The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

Side Story | Chapter 8

Side Story Chapter 8

He took off his gloves and ran his hand through his hair.

“Leonie, the battlefield is more dangerous than you think.”

“I know.”

“Now that we’ve caught our breath, do you really want to walk back into the muck? Are you serious?”

I knew.

Yet, I was willing to put myself in danger.

Of course, the situation wasn’t in my favor.

The next blood vessel had been born, and I would need to draw more blood for him.

With my frail body, I might not make it back alive.

But it was better to face danger than to watch him marry another woman.

His wedding would be another war for me.

Even if I ended up sitting in a tent and a bomb fell, it wouldn’t be bad. As long as the last thing I saw was his face.

This realization brought me peace.

If my final memory was not of him trying to kill me but of his despairing expression over my death, I could be okay with that.

“Are you sure? Are you really okay with that?”

He gently cupped my chin.

When I didn’t look away from his intense gaze, he leaned closer.

There was a playful challenge in his eyes, testing how far he could go before I pushed him away.

But I stubbornly refused to turn my head.

He slowly lowered his head and gave me a brief kiss.

The soft sensation touched my lips and then withdrew.

He didn’t pull back completely, still watching me intently, as if wondering if he could kiss me again.

His lips hovered, trembling slightly with hesitation.

But then he stepped back, straightening himself. There was a hint of regret in his touch as he released my chin.

“Why did you change your mind? You hated having your blood drawn.”

“I guess I found something I hate even more.”

I closed my eyes gently.

I had thought my heart raced out of fear every time he approached, but now I realized that wasn’t the case.

It was time to face my feelings.

But then, unexpectedly, a laugh escaped his lips.

I opened my eyes slowly.

He was smiling faintly.

“Leonie, I’m not going to war.”


“Do you think any principality can dare to challenge the empire? Do I seem like such an incompetent emperor who can’t negotiate?”

He shrugged.

The sun had dipped behind the mountains, enveloping the surroundings in darkness. Yet, his brightly smiling face remained clear.

“The delegation left today. We supported their troops, so they won’t be coming back. And when we return to the palace, they won’t be there. You can be at ease.”

Everyone had left.

He chose me over seeing off the delegation.

I felt strange.

“Leonie, I will never leave you alone. You can call me selfish if you want. I can’t stand the thought of you marrying someone else, and I can’t bear to show you marrying another.”

I hope that this time, it’s not just an act. When will I truly win your heart?

He rested his face on my shoulder and murmured softly, then playfully rubbed his cheek against it.

I felt the grip of his hand gradually loosening. He was preparing to let me go, to put distance between us again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

His Adam’s apple bobbed in surprise at my sudden action.

“Leonie, I told you, don’t worry. I won’t drag you into danger again. So, please…”

Deon tried to calm me with his gentle words, but I didn’t release my hold on him.

Our eyes met, and he sighed slowly. He seemed to think my clinging to him was because I didn’t trust him.

My breath formed a mist in the cold air and then disappeared.

As the mist cleared, his blue eyes came into sharp focus. The dark circles under his eyes were pronounced.

“You may not realize it, but I’ve been holding back.”

He said this while lightly grasping my arm.

“When you act this way, I can’t help but misunderstand.”

As soon as he finished speaking, I stood on my tiptoes and leaned in to kiss him.

He was much taller than me, and even on tiptoes, I barely reached.

I only managed to brush against his lower lip, but he looked at me with astonished eyes.

It was time to say it.

At some point, I had truly become Leonie, and I had never been acting in front of him.

Our heavy breathing mixed together.

I lowered myself back onto my heels.

Our eyes remained locked, though my gaze gradually dropped.

His breath grew deeper and warmer.

I released my grip on his neck and gently touched his back. When I brushed the decoration on his shoulder, he tensed.

“Leonie, I’m no saint. If you’re acting on impulse, then even now…”


I shook my head.

I had no intention of retracting my feelings for him.

There would be many more such moments in the future, and I couldn’t bear to watch him with a racing heart every time.

I wanted to stop it now.

I opened my eyes and whispered quietly.

“Deon, I don’t want to see you marry another woman either.”

His eyes widened in surprise.

“Stay by my side forever.”

He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His blue eyes trembled slightly.


His wavering gaze gradually settled.

“Alright. I will spend my life making it up to you.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a fierce kiss.

There was no hesitation in his urgent touch.

My feet left the ground, dangling in the air.

The maid standing behind the butler with a tray had her mouth wide open.

A sigh escaped my lips at the thought of what rumors would spread tomorrow.

Would I even be able to face anyone? I had to travel by carriage to return to my estate.

One thing was certain. The carriage James was supposed to fix would never be repaired and would remain tucked away in a corner.

Deon wouldn’t provide me with a carriage to return to my estate.

And I had no intention of getting on that carriage anytime soon.

Whether they called me a cunning seductress who bewitched the Emperor, or claimed that the rumors of me controlling him were true, it didn’t matter.

I didn’t know what gossip would be on everyone’s lips tomorrow, but it was okay.

At least, if I could have him completely to myself, becoming the scheming villain they thought I was didn’t seem so bad.

**『The Crazy Prologue Never Ends』 Side Story End**

TL/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the novel. Happy reading!!!


  1. Matchii says:

    This should be the ending! And there should be more side stories! 😭😭😭

    Bree, would you be working on other novels? Your translation has been great!

    1. Bree says:

      Hmm Im searching for a novel rn I want one in game setting or guideverse but I can’t find any 🙁

  2. RedPanda says:

    Phew… I guess saying “I love you” is still hard for both of them. At least they both finally understand their feeling for each other. I hope beyond “the end” word, Deon will prepare a proper, no, a grand proposal for Leonie to be his Queen 🤭😊

  3. Lala says:

    Please translate “upon the scandal with my rival”! I like storyline from hate to love lmao. In my opinion, ml has interest in fl. There’s no more new chapter since last year. I hope it can take ur interest to continue translating this novel 🫶

    1. Bree says:

      Can you share the kr name

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