The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 129

129. Our Prologue

“Well, no… but it was the knight captain who brought the bracelet. And you didn’t deny it.”

Deon uncharacteristically stammered.

“That was just a ruse to get out of the village safely. It’s easier to survive in a foreign village by pretending to be married.”

He stared at me blankly, frozen as if time had stopped.

I was frustrated by his quick assumption of my marriage without properly investigating.

“This is all because of Your Majesty cherishing that red-haired woman like an empress, isn’t it? If it weren’t for those strange rumors about abducting red-haired women for high prices, I wouldn’t have had to fake a marriage.”

I reproached Deon, but his face had completely relaxed.

In fact… he seemed pleased.

He wore an expression I had never seen before.

Smiling, he approached and sat beside me on the bed. He leaned against the bedpost and bent down.

“Yes, it’s all my fault.”

He brought my hand to his lips. After a brief kiss, Deon spoke to me.

“What kind of punishment should I receive?”

Despite talking about receiving punishment, his face was somehow glowing with joy.

I regretted bringing it up.

“Can we think about my punishment slowly? While staying here longer.”

He was trying to keep me in the empress’s palace, using punishment as an excuse.

Seeing his triumphant face made me realize I had misspoken.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something. Just because I’m unmarried doesn’t mean Your Majesty has a chance. I haven’t declared that I will stay by your side.”

I pulled my hand away. I knocked off his hand that tried to hold on.

“I have a territory to return to and a family to protect.”

“I know. I understand.”

Deon nodded, looking excited.

Even with the long-awaited coronation ahead, his face, usually expressionless, now showed signs of life.

Deon gently kissed the protruding knuckles on the back of my hand. His eyes, glancing sideways at me, were beautifully curved.

“It’s late. If I am to go to the temple early in the morning as you said, I should get some sleep.”

I pushed him away as he clung close to me.

It wasn’t an excuse to send him away. The night was indeed racing towards dawn. We had to wake up before daybreak to leave for the coronation early in the morning.

At my words, Deon reluctantly let go of my hand.

He walked towards the passage leading to the emperor’s quarters as he usually did.

But as he placed his hand on the handle, he paused, as if deep in thought.

Standing still with his hand on the door knob, he muttered quietly.

“It seems the door to the emperor’s quarters is broken.”

“What? That can’t be.”

“It was fine until just a little while ago. Just a few hours ago, Suren opened that door and cleaned it.”

As I moved closer, he stopped me.

“Really, it is.”

Deon said this and gripped the handle tightly.


The doorknob made a dull sound as it broke. He easily pulled the knob off and shook it in his hand.

“See? It’s broken.”

He showed the doorknob with a nonchalant expression.

Anyone could see that he had forcibly ripped it off. Even with his strength, it was difficult to cleanly remove a sturdy doorknob designed for the royal palace.

The door was left with cracks where the handle had been. His blatant behavior left me speechless.

“Looks like I’ll have to sleep here.”

It was both an excellent and shameless performance.

Deon walked over to the head of the bed. I watched in a daze as he moved toward the bed.

“What are you doing? Come here and lie down.”

Deon lay down and patted the neatly laid out blanket. He was mimicking the provocation I had once used in the North.

So, this is how he must have felt when he looked at me back then.

Despite being flabbergasted, I couldn’t back down. I didn’t want to lose to his nonchalance. I approached the bed and lay down.

As I lay on my side, his large hand gently brushed my forehead and my disheveled bangs. He then pulled the blanket up to my chin.

Though he said he would sleep beside me, it seemed he planned to leave once I fell asleep.

The early dawn air was cold. He patted my back softly.

“Goodnight, Leonie.”

A small whisper lingered in my ear.

It was the same greeting as yesterday, but today, it felt warmer.

* * *

The coronation was held quietly and simply. Deon had expressed his desire to have a subdued ceremony in the temple, and he had even dismissed the guards who had accompanied us.

I expected at least the Snowa family, the Arin’s family, or Edan, who had helped him, to attend as witnesses.

However, the only attendees at the temple were Deon, myself, and the high priest conducting the coronation.

The high priest was waiting for us at the front of the temple.

I followed Deon nervously as he led me into the hall.

The crown I held felt precarious, as if it might fall. My trembling hands made the jewels on the crown quiver.


Deon whispered softly, sensing my trembling hands.

There were no scattering petals, cheers, or greetings from nobles, but I was just as nervous as if I were standing before a crowd. The empty temple’s atmosphere alone was overwhelming.

“Let the ceremony begin.”

Standing before the altar, the high priest solemnly declared. Without delay, he began reciting the ceremonial speech.

It was a blessing, wishing for the new emperor’s prosperity and the empire’s future.

However, the long speech didn’t register in my ears. All I could see was Deon, who kept smiling kindly at me. The high priest glanced at us, but Deon didn’t look away and continued to gaze at me intensely.

I wanted to look away, but his persistent gaze was inescapable. I scrunched my nose, signaling him to focus.

Standing there, facing him in his white uniform, felt strange.

This temple, unlike the grandeur typical of the royal palace, maintained a humble, antique elegance.

The pews were old wooden benches, and even the statue of the goddess was rusted with age. It seemed the temple, frequented by the emperor, did not require the maintenance of opulence to maintain its dignity. If I stared into space long enough, I could almost see the dust motes drifting through the air of the old temple.

It was a remarkably modest and shabby place for an emperor’s coronation. The only thing that shone brightly was the crown I was holding.

As I nervously scanned the temple’s interior, his relentless gaze bothered me.

Deon had been looking at me instead of the high priest reciting the speech. As a result, I found myself holding the crown and waiting while facing him directly.

Suren had insisted on a tidy appearance for entering the temple, stubbornly placing a white lace veil on my head. The occasional breeze made his bright face shimmer through the veil.

Watching his face appear and disappear behind the lace, a thought suddenly struck me.

‘This feels less like a coronation and more like… a wedding.’

Like lovers secretly seeking approval in an old temple while on the run.

That thought made my face flush with heat.

Seeing my sudden blush, Deon reached out and gently touched my cheek.

The warmth on my cheek brought me back to reality.

I flinched and looked up. His action was entirely inappropriate for the solemn atmosphere.

The high priest coughed and shook his head slightly while reading the prepared speech. He then lowered his head to continue reading, no longer paying us any attention.

Could there be a more informal coronation? It seemed no one was truly focused on the ceremony.

“This concludes the declaration. Now, please place the crown.”

The ceremony was coming to an end. The high priest gestured humbly.

Confirming the signal, I lifted the crown.

To make it easier for me to place the crown, Deon knelt on one knee. I placed the crown on his head.

Deon slowly opened his eyes. Between his long eyelashes, his blue eyes, matching the gem in the crown, gleamed. The crown sparkled as if it had always belonged to him.

I had kept my promise to him.

This coronation was not an ordinary ceremony. Although it seemed to be just placing a jeweled crown on his head, it symbolized his proclamation as emperor. It meant he held the power to rule over all the territories and nobles of the empire. And… the one who crowned him was the only person who could control the emperor.

Such a simple act carried immense meaning. It was no wonder my hands trembled while placing the crown.

The crown suited Deon well. And it was more beautiful than I had imagined.

As I stood dazed, looking at Deon, the high priest cleared his throat.

“I now declare the coronation complete. Before ascending as emperor, do you have any final words?”

With the crowning, he was officially the emperor.

The crown on his head symbolized control over all the lands, not just the empire but also the kingdoms and duchies paying tribute.

Deon smiled leisurely, not seeming burdened by the weight of the crown. He bowed his head before me, which he hadn’t done in front of the crown.

He took my hand and kissed it gently. Then he slowly raised his head, looking at me with intense eyes.

“I will be a great and wise ruler.”

He whispered as if it were a vow only for me.

The high priest, watching us, shook his head quietly. The wrinkles on his forehead deepened.

Seeing no further words, the high priest prepared to record Deon’s final promise.

Was it necessary to make an enemy of him?

“Your Majesty.”

I whispered, feigning admonishment. Even though I lowered my voice, in the empty temple, everyone could hear.

“Be serious.”

He raised an eyebrow at my words. Even without speaking, his emotions were vividly displayed.

“Is that all there is to becoming emperor? Aren’t you happy?”

When I asked again, Deon responded in a low voice.

“I’m happy. Very much so.”

He said this, then smiled again.

“Because you’re part of it.”

It was a full spring. Bright sunlight streamed through the temple windows.

The sunlight illuminating him shone brilliantly.



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