The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant

001: The Daughter Returns

Chapter 1



It was after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the twentieth year of Jian Xing. The New Year’s mood had disappeared, and each family and household had put their minds together to make living arrangements for the entire year. Those who were working for large households also quickly cleaned up and returned to their master’s family.

In the Residence of Marquis ChangXing, a girl wearing a peach coloured Ruyi pattern top over an indigo pleated skirt with a double bun hairstyle, pushed the curtains open. The jovial smile that was previously seen stagnated upon seeing the approaching person.

But Qiu Ye was one that interacted in the inner courtyard, thus was able to quickly conceal her true reactions, and quickly greeted the oncoming person courteously and kindly.

“Fifth Young Lady, you are very early today. Quickly come in, it is cold outside!”

Chu Jin Yao did not enter immediately. She put up the appearance that she had secretly learned and gave Qiu Ye a greeting before straightening up, “Greetings to Older Sister Qiu Ye. Is Mother inside?”

Chu Jin Yao was a Young Lady after all. Even if Qiu Ye was the first ranked maid of Marquis Chang Xing’s Furen, there was truly no need to be this polite. Nodding her head to greet was actually enough.

But Chu Jin Yao did not know, and even if she knew, she would not know how to nod or how to greet. The things that were as natural as drinking water to the young ladies of the inner courtyard, were just too difficult for her.

In fact, Chu Jin Yao should be the Fourth Young Lady as the second daughter of the official wife, Madam Zhao, of the Marquis Chang Xing Mansion. However, her fate was somewhat bumpy.

When she was just born, Tatars invaded the borders and Madam Zhao gave birth outside and in such the wrong daughter was carried back. That girl was brought back to the residence and given the name Chu Jin Miao. A few days ago, Chu Jin Yao was brought back. But Chu Jin Miao had stayed in the Marquis Mansion for thirteen years and had a deep relationship with Mother and servants. Her ZhuMu, Old Chu Furen, also could not bear to send back the granddaughter that was doted upon for thirteen years. She then called the shots and allowed both young ladies to stay, with Chu Jin Miao continuing to be Fourth Young Lady and Chu Jin Yao lining up behind Chu Jin Miao, becoming Fifth Young Lady.

Chu Jin Yao grew up in a peasant family and did not have any knowledge of noble household etiquette. She feared being others’ joke and secretly observed how others behaved and spoke before figuring out herself and learned it. As such, she made many mistakes unknowingly, just like today’s greetings.

Qiu Ye accepted Chu Jin Yao’s greeting and returned a greeting before quickly welcoming Chu Jin Yao. As soon as the heavy marten rat curtain fell, it blocked the cold winds, the temperature of the main hall increased, and it was no longer filled with the cold wind. Qiu Ye exhaled before speaking, “The wind is sure strong today. If the curtains were opened for a long time, it might not matter to us but it would be bad if Furen felt cold.”

Chu Jin Yao did not expect it and quickly said, “I did not mean to. I did not expect…”

“Fifth Young Lady must not speak like that. You are the master and no matter how great the fault is, it is the servants and maids that did not serve well.” As Qiu Ye spoke, she scowled and looked at the people behind Chu Jin Yao, “You two hussies. Fifth Young Lady has just returned but did both of you just return too? If there is such negligence again, be careful of your skin!”

Ding Xiang and Shan Cha, who were standing behind Chu Jin Yao, quickly admitted their mistakes. Qiu Ye scolded a few more times before calming down, “All right. It is good that one can correct after making a mistake. You should be more attentive in your job!”

This time, even Chu Jin Yao heard that her behavior just now was inappropriate. Qiu Ye could not make a comment about her so she scolded the maids who followed her for the morning greetings.

Chu Jin Yao felt apologetic as she had implicated others. If she had done it a little better, how would others be scolded for her?

In fact, Chu Jin Yao’s current thoughts were still being held back by the previous household. In the big families of noble households, unmarried young ladies are precious nobility. If one were to commit an offense, the harshest punishment was confinement and copying rules and regulations for Women. With regards to beating and other painful punishments, it was the servants below who would suffer from it because it was them that did not remind and plead the masters not to commit mistakes. Moreover, Ding Xiang and Shan Cha were not wronged at all. Chu Jin Yao was only found recently and she was not clear on how to greet or bow, but did these servants not know? They should have reminded her before going out then such a situation would not happen. But Ding Xiang was of a quiet persona and would not speak a single word when prodded, whereas Shan Cha’s eyes kept wandering around. It can be seen that she had a big heart and would not think about such matters for her master.

Qiu Ye sighed in her heart but there was only so much she could do. By sounding them out with a layer between, it was already taken into consideration that she felt similar to Chu Jin Yao growing up in a farmer family and felt some pity. She too was from a farmer family and sold to the Marquis residence. Qiu Ye would not do anything more than that.

This was the reality of a noble household.

Zhang Mama came out of the Western room and spoke unhappily, “Who opened the curtains? Furen just woke up and still has sweat on her body. If Furen catches a cold, which one of you can be accountable for it?”

Qiu Ye bowed her head immediately to admit to it. Chu Jin Yao got frightened and quickly said, “It’s not Qiu Ye’s fault. I opened it when I came in.”

Zhang Mama had never seen a young lady confessing her mistakes that quickly. Usually, young ladies would have the people around them admit to the offenser. Even though they were to make mistakes, they would not admit it themselves and by just a look, someone below would step up to take the blame, much less a fault that was not at all Chu Jin Yao’s at all. With Chu Jin Yao’s words, Zhang Mama could not continue on. Even though she was Furen’s dowry maid, she was a servant so how could she speak of the masters’ faults?

Zhang Mama could only change her expression and squeeze out a smile, “It turns out to be the Fifth Young Lady that arrived. Fifth Young Lady arrived really early for greetings. Furen is inside doing her makeup. Please come in quickly.”

Chu Jin Yao thanked Zhang Mama before walking into the Western room softly.

Zhang Mama moved to the side to let Chu Jin Yao walk first before following behind. As she looked at Chu Jin Yao’s back as well as her deliberately lightened actions, she felt very complicated.

Chu Jin Yao was a genuine Di-born Young Lady, a high born female that crawled out of Madam Zhao’s stomach. Why the need to be this careful? If it was the Fourth Young Lady who grew up in front of Furen, she would have definitely started talking and laughing loudly as soon as she walked in before running to the room and falling into Furen’s arms, regardless of whether Furen was grooming or not. However, Furen’s real Di-born daughter, Chu Jin Yao, was instead very cautious.

Zhang Mama sighed. Who could have imagined that such a thing, that even novels would not dare to write, would actually happen in the residence of Marquis Chang Xing, the top graded family in Tai Yuan Province.

In the late autumn of the nineteenth year of Jian Xing, around October, an old servant of the courtyard of Marquis Chang Xing’s Furen, Madam Zhao, drank too much and started to talk loudly to the servants of other courtyards. She bragged that she had a long service record and knew about many matters of Furen and that she was even aware of the matter that Fourth Young Lady was not Furen’s biological daughter.

When the servants heard it, they knew that this old servant was just bragging. Who was the Fourth Young Lady? She was Furen’s second Di-born Young Lady, the youngest child. She was doted upon and placed on the palm of her hands, so how could she not be of her own? If it was on normal days, others would just take it for entertainment if this old servant bragged and the matter would be over. But, on that particular day, the Marquis’ follower passed by and heard those words.

After the follower returned, he immediately reported it to the Marquis of Chang Xing. Upon hearing it, the Marquis was angered. It was a serious offense to gossip about the masters and what gossip were these servants spinning about? The Marquis of Chang Xing immediately instructed those servants of the inner courtyard to be brought over and personally interrogated them. This old servant was so frightened that she fell onto her knees and told the Marquis of Chang Xing every single detail of the matter.

Initially, the Marquis of Chang Xing did not believe it but upon hearing the vividly described details, he too started to have doubts. In the end, to avoid future troubles, he sent his people to investigate the matter and restore his daughter’s innocence. However, upon an investigation, the truth came out the most doted upon Fourth Young Lady of the Marquis residence might not be his daughter indeed.

That year, when Madam Zhao, the Marquis Furen, was pregnant, it was when the Tatars invaded the borders, oppressing cruelly down the South and approaching the capital. There was almost an accident in the Northern Capital and ShanXi was ruined. Many places were devastated in murder and arson by the Tartars and Tai Yuan Province was no exception. The residence of the Marquis Chang Xing was considered a well known noble family in Tai Yuan Province, thus it was naturally the target of Tatars. At that time, the Marquis Chang Xing was leading the troops and was unable to take care of the family for a while. Thus, the Furens and Young Ladies of the residence of Marquis of Chang Xing could only flee to the South. Fortunately, Marquis Chang Xing quickly led his troops and regained control of Tai Yuan Province, and the scattered family members were also brought back one after another. However, Madam Zhao, the Furen of Marquis Chang Xing was pregnant and due to the fright, had no choice but to give birth when fleeing to the South.

All unnecessary formalities were dispensed when fleeing; since one’s life cannot be saved, what was the need for delivery equipment? Madam Zhao could only seek temporary lodging with a commoner family and used a few pieces of gold jewelry as compensation. This was regarded as facing difficulty when giving birth.

At that time, that farmer family had also just given birth to a child and as such, they had no choice but to stay at home and not flee to the South with the other villagers. After Madam Zhao gave birth, she requested the farmer woman to feed a few days of milk before leaving with her dowry servants. A few more days later, the soldiers came over to fetch Madam Zhao.

After Madam Zhao escaped and returned to the Marquis Residence, she doted and loved this daughter that shared life and death, so much so that even the Eldest Young Lady was incomparable. Madam Zhao gave birth to one son and two daughters and they were ranked Eldest Young Lady, Second Young Master, and Fourth Young Lady according to age. When fleeing, Old Furen left with the Eldest Young Lady and when Madam Zhao was separated from the others, she only had her wet nurse, Zhang Mama, and her youngest daughter, Fourth Young Lady. Upon returning to the residence, Fourth Young Lady was given the name Miao along with the generation name Jin and was doted upon.

Marquis Chang Xing also cherished this daughter who was born outside and suffered hardships while escaping. However, all the signs were now telling him that Chu Jin Miao might not be his daughter. His real daughter was secretly replaced by that farmer family during the chaos that year!

Marquis Chang Xing flew into a rage when he heard about the news that he was not in the mood to celebrate the New Year. In his anger, Marquis Chang Xing sent people to rigorously interrogate the servant who leaked the information. Later, she admitted that she had a drink with Furen’s dowry maid years ago and it was Zhang Mama that accidentally spoke of it. Zhang Mama held suspicions all those years ago but it was difficult to be clarified, thus, she could only bury it deep in her heart. Afterwards, when she was drunk, she revealed it to this servant, and many years after, Marquis Chang Xing heard about it.

Marquis Chang Xing mulled over it for several days without alarming Madam Zhao or his Mother, Old Chu Furen. Instead, he secretly sent people to search for the midwife that helped deliver that year. Marquis Chang Xing sat in the room for a long time before making his mind up to search for his flesh and blood.

Even if it were just a daughter, his bloodline cannot be in disorder.

Just after the New Year, Marquis Chang Xing casually used an excuse to leave the house. At that time, Madam Zhao complained about it. Why the need to go out in the first lunar month? Marquis Chang Xing ignored it and headed all the way South and found Chu Jin Yao in a small village, on the western side of ShanXi.

At that time, Chu Jin Yao was still called Su Yao.

Su Yao got up early that day and as usual, went out to collect firewood for the house. When she returned while carrying the firewood, she sensed something and turned her head. She saw a man with a majestic air standing not far away, silently staring at her.

“This uncle, who are you looking for?”

Marquis Chang Xing was silent and stared for a long time before he looked up to the skies to sigh.

The little girl in front was thirteen years old. Due to the constant farm work, she was taller than the Young Ladies in the residence of Marquis Chang Xing but was extremely thin, also her complexion was dark due to the sun. Her face was slim and sharp and did not look healthy but that pair of eyes was surprisingly good-looking. They looked so good that it made others think they should not appear in this kind of village but instead on an exceptional beauty and raised in the Palace, beloved by tens of thousands and served by hundreds of people.

There was no mistake. This young lady’s eyes and nose looked almost exactly the same as his Younger Sister, Chu Zhu. On the contrary, the Fourth Young Lady, Chu Jin Miao, looked plainer as she grew up and nothing like him.

Marquis Chang Xing slowly approached and asked, “What is your name?

Su Yao felt that it was strange but replied with a sweet smile, “I am Su Yao. You must not be from around here. Are you lost?”

Marquis Chang Xin did not answer Su Yao’s question but asked, “Yao? It does not sound like a name that villagers would use as a name.”

“It is because my mother said that a Taoist priest gave me a piece of jade when I was born and also the name ‘Yao’. Thus, everyone in the family calls me that.”

Marquis Chang Xing looked at Su Yao’s jade. It was a piece of clear white jade with red flakes floating inside. From the quality of it, it was very valuable. The red flakes were very exquisite, like the blood that dripped into clear water and imprisoned in the white jade. Marquis Chang Xin thought back to the stories of discovering families through blood coagulation.

In the year when Su Yao, or accurately Chu Jin Yao, was born, a Taoist priest came to Tai Yuan Province. It was said that he was filled with treasures and was carrying a jade that was worth an entire city, could bring the dead alive and it was on earth looking for its master. Marquis Chang Xing did not believe in such rumors but thinking about his soon-to-be-born child, regardless of the gender, it was always rare to have a Di-born bloodline. Thus, he wanted to search for a good jade so as to make a jade pendant for the child. As such, he personally approached the Taoist priest. However, the latter took a look and said, “The jade has a fate with your daughter but one cannot give it to you.”

At those words, Marquis Chang Xing scoffed and left with a flick of his sleeves. He was a Marquis and it was already condescending to look for a Taoist priest, but this person did not appreciate it and instead spouted nonsense. What if the jade has a fate with his daughter but he could not give it to him, the father? Don’t mention whether Madam Zhao was carrying a daughter or not if the Taoist priest did not give him, how would it end up in the hands of his daughter? This was just seizing the opportunity to raise the price!

Not long after, the Tatars invaded the borders and Marquis Chang Xing had to lead the troops against the enemies and thus quickly threw this matter to the back of his mind.

It was only after thirteen years, when Marquis Chang Xing stood in front of Chu Jin Yao, that he recalled this matter.

“This uncle, it’s time to recover to one senses!” Chu Jin Yao said with a smile, “Just follow this road all the way North and you will be able to leave the village. I have to go back to chopping wood and boiling water and cannot send you off. Else when my mother wakes up, she will scold me again.”

Marquis Chang Xing frowned, “You are just a little girl and you need to chop wood and boil water?”

In the Marquis Residence, not to mention the Young Ladies, even the maids that served the Young Ladies would not work on these heavy manual labor. His Di-born daughter, the Eldest Young Lady, and Fourth Young Lady had a nanny, two first ranked maids, and four second-ranked maids to serve at their sides since birth. There were also many other attendants that were sent by the elders. It could be said that there never was a moment when they were without anyone. When Fourth Young Lady, Chu Jin Miao, was learning needlework and pricked her fingers, everyone would fuss around her, apply medicine, and invite the doctor over. However, Chu Jin Yao had to wake up early in the winter like this to gather firewood and upon returning home, boil water and clean the yard. Chu Jin Yao is real daughter! Marquis Chang Xing knew how the Eldest Young Lady and Fourth Young Lady lived and as such felt very uncomfortable upon hearing what Chu Jin Yao said. However, the more annoying thing was that this farmer family had deliberately switched their daughters during birth and the original farmer’s daughter, Chu Jin Miao, was enjoying glory and luxury while the real noble young lady was being raised in their home, not a good environment. Also, they even instructed her to work!

Marquis Chang Xing was furious. At that moment, he had made up his mind to bring the little girl back to the residence, retain her name, follow the clan’s generation naming for females and call her Jin Yao. As for the surname Su, let the farmer keep it for their daughter.

Chu Jin Yao did not know what Marquis Chang Xing was thinking at this time and was seriously answering Marquis Chang Xing’s questions. “Yes. Older Sister is married and I am the only female child in the family so naturally, I should do all the housework. Ah, my mother would have woken up, I have to return…”

“No need to return.” Marquis Chang Xing said, “Your surname is not Su. Leave with me.”

What happened afterwards was very vague to Chu Jin Yao. Father Su, who usually scolded and beat, shrank at a side and dared not speak. Mother Su, who usually suffered under Father Su, wept loudly while Su Sheng, the Younger Brother, became a quail. Eldest Sister, Su Hui, who rushed back home after receiving the news, was suddenly silent as she looked at Chu Jin Yao.

Chu Jin Yao was scared upon receiving such gazes and afterwards she was taken away without any explanation. She sat in the gorgeous carriage that she had only seen once in her life as she leaned out of it to look at her family. None of her parents who lived with her for thirteen years came out to send her off and only Eldest Sister cried and ran out to force her to accept a cloth bag from the carriage window.

There were two sets of clean cotton dresses in the cloth bag and those were the rarest and decent clothes at home. Chu Jin Yao knew that Older Sister would definitely be scolded by Father Su and Mother Su when she gave it to her. If Father Su was furious, it was possible that he would hit her. As for the Older Sister’s husband’s family, one did not know what they were going to say.

Chu Jin Yao cried hard. When she got out of the carriage, her eyes were still red.

When the carriage stopped, Chu Jin Yao looked up and saw the majestic looking residence of Marquis Chang Xing.

Only then did Madam Zhao know what Marquis Chang Xing did when he left the house.

Chu Jin Yao lowered her head as she stood in front of Madam Zhao, with a sense of yearning and bashfulness. For a moment, she did not know where to place her hands and feet.

However, her real mother swept her eyes up and down at her a few times and waved her hands in disgust, “Take her out. The odor of soil is just too suffocating.”

Chu Jin Yao was very embarrassed. The conditions at the farmer’s family were bad and coupled with the rush journey back, she did not take a bath. After Chu Jin Yao had freshened up and changed to clean clothes, she had gone to see her biological mother happily but instead heard from outside the muslin curtain, “Furen, you look like you do not really like… Young Lady Yao.”

“What kind of Young Lady is she? How would I know who she is when she appeared out of thin air? The Marquis is just too much. To think there is rain when one hears the wind and brings whatever cat and dog back. One does not know if someone deliberately set up a trick to deceive him.”

“Furen…” Zhang Mama whispered softly. Since Zhang Mama was aware of the matters of the past, upon laying her eyes on Chu Jin Yao, she felt that she was the genuine one. She, as an outsider, could see it clearly. But Madam Zhao had doted upon Chu Jin Miao as a daughter for thirteen years and thus, within a short period of time, was unable to accept the sudden appearance of a daughter.

“Chase her out. I do not want to see her. I do not have a daughter like that. Where is Miao-er? Call Miao-er over!”

Chu Jin Yao’s face was already covered with tears. She bit her lips and made sure that she did not make any noise as she left quietly.

Upon returning to the room, Chu Jin Yao threw herself on the bed and cried loudly. The jade pendant that she wore since young fell out, and one of the red lines in it disappeared silently.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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