The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 29


29. The Death I Saved (2)

“Good evening, Your Grace.”

Elizabeth greeted gracefully.

“I can hear laughter all the way from the hall. Did you have an interesting conversation?”

“As long as I’m with Lady Leonie, everything is enjoyable.”

Deon exchanged glances with me, but I pretended not to notice and shrugged my shoulders.

“We were just having the usual conversations that happen when young folks gather, tales that might not interest those who wield swords,” I explained.

Elizabeth and I locked eyes. She responded with a gentle smile, as if we had shared a secret, something exclusive between the two of us.

Elizabeth handed the pouch with the ring underneath the dining table. Her slender fingers grazed mine briefly as she passed it, and it felt like a subtle secret was being created, hidden from Deon’s knowledge. It was strange that something could occur in this mansion without Deon’s consent.

Soon, the head chef and the maid entered carrying the main courses: potato soup and turkey.

They placed the dishes on the table and lit the candles.

It was warm. Scented candles subtly filled the hall with their fragrance.

Even though there were no fancy floral decorations or vases, the dinner showed meticulous care. The napkins were neat, and the tableware was exquisite. The lighting had been adjusted towards the fireplace to dispel the cold atmosphere of the North.

I had been hesitant about bringing the Lady to the Duke’s residence, fearing that it might reveal the truth about my identity. However, now that she was here, I was taking every precaution to ensure her comfort.

I had the soup prepared with spices commonly used in the capital to suit the Lady’s palate.

Elizabeth raised her spoon and delicately tasted the soup.

It was an act I had never witnessed before, a deep-rooted elegance in her every movement.

It was flawless etiquette.

Though it was a simple action, her posture was upright, graceful, and refined. She truly looked like a distinguished lady from a reputable family.

“Is there anything uncomfortable about staying at the castle?” I asked.

“Thanks to your consideration, there’s been nothing uncomfortable. I appreciate your hospitality.”

“I hope you’ll be comfortable until we arrive at the Count’s estate. We’ll have a personal physician assigned to you, so if there are any health concerns, you can seek immediate treatment.”

“Thank you.”

A nearby servant poured water into the wine glass.

He took a sip of water and asked, “What have you been doing all this time?”

His gaze was fixed on me. I put down my spoon and replied, “I’ve been traveling around here and there.”

My casual response seemed to furrow his brow.

“Is that all?” he asked.

“What more do I need?” I replied.

“I thought you’d spend some quality time with the Lady, considering you’re not going to the office as usual.”

“Going to the office? I haven’t been to the office…”

I realized the meaning behind his words as I thought it over. He was asking why I hadn’t come to the office. Of all times, why did he bring it up when we are with the lady?

“Did you delay work because of me? You’ve been busy showing me around the mansion…”

Elizabeth asked cautiously. I shook my head.

“No, not at all. I’ve been diligently finishing my work. I even work late into the night. Don’t worry.”

I smoothly changed the subject, not forgetting to discreetly keep an eye on Deon.

“Did you explore the mansion together?”

“Yes. Until now, I’ve received tours of the mansion. There’s a beautiful conservatory. While it lacks flowers, it’s filled with magnificent reeds and grasses. The conservatory reflects the tastes and values of the decorator. It’s a place where you can glimpse the grandeur of the mansion’s owner.”

She praised the conservatory with eloquent words.

It was quite an extravagant compliment for such a small conservatory.

Her words seemed longer than the actual length of the conservatory.

Such lavish praise for a conservatory that wasn’t all that remarkable, but power had its perks.

“A conservatory?”

Ah, he paused for a moment and then looked at me.

“Oh, right. There was a conservatory.”

What’s the point? If you say it like that, it’s clear that you didn’t decorate it yourself.

Deon had been somewhat careless from the beginning. He kept saying unusual things, as if he were hoping for some acknowledgment. If he weren’t so bulky, I might have thought he was throwing a tantrum.

“Nobody’s been using the conservatory often lately.”

“Who used it frequently?”

“Ladies of the court used it for tea time during celebrations. It seems like you’re already nostalgic for those times. Even though it wasn’t that long ago.”

I quickly added, then used my fork to pick at the salad on my plate, hoping he wouldn’t continue the conversation. The tomatoes with their knife slits were fresh.

“Yes, it’s been a while since I met the Countess… The last time I saw her, the Empress was still alive. I was quite young at the time, but I vaguely remember.”

Elizabeth trailed off her words, and both of them fell into a somber mood.

“I am well aware of the Count’s loyalty.”

“He was a devout supporter who once took an oath of loyalty. After the Empress passed away, they scattered in all directions.”

The conversation continued, delving into events from the past, before the main story had truly begun.

The fallen Empress, wrongful accusations, and the incidents.

It was an interesting conversation, but there was no room for me to interject.

I spread the turkey meat with a knife. As I cut into the flesh, a savory aroma wafted up. It looked delicious.

I picked up the turkey meat with my fork and took a bite. It had a satisfyingly tender texture. It was so delicious that I couldn’t even feel the chest pain that had been nagging at me.

“The reason you couldn’t respond to the Count’s invitation from the Count’s estate was because of this, right?”

“Yes, I couldn’t send a proper letter because I had no means to do so. I apologize.”

“It was an urgent situation, and you don’t need to apologize for not sending a letter. The news came that the Count is in the western region, focusing on his treatment. It will take some time for him to arrive at the Duke’s residence. Until then, you can stay at the Duchy.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Your Grace. And for Lady Leonie as well.”

Elizabeth smiled brightly.

“When is your due date?”

“I asked the physician, and he said there are about four months left.”

“I hope you have a safe delivery. I’ve instructed to prepare a birthing chamber in the castle. If there are any deficiencies in your preparations for childbirth, you can always inform the secretary or the housekeeper. It may be difficult to procure high-quality goods in the northern region, but I will make sure to provide the best care for your childbirth.”

“Thank you, Your Grace. And… though it may be belated, may I make a formal pledge of loyalty to the Count’s estate? I wanted to offer it when we meet in person.”

He nodded.

She knelt down on one knee and bowed her head slightly, then lightly kissed Deon’s hand.

“To the Count’s estate, infinite honor. May the sun shine brightly upon it. I hope that my child will grow up to be a capable person who can assist you, Your Grace.”


At that moment, I felt a wave deep in my chest. It was a sensation so profound and overwhelming that it couldn’t be compared to the flutter I had felt when walking through the garden with Elizabeth.

It was a sensation that made my heart skip a beat, a powerful thrill that seemed to envelop my entire being. It was like a wave that effortlessly seized control of my heart and sent shivers down my spine.

The origin of this sensation was unmistakable and easy to identify. It had started from within her womb. It was the baby kicking.

Thump. Thump.

Once the presence became apparent, there was no restraint. The baby’s movements resonated vigorously, perfectly synchronized with my heartbeat, almost overpowering it.

The fetus kicked relentlessly, as if announcing its presence belatedly, without hesitation.

I felt dizzy. My vision swirled in circles.

A maid placed a plate in front of me and filled an empty glass with water. Her movements were casual and unremarkable.

Despite the fact that a significant vibration seemed to envelop the entire hall, no one except me seemed to notice. Everyone else was calmly continuing their meal.


The pressure was so overwhelming that it became difficult to breathe.

I dropped my fork.

The dropped fork clattered loudly on the marble floor.

Only then did Deon and Elizabeth turn their gaze towards me. They were still holding hands, not having completed their pledge yet.

“Lady Leonie, are you okay?”

“I… I’m fine.”

“We should cool the wound first. Please fetch a towel soaked in cold water. Also, summon the physician.”

In response to her call, a maid hurriedly left the room.

As I dropped the fork, I accidentally knocked over the soup-filled plate, spilling soup onto my dress.

Instantly, all eyes were on me. The Duke, Elizabeth, and even the maids standing nearby were all looking at me.

“I’m fine. I just… let go of the fork for a moment.”

I hastily used the napkin to wipe off the spilled soup from my lap.

All the while, my gaze remained fixed on Elizabeth.

More precisely, on her round belly.

[In the bloodline, we are connected.]

There was a passage in the book that said something like that.

It mentioned that blood could recognize its own kind and could even anticipate approaching death.

It was just a simple sentence.

I never dreamed that one person’s life could be so intertwined with mine, sending ripples that would reach me in this way.

Strong. Overwhelming.

And it’s growing fast, ready to engulf me.

The child carried strong blood, perhaps even more than me.

I could tell. Its pounding heart didn’t hide its existence.

Yes, that kid is the next generation.

“Are you alright? Bring me a new fork.”

A maid extended a fresh fork wrapped in a napkin.

I picked up the fork again. I tried to grasp it naturally, but my trembling hand couldn’t be concealed.

I hadn’t finished preparing to escape yet.

Death came too quickly.

And I, with my own hands, sought to avert that death.



  1. Lexa says:

    Thanks for the chapter!

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