The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

Chapter 3: Words from a Jade 

Chapter 3: Words from a Jade


Upon reaching the partitioned room, Chu Jin Yao’s eyes opened wide. This was the most beautiful and exquisite fabric that she had ever seen. Yes, this was not cloth but brocade.

The young ladies cheered and flew over to take a look. Even the most dignified and graceful Chu Jin Xian also revealed a smile and walked quickly. The young ladies of Chu family picked the brocade up and discussed enthusiastically, comparing the different flower patterns. Chu Jin Yao went up to the crowd and stared with wide surprised eyes. She carefully touched it as if it was some rare treasure.

Chu Jin Yao was amazed at the sensation. Brocade was a special tribute silk fabric from YingTianFu. It was as lustrous as clouds, thus named YunJin (brocade). The cost of manufacturing brocade was so high that only the two most skilled weavers had to coordinate to weave around a Chun (1 inch) a day. This was how the saying of ‘a Chun of brocade, a Chun of gold’ came about. All these rare and exquisite brocades were sent to the nobles in the Palace. Only those with connections could buy a few bolts, but these were also small quantities and could not be sold in public. As such, one can only imagine the prices the brocade would fetch in the open market.

Even the young ladies that grew up in the Marquis Residence felt that it was rare, much less Chu Jin Yao. She could not resist touching it again but did not expect this time something would go wrong. She still had calluses on her fingers due to the farm work that she did. When these calluses touched the delicate brocades, they actually hooked a thread out.

Chu Jin Yao quickly retrieved her hands but her actions had alerted the rest. The Seventh Young Lady of the Second Household, Chu Jin Jiao, saw it and immediately shouted, “How could you pick the thread out from the brocade?”

Chu Jin Yao held her hand tightly as the rest looked over with peculiar gazes. Chu Jin Miao’s delicate fingers ran across the brocade and a trace of laughter was formed at the corner of her lips.

Sure enough for someone from the countryside. Just too inferior to show in public

Chu Jin Xian frowned and scolded, “That’s enough. It is only a bolt of brocade. Since everyone will be picking a bolt, then this bolt will be Fifth Young Lady’s, and her own things are at her disposal.”

The Seventh Young Lady pouted, “That flower pattern is purple hydrangea against a white background. I like it too, so why give it to her?”

Chu Jin Xian put up a solemn face and brought out the bearing of the Eldest Di Sister before staring at the Seventh Young Lady. It was only then that the Seventh Young Lady stopped speaking with indignation.

This episode quickly passed and the young ladies happily threw themselves into the selection of flower patterns. Even though nothing was seen on their faces, Chu Jin Yao knew that they were all laughing inside.

Once the flower patterns were selected, the young ladies still stayed together to do needlework. Unmarried young ladies would only focus on a few things and since there were only those few good-looking flowers, many of them started to quarrel. Chu Jin Yao had not been very happy and since the room was in chaos, she walked over to Chu Jin Xian and said quietly, “Eldest Sister, I will leave first.”

Chu Jin Xian looked at Chu Jin Yao and wanted to say something but in the end, she only sighed, “Go then.”

Chu Jin Yao returned to her room and did not speak or stop for a break all through the journey back. Ding Xiang held the brocade and did not speak since her master did not speak. Shan Cha followed behind Chu Jing Yao and as the latter walked faster and faster, she started panting.

Shan Cha was thinking in her heart that growing up in the countryside was indeed different from a proper Young Lady. Young ladies would pant after walking two steps, unlike this one. A maid like her, was already somewhat panting after walking from Rong Ning Hall to Chao Yun Yuan, but it was nothing to Chu Jin Yao.

Chu Jin Yao stayed in Chao Yun Yuan and even though it has a nice name, the location was rather remote. The Residence of Marquis Chang Xing faced the South, with the North at the back. It was divided into three routes; Eastern, Middle and Western. The noblest and luxurious courtyard at the Northern side of the Middle route belonged to Old Chu Furen. The Marquis and Furen, Madam Zhao, stayed in the courtyard that was located at the middle of the Middle route and the other households were located in the other routes. As Chu Jin Xian was the Di daughter of the Eldest Household, she should stay with Madam Zhao but Madam Zhao stayed in the main courtyard with Eldest Young Lady and Fourth Young Lady in the two side courtyards. The Eldest Young Lady’s courtyard was the biggest. There was even a separate small courtyard at the back, where the rest of the Shu-born Young Ladies stayed, thus they cannot be moved. There was a small courtyard at the back of the Fourth Young Lady’s courtyard and Madam Zhao’s dowry was located there. Zhang Mama proposed to move the dowry to the back room and give Fifth Young Lady this courtyard but Madam Zhao said the back room had high moisture and feared for her mahogany wood chests’ condition and thus found an empty courtyard at the Eastern route for Chu Jin Yao to live in.

Chao Yun Yuan was located at the Northern corner of the Eastern route. It was far and remote, thus there were only a few who were willing to come this far. When Chu Jin Yao arrived here, she had an independent courtyard and from afar, it looked bigger than the Eldest Young Lady’s courtyard but the meaning behind it was completely different.

Chu Jin Yao silently thought, even in their village, children would live together with their parents. However, she was assigned to stay by herself, it could be seen how much Madam Zhao did not like her and did not want to see her at all.

Shan Cha caressed the brocade with joy as this was a tribute brocade. Since the Fifth Young Lady did not know, in the end, it would be them who would be cutting it up. When making clothes, she could also make some dowry for herself.

Shan Cha was unable to tear herself away from the white brocade with purple hydrangea patterns but Chu Jin Yao was completely uninterested, “Keep it.”

“Keep it?” Shan Cha was reluctant and did not want to let go of the brocade. Ding Xiang took it but Shan Cha was still grabbing on the other end, unwilling to let go.

Ding Xiang gave her a stern glare and spoke, “Did you not hear what Young Lady said?”

Shan Cha then reluctantly loosened her hands and watched as Ding Xiang locked the brocade away and even kept the key.

“There are no more matters at my end, you can go out first.”

Ding Xiang and Shan Cha looked at one another. There must always be someone at Young Lady’s room… However seeing Chu Jin Yao’s bad expression, they dared not disobey and bowed, “Young Lady, then we will go out first?”


Only when the room was completely quiet did Chu Jin Yao sit on the bed and hug her knees before leaning helplessly against the bed frame.

In this residence, Mother turned a blind eye to her, ZhuMu was aloof and Father, who brought her back, was not seen for a few days. She did not have anyone close to her and was feeling helpless and at a loss. Even the Younger Tang Sister deliberately picked on her but she did not know how to retort.

Chu Jin Yao had always thought that even though everyone was not used to her at the moment, it would get better in the long run. Even though she worked hard at learning, she still could not integrate into the Marquis Residence. She did not understand these noble etiquettes, but was this her fault? Why did everyone not give her a chance at all?

As Chu Jin Yao thought about it, she unknowingly teared up. It was said that children of the poor would mature early, even Chu Jin Yao’s cries were silent. This was because she knew that even if she cried loudly, no one would coax her and instead would cause Older Sister Su Hui to worry.

After a while, a voice suddenly rang out in the silent room, “Don’t cry.”

A horrified Chu Jin Yao jumped and suddenly forgot to cry. There were still tears on her cheeks but she had stood up and was looking around the room.

Was there someone in the room?

But she had clearly instructed everyone out… That’s not right. That voice was as clear as water striking jade and just from listening to the tone, it was obviously a male.

Chu Jin Yao looked around but did not see anyone in the room. All the hair on her body stood straight up. This courtyard was far and remote, one heard that it had been deserted for a long time. Could it be… That this place was haunted?

Chu Jin Yao’s face turned pale and she stammered, “What sort of sacred being are you?” But her feet were slowly moving towards the door, planning to open the doors immediately to call for help.

That voice did not appear for a long time. After a while, the other party smiled lightly, and there was some trace of a smile in the voice, “You think I am a ghost?”

Chu Jin Yao paused and retorted, “Are you not?” Her heart was still beating loudly like drums. Why did she feel that this voice was getting closer and closer to her as if it was around her…

“There is something behind you!”

“Ah!” Chu Jin Yao screamed and hugged her knees. The other party laughed happily upon seeing that those casual words had been able to scare her like this. This laughter was different to those just now. The laughter just now was extremely cold and seemed to be the result of years of habit but this laughter was uncontrollable.

The other party’s voice was nice to listen to and it was the best voice that Chu Jin Yao had ever heard. However, this could not conceal the repulsiveness of the other party. She could now pinpoint that the voice came from her jade pendant!

Chu Jin Yao pulled off the jade pendant and threw it onto the bed, scolding, “You scoundrel!”

The jade pendant bounced twice on the quilt and quickly landed on the brocade. The other party seemed surprised and asked, “What did you say?”

When he spoke, there were no fluctuations in his voice but his tone was slightly higher at the end, sounding extremely threatening. Chu Jin Yao was almost scared to death after hearing this scoundrel. To think he was still that arrogant, she became angry and quickly walked to the side of the bed, took the pendant out, and threw it onto the bed, “You are the one scaring others, now you have reason at your side?”

Chu Jin Yao had grown up in the village. Since her family was not particularly peaceful, she did not have a submissive temperament. During this period of time, she was totally wronged in the Marquis Residence. First, she was intimidated by the luxurious Marquis Residence. An Emperor would even be in fear and trepidation in the Heavenly Palace, much less a thirteen-year-old young girl like her who had arrived at a place that she did not know anything or anyone. How could she adapt? Secondly, Chu Jin Yao wanted to get along well with her real relatives. So, no matter who she met, she would always show a smile and worked hard to learn and imitate etiquettes like greetings and speech.

Although it seemed so, she was not very optimistic at the moment.

Now, upon encountering an unidentified being that was playing pranks and was particularly arrogant, the stomach full of anger that Chu Jin Yao was carrying, immediately burst forth. Even though she was straightforward, she possessed an astute mind. She threw the jade pendant forcefully but towards the bed. This was the protective jade pendant that she had been carrying since young, so she would definitely be the most upset if it were to bump into something. Even if it were to discipline the unidentified being, she would not break her stuff!

The voice in the jade pendant obviously did not expect that there would be a day that someone would dare to treat him like that. He did not speak as he was thrown around but after it stopped, he sneered, “You are Chu Jin Yao of the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing right ? Just wait and see.”

“How do you know my name?” Chu Jin Yap was both surprised and suspicious. Before the other party could answer, Shan Cha’s voice sounded from outside.

“Young Lady, are you all right?”

Since Chu Jin Yao screamed and threw stuff, she had long alarmed the people outside.

Chu Jin Yao did not answer but instead lowered her voice and lay on her stomach to threaten this jade pendant, “You better confess honestly, else I will hand you over to the people outside. Then, they will invite a Taoist Priest to perform rituals and your soul might fly away and scatter!”

The voice in the jade pendant laughed lightly and spoke, “Then you should try it. This Lord has grown so big and no one has ever dared to threaten me.”

Chu Jin Yao really had no more ideas as the other party was immune to cajolery and coercion. It seemed that it wasn’t an evil ghost in the jade pendant and most likely a spirit. When Chu Jin Yao was in the village, she had heard that jade had some spiritual essence and many immortals used the essence in jade to attain immortality. Many mortals that wore jade could also help promote one’s health. Since young, Chu Jin Yao felt that her jade was extremely powerful. When she carried it, she would not have a cold for the entire year thus when a spirit came out of it, even though Chu Jin Yao was surprised, she felt that it was rather reasonable.

She had previously carried the jade close to herself, else, Su Shen would have long taken it. Upon arriving at the Marquis Residence, there were many requirements, including wearing multiple layers of clothes. Chu Jin Yao could no longer wear it close to herself and could only learn from the others and tie the pendant with a knotted string and hang it on her clothing.

Actually, Chu Jin Yao did not plan to hand the jade pendant over as she was just scaring him. This was the jade that had accompanied her for thirteen years. Even if there was a spirit in it, Chu Jin Yao still felt that this spirit would lean towards her. If this was publicised, as long as the thing in the jade did not speak, no one would know if her words were real. Perhaps the people in the Marquis Residence would suspect that her brain was damaged and gone crazy. At that time, Madam Zhao would have a clear excuse to send her away. Chu Jin Yao was not stupid after all. The Marquis Residence was originally her house, so why should she leave and let outsiders have it? She must stay on and live well.

Seeing that the jade spirit was not frightened and Shan Cha was shouting outside, Chu Jin Yao could only raise her voice to say, “I am fine. You can withdraw.”

Seeing Chu Jin Yao’s insistence, Shan Cha mumbled a few more sentences before leaving. When she was certain the maid was far away, Chu Jin Yao then looked at the jade pendant, “Why are you in my jade pendant? Do you have a name?”

Qin Yi also wanted to know why he was in a jade pendant that a Young Lady of Marquis lineage was carrying. That day, he had led people to pursue a group of Tatar barbarians and seemed to have suffered some injuries. When he regained consciousness, he was already here.

Qin Yi had guessed that what probably happened to him was that his soul was outside his body, like those Taoist Priests in the Palace mentioned. His injuries that day were not light and it could be that due to the serious injuries, his soul was unattached. Actually, Qin Yi also had a similar jade pendant like Chu Jin Yao. It was a jade pendant with red-flakes texture but larger. All these years he had worn it, but because he left in a rush that day he had actually forgotten about it. After being seriously injured, he appeared in Chu Jin Yao’s jade pendant. This jade should have the effect of nourishing one’s soul as Qin Yi felt it was way more comfortable staying like this.

Those years ago, a traveling Taoist Priest had conned his Imperial Mother into buying the jade pendant at a high price, boasting that it could save his life in times of crisis. Qin Yi had sneered in contempt back then, but now it seemed that it was real.

He had clearly felt that there was one less red flake in the white jade and his soul has recovered by a lot.

As for the last question, Qin Yi paused for a while before speaking, “My name is Qi Ze. You can call me Qi Ze.”

“Qi Ze…,” Chu Jin Yao said aloud and praised, “Good name.”

“Yes.” Qin Yi answered indifferently. His generation’s name was Shui and after he was born, the Imperial Tutor was to provide the name and the Imperial Astronomer to look at the divine meaning. The Imperial Tutor said that ‘Yi’, represented the great lands and vast skies that grace upon everything. Thus, he gave him the courtesy name ‘Yi Ze’. Qin Yi took a word from his courtesy name and added the Imperial Mother’s surname, so it was indeed a good name that was proposed by the Imperial Tutor and drafted by the Cabinet.

Chu Jin Yao coughed. She wanted to get along well with Qi Ze and thus praised his name. It was said that one would not slap the person who smiled! But he actually agreed to it?

Chu Jin Yao felt that this spirit must have just become a spirit and did not understand the ways of the human world. Chu Jin Yao thought about it and found that she should be more considerate of him. Thus, Chu Jin Yao magnanimously did not fuss about it with Qi Ze and instead asked, “Qi Ze, when did you appear in my jade pendant?”

For the first time ever, Qin Yi was speechless. After a while, he vaguely replied, “Just a few days ago.”

“A few days ago…” Chu Jin Yao was somewhat embarrassed. “So you have seen everything today?”

Actually, it was more than that.

Qin Yi was awakened by a female’s cries. He had originally wanted to shout at the person who dared to cry in his room but upon raising his hand, he realised that something was wrong. After the initial shock, he quickly calmed down and watched the situation. Afterwards, he learned that this female was called Chu Jin Yao and was recently found from outside. She just cried because she heard her biological mother say some unkind words.

Qin Yi had thought that this little girl was very pitiful but he still did not plan to intervene. For a living person’s soul to be out of the body and recuperating in a jade pendant of a Young Lady of a Marquis family, he felt that this was a fantasy story. Moreover, Qin Yi did not want to let the Chu family know of his existence. Thus, he did not say anything in the past few days and silently stayed in Chu Jin Yao’s jade pendant, waiting for his injury to recover and silently leave without a trace.

Having not realised anything, Chu Jin Yao had worn the jade pendant out, given greetings, and secretly cried as she hugged it at night. Qin Yi was somewhat embarrassed. In this mortification, there was also some guilt.

This was due to being so intimate with a female. To live and sleep together. Even a husband and wife would not be able to do it.

Qin Yi had planned to let the matter rot in his belly, but when Chu Jin Yao leaned against the bed frame to cry, and it was even the silent and unnoticeable type where tears just stream down, Qin Yi could no longer bear it. He could only comfort her with a sentence, “Don’t cry.”

One had to know that in Qin Yi’s life, this was already a rare kindness that he had ever displayed.

In the end, Chu Jin Yao was not comforted. On the contrary, she was so terribly frightened and even dared to disrespect him afterwards. Qin Yi felt that taking into consideration that her jade pendant had saved him, he would make a note of it and not pursue it for the time being. However, if she committed the offense again…

Chu Jin Yao did not know that in such a short time, she had already made a round trip on JinYiWei’s special care list. She was still brooding over the matter that happened just now. “So you have seen me spoiling the brocade?”

“It is only a bolt of brocade.” Qin Yi snorted in contempt. The Imperial Family would receive mountains of brocade every year. In the Palace, brocade was common, just a type of cloth to make clothes. He just could not understand why Chu Jin Yao would cry because of a bolt of brocade. He thought to himself that if she liked it after he recovered, he would instruct someone to send her a carriage of it as long as she did not cry in the future.

Chu Jin Yao sighed, “It is not because of the brocade…”

She simply sat on the footrest and used the bed to prop her chin to speak to the jade pendant directly, face to face, “No matter how rare brocade is, it is after all just a cloth. It is good if one were to have it and it is all right to wear one that isn’t that good. How could it be worth crying over? I could not help crying because I felt helpless. I really worked very hard to adapt to life here, but I have never seen large households before, so how would one know about the specificities of these noble families? Even if I were to learn for all one is worth, shouldn’t they give me a period to study? But they did not. They all laughed at me secretly. My mother knows that I have just arrived and do not know anything, but she did not even arrange someone to teach me etiquettes.”

When hearing what Chu Jin Yao said in the beginning, Qin Yi very much agreed with her. It was correct. No matter how valuable it was, it was no more than a dead thing. How could it be worth so much that the living would suffer due to it? However, when he listened to the end, even the unreasonable Qin Yi felt heartache.

The daughter had only just been found. In ordinary families, it was always the mothers that were assiduous, provide thoughtful attention and personally teach, hating that they were not able to make up for all the missing maternal love. However, in Chu Jin Yao’s case, Madam Zhao did not even send a capable Mama over. Qin Yi did not think that she was not willing since a Marquis Furen would not be this stingy. It was most likely that Madam Zhao had forgotten as she did not place the matter in her heart at all.

Chu Jin Yao was only thirteen years old and suddenly found herself in a completely unfamiliar environment, how helpless she would have felt? But Madam Zhao, the mother, was not interested in it; Old Chu Furen, sitting high up, would not be able to see the suffering of the world and Marquis Chang Xing rarely returned to the inner courtyard and had long forgotten about the daughter he recently found. In the end, it was Qin Yi, a complete outsider, who could no longer stand it.

“I have knowledge of etiquettes. I will teach you.”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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