The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 83

83. A Useless Card

“There is evidence that Prince Deon has been colluding with the Snowa family.”

I opened my eyes and raised my head.

I hadn’t misheard. His expression remained smug.

I was bewildered. How did the Snowa family come into this?

“Colluding? Although Prince Deon and Lady Isella of the Snowa family have been rumored to be engaged, they have not yet officially married. Moreover, there are rumors that Lady Isella has returned to society to seek a new suitor.”

The judge pointed out, mentioning the gossip that Lady Isella had turned away from Deon.

“Their union isn’t recent.”


“It started in the North. Countess Arin has been residing there instead of Lady Isella.”

“The Arin family…”

“The eldest daughter of the Snowa family. She married three years ago. And there is evidence to support this.”

Azanti produced a ledger. Although the writing inside was too small to see, the cover was a familiar material often used by the Prince’s secretariat. The cover was neatly inscribed with the handwriting of Biterre.

“What evidence is this?”

“We received information that Prince Deon has been secretly raising a private army. This ledger supports that claim.”

Once again, the audience murmured. The noise grew, but this time even the judge was too stunned to calm them. He stood with his mouth agape, gavel in hand, frozen.

“Prince Azanti, can you substantiate your claim? This could be seen as a conspiracy against the royal family, a serious accusation. Answer carefully.”

“There isn’t a shred of falsehood in my words. This ledger shows the history of the Snowa family supplying herbs to the North. But it was all a ruse. ‘Herbs’ was a code word for groups of soldiers.”

The courtroom fell silent. A cold tension filled the air.

One of the judges flipped through the ledger. Everyone’s attention was on the ledger in his hands, but I turned my gaze towards Deon.

As expected, he was leisurely observing the scene. Through his slightly bowed head, a faint smile was visible.

Azanti, unaware of Deon’s expression, continued.

“And… Lady Isella once pledged to ‘take up the sword’ in her engagement to Prince Deon. Surely she meant to enhance his military strength.”

“But isn’t ‘taking up the sword’ a double entendre? How can you be so sure?”

Azanti smiled and gestured towards one of the courtroom doors.

“Lady Isella will explain yourself.”

With a graceful motion, he opened the witness stand door. Lady Isella, poised and dignified, entered from behind the door.

I slowly shifted my gaze to her.

Isella had not changed at all since that time I had clung to her skirt, begging. She was still as beautiful and aloof as ever. There was no hint of anxiety on her face.

With an expressionless face, she gently lifted her skirt and walked to the witness stand. Azanti smiled confidently at this sight.

“From this point on, any falsehoods will be severely punished under imperial law, so answer carefully. Lady Isella, is what Prince Azanti has testified so far true?” the judge asked.

Standing in the witness stand, Isella opened her mouth.

“Most noble marriages are driven by political strategy—family alliances, succession, and maintaining status,” Isella began with a slight, dangerous smile. The corners of her mouth turned up in a manner that suggested she was unimpressed.

“But… not us. Someone has spread false rumors to defame us. I don’t know where the leaks came from, but dirty scandals even made their way into the Empire’s gossip sheets, bringing shame to our family.”

“Lady Snowa.”

Azanti called, his voice lower and more strained, revealing his alarm.

But she didn’t look at Azanti and continued speaking steadfastly.

“Our family has been quietly awaiting this trial, believing the royal court would recognize the truth… Meanwhile, rumors spread that I had betrayed Prince Deon and was seeking a new suitor… even though merely attending a few social events led to all sorts of slander.”

“So, are you saying it’s not true?”

“Of course, it’s not true,” she replied with a serene smile.

“How could I sever ties with him? Prince Deon took on a mistress to protect me. He said he would bear the disgraceful rumors circulating in society and even offered himself as a shield.”

I held my breath.

Mistress. Though she didn’t mention me by name, Isella was referring to me.

There was only one woman in society rumored to be Deon’s mistress.

“Then what about Prince Azanti’s statement that Prince Deon bolstered his military forces starting from the North? Didn’t Countess Arin go North to ally with Prince Deon?”

“That too is an unfounded rumor. Prince Deon simply saved Countess Arin from a kidnapper, which led to their acquaintance. Later, he came to the capital and we grew closer through ,y sister’s introduction.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes. He took a mistress at that time to protect the future duchess. Although the story was spun into a Cinderella narrative about a love blossomed in the North.”

Sighs of relief echoed around the courtroom. It was as if everyone finally understood the entire situation.

Yet, I found it hard to comprehend their words. No, I didn’t want to understand.

“So, all the rumors so far were meant to protect Lady Isella?”

Isella answered with a bright smile.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

With that response, my fingertips began to tremble.

Her smile was flawless, but seeing her face made my heart feel like it was being torn apart.

I thought I had reached the lowest point, but my feelings plunged even deeper.

And I wasn’t the only one taken aback by the situation.

As Isella’s smile grew, Azanti’s confidence waned. His assured expression darkened.

“It was all misrepresented. How could I turn my back on someone who spent a fortune and even took a mistress to protect me?”

She said. She then turned towards Deon, as if seeking his agreement. Deon, who had been expressionless, smiled back at her.

It had been a long time since I had seen him smile. Just watching them smile at each other made my heart ache.

“Lady Snowa, you promised to tell the truth.”

Azanti growled, grinding his teeth. He looked ready to drag her off the witness stand.

But she showed no fear of Azanti. Instead, she widened her eyes and asked back.

“Are you saying what I said isn’t true?”

“Your statements contradict what you told me earlier.”

“Yes, they do.”

She let out a deep sigh.

“In truth… I had no intention of testifying today. Not if it weren’t for the conditions Prince Azanti offered me.”

“What nonsense are you spouting now?”

Isella’s words caused a stir among the audience, who turned their eyes towards them.

“You mentioned that if I testified that my family had amassed military power for him, you would personally take me in. You also threatened political retaliation if I did not comply, implying I was pitiful and abandoned by Prince Deon. It was somewhat saddening.”

Azanti glared at the witness stand. His eyes were deadly as he stared at Isella.

However, Isella did not spare him a glance and instead focused on Deon.

“It is true that I was somewhat swayed. But in the end… I prefer dark hair,” she said with a playful laugh.

Azanti’s face turned red with anger at her mocking tone. Grinding his teeth, he shouted loudly.

“Lady Isella, tell the truth. A maid who worked at the duchy already testified that you conspired!”

Isella tilted her head, thinking for a moment, then pulled a piece of paper from her sleeve.

“Conspiracy? Ah, do you mean this?”

She let the paper fall, and one of the nobles near the front picked it up and read it aloud.

“Manufacturing herbs. Purifying the blood. Strengthening muscles…”

As the audience fell silent, Isella chuckled.

“Surely you wouldn’t deny a benefactor some nutritional supplements? I did instruct his aide to brew them… I never imagined such a small favor could be mistaken for treason. If I had known a small kindness would be seen as the seed of rebellion, I wouldn’t have done it.”

“Then, Lady Isella, why did you leave the prince’s residence?” the judge asked.

She answered calmly.

“Leaving the prince’s residence for an extended period revealed many unchecked spies among the servants. There were numerous attempts to harm the prince’s prospective fiancée. I eventually had to return to my original residence for safety. Bringing Snowa family guards to the prince’s residence for protection would have easily caused misunderstandings.”

The balance shifted entirely in Deon’s favor.

Azanti clenched his fists so tightly they turned white and reached for his waist. It seemed he was instinctively searching for a sword tied at his waist.

But this was a courtroom, and weapons were not allowed. Realizing this belatedly, he stopped.

It was all over. There was nothing left he could change now.

Azanti was seething, his chest heaving with anger.

“Lady Isella, no matter how much you defend him, it doesn’t change the fact that filthy blood flows through his veins! Do you intend to join hands with him and continue a dirty lineage?”

Isella laughed.


She trailed off and looked at Deon.

“This isn’t something to discuss here.”

Then, she whispered as if speaking to a dear lover.


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