The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 21


21. Let’s not run into each other in the future.

“The young lady is dancing. It’s the first dance!”

Viter stomped on his feet as if someone had stolen his first kiss.

I have to calm down. The Duke’s purity is still intact.

“Is it such a grievous matter?”

“Well, isn’t it?”

“Just because I held his hand…”

“The meaning is different! The first dance on the day of the birthday, and refusal to dance other than the first dance on the same day! It’s almost like announcing that she’s the only person.”

Was it that significant? If I had turned around even just once, it would have been a big problem.

“On any other day, it would have been fine, but on that day, you should not have taken the Duke’s hand.”

“I understand, so calm down.”

“Don’t I look calm? I asked you to introduce him, and he ended up rejecting every other lady…”

“I heard from others that it’s not a big deal these days. It’s just a formality, and they say even cousins and mothers dance together…”

“Anyway, it’s a failure. You won’t go out.”

Viter drew a firm line.

“What? But our agreement was different!”

Viter tore the permission slip vertically. I shouted without realizing it.

“Why? I’m a woman too!

“Young-lady… … Is the young lady a woman?”

Well, aren’t I?

“Then what… am I?”

Viter hesitated, unable to speak easily.

I could understand even without him saying it.

If Viter, who feared his lord and valued lineage, thought that my status was unsuitable as a duke’s mistress.

He probably doesn’t want any rumors to spread.

But he can’t bring himself to say it outright because it would hurt his pride.

Viter, now you’re aware of my presence, aren’t you?

It feels like just the other day when I told you not to linger near the Duke if you have no business with him.

Anyway, I don’t even need the permission slip. Should I tease him a bit?

“Don’t regret it later. From what I’ve observed, it seems like the Duke is more interested in… men than women.”

“What? What are you saying…”

Viter’s face turned pensive.

“Do you think the ladies are the only ones I saw in the hall? There were young gentlemen too. But somehow, I knew more detailed information about the young gentlemen than the ladies. I knew secret information that others didn’t know. For example, where they run their households, how many illegitimate children they have…”

“Weren’t we talking about the ladies during our conversation in the hall?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

You’re welcome. Wouldn’t it be better to have rumors about him loving an insignificant male heir of a Marquis, rather than rumors about him avoiding the ladies due to his preference for men? It’s no different from me helping the Duke.’

I intended to tease him a little, but Viter remained frozen in his place without even a flinch.

“No way… No way… It can’t be. So, the reason you’ve been keeping His distance from the ladies until now…”

His murmuring seemed like it would lead to a misunderstanding.

“It was a joke. I just reached out my hand to offer you support. There will never be any reason to worry.”

Viter, back to reality, murmured quietly.

“… I hope so. Me too.”

* * *

The Duke’s study was empty.

Bowing her head under the desk, she took out the hairpin she had tucked away in her pocket.

She pricked her flesh with the pointed needle part against her thigh.

With a sharp pain, drops of blood welled up. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Bleeding three times a week was a routine, but this agonizing pain never seemed to become familiar.

She collected the blood droplets in a small vial and mixed them with water. The blood dispersed and became blurry in the water.

As I shook it, the water turned a cloudy pink color.

With this, the nutritional supplement to be handed to Lord Caeon was complete.

Though it was a small amount, doesn’t it look more like a nutritional supplement because it’s a small amount?

I lowered the hem of my dress to cover the wound.

Then, I opened the drawer in front of me.

“Where was the seal kept?”

Whenever I stamped a document, Deon always put his hand in this drawer.

When I opened the fourth drawer, the seal came out along with various pens, envelopes, and letters.

It was here.

I opened the lid of the seal and pressed it firmly on the back of my hand.

The round crest of the Duke’s family was imprinted on my hand.

I wondered if it would spread, so I lightly touched it.

“What are you doing?”

Deon opened the door and entered.

I didn’t sense anything at all. Cold sweat broke out.

“Are you… you’re not drinking blood? I thought you might have forgotten since you haven’t been drinking blood lately, so I came to check.”

“Just because of that, you came personally?”

He tried to approach the desk.

I urgently held onto the drawer handle.

“Stay there. I’ll go.”

Due to being occupied with the banquet until late at night, he appeared more tired than usual. Dark shadows formed under his eyes.

Deon, who had loosened his tie and messed up his hair, slumped into the comfortable armchair.

“It’s only necessary when using a sword. It’s fine in everyday life. If I don’t drink blood, I’ll live like any other human, and it doesn’t harm my life. There’s no need to overexert myself.”

“Overexertion? It’s a natural thing to do.”

He smirked at my words.

“It’s surprising coming from you.”

He let out a dry laugh.

Fortunately, it seemed that he hadn’t caught on.

She leaned back in the chair. Her cheeks were flushed.

“Did you drink? How much?”

“Wine and whiskey… I’m not sure.”

He must be drunk. His voice was slurred.

“I can’t even drink alcohol. The Duke seems to have had quite a lot.”

“You know there’s a contract between me and you.”

“It’s not polite to eat delicious food in front of someone who can’t eat due to dieting.”

“I usually don’t get drunk… but today feels strange.”

While naturally continuing the conversation, I cautiously pushed the drawer back in.

The drawer smoothly slid back into its original position without making any noise.

“Today is the last day of the banquet. Rest your eyes a bit.”

At my words, Deon gently closed his eyes.

It was the first time his face looked calm. I lightly pressed his closed eyes with my fingers.

The emotion he held for me was a blood pouch that needed to be protected. Was that all there was?

I was curious, but I didn’t have time to hesitate.

Leaving the sleeping Duke behind, I cautiously opened the door to the study.

Hoping that seeing his closed eyes would be the last time.

* * *

I carefully went upstairs to the second floor.

The corridor was dim and quiet, indicating that many people had already left.

The second floor. The only place where light seeped out from under the door was the study of Marquis Caeon.

When I opened the door, I saw the familiar table, canopy, and splendid wardrobe.

The Marquis, who used to wear casual clothes, was now dressed in a black suit instead.

He looked up as he tied the straps hanging from his sleeves.

“You’ve arrived right on time.”

“Yes, promises must be kept.”

I pronounced the word ‘promise’ clearly, hoping he wouldn’t leave me behind.

“It’s a finished product. I secretly watched it and saw him eat this. I couldn’t bring any herbs with me.”

I took out the small bottle I had put in my pocket.

Marquis Caeon didn’t respond and poured tea into a cup.

Was he feeling uncomfortable?

I was anxious about changing my words about taking him out.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring much. If there’s another chance…”

“No, it’s enough.”

He took the bottle I offered.

Without even opening it, he carelessly threw it into his bag. Considering the effort I put into roasting and finding the herbs, his treatment was disappointing. He didn’t even check the stamp on the back of his hand.

I took a sip of tea while observing his reaction. The sweet taste coated my tongue.

“Good job. You gave me medicine every day. Sincerely.”

“Yes? What… Are you mistaking me for someone else?”

“Is that so?”

Today, his behavior was strangely different.

“Is today the last day? Don’t worry, I will definitely keep the agreement.”

“If that’s the case, I’m relieved.”

One side was piled up with luggage.

“You’re alone. No magician? You said you would identify the medicine.”

“I’ll do it on the way. My subordinates haven’t arrived yet.”

“Will you take me with you?”

“Of course. Why do you keep asking?”

Well, because I’m anxious. Another short silence passed.

With nothing particular to say, I just fiddled with the rim of the cup before speaking up.

“This tea is my first time trying it.”

He sipped the tea again. It had a slightly bitter taste, yet the aftertaste was sweet.

“First time? Hm. It must not be.”

What? He acts as if he knows exactly what teas I’ve had before.

“Yes, it’s my first time.”

“Is that so?”

He poured more tea for me.

“Do you like the tea?”

“Yes. It’s delicious. It’s exquisite.”

It was truly delicious. It made me wonder why the Duke hadn’t introduced it at his residence until now.

Is it an expensive tea?

“I’m glad. Its tea imported from the East. It’s famous for its strong aroma.”

“I see.”

I felt drowsy. My eyes kept closing. Why is this happening?

It was past 9 PM, so it was understandable.

I heard there’s tea for a sound sleep. Could this tea be that kind?

As I glanced at the clock, the Duke chuckled softly.

“You probably haven’t seen this type of tea at the Duke’s residence. The higher the nobility, the less they prefer tea with a strong aroma.”

“Why… is that?”

“When hiding something, it’s convenient. For example… putting poison in it.”

“… What?”

Even amidst the blurred vision, one word clearly resonated. Poison?

So, it was poisoned.

But why? Why me?

I tried to shake my head, but my vision kept swaying and dizziness made it difficult to focus.

I grasped the table with my trembling arm. The teapot toppled over and shattered into pieces.

“You’ve tasted it before, haven’t you, Young Lady? It was on the mountain. The Duke should have taken the hit for you back then and died. What a pity.”

I struggled to lift my body. My arm didn’t respond as my heart did.

With great effort, I managed to regain my balance, barely stabilizing myself.

I recalled the words spoken by the Duke.

Mountain, arrow, poison.

That man who attacked the Duke at that time.

Words flew sparsely and struck me.

I staggered backward. I tried to open the door and escape, but my body wouldn’t move.

Slowly, slowly. I fought to hold onto the shaking vision.

The Marquis appeared to be walking leisurely.

“Young lady, you’ve been needlessly going back and forth. It’s just like this…”

He took out a knife from his embrace and slashed my arm.

It happened in an instant. Before I could even scream, I collapsed.

“Just by doing this, it would be over. It was exhausting to keep up appearances.”

Marquis Ceaon chuckled softly as he looked at me, gasping for breath.

Then he held my arm and lightly touched his lips to the flowing blood. He quickly frowned.

“No taste at all.”

“… So you knew.”

“Partially. But I needed the right moment. It was incredibly inconvenient to keep you by my side, as if that man had noticed something.”

I sank to the floor, gasping for breath. The simple act of exhaling and inhaling became extremely difficult.

“To release you so carelessly without any guards around. And keep you by my side. I couldn’t tell if you were valuable or not.”

I bit my lip hard. I’ve been deceived.

“Ah, Caeon its me.”

With those words, a man opened the door.

“Your Highness, everything is ready.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

‘Your Highness…’

The floor felt cold.

In my dimming vision, I caught a glimpse of the leather of his shoe.

The intricate and splendid golden embroidery, which I had glimpsed in the documents written by Viter, the imperial sentence of the magnificent and radiant royal family.




  1. lily says:

    thank you for the translation!! <3

  2. Nony says:

    I honestly was surprised.

  3. Izmi says:

    Waiting for the next chapter 🥺

  4. aryaanisha1 says:

    I am not surprised isnt the fl fool she has been so long to fool the duke but easily trusted some new guy it was bound to be death or kidnapping

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