The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 22


22. Hostages

When I opened my eyes, my hands were tightly bound with rope.

Due to the tight binding behind my back, my wrists were pressed, and the flesh felt numb.

Where am I? I remember drinking the tea that the impostor pretending to be the Marquis gave me and feeling dizzy.

My head still felt dizzy, as if the effects of the potion were lingering.

I cautiously opened my eyes.

It was a small, bare room made entirely of wood.

There were no furnishings or proper living arrangements in the room, except for me lying bound by the rope.

It was a space created to confine someone.

A beam of light seeped through the gap in the closed wooden door.

When I lost consciousness in the Duke’s mansion, it was nighttime. At least a day must have passed.

At that moment, a man roughly untied the gag in my mouth.

Saliva dribbled out. I struggled to suppress the coughs that wanted to escape.

As I tightly shut my eyes, I heard a strange man’s voice above me.

“Your Highness, if we untie the gag, she might bite her tongue and die…”

“Do you think she looks like someone who would commit suicide? She’s a tenacious one with a strong will to survive. Look at her, still pretending to sleep with her eyes closed.”

I opened my eyes.

The Second Prince, who handed me the poisoned drink, stood before me with his retinue.

I stared at him with all my might.

With my hands and feet bound, showing hostility towards him was the only way I could express myself.

He looked down at me and smirked.

“No matter how I look at it, you’re not a Young Lady.”

I held my breath.

It felt like my heart had been pierced. I couldn’t say a word.

He lowered himself towards me, who was frozen.

“In the Empire, when something like this happens, nobles are expected to either behave quietly or make a decision to protect their family’s honor. But you act like a villain. Interesting. If it weren’t for the Duke, I would have taken you with me.”

Ah, he’s talking about that.

“… What are you going to do with me?”

I said, suppressing the rising emotions.

“Well, I’ll handle it cleanly. But if the body of a noble lady like you comes out, we’ll be in trouble too. Especially the Duke’s woman.”

I looked around. As he said, I couldn’t see any weapons that could be used to torture or harm me.

He gripped my chin and lifted the corners of his mouth.

“Interesting. How will that bastard handle the grief of losing you?”

“… What?”

“Will he come looking for you? It’ll be difficult to trace. I’m curious how he’ll react to the fact that you’re gone. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to see his expression.”

But something had been off since earlier. The Duke’s woman, the grief of losing me. It was subtly misplaced. It was as if… it was referring to a beloved lover.

“Your Highness, do you know who I am?”


His refined face wrinkled.

“Do you think I have any connection with the Duke?”

“Naturally, aren’t you lovers? You’re also an alchemist who makes potions.”

Of course. My expectations were correct.

So, the Second Prince mistook Leoine for someone he loved, not just as someone as the blood bag.



Unconsciously, laughter burst out of me.

It was ridiculous. Love? Was he really such a romantic person?

Instead of whispering sweet nothing’s of love, all he did was grab my throat, bite, or shake me.

Talking about herbs and cutting my arm, of course, I thought he knew it was blood, but he really didn’t know anything. Well, it would be difficult for an ordinary person to infer that medicine is both human and blood.

“What. Why are you laughing, You were the only outsider who entered the castle when the drug’s power manifested.”

As I didn’t stop laughing, the Second Prince’s face contorted fiercely.

“No. You’re right. Yes, he’ll come. I won’t let him slip away. I am an invaluable presence to him. He’ll probably come running with fire in his eyes, won’t he?”

He will come indeed. Not as a precious lover, but to reclaim the blood.

I taunted him with a mixture of mockery and sarcasm. And yet, laughter continued to burst out of me.

Unable to stop laughing, he kicked my side with his foot. A dull pain engulfed my whole body.

“Are you planning to kill me here?”

For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. A bitter taste of blood filled my throat.

Then I was asking why you’re coming to save me.

Gasping for breath, he crouched down in front of me.

“I told you. I’ve never killed anyone with my own hands. Compared to the Duke, I am infinitely merciful. Is it because I’m different from the filthy Demon lineage?”

“… So, Should I give you a compliment?”

“You have guts. Aren’t you afraid, my lady? Whether they’re slaves or nobles, men or women, they all cry or beg when they reach this point. But you’re a little different. And now you know that I’m the Second Prince.”

How arrogant. He added.

“Did you hear that? I’m the Second Prince.”

“I don’t think that changes anything. I know people like you well. Similar to the Duke.”

Anger flickered across his face.

“Don’t compare me to that scum. Even being half-blooded is repulsive because it means our blood is mixed. The Duke, who is a Duke only because he’s the son of the late Empress, without any real power. Do you know what such a person is called? … A misborn child, unwelcome to anyone.”

The Duke is his rival.

The Second Prince, who always smiled leisurely, became angry as soon as his story came up.

Unfortunately, the misborn child is you and me.

Looking at the short story I read, it’s as if neither you nor I were there, just extras.

“It would have been nice if we had met differently. I find moderately arrogant kids like you interesting. I would have kept you by my side and cherished you. It was quite entertaining to see you struggle with your petty schemes.”

“If you’re not going to let me go, then leave me alone. I don’t want to engage in conversation.”

“Fine, that’s how it should be. That way, you can stay by that devilish Deon’s side as well. You’re so much like the Duke. I hope you’ll survive there too, with your persistent nature.”

“… Where are you planning to send me?”

Finally, he smiled with satisfaction.

“I’m going to sell you. To the slave market.”

“… Slave?”

“Why… I don’t understand why you have that expression. I did everything you asked, didn’t I? I let you escape from the Duke’s castle, I hid you so that no one could find you, and I gave you the promised gold and treasures… I put you in the hands of the slave market to be sold. Considering how the treatment varies depending on the money, it’s practically the same as giving it to you. Pray that you’ll be taken to a good place.”

Only then did I realize who had kidnapped me?

He stood up from his seat.

A long shadow fell over his head.

“The Upper Market in Isulra is known for dealing with fallen nobles and handling slaves roughly. The commoners, in their inherent sense of entitlement towards nobility, have no hesitation. Perhaps… you might even meet someone like the Duke there. The impure idealists. Serve them well. Don’t try to escape from this new master.”

With those words, he closed the door. The surroundings plunged into darkness once again.

To think that I would have to run away again as soon as I left the Duke’s castle.

Truly, it was a burdensome world for me.

* * *

The old carriage jolted mercilessly.

I felt nauseous. I swallowed down rising nausea.

The carriage was filled with young women.

They weren’t adorned with expensive jewelry, but their hair was neatly groomed, and their hands were clean. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be of noble or wealthy household backgrounds, much like me.

“Where do you think we are?”

In the silence that pervaded the carriage, a woman spoke up.

The carriage jolted heavily as if the wheel had hit a bump. Another woman with a bruised hip answered.

“Who was the last person to be captured?”

They all turned to look at me.

“I don’t remember well because I fainted… The last place I was kidnapped was a Duke’s mansion in the northern region.”

The woman who asked the question sighed deeply.

“I was captured in the western region, but somehow ended up in the north.”

“I thought it was because it was cold and early winter, but it turned out to be the north.”

As silence filled the air again, the woman who had spoken earlier spoke up once more.

Um… What’s your name, the newcomer? I’m Isabella Zennor.”

“I’m Beatrice Vasslodi. I came from an Vicount’s residence.”

After hearing their introductions, I spoke up.

“I’m Leoni Sien.”

“Sien… Oh.”

“I’m Lady Sien of the Baron Sien.”

“You came from the Duke’s mansion?”

“… I have some duties to attend to, and I’m staying at the Duke’s mansion due to circumstances.”

“Um… If you’re the only female guest staying at the Duke’s mansion…”

She paused for a moment and her eyes sparkled.

“Then, Lady, are you the one who…?”

“No, I’m not.”

I cut her off firmly. How far had those baseless rumors spread?

“I’m Elizabeth.”

The woman who had been crouching next to me spoke up.

She was a beautiful woman with light blond hair and large green eyes that shimmered. Even with her hair tied back, she maintained an elegant posture. It was clear at a glance that she was born into a well-educated noble family.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth… I pondered over the name that had been called. It felt strangely familiar.

I tried to recall vague memories, but it seemed like she wasn’t one of the main characters.

Arin was also a surname I hadn’t heard before.

Well, it was such a common name, after all.

“How did the countess end up…”

Elizabeth shook her head at my words.

“I went out to watch the night festival… and I drank a beverage given to me on the street. I don’t remember anything since then.”

“To kidnap even the wife of a noble family…”

I thought it was only the fate of nobles like me who are secretly sold.

It seemed that the Merchant of Ishula was trafficking people regardless of people than I thought.

“But still, meeting someone from the Duke’s mansion feels like meeting family. It’s comforting.”

She smiled faintly.

“Our family has a deep connection with the Duke’s mansion. We have been loyal servants to the Duke’s Secondary branch for generations. Even the heir supports him.”

At that moment, the carriage jerked heavily once again.

Ugh. I felt nauseous.

“You’re feeling motion sickness, aren’t you? Just bear with it a little longer. We’ll take a break soon. You seem quite unwell. Let me at least give you my blanket.”

Elizabeth reached out with the blanket she had been covering herself with.

As I moved the blanket, a round belly appeared beneath the thick winter dress. It was swollen.

“Could it be… Are you pregnant?”

I asked her in surprise.

She nodded gently.

Although she had covered it with the dress, the round belly couldn’t be concealed. It seemed to be at least four months along.

“I must have… suffered a lot. Does your husband, Count Arin, know?”

She shook her head.

“He wouldn’t know. I was in the early stages of pregnancy when I was kidnapped. I only found out for sure after being kidnapped. Until then, I hadn’t even received a medical examination…”

I held her hand tightly.

With a warm touch, she smiled and gently caressed her belly.

Eventually, tears welled up in her large eyes.

“To be honest, I haven’t felt the baby’s movements for a few weeks… I thought it was just to relieve my mother’s worries since she was suffering… I’m worried.”

“Don’t worry… It’ll be fine.”

I hugged her as she collapsed and stroked her back. Her skinny body shuddered slightly.




  1. Lala says:

    Thankyou so much for the update!!

  2. Nya says:

    Is it on hiatus rn??

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