The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant



“Straighten the waist. Raise your chin and don’t compress your face.”

Chu Jin Yao followed Qin Yi’s instruction and practiced the greeting postures awkwardly. She thought secretly that even though Qi Ze sounded like he had a bad temperament, she did not expect that when he was teaching, he was patient, correcting each of her individual mistakes, and did not even scold her at all.

“Don’t shake.”

“I too don’t want to shake,” Chu Jin Yao said with difficulty, “But I cannot control it.”

Qin Yi seemed satisfied with this ‘disciple’ who was fortunate enough to be guided by him. Even though Chu Jin Yao was clumsy, she was willing to suffer hardship and would immediately rectify after he pointed out a mistake. She was much better than all those chirping Palace women.

Qin Yi then said, “Take a break when you are tired.”

Sweat had formed on Chu Jin Yao’s forehead but she shook her head. “No. I just made the right movements. If I were to rest, you will still need to correct me again. I will keep this position until I have memorized it.”

When Qin Yi heard it, he was impressed with Chu Jin Yao. He had not expected that she was one who could bear hardships. Which normal young lady would be willing to make things difficult for themselves?

After Chu Jin was sure that she had remembered, she fell onto the ground and quickly pounded her calf, “It is so sore.”

Qin Yi intended to tell her not to sit on the floor and not to expose her legs out of her skirt as this was more severe than giving the wrong greetings, however, when he saw Chu Jin Yao’s whitish lips, he said nothing in the end.

When Chu Jin Yao had rested enough, she took the initiative to stand up and said, “Let us continue practicing.”

“All right.” Qin Yi watched Chu Jin Yao’s shy figure and said lightly, “I will teach you how to sit. Go to the stool and sit down.”

“Alright!” Chu Jin Yao hurriedly went to the round stool. There was a brocade cushion on it making it very comfortable when sitting down. Her slightly shaking legs felt much better afterwards. After waiting a while, Chu Jin Yao could not help but ask, “What then?”

Qin Yi wanted to sigh at her foresight. He could only say, “When greeting, other than bowing, attention should be paid to what was said. Different people will say different things, and even if it were the same person, different greetings would be said in different situations.”

Chu Jin Yao nodded her head as she learned. Qin Yi continued, “You are a female so your etiquette is considered much easier. If towards the elders, you make a mistake accidentally, you can explain it to your elders. Especially since you are in ShanXi, other than the Chu family, there are not many other big families. There would only be people that offend you and there is no such thing as you offending others. So you need not be this sincere and fearful. When elders are present, you do not need to care about people of the same generation and just let them greet you. On the contrary, you have to pay attention to people below you.”

Chu Jin Yao vaguely felt that something was wrong. What did it mean that one did not care about people of the same generation? Even if the sisters of the same generation greeted her, she dared not accept it. However, since he was explaining it, Chu Jin Yao would not interrupt ignorantly and instead asked humbly, “Why the need to pay attention to people below?”

“Subordinates must be utilised well. It is not possible for you to do everything yourself. To know people, to use people, to deter people, and to pretend to be deaf and mute. These are all Palace… Important for the inner courtyard. For example, in your Mother’s room today, the maid that parted the curtains, was willing to discipline the servants for you. That Mama, she definitely feels conscience-stricken, thus you can use her when appropriate.”

Chu Jin Yao was stunned, “You went out with me for a day and understood so much?”

“I have knowledge of people, so one does not even need a day.” A displeased Qin Yi then reminded, “Listen carefully and don’t interrupt.”

“En.” Chu Jin Yao quickly sat down. She was considered rather knowledgeable and Qi Ze was only a recently established jade pendant spirit, but he was even better than her in understanding the ways of the world. Chu Jin Yao was lost in astonishment. Could it be that her jade pendant spirit is especially intelligent? She asked, “You said that one can use Zhang Mama… What does that mean?”

“You know how to cry in front of me, so why are you muddled about this?” Qin Yi spoke coolly, “Go be pitiful and cry in front of her. She is the Mama of the inner courtyard and feels conscience-stricken towards you. She only needs to wave her hand casually and your life would be much better. For example, dealing with the two maids in your room.”

“You mean Shan Cha?”

Qin Yi smiled lightly, “You are not silly and at least could understand three points out of ten.”

Chu Jin Yao’s lips pursed to a smile. It was not at all easy to gain a compliment from Qi Ze. She sighed as she smiled and said, “I have seen many in the village who hide their treachery and act slickly. Shan Cha is incomparable to the auntie next door in concealing. Just like today, if I had not had Ding Xiang lock the brocade up, Shan Cha would definitely use the excuse of me not understanding how to cut clothes and even hide away many of my stuff! But Ding Xiang is honest, so it is all right to keep her.”

“En.” Qin Yi apparently agreed with Chu Jin Yao’s opinion. He later added, “You are indeed absorbed in wealth.”

After speaking, Qin Yi was a little stunned himself. Did he just joke with someone? And the other party was even a little girl?

“It is not me that is absorbed in wealth. How much does a brocade cost! Even Eldest Young Lady and Fourth Young Lady smile upon seeing it. They have used so much good stuff and to be favoured by them, how would I not manage it closely?” Chu Jin Yao did not notice anything amiss with Qin Yi and spoke with a smile.

Qin Yi felt very complicated but upon hearing Chu Jin Yao’s words, he no longer cared about what he was thinking and instead retorted, “You like brocade a lot?”

“Of course I like it. Who would not like things that are as brilliant as clouds?”

Qin Yi replied with an “En” sound and did not continue. However, he was thinking that when he returned, he would instruct people to send a batch of it to Chu Jin Yao and it would not be under his name.

Chu Jin Yao recalled what the brocade looked like and smiled, “The colour of the brocade is good and it is also plain, thus it would look stylish. I only need to make a short jacket, enough to be used to greet guests. As for the remainder, I want to send it to Older Sister. Because she stuffed me two sets of clothes in front of everyone, I fear that it would be difficult for her in her husband’s family. Since I have no shortage of clothes to wear, it should be given to her. When she gives birth to a nephew next year, it can also be made into clothes for the nephew.”

When Qin Yi heard it, he remained silent for a moment before asking, “You like that brocade so much, then why give it away?”

“I suddenly came to the Marquis Residence from a farmer family. I should be content that I need not live in a life of poverty and still have people waiting on me. Even though Father did not care after throwing me here, I am still grateful for him. Without him, how would I have such a life today? Father does not lack anything, so I do not know how to repay him and can only slowly think about it in the future. But with regards to my Older Sister, it can be done immediately!”

Chu Jin Yao thought about the family that she lived with for thirteen years, her eyes became nostalgic. Although the Chu family was her real family, during the thirteen years, she had truly treated the Su family sincerely as her own family. As she recalled the past, she spoke softly, “Father Su and Mother Su always did not show a good expression to me. I had thought that it was because I was a female and did not have a likable personality. It is now that I know that actually, they had always known who I was. They loved their real daughter and transferred her to the Marquis Residence to enjoy fortune. I understood their heart of parents since it is difficult to live in poverty. Letting their daughter enjoy good fortune was something natural. but what I cannot forgive is that they sacrificed me! I was separated from my parents and sisters since young and even though I have returned, I am like a stranger to them. Who should apologise for disturbing my life? Su family has raised me and I appreciate their effort and would not step on them when I have power, but I cannot continue to be filial and grant their requests. I have become a Young Lady of Marquis lineage and am not lacking food and clothes, but am not willing to lend a hand to my adoptive parents. Do you think I am particularly selfish?”

Qin Yi listened quietly. That mistake, all those years ago, had disrupted two families. Even if everything was restored to the correct places, the scars would not disappear in a short while. Moreover, to put it bluntly, the one who was hurt the most was Chu Jin Yao. She was forcefully separated from the Su family, left a familiar environment, and upon returning home, had to adapt to the difficulty of living with a new environment, enduring indifference and rejection. Throughout this process, what did Father Su, Mother Su, and even Chu Jin Miao, pay in return?

“No.” Qin Yi comforted in an unprecedented instance. He softened his voice with great unfamiliarity and said to Chu Jin Yao, “You have already done a good job. Your gratitude and grudges are clearly defined and benevolence exists in your heart. This is very good.”

Chu Jin Yao wiped away the tears that silently trickled down. She fell into her memories and the more she thought, the more the tears filled her eyes. Even so, there was a faint smile on her lips. “Although Father Su and Mother Su did not treat me well and Su Sheng always bullied me, there were always good people too. Even though Older Sister long knew that I was not a child of the Su family and did not speak good words to me, when the weather was cold and clothes needed to be washed, she would snatch the task of drawing water from me every time. She said that she despised me for doing it slowly, but I knew that she felt distressed when I had frostbites on my hands. Since young, every time Father Su drank, he would beat people up and it was her that would take on the scolding and push me out to cut the grass. She was neither kith nor kin, so I really appreciate that she had done so much.” As Chu Jin Yao spoke, her nose felt sour. Knowing that Qin Yi did not like people crying, she quickly blinked and forced her tears back. “Now that my life has turned out better, I cannot not do anything. I will do my best to give her some money so that she no longer needs to wash clothes in winter.”

Qin Yi did not speak for a long time. He rarely comforted females. Actually, he rarely listened to others complaining too. In his world, there were crimson and majestic Palace walls, respectful and shrewd people of the Palace, lifetimes of singing and dancing, and females who had better appearance than the one before but hearts that were as poisonous as scorpions. He had seen many females crying but the females in the Palace knew how to cry like pear blossoms bathed in the rain, perfect to a point. This was the first time he was calmly and quietly listening to a female talking about the sufferings of the world.

Qin Yi had always hated people crying the most, but this time when Chu Jin Yao’s tears fell, he did not despise it. After a while, he said, “Brocade is too expensive. Even if you are able to deliver it to your Older Sister, one fears that she would not be able to use it. Maybe it would even attract trouble.”

“I know that too. But I do not have other types of money. This bolt of brocade is my only personal wealth.”

“This is not a problem. Wipe your tears away and do not think about it.”

“How could one not think about it?” Chu Jin Yao was amused, “If I do not keep it in mind, then would money fall from the skies?”

Qin Yi suddenly asked, “If you meet a powerful person, with a noble status… Well, higher ranked than your Father, Chu Jing. And he is willing to help you?”

“If he is willing to help me, can I take it for granted?” Chu Jin Yao lightly touched the jade pendant with her fingertips as she spoke. “You just came to this world and it is inevitable to think of reaching Heavens in a single bound. But I have to tell you that such thoughts are not good. If one depends on a mountain, it will collapse. If one depends on a person, that person will run away. Even if that person is a powerful person, one cannot place all hopes on others. It seems that I have to monitor you well, else in a moment of unawareness, you will be deceived by others!”

“With just you?”

“Hey! Why is it not possible with just me? I dare not say anything else but I am more than enough to protect you.”

Qin Yi smiled gently as Chu Jin Yao continued, “In the future, you have to listen to me else I will not care about you.”

Qin Yi felt that it was ridiculous. After he laughed, he did not bother to correct Chu Jin Yao but focused on another point, “I did not just come to this world. Do you know how to speak properly?”

“I am saying it for your own good.” Chu Jin Yao feared that Qin Yi might have wrong thoughts on taking shortcuts and show his powers to powerful people and in so doing sacrifice himself instead.

Qin Yi sneered, “Only you would worry about me… Go and keep the brocade well. If you like it then keep it for yourself. You need not worry about money and the matter about your Older Sister.”

His tone of voice that was taking on everything… Chu Jin Yao thought that it was funny but felt touched by his kindness and thus said, “All right. I will then rely on you from now on.”

Chu Jin Yao only joked casually and soon forgot after laughing, but Qin Yi did not refute it. Chu Jin Yao did not know what this joke meant.

Chu Jin Yao was out of ideas with regards to Su Hui’s matter. She had just returned home and was unable to stand firmly yet, so how could she reach out to help her Older Sister? One feared that before her things got out of the Marquis Residence, it would already be divided by the servants and would even cause trouble for herself. She understood this logic. Su Hui’s matter could not be rushed and even matters of saving money. She could only slowly learn the etiquettes of a young lady under the guidance of Qin Yi.

In fact, relations in the world were all interconnected. Previously, Chu Jin Yao did not have any connections, thus was unable to get the gist of things. But now, with Qin Yi guiding at the side, she quickly learned. Concerning etiquettes, a layman would need to fumble for a day and would be incomparable to a sentence of advice from an insider. With Qin Yi’s extremely sharp eyes and Chu Jin Yao’s hard work, she was up to mark after ten over days.

Even the maids in Madam Zhao’s room said that Fifth Young Lady seemed to be reborn and enlightened. Even though her etiquette was not as good as the other young ladies, by just looking at her posture, she had it already.

As for dressing and jewelry… Females are all natural talents in this aspect. It did not take long for Chu Jin Yao to be very familiar with makeup. Qin Yi was very impressed.

After a very difficult period of adaptation, Chu Qin Yao walked on the winding corridor of the Marquis Residence again and finally did not have that bottomless feeling in her heart. During this painful experience, her Mother did not care about her, she could not even glimpse her Father’s shadow and none of her relatives wanted to have anything to do with her. The only one who really helped her was the recently acquainted Qin Yi.

Previously, Chu Jin Yao had always thought of being close to Mother but she refused to even look at her directly. After she got through the difficult period of transformation, she did not have such a strong feeling of longing for Madam Zhao.

This was because the period where she needed Mother the most was over.

Chu Jin Yao wore a short dark green jacket with an upright collar, on top of the lapel was a Ruyi buckle. Under it, she wore a light green skirt with interlocking flower patterns and rabbit fur boots on her feet. As she slowly walked towards Yi An Yuan, she looked in front, shoulders aligned and waist straight up. The interval between each step was basically the same, neither too fast nor too slow, light yet steady. Upon entering the courtyard doors, the servant sweeping the grounds stopped to greet Chu Jin Yao. Chu Jin Yao’s steps paused as she nodded with a smile towards the maids and servants.

According to Qin Yi’s teachings, when smiling, it should be slightly reserved and her actions should not be too big. However, her eyes were very round black and she put on some makeup on her face these days. Her previously sharp face had taken on an egg-shape. When she smiled, there seemed to be stars in her eyes, and the dimples on the side of her face faintly discernible. It was so sweet that it went straight to another’s heart.

When the servant saw Chu Jin Yao, she also beamed with joy and the folds on her face almost disappeared. Even though Fifth Young Lady had a pitiful life experience, she was one who liked smiling and was easy to get close to rather than Fourth Young Lady. Older people’s preferences differed from males. They always liked Chu Jin Yao’s egg-shaped face, tall height, and one who liked to smile.

After greeting the people in the courtyard, the curtains parted and half of Qiu Ye’s body appeared as she smiled, “Upon hearing the laughter from afar, I knew that it is Fifth Young Lady. Quickly come in Young Lady!”

Chu Jin Yao maintained her smile and walked into the room through the veranda without rushing. Upon entering, she turned sideways slightly to avoid the curtain but quickly stood straight. Throughout the process, Chu Jin Yao’s slender neck was kept straight and she did not make any hunchback gestures.

When Qiu Ye saw it, she sighed secretly. When Fifth Young Lady first came, she was somewhat trembling and cowering. Although it was pardonable, it looked like one was from a small family. However, upon looking at the present, how would one be able to see the appearance of the past? Even the Shu-daughter of the Eldest Household would not be able to portray the harmonious smile and calm posture that Fifth Young Lady had shown.

This looked so spirited. This was a noble lady!

Since the time Chu Jin Yao found Qin Yi, she was guided and no longer came early in the morning for greetings. Even though one exhausted, others would not remember one’s good points, so why bother? She then behaved like Chu Jin Miao and Chu Jin Xian, only coming over after calculating the time. Neither too late nor before Madam Zhao woke up and would not need to wait for too long upon arrival.

But today, Chu Jin Yao was taken aback when she entered the room. Father is also here?

Seeing Marquis Chang Xing, Qin Yi realised that he had forgotten that on every first and fifteenth of the month, men would stay for the night with their official wife. Chu Jin Yao had returned in the second half of January and one did not know what he was busy with that he did not stay in Madam Zhao’s place on the first of February. Thus, Chu Jin Yao only knew of the rule of ‘main wife’s dignity’ after a month.

Qin Yi secretly calculated. Chu Jin Yao returned home for almost a month. He was also unconscious for almost a month…

A month… Even though Qin Yi never mentioned it, he was inevitably somewhat anxious. Being unconscious for a month, even if he was surrounded by his trusted followers, one feared that it was not easy to cover it up.

He had to find a way.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


  1. Clemmy says:

    This part of the story has been translated already. Why not start from the former translator ended?

    1. Cupcake says:

      i just thought that for the readers reading from our site it will be a hassle for them to move from one site to another to read this story. thats why i thought of restarting…. what do you think about this let me know <3

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