The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 16


16. A Secret Deal

“Leonie Sien, young lady of Baron, is here.”

The gatekeeper opened the door of the hall, and the light poured through the lavishly carved large door with a flower pattern. The hall was already bustling with many people.

Bright light, delicious food, and dazzling decorations in the hall. While mesmerized by the splendor, Viter, who was standing far away, appeared holding a pocket watch.

He tapped the watch with his finger.

Then he pursed his lips.


I turned around.

Deon, who was receiving the guest’s greeting, appeared.

“Your Grace, you are here.”

After pushing through the crowd, I finally approached him.

“Then, I will step back. Your Grace, Young Lady, enjoy the party.”

The old man who was chatting with Deon turned around and walked away.

Deon nodded his head to the man who was bidding farewell and put down his glass.

It was a signal to return to the office.

I grabbed Deon’s wrist anxiously.

“Where are you going? Are you leaving already?”

He looked back at me with a puzzled expression.

“Don’t you want to pick a dance partner?”


Deon looked at me.

“Do you want to dance?”

No, it would be a big deal if Viter heard it. Not me

“I don’t know how to dance. Our family is so rural that we’ve never even had a debutante ball. Skilled ladies would dance better than me, wouldn’t they?”

I quickly pointed to the group of ladies.

“I like that lady in pink. What do you think?”

Deon turned towards the center of the hall. Success.


“The lady with the pink hair. It looks like she’s wearing cotton candy. The flower decoration on her head suits her well. Her family… um…”

I tried to recall the list I had memorized. I could remember even her hobbies, but her name was fuzzy.

After groping for a while, Deon answered for me.

“She is the second daughter of Viscount Shar.”

“Ah, yes. That’s right. She’s perfect. Family, age, and appearance.”

Although he guessed correctly who she was, he didn’t seem particularly interested.

As they hesitated, he quickly tried to turn away.

Desperately, I grabbed the Duke, who was trying to turn around.

“And the blonde woman over there!… Her name is Chris…”

“Lady Kristin.”

“Yes, that’s right. Kristin. Isn’t she beautiful? I heard she’s about the same age as you, Your Grace, and a smart woman who loves books.”

“And she got married three months ago.”

He replied in a monotone voice.

“Oh, that’s too bad. She would have looked great next to you, Your Grace, because she’s tall. Oh, have you seen the young woman in the red dress behind me? When she spins around, the hem of the dress spreads out beautifully with fantastic flower decorations. It’s from our family’s dress business, and we made it ourselves. Wouldn’t you like to dance with her?”


“Well, that young lady over there, Eiffel, has a hobby of skating. It’s perfect for the snowy northern regions…


The Duke called me.

“What have you been doing since earlier? Did you change your job to a mediator?”

“I’m not a mediator. I’m just doing my best for the Duke’s well-being…”

I thought I answered quite elegantly.

“Viter asked you to do it.”

The Duke called his name right away.

“He was pushing me so hard. He said he would die if you didn’t have anyone who likes you.”

When I replied curtly, he chuckled.

“You did something unnecessary. You would have done it on your own.”

“That’s right. Liking someone is something that happens in a moment. But please make someone like you today. Please hint at Viter quietly. Don’t just keep drinking, but look at the center of the hall as if you’ve met the love of your life!”

He lifted his glass of champagne without a word.

“And if there are two more people left to choose, please give me one.”

As I said it quietly, he replied while spinning his champagne glass.

“… Haven’t you given up yet?”

“Why give up? There are still three seats left.”

“Even though it’s clear that the young Lady doesn’t love me, I wonder who this secret admirer is.”

“Why do you think that way?”

“Is there any woman in the world who would try to choose a wife for her future husband, and even praise her while doing so?”

His gaze turned to me, and I quickly changed the subject.

“Tomorrow is the day for dancing. Do you have any woman in mind that you like?”

I saw Viter making a gesture as if he was checking his watch. It seemed like he was counting seconds, with such meticulous character. If he was even 20 to 30 seconds short, it would probably be considered a mission failure.

I was biting my nails when Deon turned his head.

I desperately grabbed the Duke’s sleeve as he was about to leave.

“What is it now? If you’re trying to introduce a woman, I’ve already done enough…”

“Then choose me.”


“I have to dance tomorrow too, don’t I? How about someone to look at for the same man? That person in the white suit holding the champagne glass over there.”

Deon spotted the man and frowned.

“Is that the man you like?”

I nodded vigorously, afraid that I would leave the hall if I just randomly pointed at someone.

“What did you two talk about?”

“I’m seeing him for the first time now…”

Deon put down his glass on the table.

“Count Cruse may seem flashy on the outside, but he has enormous debt. I heard that even a trading ship sank recently. If that man offers you jewelry, it’s definitely a lie. Don’t be fooled.”

Unfortunately, the most romantic thing for me right now is someone who will let me leave here.

The word ‘escape’ sounds the sweetest to me.

“What about that guy over there?”

She pointed to a man with silver hair stylishly swept back in front of the window.

“Is he your type?”


I guessed wrong.

“If he approaches you, don’t agree. They say he has five illegitimate children.”

“Um, then what about that guy? The man standing next to the piano wearing a navy tie.”

“Looks like the young lady’s type is married men after all.”

I heard that less than 20% of the invited guests are married, so it was amazing how they could only recommend married people.

The Duke, who had been explaining the reasons for the disqualification of the men for a while, left the room.

Anyway, it was much later than I had thought. I had expected to leave within 10 minutes, but it turned out to be a surprising delay.

I approached Viter and pretended to cough, then extended my hand. It looked like a clandestine deal, even though the only thing that was changing hands was a piece of paper with permission to leave written on it.

“I filled up the 20 minutes. Give it to me. The permission to leave,” I said.

He stared at me for a moment and replied, “Actually, it was 18 minutes and 42 seconds.”

Viter showed me his stopwatch, which had stopped a little before the 20-minute mark.

“Well, it’s the first time the Duke has stayed in the hall for so long…”

Please, I begged silently while twinkling my eyes.

“… Will you give me a pass to go out?”

“No. I will give you another chance.”


“You can fill in another 10 minutes. I noticed that you lack basic information about Young Ladies. Take a tea break, have some conversation, and supplement your information.”

“I barely made it to 18 minutes. And if we lack 1 minute and 18 seconds, we should just add that much!”

“But isn’t this a bet? I am giving you another chance even though you failed. Or you can focus more on finding a dance partner for tomorrow.”

After saying that, Viter turned and left.


I lay down on the bed with a sigh.

I saw Suren yelling about the dress being wrinkled, but I only stared at the ceiling.

I hate it when my face turns red, but I hate having to watch my step among the nobles even more.

Every time someone talks to me, they ask about my family, and where they’re from, and when I say I’m the Duke’s secretary, their eyes dart to other places, like they’re trying to avoid something. Those uncomfortable looks are getting on my nerves.

“You’ve been here for a while, haven’t you? Did you find a good companion?”

Suren brought out a bathrobe.

“No, I didn’t come here just for that.”


Suren brought a makeshift bathtub.

I stood up and put my foot in the bathtub. A red-haired woman appeared in the rippling water.

At first, I was surprised by the unfamiliar face and even by the water, but now I’ve gotten used to it.

“I made a bet with Viter. If the Duke looks at the center of the hall for more than 20 minutes, he’ll allow me to go outside.”

“Isn’t it really easy?”

She cocked her head at my words.

“Why? Is there a better way?”

“Well… couldn’t you just stand in the center of the hall, Young Lady?”


“Whenever Lord isn’t receiving guests, he’s always looking at Young Lady. If the Young Lady stands in the center of the hall, it will look like he’s still looking at her.”

Um, did Deon do that?

This is definitely…

“He’s probably watching.”

Suren nodded at my words.

“Yes, he’s probably watching. Is there any other reason? You’re making an escape plan every day. There are rumors that a man and a woman walk around the mansion’s corridors every night. I hope it’s not Young Lady.”

A man and a woman? It seems that there are many people here who have secret meetings.

“No, Suren. Don’t worry.”

“In these kinds of parties, there are also many naughty nobles who lure women. Be careful not to get swept up in the excitement. They say that there are many illegitimate children born a few months after a big festival.”

“I understand.

Suren removed the pearl decorations and wrapped her hair.

As she soaked her body in warm water, she became lethargic.

“Don’t even think about running away. It’s too cold now, and you’ll freeze to death. Leave in the spring.”

“Spring? There’s only winter in the north.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

It’s a story about not leaving.

Suren replied nonchalantly.

She effortlessly spewed out cruel words.

Even if you say that, I will leave. Definitely.


  1. Any says:

    🇧🇷🤔suren sempre delicada graças a Deus

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