The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 58

58. The Shackles That Bind Me

Philip arrived carrying a huge tree. To be precise, it was the monster behind him that was carrying the tree.

The tree, which was said to be 80 years old, was so lush that it blocked the view from the reception room window.

I was shocked to see the long tree being carried from a distance. I didn’t show it, but the closer we got to the prince’s estate, the more I desperately hoped that it wasn’t the tree I had ordered. I prayed it would pass by, not stop in front of the estate.

But my desperate prayers were in vain as the huge tree arrived safely at the door without breaking a single branch.

I sighed. I could already hear Viter’s voice in my head. I was already tired of the nagging I hadn’t heard yet.

The tree was huge. Above all, it didn’t fit with the landscaping. Such a large zelkova tree should be planted at the foot of a mountain, but the prince’s estate only had a small, artificially created forest in the middle of the estate. It would have been more suitable for the North.

“Hello, my lady. Have you been well?”

Philip greeted me politely. With the huge tree behind him, his physique seemed even smaller.

“There’s a payment issue. Could you spare a moment?”

He winked, signaling that he had completed the assigned task.

“Edan, I’d like to speak privately for a moment. Could you step aside?”

However, Edan, who had been standing with his hands behind his back, did not move. Even though he heard my request, he stood frozen like a statue.


“Please speak here. I won’t listen to anything.”

“Why suddenly…”

“I have orders to stay close and provide tight security no matter what.”

He answered firmly.

“Edan, it’s about money. It’s sensitive.”

Edan looked troubled at this.

“But His Highness’s strict order is…”

“It’s just for a moment. They’ve already searched him and know he has no weapons or magical devices. Or… are you worried that I might run away?”

“My lady.”

His expression hardened. He released his hands from behind his back.

“This is the third floor. I’m wearing a narrow dress. It’s hard enough to climb two stairs, let alone jump out a window.”

I spread my skirt slightly. He seemed flustered by the action and looked away, stammering.

“That’s not the reason.”

“Sir Edan, are you guarding me for protection or surveillance? If it’s for protection, you can do that from outside the door, right?”

Edan sighed softly.

“Very well. I will stand right outside the door. If anything happens, shout loudly.”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

Soon the door to the reception room closed. Philip, who had been staring at the spot where Edan had left, lowered his voice and muttered.

“That knight is quite something. He’s the prince’s man, isn’t he?”

“Yes. He was his guard, but somehow he ended up being my attendant. I’m not sure if I should have someone of his caliber by my side… even if it’s just temporary.”

He opened his suitcase. The brown leather bag was bulging. Fortunately, it seemed he hadn’t had his belongings confiscated.

“Did you get searched today too?”

“Yes. The security has become even tighter. Even if you had planned to escape, it would have been futile.”

He clicked his tongue.

“Oh, I’ve tried to escape three times even under such circumstances.”


Philip raised his voice momentarily, then checked the tightly closed door and lowered it again.

“How? Did you succeed?”

“Look at me. I’m here, aren’t I?”

I shrugged. Philip, who had been staring at me with wide eyes, relaxed.

“…You failed. But still, your determination is impressive. The old you wouldn’t have even considered it.”

“When your life is at stake, you find the will.”

“But considering that fearsome prince let you live even after three escape attempts, it seems rumors are just that—rumors.”

I paused, flipping through categories. Sometimes I forgot the reason he kept me alive.

Philip mixed the materials he had brought and cast a bullet mold.

A wave of heat washed over us. Red flames flickered in my once calm eyes. Sweat beads formed on my forehead.

The grayish object, cooling as the heat dissipated, slowly hardened.

“Now we just have to wait for it to set.”

Philip placed the mold on a paper-covered table.

“And about the list of people you gave me.”

He unzipped a small auxiliary bag attached to his backpack. It was tucked among various items, making it hard to find during a search. From the bag, he pulled out a crumpled, worn piece of paper.

“Did you investigate them?”

“I tried to track them down and interview them, but they were all dead.”

What he pulled out were death certificates. To be precise, they were documents where the families had declared them dead, though they were officially listed as missing. The familiar faces in the portraits were faintly visible.

Of course, they were dead—they were previous Blood bags. I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

“I know that. Did you find out anything else?”

“Some of them were declared missing, but their families didn’t actively search for them. It seemed like they knew where they had died but let it go. Not that they had much of a family to speak of…”

“Were they all estranged from their families?”

“In many cases, they didn’t have parents.”

“…Were their parents also victims of accidents or disappearances?”

A faint sense of unease swept over me. Could it be that they harmed their families to prevent rebellion?

Looking at Leonie’s family, it didn’t seem likely, but with Viter responsible for the previous Blood bags, who knows?

“No, that’s not it. Their mothers all died right after they were born. So, they were not well regarded in their families. That’s why their disappearances weren’t thoroughly investigated. They were outcasts from the moment they were born. Even if it wasn’t their fault, people probably resented them for killing their mothers in childbirth.”

Philip clicked his tongue. But that wasn’t the important part.

“…They died?”

“Yes, all of them.”


“They died in childbirth. Right after the babies were born.”

Now that I think about it, Leonie didn’t have a mother either.

“Isn’t this the information you wanted? I thought you were looking for commonalities. Are you okay? Your face is pale.”

Philip approached and examined my face closely. His concerned eyes met mine.

“No, this is what I wanted. It’s important information. Thank you…”

The doctor’s words that Elisabeth might have a premature birth, her growing frailty.

It wasn’t just me whose life was at risk.

I tried to calm myself, but my heart kept racing.

I bit my nails. Philip, who had been about to hand me the molded bullets, called my name.


His hand was suspended in the air. I quickly regained my composure and took the bullets.

“I hope my information helps you. I’ll visit again.”


I nodded.

He packed his bag and opened the door to the reception room.

“Then I’ll come back in a week for the remaining payment.”

Philip bowed his head. It was as if the friendly conversation we had just shared had never happened.

I barely acknowledged his greeting with a nod.

Then, I sat down on the sofa in a daze. The plush leather embraced me, but it didn’t bring comfort. I kept biting my nails.

In four months, I wouldn’t be the only one to die. Elisabeth, and possibly the child, were also at risk because they were treated as unwanted by the count’s family, and without a mother to protect them…

“Is there something troubling you? What did you talk about with the merchant?”

As I sat there in a daze, Edan asked.

“Nothing much… We just agreed to split the deliveries into three parts since there are so many items.”

“Then why is your complexion so pale? Did he offend you somehow in that short time?”

He gripped the handle of his sword.

Since coming to the prince’s estate, he had been given the status of a provisional knight. The handle of his sword was now decorated with elaborate embellishments. The purple gem embedded in the handle shone brilliantly as he gripped it slightly.

Since arriving at the prince’s estate, everyone around me seemed to be finding better lives, but I felt like I was facing the worst possible situation.

I shook my head and smiled at him.

“No, nothing happened. Nothing at all.”

He raised his eyebrows, examining my expression, then released his grip on the sword.

“I see.”

Could I convince her? To get rid of the child?

It was an absurd thought. I knew better than anyone how she had fought to protect the child even in dire situations. Moreover, to suggest that the child might harm the mother would mean admitting that the child was a Blood bag and proving that I was the prince’s Blood bag.

* * *

I had to make a decision.

Practically running down the stairs, I arrived in front of his office.

When I tried to open the door as usual, a guard stopped me. I tried to pull my arm away, but he didn’t let go.

The guard, unable to release his grip, hesitated and pushed my hand slightly towards me. Even that small movement made me almost stumble.

“I’m truly sorry, my lady. I didn’t mean to.”

“…Didn’t mean to what? Push me just now? Or prevent me from opening the door?”

Although the guards rotated shifts, his face was familiar. I remembered him as the one who always stood here around noon, fighting off sleep. But today, he was acting strangely unlike his usual self.

He seemed restless, almost as if he were hiding something.

“What brings you here?”

“Do I need a reason to come?”

He usually didn’t ask why.

“I wanted to discuss the upcoming hunting festival.”

“Is that so? But now… it might be best if you leave.”

The guard trailed off. This was odd.


“I’m sorry, my lady, but… could you just return for now? His Highness will contact you when he has time.”

“Is someone inside?”

Holding my breath, I leaned against the door and listened carefully.

I could hear Deon’s low voice, interspersed with a woman’s voice.

“He shares my feelings, doesn’t he?”


“Then it would be best to show it clearly at this hunting festival.”

“That seems wise. I also need your help.”

“The sooner the better for His Highness…”

I grasped the door handle.

“Wait! If you go in now…!”

The guard’s flustered expression was evident.



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