The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant


That day, when Sun Momo returned to Chao Yun Yuan, she dared not be as insolent as she had been yesterday.

The servants of Chao Yun Yuan had seen Sun Momo leave high and mighty and even throw words that she would seek Furen for justice, while Chu Jin Yao calmly went out. Upon returning, Sun Momo became obedient and dared not be rude to Chu Jin Yao again. The few maids were somewhat surprised and started to respect Chu Jin Yao and put away their contempt.

Although Fifth Young Lady had a shallow foundation, she was not one who would let others torment.

That day, Chu Jin Yao handled Sun Momo and then went to learn poetry from Deng Momo. When she returned to Chao Yun Yuan afterwards, she was utterly exhausted.

But even so, she insisted on practicing calligraphy. Qin Yi watched and frowned, “You have been standing for so long learning etiquette, so let’s take a break for a while.”

Chu Jin Yao did not lift her head as she shook it, “This is a must-do daily homework, so how can one not do it? It would be alright for me to just bear with it a bit. I lack a lot compared to Chu Jin Miao. If I do not work hard, I will be thrown further behind.”

“She is only a shelf of flowers (attractive facade but lacking in substance in reality).” Qin Yi came out from the jade pendant and sat opposite Chu Jin Yao as he picked up a book casually, “She is only depending on the fact that she spends more time studying poetry than you and the rest of the females spend working on needlework and are too lazy to read, thus her literary talents look particularly outstanding. Your talent is similar to hers, but your temperament is much more tenacious than hers so it is only a matter of time before you catch up with her.”



Chu Jin Yao chuckled. As she wrote, she spoke to Qin Yi, “Although I feel that you are coaxing me, I still feel happy listening. However, no matter how much I dislike her, I have to admit that Chu Jin Miao is better than me at speaking and winning people over. You have seen that I have returned for so long but Zhu Mu, the sisters and Mother all like Chu Jin Miao more. Not to mention the brothers at home. I feel that the two Biao Older Brothers like her more.”

“I do not think it is necessarily true.” Qin Yi explained, “You cannot just look at things on the surface. Actually, Chu Jin Miao’s relationship with the females is not very good. Just like your Eldest Sister, she does not like her. Your Older Sister is the Di Eldest Daughter that the family clan carefully raised, thus her vision represents the preferences and likes of the female elders of the family. You all are still young, it will be more obvious in a few years.”

Chu Jin was skeptical. “Are you speaking the truth?”

“Of course.” Qin Yi coolly glanced at Chu Jin Yao, “Do I look like someone who makes an error of judgement?”

“Although I always feel that you are comforting me, I too hope that this is true.” Chu Jin Yao sighed, “I do not count on the other female elders to like me. As long as Mother treats me a little fairly, it would be enough.”

Upon hearing this, even Qin Yi felt that it was difficult to express succinctly, “Your mother… I too did not expect that the Furen of Marquis of Chang Xin would be this selective in listening. If she continues to be like this in the future, then one can only look for someone to point it out to her.”

Chu Jin Yao was taken aback and immediately questioned, “What do you mean?” Qin Yi’s words were too strange and she could not help but doubt his identity.

“Nothing.” Qin Yi flipped a page unhurriedly and asked, “Why did you speak of your two Biao Older Brothers?”

“You are changing the subject again!” Chu Jin Yao reached out to swat him in anger. She was unable to question more when she suddenly heard Ding Xiang reporting outside, “Young Lady, Sixth Young Lady has arrived.”

Sixth Young Lady? Why did Sixth Young Lady look for her? Chu Jin Yao was puzzled and put Qin Yi’s strangeness aside. Sixth Young Lady was the Di daughter of the Third Household and not very liked by Old Furen. On normal days, she was very cautious with her words and actions; thus, Chu Jin Yao felt Sixth Young Lady was one who planned in advance. However, even so, Chu Jin Yao would not take the initiative to approach the Third Household. Why should one do something that would cause Old Furen to dislike? Sixth Young Lady did not have anything to do with Chu Jin Yao and would only nod or smile when they encountered each other, so why did she come to Chao Yun Yuan?”

Chu Jing Yao felt that it was strange and lowered her voice as she asked Qin Yi, who was sitting opposite, “What do you think of Sixth Young Lady coming here?”

Qin Yi put the book down: “Bide one’s time and take a look first.”

Chu Jin Yao placed the brush aside and walked to the hall to see the Sixth Young Lady standing there. When Sixth Young Lady saw Chu Jin Yao coming out of the back room, her brows moved slightly. “To immediately study upon return, Fifth Older Sister is really diligent.”

Chu Jin Yao smiled. “How can it be? I am only looking casually.” Chu Jin Yao led the Sixth Young Lady towards the west room. After both of them sat down, the maids brought out a fresh plate of fruits. When the maids withdrew to the sides, Chu Jin Yao asked, “Why did you think of coming over?”

“I made some snacks and wanted to take a look at Fifth Older Sister.” Sixth Young Lady said and instructed her maids to bring the snack box over. A maid took two steps and brought a red lacquer box. She opened the box slightly and took out a plate of plum blossom snacks. Sixth Young Lady smiled, “I made it casually; I hope Fifth Older Sister will not despise.”

“How would one (despise)?” Chu Jin Yao smiled and instructed the maids to bring the plate of plum blossom snacks over and put away the other snacks. Chu Jin Yao took a quick glance at the Sixth Young Lady’s plum blossom snack before withdrawing her gaze.

Sixth Young Lady said that she made them personally, but in fact it was her maids that made it, and Sixth Young Lady only did it in passing, and it was considered her personally making it. Chu Jin Yao only took a glance and felt that these snacks were more than exquisite but were not difficult to make. If she had the plum blossom mould, even she would be able to do it.

However, even though she thought so in her heart, she could not speak the truth. Chu Jin Yao’s maids all praised, “Sixth Young Lady has delicate skills.” Chu Jin Yao also smiled and said, “Sixth Younger Sister has one’s heart in mind.”

Sixth Young Lady pursed her lips to a smile. “It is alright if the Fifth Older Sister does not despise.”

Chu Jin Yao saw that the Sixth Young Lady was being polite to everyone but refused to touch on the main topic. She did not remind her either, and she even chatted with her calmly and leisurely.

Sixth Young Lady waited for a while but was unable to wait for Chu Jin Yao’s questions. She thought to herself that Chu Jin Yao was surely one who could be calm. She could only break this layer: “Fifth Older Sister, other than me gifting you snacks today, I have some things I would like to talk to you about.”

When Chu Jin Yao heard it, she looked at the surrounding maids and Jie Geng immediately withdrew with the rest, tactfully saying, “This servant will prepare some fruits for the young ladies.”

After most of the maids were gone, Sixth Young Lady dropped her voice, placed her elbows on the table, and leaned forward towards Chu Jin Yao, “Fifth Older Sister, I am here to secretly tell you that Fourth Young Lady wants to put a spy by your side.”

Chu Jin Yao raised her brows in unexpected surprise, “Oh? Why do you say that?”

“I have a maid that is born in the family and has good relations. That day she was chatting with her sisters when she heard the maids sweeping in Fourth Young Lady courtyard speak of it. When Fourth Young Lady was speaking to others, she did not notice that there was someone standing behind the tree and was heard by that maid. When my maid came to know about it, she told me upon her return. After much pondering, I felt that there was something wrong with it and came to tell Fifth Older Sister.”

When Chu Jin Yao heard it, her smile remained unchanged but she had paid attention to it. Not to mention if the maid that overheard it was true or not, even if it were true, why would Sixth Young Lady tell her about it? Chu Jin Yao did not express her opinion and instead said, “It is tough that you think for me; it is just that we are sisters in the same residence. I really feel bad that Sixth Younger Sister took such a risk for me.”

Sixth Young Lady said, “Fifth Older Sister does not know but when I first saw you, I became very fond of you. In fact, I am like you, not very favoured in the Marquis residence and cannot be compared with Fourth Young Lady and Seventh Young Lady, who have people that will pluck the stars and moons for them. I also had to carefully survive through the cracks and upon seeing that you also face difficulty at every turn, I felt that we have the same illness and thus wanted to help you do something. It is just that I am also not favoured and fear that the will is there but not the strength.”

Chu Jin Yao smiled, “I am very touched that Sixth Younger Sister thinks like this. Sixth Young Sister need not do anything for me; it is enough that I understand your heart.”

Seeing that Chu Jin Yao was unwilling to speak up, Sixth Young Lady could only reveal her trump card: “Fifth Older Sister, do you know why the Marquis Furen suddenly remembered to send you a discipline Memo?”

Chu Jin Yao calmly asked, “Why?”

“It was that person who created the nonsense. Even though there are Momos in the courtyards of the young ladies, they are disciplined Momos in name; in fact, they are not like that at all. If one is a newly born young lady, then the mother would arrange early on for the young lady. The matters in the courtyard would be managed by the young lady, and the disciplined Momo would take on the bad role and scare the maids. However, your momo is just not right. If there is such a person present, then all your matters have to go through her. Don’t mention that nothing can be done; your every move would be known to her. If this goes on, who would be the one benefiting?”

“Do you mean the Fourth Young Lady?”

“Yes. Fifth Older Sister, it is currently the critical period for the selection of the study companion. GuMu, ShiZi, and the Momos of the Prince residence are all in our residence. When they return, the Prince Consort will definitely question GuMu and Momos about us. Not considering GuMu, what matters are the evaluations from Momos. If they say a good thing, it would be better than us speaking a hundred times about good things, but if they say something bad, then even if we explain it a thousand or ten thousand times, it would be useless. Fifth Older Sister, isn’t it rational? Fourth Young Lady placed a disciplined Momo at your side, and if she uses this Momo to change anything of yours or make up something about you, when all this reaches Hua Momo and Deng Momo’s ears, everything is over.”

Chu Jin Yao was thinking that she had originally not planned to be chosen to be a study companion and just learn from the Prince’s Momos. She did not care about how the Momos would evaluate her; as such, Sun Momo was not as powerful as the Sixth Young Lady described.

When seeing that Chu Jin Yao was keeping quiet, the Sixth Young Lady thought that she was frightened and continued, “Older Sister, the Prince residence wants to select two study companions for the County Princess. Since we are fellow sufferers and should empathise with each other, shouldn’t we unite? Even if we don’t do anything, when Chu Jin Miao becomes increasingly savage, one would not be able to imagine how she would scheme against us. When we unite, we have more people and power, so no matter what we encounter, we can discuss it with one another.”

Chu Jin Yao understands now. So it turned out that the Sixth Young Lady had this intention; she was forming an alliance with her. Chu Jin Yao had no intention of being the Prince’s residence’s study companion. She did not want to be involved in their fighting, but just as she was about to refuse, she suddenly felt the jade pendant that was hanging on her chest start to vibrate.

Chu Jin Yao’s expression did not change, but her words made a big turn: “I am very touched by your consideration of me. I have only just returned and have no knowledge of anything. If Sixth Younger Sister doesn’t dislike me and is willing to help me, I would be very grateful.”

Sixth Young Lady finally revealed a sincere smile: “Us sisters are both pitiful people. As long as we unite, there will always be a way.”

Chu Jin Yao accompanied Sixth Young Lady for a chat and when she left, Chu Jin Yao asked Qin Yi secretly, “Why did you stop me just now? One is not sure if Sixth Young Lady’s words are true or fake; what should we do?”

“She is here to seek an alliance. Since one does not know about her intentions, then hold her off first and watch what happens.”

“But I do not want to meddle in this muddy water with them, so why should I agree to her alliance?”

Qin Yi said, “If you do not agree, she will look for the other two. At that time, three of them will deal with you; do you think that would be fun?”

“…” Chu Jin Yao was so surprised that she could not close her mouth, “Will it be like this?”

“How could it not be?” Qi Yi pointed it out to Chu Jin Yao: “When dealing with matters, it is most taboo to please both sides. If one wants to please both sides, then the end result would be that neither side would be pleased. Especially since there are only the four of you, it is necessary to form alliances in pairs; otherwise,  one would be squeezed out of the game by the other three. When you and her are in alliance and scheme against the other two, pay more attention to things and have some leverage so that you can threaten Sixth Young Lady. This is then the Inner Palace… No, the way to life is in the inner courtyard. Understand? Don’t keep thinking of being independent. Without enough power, the result of being independent is that one will be surrounded by others. If you have enough power, then naturally others would come to rely on you, and you are not considered alone either.”

Chu Jin Yao listened for a long time and started to respect Qin Yi, “In what environment did you cultivate to become a spirit? You have a collection of logics to scheme against others.” First, it was to draw support and form cliques, then, after killing the other party, immediately attack one’s ally. Chu Jin Yao suddenly felt that Qin Yi was a scary person. It was too dangerous to be his ally.

Chu Jin Yao suddenly said “Oh!”, before softening her voice, “You are so unsympathetic to your allies, so am I counted as your ally?”

Qin Yi was seriously teaching Chu Jin Yao how to survive, but upon hearing her words, he could not help but laugh. “You really think a lot. Just your little standards do not open my eyes at all. I would even find scheming against you a waste of effort.”

After Chu Jin Yao heard him, her face tugged as her tone became unkind. “Then I still need to thank you, an elder?”

“You are welcome.”

“Go away! I don’t want to be bothered by you.”

It was rare that Chu Zhu could return to her maiden family, so after staying for a few days, she did not want to return. She was the daughter-in-law in the Prince residence, so she had to be cautious when speaking, tread carefully, and could not afford even a small mistake. However, it was very relaxing in the maiden family since the matriarch of the family was her birth mother, so she could do no wrong. However, no matter how much Chu Zhe was nostalgic for her maiden family, she could not live there for a long time. How could a married daughter live with her maiden family so often?

Chu Zhu reluctantly set a date to return to the Prince’s residence. When she returned, Lin Xin Ning, Lin Xi Yuan, and the two Momos of the Prince residence would naturally leave together. Old Chu Furen could not bear her only daughter leaving, so she retained the younger generation by her side and let them mingle. Once Chu Zhu left, one would not know when these Biao sisters would see one another again.

It was Deng Momo’s class this morning, and she spoke about [New accounts of the tales of the world 世说新语]. Chu Jin Yao had never heard of it before, so she was utterly confused. However, after classes these days, she could not return to her courtyard like usual and had to go over to Old Furen’s with the rest of the sisters.

Chu Jin Yao listened till she was in the midst of clouds and mist. She walked towards Rong Ning Tang with a headful of questions and planned to ask Qin Yi when no one was around. Chu Jin Miao deliberately walked slowly at the back and waited when everyone left before turning around to walk back with a triumphant smile.

The rest did not know about the details of the selection of the study companion, but she did. Each one for themselves; otherwise, Heaven and Earth would destroy themselves. Since it was Heaven’s intention for her to be aware of the matters of the Crown Prince and Crown Prince Consort, one could not blame her for being vicious and merciless. There was nothing that could be done, even if one or two people were sacrificed.

Chu Jin Yao did not take any notice of Chu Jin Miao’s small actions and went back to Old Furen’s. After finishing lunch, she instructed the maids to move the books to the back of the building to hide from others and read.

When there was no one around, Chu Jin Yao asked softly, “What comes after ‘the luminous light of the pearl’?”

“The luminous light of the pearl need not come from the river of MengJin (a county in LuoYang); the fistful of jade need not be gathered from the KunLun mountains.” Qin Yi replied softly. Chu Jin Yao wrote it on paper. This was today’s homework, and she did not understand it at all, so she could only copy and memorise it secretly.

Qin Yi watched as Chu Jin Yao wrote. After a while, he could not help but ask, “Why are the books that Prince Huai Ling selected so familiar to me?” It was [the literary selections of Zhao Ming 昭明文选] a few days ago, and today it was [new accounts of the tales of the world 世说新语]. These were books that he often read during his spare time. These were not the contents of the preliminary rounds of the Imperial examinations. Very few ordinary males would even read them, so why did Deng Momo pick these books to teach Chu Jin Yao and the rest?

Chu Jin Yao shook her head. “I too do not know either.”

Chu Jin Yao was whispering at the rear end of the building, but there was a sudden noise outside.

She frowned and called a maid over to ask, “What is happening outside?”

The maid replied with all smiles, “Young Lady, Huai Ling ShiZi said that he will be leaving tomorrow and came over especially to greet Old Furen today!”

So Lin Yi Yuan was here. No wonder it suddenly became lively outside. Currently Chu Zhu, the people of Prince Huai Ling residence, Old Chu Furen and the few young ladies of the Chu family were all present, so basically the whole residence was gathered together. With that many people around, just a little noise would already be very lively.

Chu Jin Yao did not take it to heart. She wrote two words and suddenly realised, why did she not see Chu Jin Miao?

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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