The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 123

123. The Value of Acting

“Timo, how did you escape from the village back then? You’re not just an ordinary hunter, are you?”

I pushed Timo’s chest lightly, changing the subject.

Because of him, I went through unnecessary hardships. Of course, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have been able to hide in the cabin. Gratitude and frustration mixed within me.

Timo scratched his head.

“Sorry. I didn’t explain properly. I never thought they’d invade the village.”

“The knights took all the villagers away. Isn’t it dangerous for you to be in the capital now? And how did you even know I was here?”

I lowered my voice and asked. Deon, standing afar with his arms crossed, raised an eyebrow as he noticed our conversation.

“It’s dangerous, but your safety is important too. I wanted to make sure you were safe, so I asked a trusted informant. Do you know how shocked I was when I heard you were captured?”

Timo worried about me instead. He must have come to the capital in a hurry; his usually neat but worn-out clothes had holes in them. I was concerned about his scratched legs and tattered clothes.

I led him to sit in the flower bed.

“Hurry back. The head of the knights is already in the capital. If you hide far away, it will be hard for them to find you. And I heard they plan to sell the villagers.”

I carefully relayed the words I had heard from the soldiers while locked up. They were people I had hoped to get help from, but to him, they were like family.

“Got it. I was planning to leave today anyway, as long as you were safe.”

Timo nodded.

“But if that’s not the owner of the mansion, who is that person?”

He seemed curious about the man who had been glaring at us persistently. Deon was still staring at us, showing no sign of turning his gaze away.

I whispered so that Deon couldn’t hear.

“…Someone you don’t need to worry about.”

* * *

Edan didn’t attend the meal either. Deon must have threatened him because he stayed far from me whenever he crossed the forest. Today, too, he hid away, engrossed in sword practice.

Edan, who moved stealthily in his own mansion, Deon, who kept intruding into the mansion, and me, who had no place to go and was relying on them. The beginning of this strange relationship felt like it was my fault, making my heart heavy. I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.

I bit into a tomato on the table. The juice burst in my mouth.

“That day, you asked me at the meal what if you married another man.”

Deon, who had barely touched his food and only sipped wine, suddenly asked a question. I frowned at the sudden remark, and he continued.

“It was all because of that. You had a man.”

Deon recalled the conversation we had during the meal, the one that had stirred my heart when I was dragged to the palace.

“When did you even get married? Did that man whisper sweet words to you when you left Edan’s side?”

Deon let his imagination run wild, adding details as he pleased. He completely misunderstood the relationship between Timo and me.

But I didn’t bother correcting him. It wasn’t a bad misunderstanding for me. If he thought I was married, he might let me go.

And his question wasn’t even in a questioning tone. Deon seemed to have already concluded that I was married. His serious, contemplative expression was amusing.

“… What drew you to him?”

“Who knows.”

“What about that man made you want to marry him?”

I didn’t intend to answer, but his persistent gaze followed me.

The conversation circled around the table like a loop, much like the pasta twirling around my fork.

“When you asked me to find a man, you clearly said you wanted someone young and handsome. Didn’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right. He is handsome, isn’t he?”

Although it was hard to call Timo a handsome man by any standard, I teased him playfully.

“Which part?”

“All of it. From his thick forehead to his tanned skin.”

“You’re crazy.”

He held his forehead, deep wrinkles forming between his brows.

“……How far did you go?”

“How far? Didn’t you investigate? You went all the way to the countryside.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“We lived together. Should I call it cohabitation?”


He dropped the wine glass he was holding. The glass didn’t break when it fell onto the carpet, but it quickly stained the surrounding area red.

“I heard you got married, but I didn’t think your standards were so low.”

Deon sighed heavily.

“You knew that much?”

It was just a guess, but he really had investigated my whereabouts.

“The third knight captain who informed me of your survival mentioned it. That you got married. But I thought it was misinformation.”

When I was captured by the knights, I had already told them I was Timo’s wife. The captain must have known from his soldiers.

“I don’t understand. Shouldn’t His Majesty be pleased about my marriage? A new bloodline might be born. The child would be offered to you.”

“A child?”

He clenched the hand he had placed on the table. His grip made the long table tremble. His eyes were burning with a blue fire.

But soon, he released his grip. It was evident that he was suppressing his anger.

Instead of breaking the utensils, Deon roughly unbuttoned his collar. A gold button rolled off and clattered to the floor.

“The time we were apart wasn’t that long. Did you even have time to come up with a pet name?”

“What pet name?”

“He called you Linia.”


Timo had used a fake name while we were hiding. He didn’t know my real name, so he had no choice but to call me that.

I’ve had more than one alias. He’d be shocked if he knew my fake name on the travel pass was Linia.

“In such a short time, you had a passionate romance and even got married? To a man who is clearly not handsome.”

I stifled a laugh at his blazing eyes.

“When you’re in love, even the ugliest person looks handsome. Maybe that’s how it was for me. I don’t want to live apart from him… If I bear new blood, will you set me free?”


He cut me off sharply, like a knife.

“Unfortunately, I’ve become the emperor, and under imperial law, I have the power to annul any marriage. As you said, I’m someone who can give anything and take anything.”

He seemed to suggest that he became emperor for this very moment. His eyes glinted fiercely.

“So, you’re going to annul my marriage? I thought you wanted to resolve this peacefully.”

“…My pride doesn’t allow it. But I can endure the period you pretended to be my Mistress.”

Deon muttered, bowing his head slightly, and then seemed to reach a conclusion.

“Three months. I hope you sort out the relationship within three months.”

“Before that? Are you permitting us to meet? Can I live outside the empire with Timo?”

If he granted permission, it might be a good opportunity to live outside the empire.

“No. You must stay in the capital.”

“Then how am I supposed to end the relationship?”

Deon wasn’t losing anything. Frustrated, I raised my voice, and he murmured.

“I become the second.”

I nearly dropped my knife at the absurd answer.

“Are you saying that as the emperor, you want to become the Mistress?”

An emperor volunteering to be a Mistress. It was ridiculous.

His loyal subjects who helped him ascend to the throne would be shocked. The dignity of the imperial family was hitting rock bottom.

I looked at him in disbelief.

Whatever was on his mind, Deon kept fidgeting with his tie, loosening and tightening it repeatedly.

* * *

The knights were ready to cross the forest.

I saw them preparing the horses outside the window. The saddles were lavishly decorated, and even the white horse’s face was adorned.

Deon had put on his coat but was still lingering around me instead of departing. He had followed me into the study by now.

As he watched me read, Deon gently asked.

“Leonie, do you really want to leave the empire so much?”

He tapped the window frame with his finger as he asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

His fine features twisted at my resolute response.

“Where do you want to go?”

“I haven’t decided yet, but anywhere but here would be fine.”


A shadow fell over his expression.

“Leonie, if you stay in the palace for a while and attend two banquets as my partner… and crown me with the imperial crown.”

Through the window of the study where he was leaning, I could see the knights ready and waiting.

Deon took a deep breath, still looking outside, and then continued in a somewhat calmer voice.

“I’ll grant you a quiet estate. Fertile land that yields a bountiful harvest every year, requiring little management.”


“If you don’t want to be tied to a family, I’ll give you an independent castle and a title under the emperor’s name. So that no one can disregard you even outside the empire. It won’t take long. The empire is warm and there are many banquets.”

“…Why go to such lengths?”

“…After all, you contributed to my becoming emperor.”

But to go that far? I hadn’t done anything to deserve such recognition. I had only stayed close to him. And there were no wars during my time with him, so my presence shouldn’t have been of great value.

I snapped the book shut. As I rested my chin on the book’s edge, deep in thought, he added more.

“If you live with a commoner, you’ll suffer from poverty all your life. Wouldn’t it be better to attend a few banquets with me, give your final performance, and receive a reward? I’m offering you more than the prima donna of the royal troupe. It’s a generous offer.”

He was right. It was a substantial reward for a brief act.

However, it felt uneasy. Such a sweet deal was usually a trap. But it was hard to refuse. This was a rational transaction, and very advantageous to me.

“Alright. Then, please add one more condition.”

“What is it?”

“Swear that you won’t kill me.”

Deon hesitated. Then, he slowly turned his head.



  1. RedPanda says:

    Deon went from losing his mind to a resignation real quick, lol. It’s probably the first time his logical thinking had stopped working lol 😂

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