The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


Qin Yi had always been thinking of ways to leave here.

The red flakes in Chu Jin Yao’s jade had been reduced by nearly half but Qin Yi felt that recovery from his injury was still far away. The meaning behind it was chilling. After the red flakes were consumed, could it still cultivate the soul? Qin Yi did not want to gamble.

Moreover, he could not heal his injuries indefinitely like this. He had been in a coma for a long time and once this news grew big, it would be a disaster. Qin Yi even thought about returning to his body in this manner but did not know how to leave the jade pendant. Chu Jin Yao was only an unmarried young lady, he could not let her bring him to his body. Also, he was not assured if it were the men of the Chu family.

While Qin Yi was deliberating over his matter, Chu Jin Yao knew nothing about it. She still didn’t know what Qin Yi was worried about. When she saw the Marquis of Chang Xing, she was only surprised for a moment before quickly taking care of her expression and greeting the Marquis of Chang Xing, “Greetings to Father.”

When Marquis Chang Xing saw Chu Jin Yao, he was obviously surprised. Chu Jin Yao actually became like this after a month?

Marquis Chang Xing carefully scrutinised the girl and finally smiled with satisfaction. “Not bad. You have gotten even rounder, no longer as thin as before. It is very good.”

Chu Jin Yao’s current greatest regret was that she was still somewhat dark. As her body gradually recovered, Chu Jin Yao was no longer stick-thin and weak, and her true appearance gradually surfaced. She was after all Marquis Chang Xing’s and Madam Zhao’s daughter, both were of noble clans thus with their foundation, she could not be bad. However, compared to her fellow sisters, only Chu Jin Xian was slightly more beautiful than her. She had a pair of eyes that was round with the ends slightly hooked up. The shape of the eyes was beautiful, the pupils extremely black and shiny. When not smiling, they would be shining brightly. When smiling, it was as if thousands of stars had fallen into the pair of eyes and they could shine into another’s heart. Chu Jin Yao was only thirteen years old this year, with time and a fairer complexion she would be amazing.

Marquis Chang Xing nodded his head slightly and placed the teacup in his hands down before speaking to Madam Zhao, who was sitting at the side, “You have raised her very well. Her manners are especially good. You have given a lot of thoughts.”

Madam Zhao’s smile suddenly became somewhat stiff. She had tidied up early today, made up, and dressed very brightly. However, Marquis Chang Xing had no thoughts of paying attention to her and instead kept drinking tea indifferently, making her inevitably frustrated. But she had never thought that Chu Jin Yao’s arrival would make him notice. Madam Zhao rarely got praise and it was due to Chu Jin Yao.

Chu Jin Yao was overwhelmed by the favour. After Qin Yi had guided her on etiquettes, she had hidden in her room and practiced until he was satisfied. She had thought that this was the standard of a noble family. However, this in fact contained a lot of personal preferences.

Marquis Chang Xing felt that even though Chu Jin Yao’s way of greeting, walking with a raised neck, and non-evasive speech was not chaste and weak, it was more pleasing to the eyes than ordinary females who spoke and walked with their heads bowed. If it were concubines and maids, Marquis Chang Xing would prefer a shy and submissive female but for his Di-born daughters, however, he liked brilliant and imposing young ladies that would have their heads held up high. Chu Jin Yao did this well. Chu Jin Xian was taught by Old Furen, thus even though she was outstanding in etiquette, Marquis Chang Xing felt that the Eldest Daughter was overly quiet and dignified. Chu Jin Miao was indifferent and looked like she was in a plight, that when she was walking, the sleeves would float to and fro. Although there was an air of a weak beauty, Marquis Chang Xing felt that it was unhealthy no matter how he looked.

Everyone had two sets of standards for women and daughters.

Three sisters were present but only to praise Chu Jin Yao alone, it was somewhat embarrassing for Chu Jin Xian and Chu Jin Miao. The recipient of the praise showed no arrogance, she did not take a seat but instead walked over to Chu Jin Xian and greeted, “Eldest Sister.”

Chu Jin Xian nodded. She was the Di-Eldest Daughter, so why was she bothered about such trivial matters? She said, “It can be seen that you have worked hard recently. This is very good. You just returned so there is no need to rush. Just slowly learn and do not let Father down.”

“Thanking Eldest Sister.”

Chu Jin Yao then greeted Chu Jin Miao. In fact, their identities were somewhat awkward. Even though Chu Jin Miao’s position was higher than Chu Jin Yao’s, she was actually not Chu Jin Yao’s older sister. Chu Jin Yao had given her a lot of face in front of so many people, she stood up unwillingly and responded with a courtesy that of one’s peers.

When Marquis Chang Xing saw his Di-daughters greeting each other, he was extremely happy and nodded to Chu Jin Xian satisfied, “ Xian-er is becoming of an Eldest Sister. Like this, even when one is at the husband’s place, Father would not need to worry about you.”

Chu Jin Xian was seventeen this year and had long been engaged to her cousin at thirteen and would be marrying off soon. When Chu Jin Xian heard Marquis Chang Xing’s words, she stood up and said, “Thanking Father.”

Chu Jin Miao’s expression was not very good. What did this mean? First, it was praising Chu Jin Yao’s manners, then applauding Chu Jin Xian’s temperament. This meant that these sisters were friendly and affectionate but she, Chu Jin Miao, was completely an outsider? Now that she was not the biological daughter, he was unwilling to say a good word?

Madam Zhao also felt that it was wrong and upon seeing Chu Jin Miao’s embarrassed expression, she placed her hand on the girl’s back in distress.

No one noticed the actions of the mother and daughter as the Shu-daughters and YiNiangs entered. The crowd of people had filled up the room. As Marquis Chang Xing was around, the young masters had also arrived. Normally, they used to stagger the greeting time with the young ladies but with the presence of Marquis Chang Xing, they no longer needed to do so.

When Marquis Chang Xing saw the entire room filled with children and concubines, he felt satisfied and stood up to speak, “Let’s go and eat.”

There was no need to give Old Chu Furen greetings today, thus there was no rush in finishing the meal. Besides, as it was only their own family members, there was less emphasis on table etiquettes and thus no need to enforce the rule of not talking while eating. Second Young Master lost his appetite after a few mouthfuls and asked Marquis Chang Xing, “Father, one rarely sees you these days. What are you busy with?”

Upon hearing Second Young Master’s question, many people stopped moving their chopsticks and looked at Marquis Chang Xing. It seemed that since Chu Jin Yao’s return, Marquis Chang Xing suddenly became so busy that he did not only returned to the Inner Courtyard a few times. Madam Zhao, the official wife, and the two YiNiangs, Madam Huang and Fu Rong, wanted to know what had happened too.

Marquis Chang Xing sighed, “This is related to His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince.”

His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince? The Chu family was somewhat surprised. Madam Zhao asked, “Everything is perfectly all right, so how is one involved with His Imperial Highness?”

Even though the confidential matter that happened last summer was the Heavenly family’s private matter and could not be laid out in the open, but in actual fact, basically all the officials in the provinces knew about it. And because of ShanXi’s geographical advantage, they knew more about it.

This was home and the people around were his wife, concubines, and children so Marquis Chang Xin did not feel the need to evade and spoke directly, “In June, BeiZhiLi transferred troops from ShanXi to the Five Armies Camp toand perform an exercise with SanQianYing’s and ShenJiYing’s troops. The Emperor brought the Ladyships of the Inner Palace to the city walls to watch. This was originally a good matter to increase the country’s prestige as the soldiers rarely saw the Emperor and wanted to show their faces to the Imperial Family. ShenJiYing wanted to show off and brought out many firearms. It was the first time the Empress saw these firearms and felt that it was novel and thus instructed people to perform.”

When Marquis Chang Xing finished speaking, he moistened his throat with some tea. Chu Jin Yao did not understand matters of the Imperial Palace and officialdom but as she listened, she felt that something was not right.

To specially deploy troops from ShanXi, one feared that the scale of this exercise was not small at all, moreover, the Generals and soldiers served the country and people by defending the frontier. They were all heroes. The Empress felt some interest and novelty and called the troops to perform for her… Was this watching a show or acrobats?

Chu Jin Yao felt that it wasn’t appropriate but she looked at the rest secretly and did not see anything different. She did not know what was going on so she did not say anything and listened quietly.

Marquis Chang Xin placed the teacup down and continued, “Originally, things here went well. Her Ladyship liked it so we as courtiers would just need to do it accordingly. When ZhenJiYing demonstrated, the Emperor’s and Empress’s interest increased and instructed people to beat the drums to liven things up. A favoured Palace maid by the Empress’s side took the initiative to do it and the Emperor approved it in a spur of joy.”

When Marquis Chang Xin spoke till this part, the rest of them could not help but respond with “Ah”. This… was just too absurd. A military parade is of great importance, what sort of decorum was it to let a female beat the drum?

Marquis Chang Xin obviously thought that it was ridiculous, but the Younger Empress Qi was favoured. Also, the Emperor was superstitious of alchemists over these years and heavily favoured her, and no longer cared about the affairs of court. On that day, everyone felt that it was not appropriate. They watched as a female beat the drums with smiles and the Emperor and Younger Empress Qi were chatting and laughing. Even the cabinet ministers could only laugh in accompaniment and dared not speak more.

“That day, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince was also present. When he saw the Palace maid beating the drums, he went directly to the Emperor and Her Ladyship. According to the Darens who were at the city walls, the Crown Prince said to the Emperor that the military drums were important tools for the military and not a plaything. The troops were in formation but a female was beating the drums with laughter. What sort of decorum was this? The Emperor was not happy and perhaps the Empress was angered with the word plaything and said some things to the Crown Prince. The Emperor’s expression was not good either. When the cabinet ministers saw that something was not right, they quickly helped the Crown Prince and the Imperial Tutor let the Crown Prince withdraw first.” Marquis Chang Xin then sighed, “Who knew that at that time the Crown Prince was perfectly fine and thus the Darens all thought everything was all right. Who knew that the Crown Prince would take two steps, suddenly grab the bow and arrow from the guard, turn around and shoot the Palace maid dead? For the Emperor to see blood, the Chief Grand Secretary and JiYiWei were so shocked that their face turned white. Her Ladyship was screaming and the tens of thousands of soldiers below were up in an uproar when they saw someone die at the city walls.”

When the females of the Chu family heard that the Crown Prince dared to kill a Palace maid in front of everyone and this Palace maid was favoured by his mother, they were so shocked that they covered their mouths with handkerchiefs. Marquis Chang Xin wanted to sigh when he thought of the scene. “And just like this, the Emperor was in a rage and personally decreed the Crown Prince to head to Da Tong to defend the border. DaTong is a location that often has battles with the Tatars, and where people die. How could the Crown Prince come to such a place? The cabinet ministers took turns to intercede but could not move the Emperor. The Crown Prince was also stubborn and refused to give in to the Empress and really went to the border.”

There was a deep rift between the father and son of the Imperial family. Even though no one spoke about it, everyone knew it in their hearts. This time, it had completely blown up.

The incident of a Crown Prince of a country shooting down his mother’s maid spread through the entire dynasty within a month. Now that the Chu family heard it, Second Young Master said, “Even though the Crown Prince’s actions are not appropriate, it was for the sake of maintaining military prestige. It is understandable.”

“We felt that it was forgivable, but how about the Emperor and Empress?” It was difficult for Marquis Chang Xin to speak of more and thus he glided through, “The Crown Prince was only sixteen years old at that time. Young and vigorous!”

Chu Jin Yao heard a very light sneer from the jade pendant. Ever since knowing Qi Ze, upon his strong insistence, she could only change the strings and hang the jade pendant around her neck instead of her waist. It was cute for kids to hang their Hundred Lives Locket on their neck but Chu Jin Yao was old and thus felt very embarrassed to hang things from her neck. However, she could not convince Qi Ze otherwise and could only grit her teeth and tolerate it.

Chu Jin Yao blinked, skeptical if she had heard it wrong. Qi Ze was more vigilant than her and would never make a sound when there were many people. Her Father was still sitting here, he could not have been unable to bear it, right?

Chu Jin Yao could not understand and could only throw the matter to the back of her head at the moment. Perhaps her ears were hallucinating.

Madam Zhao could not help but ask, “For Marquis to not come over recently, could it be that one is busy… With the Crown Prince’s matter?”

“That’s right. The Crown Prince has arrived at the border. There are no eyes on the swords in the battlefield and the Tartars often provoke at this time of the year, so who can feel rest assured?” Marquis Chang Xing stopped after the meaning was conveyed and did not go any further than necessary as there was no need to discuss such matters with the females of the Inner Courtyard. Males did not interfere with the Inner Courtyard and females could not ask about matters of Court. Marquis Chang Xing said such things to Madam Zhao and the rest to let them know about the Palace’s current situation. As for what he was really busy with lately, he would not tell them about it.

When Madam Zhao knew that Marquis Chang Xing was occupied with official business instead of keeping a mistress outside, her heart was at ease. She did not have any interest in the Crown Prince’s matters. These high-ranking figures had nothing to do with her and naturally, the men would manage them. What she cared about was only the YiNiangs and young ladies of the Inner Courtyard.

After Marquis Chang Xing finished his meal, he brought Second Young Master and the other two Shu-born sons out, most likely to continue talking about the Crown Prince’s matters. After Chu Jin Yao sent her father away respectfully, she had some feelings of regret in her heart as she wondered what had happened to the Crown Prince afterwards.

Marquis Chang Xing and the young masters had left, only the female members remained, thus it was much more convenient to talk.

Madam Zhao sat on the heated cushion and Chu Jin Miao sat by her side. But Chu Jin Xian stood in front of Madam Zhao with hands in front and head slightly lowered. Chu Jin Yao looked at Chu Jin Miao, who was sitting by Madam Zhao’s side, then to Chu Jin Xian, who was standing respectfully, and silently walked over to stand behind Chu Jin Xian. With Chu Jin Xian’s and Chu Jin Yao’s actions, the other Shu-born young lady could not sit down and could only stand with Chu Jin Yao.

The Di-daughters were all standing, how would she dare to sit?

When Madam Zhao’s maid saw that the young ladies were standing, she quickly moved a stool over but Chu Jin Xian shook her head and said that it was not required. Madam Zhao did not care about it and flipped through the account book in her hands. “The monthly allowance will be issued within these days. Based on our residence’s regulation, young ladies like you all will have two taels as monthly allowance, the First Ranked maids will have one tael as monthly allowance. Di-born young lady will have four sets of clothes per season, Shu-born will have 2 sets. If there are guests or when going out, jewelry will be separately bought. During one’s birthday or festival, the elders will provide some subsidies.”

After Chu Jin Yao heard it, she was speechless. She remembered when her family’s harvest was particularly good one year, they earned a total of eighteen taels, Father Su and Mother Su were so happy that they could not close their mouths. The Su family could only earn seventeen or eighteen taels in total for an entire year and it was a good year too. However, the young ladies of the Chu family did not need to worry about food and clothes and could still earn two taels each month. Chu Jin Yao calculated it silently. Like this, she only needed to spend thriftily and save the remaining monthly allowance and by the end of the year, she would be even richer than the Su family’s entire year of hard work.

Chu Jin Yao was astonished.

However before Chu Jin Yao recovered, Madam Zhao turned a few pages of the accounting book and spoke, “These are all regulations. Fifth Young Lady just returned these few days and is not like you all who have previous years’ clothes to change to and the jewelry for her clothes needs to be purchased. Old Furen has drawn out one hundred taels from the common fund and subsidised an additional one hundred privately. Your Father and I have also subsidised separately and combined, there is a total of around four hundred taels. After renovating the courtyard, purchasing the bed, pear blossom wooden table and chairs, rosewood wardrobes, dressing tables, and dividing screens, there are still one hundred and fifty taels left. She has made eight sets of winter outfits, a fur coat, and two sets of spring clothes. After some loose jewelry, there are thirty taels left.”

When Chu Jin Yao heard that there were four hundred taels under her name, she was so shocked that her heart started beating fast. When she later heard that the four hundred taels were almost spent, her heart felt significant ups and downs. Now she had calmed.

Chu Jin Yao had not expected that in a short month, the family had already spent nearly four hundred taels on her… However, the bulk of it was spent on furniture which could be used for a long time after bleeding the money out once and it was the same with clothes. It was scary to hear how many clothes were bought though.

When Chu Jin Yao was in the farmer’s family previously, clothes were worn as economized as possible, but her current environment was completely different. Chu Jin Yao knew that one must not be reluctant with clothes and jewelry, else it would be a disgrace to the First Household. Especially with Chu Jin Yao’s special status, one could not be thrifty at all.

Chu Jin Yao suddenly felt that the monthly allowance of two taels was not enough at all.

Not only was Chu Jin Yao astonished by the four hundred taels but also the other young ladies were surprised. It is four hundred taels… Indeed. It was not the same as she was her biological daughter.

Madam Zhao looked at Chu Jin Yao. “This remaining thirty taels has been drawn out by me and you can keep it yourself.”

Chu Jin Yao hesitated for a moment before speaking, “I am young and cannot manage so much money. Trouble Mother to help me to keep it.”

“You should take it. I do not lack this little money here. You need to learn these things.”

Chu Jin Yao still dared not accept it. Chu Jin Xian said, “You have also reached the age to manage household finances.”

With Chu Jin Xian’s words of encouragement, Chu Jin Yao finally felt relieved and bowed. “Thanking Mother.”

Madam Zhao instructed the maid to get the placard and retrieve thirty taels from the accountant. During the time required for the maid to return, Madam Zhao lectured the daughters of the Eldest Household. “After a few days, GuNaiNai will be returning. Old Furen is compassionate and has given each one of you a bolt of brocade so you must understand the sense of priority. Don’t just, because you cannot bear to part with it, lose the dignity of the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing. This would be suffering a big loss for a little gain. Understand?”

“Yes.” The few young ladies complied in unison.

Madam Zhao still continued, “Brocade is, after all, delicate material and if you are unsure about it then send it to the embroidery room and let the seamstress help you to make clothes. If you have a pattern of your liking, it is up to you to let the seamstress do it or you can also embroider it yourself.”

Chu Jin Yao followed the other young ladies and complied. Even though there was no expression on her face, she was thinking in her heart that she knew how to make clothes but did not know how to embroider flowers. She felt strange. Even though married daughters were considered guests and this was the Di-born GuGu, so why the need to be armed up with all gear? Not mentioning that the clothes were all new, Madam Zhao even personally mentioned the embroidery on the clothes.

For GuNaiNai to return this time, was it really just to visit one’s parents? What exactly did she and Old Chu Furen want to do?

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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