The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant



While in Rong Ning Tang, Qin Yi was so bored that he unconsciously stared at Lin Xi Ning. Then he saw Lin Xi Ning’s servant coming over and saying something to him. As he was quite a distance away, it was naturally impossible for Qin Yi to hear their conversation. However, he could recognise the words ‘Crown Prince’ from the shape of his lips.

After he was done listening, there was no change in Lin Xi Ning’s expression, but soon after, he went out, making some excuses.

Qin Yi immediately determined that there was a problem with Lin Xi Ning and that he was also involved in this issue. He did not care about the people around him and whispered to Chu Jin Yao, “Follow the boy from the Lin family. I have matters to do.”

Chu Jin Yao quickly came out and asked in a low voice, “What is wrong?”

Qin Yi’s tone of voice was unprecedentedly solemn.

“I suspect that the Lin family is up to no good. Be careful and follow this kid from a distance. I want to see just what the Lin family is going to do.”

When Qin Yi instructed Chu Jin Yao to follow Lin Xi Ning, she was grudging in her heart. What would it look like for her to follow her Older Biao brother? Nonetheless, she still did as he bid and tailed Lin Xi Ning from afar.

Just like that, she followed him all the way. Upon reaching a corner, Lin Xi Ning suddenly stopped to talk to the servant. She quickly hid behind the corner. As her back was up against the corner, her heart was pounding loudly.

“Scared me to death!”

“It is all right. They will not discover you. Even if they discover you, the Lin family would not dare do anything to you.”

Chu Jin Yao felt strange, “Why do you keep on saying the Lin family? They are the Prince Huai Ling family. That is a Prince Residence!”

Qin Yi sneered, “Prince Residence… One does not mention that they have a different surname from the Imperial family. Even if they are Princes of the Qin family, what can they do about it?”

If Qin Yi was not formless, Chu Jin Yao would have reached out to cover his mouth, “What are you talking about! You dare to even talk nonsense about the Imperial Family!”

“He has gone far.” Qin Yi coolly said, “If you don’t go, then you have come out for nothing.”

Taken aback, Chu Jin Yao popped her head out. After ensuring there was no one around, she jogged up to follow.

In the end, she came onto a courtyard like a thief in her own house.

Chu Jin Yao had faintly discerned that this place was already out of the boundaries of the Inner Courtyard, not only could outside males enter and exit but there were also soldiers patrolling around. She asked Qin Yi quietly, “Where is this place?”

Qin Yi instead answered, “You ask me?”

Chu Jin Yao was speechless at his question, “Isn’t… Isn’t it you that asked me to come over?”

“This is your house.” Qin Yi spoke frankly without any introspection: “How would I know?”

“You are…”

“Lower your head and squat down.”

Even though Chu Jin Yao was complaining, her body unexpectedly listened to him. Before she could react, she was already squatting behind the bushes.

Chu Jin Yao had grown so big but had yet to glimpse such a scene. Honestly speaking, she also did not want to see such a scene. She lowered her voice and asked, “What do we do now?”

“Since we are already here, then go in.”

“…” Chu Jin Yao’s eyes widened as she rebuked in disbelief, “You really think too highly of me!”

“It is all right. I am here.” Qin Yi said, “Do you see those people patrolling? They are divided into two shifts and will walk one round in half a minute (modern times: 15 minutes). When they are changing shifts, the side doors at the other end are a dead zone. You have to run fast, slip into the corner gate and directly enter the courtyard.”

Chu Jin Yao visually checked the distance, and after holding it in for a long time, she could not help but say, “I… cannot run over there.”

Qin Yi was someone who had trained troops in DaTong. He had trained soldiers for a long time and had not thought that someone would be unable to run such a short distance. He was helpless and could only say, “Let me rethink.”

Chu Jin Yao looked on for a while and asked as she lowered her head, “Is it necessary to enter through the doors? Is there anything particular about it?”

“Nothing particular. But if you don’t enter through the doors, then how are you going to go about it?”

“I think I can flip over the walls.” Chu Jin Yao had visually inspected the height of the walls and spoke, “I used to climb a lot of trees, and there should not be any problem with this height. Only that, today’s clothes are just too cumbersome.”

Qin Yi could not continue the conversation for a while. He could not help but say, “You are a girl and still dare to climb walls and trees?”

“What is the matter about it? I will show you today.” With that, Chu Jin Yao walked to the other side of the patrol, quickly slid to the corner of the wall, and tied a big knot on her skirt. She then took a short run-up and landed on top of the wall with a thud.

Qin Yi watched the entire scene quietly. In his limited life, this was the first time a female had lifted her skirt to tie a knot and flipped over a wall in front of him.

“Chu Jin Yao.”

“En?” She was busy climbing the wall.

“It is all right with me, but in the future, when you encounter another male, you have to hold back a bit.” Qin Yi sighed, “I really fear that you will not be able to be married.”

Chu Jin Yao glared at him, annoyed. “Shut up! Continue talking, and I will throw you down.”

When she’d said she knew how to climb trees, it was not her being humble at all. It did not take long for her to climb over the wall. Then she crouched over to look down to find a suitable place to land. There was a tree near the wall, so she moved nearer to it, stretched her leg to test the strength of the branches, and went onto the tree. Using the branches to buffer the fall, she said to Qin Yi softly, “Be prepared.”

Before Qin Yi could reply, Chu Jin Yao jumped onto the ground with a shout.

The knot on her skirt had unraveled midway. She patted her hands and was about to stand up when she heard a voice tinged with laughter from the corner.

“What are you doing?”

Chu Jin Yao looked up in shock and her eyes widened. A youth, around the age of sixteen or seventeen, walked out slowly from the corner. He had a handsome face and a tall and slender stature. His amber-light eyes glimmered tenderly when he smiled.

He looked at Chu Jin Yao and could not help but laugh, “Which family’s young lady are you? Why did you appear here?”

Chu Jin Yao was still squatting on the ground; her gorgeous, huge skirt spread out like peacock feathers, making her seem even slimmer. “I am a maid!

The young gentleman laughed harder. He walked over and stretched his hand out to Chu Jin Yao, “Stand up first. Your skirt is very pretty and it would be a pity if it got dirty.”

It was only then that Chu Jin Yao realised she was still squatting on the ground. She took a step back to avoid the youth’s hand and stood up by herself. “I am thanking this gentleman, but there is no need.”

Thinking as to how improper it was for men and women to touch each other’s hands when passing objects, the youth withdrew his hands to take out a snow-white handkerchief from his sleeve and offered it to Chu Jin Yao. “Your hands are dirty. Wipe them first.” As an afterthought, he said, “This is a plain brocade handkerchief, without any markings. You need not be afraid.”

Chu Jin Yao was very wary of this person who had suddenly appeared, and after she heard his words, she could not help but blurt out, “You use brocade as a handkerchief?”

The young gentleman began to laugh again. His eyes were like a lake deep in the forest, especially quiet but when he laughed, that clear lake became intoxicating. The youth felt that he had not met such an interesting young lady for a long time. He held back his laughter and said, “What you said is right. I will not be like this next time.”

Chu Jin Yao was somewhat embarrassed. It was already very embarrassing to encounter someone after flipping over a wall and to even meet such a handsome and young gentleman. She hated that she could not disappear from where she was standing. She lowered her head and tried to hide her face, “I am only a maid. I still have work to do and will leave now.”

Saying so, she lifted her skirt slightly and started to run out. After two steps, she felt that something was wrong. If she left like this, wouldn’t all the trouble be wasted? She stopped and braced herself to walk around the youth.

The youth took it easy and smiled as he watched what Chu Jin Yao planned to do. He saw the Young Lady wearing an entire body of white brocade, looking like a bright moon, run two steps before stopping and calling out weakly, “Father.”

As soon as Marquis Chang Xing came out, he saw Chu Jin Yao standing in the courtyard. He was very curious, “Why did you run all the way here for?”

“I… I…” This time, Chu Jin Yao could not make up nonsense like ‘I am a maid’. She hemmed and hawed for a long time but was still unable to speak.

This extraordinarily handsome youth took two steps forward and nodded his head to Marquis Chang Xing, saying, “I brought her in. I saw her at the doors and thought that she wanted to come in to look for someone so I brought her in.”

Marquis Chang Xing hurriedly cupped his hands, “ShiZi, why have you come out? It has been difficult for us to search.”

“ShiZi?” Chu Jin Yao repeated it softly.

Chu Jin Yao’s voice was so soft that Marquis Chang Xing could not hear it. However, Lin Xi Yuan turned around and smiled as he spoke to her, “Correct. I am the ShiZi of the Residence of Prince Huai Ling, named Lin Xi Yuan.” As he spoke, Lin Xi Yuan winked at Chu Jin Yao, indicating that he would not speak about the matter just now.

Chu Jin Yao only had one thought in her heart: it was over. This was too embarrassing. She had just told the other that she was a maid, but in the end, she was exposed after just two steps. Moreover, he said that he was the ShiZi of the Residence of Prince Huai Ling. Didn’t this mean that the county princess was his younger sister? The young ladies were supposed to be chosen to study with his younger sister.

At first, Chu Jin Yao did not want to be a whatever companion, but now that she had encountered the ShiZi of the Prince Residence, she did not want to go.

Whoever wanted to go could go. She had no more face to go!

When Lin Xi Yuan saw a silent Chu Jin Yao with her head lowered, he presumed she was intimidated by his identity. He smiled and stopped making things difficult for her.

However, Marquis Chang Xing did not notice these things and spoke to Lin Xi Yuan, “ShiZi, I have prepared a welcoming banquet for you; shall we head over?”

“All right.” Lin Xi Yuan nodded and glanced at Chu Jin Yao. “However, one must send this young lady back first. Lin Er sent Young Lady Chu back.”

Just as the guard behind Lin Xi Yuan responded, Marquis Chang Xing quickly said, “There is no need to trouble ShiZi. I will instruct someone to send this daughter back.” He then added:. “This daughter is stubborn and obstreperous. One has incurred ShiZi’s ridicule.”

It was originally very common, modest words that parents used, but no one thought that Lin Xi Yuan would chuckle and reply meaningfully, “No.”

Chu Jin Yao’s head was buried even lower. Marquis Chang Xing did not understand so he looked at Lin Xi Yuan and then at Chu Jin Yao, feeling that something was wrong.

However, Marquis Chang Xing did not have time to carefully ask about the details of the matter as Lin Xi Yuan had turned around to walk out. Thus, he could only quickly catch up. Before leaving, he told his daughter, “Why did you come here? This is not a place you should be. Return quickly!”

Marquis Chang Xing assumed that his daughter did not know the way and had gotten lost.

“Yes.” Chu Jin Yao complied and quickly walked away.

When there was no one around, Chu Jin Yao looked around and let out a long sigh of relief as she patted her chest, “Heavens! It really scared me to death. Fortunately, nothing was disclosed and I came out smoothly.”

However, Qin Yi muttered to himself, “Why is he here too?”

“Do you mean ShiZi?” Chu Jin Yao asked and was suddenly surprised, “Ah! I have forgotten. We did not do anything about your matter!”

“We are already outside. Never mind.” Qin Yi said, “Besides, I already know.”

“What do you know?” Chu Jin Yao was surprised. What did she do that let Qin Yi know?

Qin Yi refused to speak more and instead reminded Chu Jin Yao, “You should return. Don’t forget what you’ve said to your oldest Sister.”

“Yes. I have to return quickly; otherwise, ZuMu will send someone out to look for me and I will be exposed!”

While Chu Jin Yao walked briskly back, Qin Yi kept quiet as he was thinking about some matter in his heart.

It can be said that when the Second Furen of the Lin family came to the Residence of Marquis Chang Xing, she could use returning to the maiden family as a cover-up. But for Lin Xi Yuan, why did he come here too? And to even have a private conversation with the Marquis of Chang Xing?

The Residence of Marquis of Chang Xing and the Residence of Prince Huai Ling… Just what exactly did they want to do? Just from the words that Lin Xing Ning mouthed to the servant, Qin Yi could confirm that the matter they were doing their best to conceal and discuss was related to him. When he thought about his unconscious body, he became even more anxious.

When Chu Jin Yao returned to RongNingTang, she was indeed questioned by Chu Jin Xian for quite some time. Fortunately, Chu Jin Yao was able to fool her. They later spent the entire afternoon in front of Old Furen. When it was time for dinner, a servant said something to Old Furen; she then revealed an excited expression.

The young ladies were looking at Old Chu Furen curiously when the maid outside the room announced.

“Huai Ling ShiZi has arrived.

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :-


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