eyes curved. She was a little dazed and changed the subject abruptly, “It is not enough to just rely on these thirty taels. It is said that one has to open a water source and reduce outflow. I think that I cannot save any more money so I must think of ways for a source instead!”


Qin Yi, however, felt differently, “This is nothing. There will naturally be ways in the future.”


“Do you still think that Heavens will drop money for me?” Chu Jin Yao smiled, “You are obviously very intelligent but would be very stubborn at times. I am not a child so how would I believe in these? Moreover it is not only just for me, I also want to help Older Sister. Yes, Eldest Young Lady also treats me very well, so I want to repay her in the future.” Chu Jin Yao wrinkled her face as she spoke, “I finally understood now that a hero without money is no hero at all. Why is it so difficult to earn money?”


Chu Jin Yao waited for very long and finally could not help but asked, “Why are you not speaking?”

“I have already spoken.” Qin Yi’s tone was unkind, “But you did not listen at all.”

“Young Lady!”

Chu Jin Yao hurriedly let out an “Ai” in reply and Shan Cha shouted from outside, “The sewing basket has been brought over.”


“All right, I will come out now.” Chu Jin Yao had stayed in the room to pack things. She had sent the maids out and even forbade them from entering. As she talked with Qin Yi, she almost forgot about matters outside. She stood up and picked up the wooden box containing thirty taels before whispering to Qin Yi, “I am going out now, don’t speak.”


Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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