The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 115

115. How Could I Not Know You (1)

My breath caught in my throat as I hurried back towards the forest.

Just as I was about to enter the forest path, I ran into Edan standing in front of the building.

He was looking at his pocket watch, waiting for someone. I leaped into his arms.

“My Lady, why are you here?”

Edan was startled by my sudden embrace. His eyes widened in surprise.

Despite his shock, he instinctively wrapped an arm around me, his gentle touch on my back calming my frantic heartbeat.

“Edan, let’s go. Quickly.”


“We need to go back to the mansion.”

I was worried that a command to apprehend me had already been issued.

Without even exchanging greetings, I pushed Edan towards the forest. Despite his confused expression, he allowed himself to be guided, his large frame surprisingly compliant.

* * *

We boarded the waiting carriage. Although the distance was walkable, Edan had brought the carriage to accommodate me, sensing my discomfort with being seen.

“Are you alright?”

He asked gently, brushing the damp hair off my forehead. My forehead was slick with sweat, and my hair clung to it.

“It would have been faster to take the forest path…”

I trailed off, and Edan replied,

“You came through that path to the palace. What would you have done if you were caught and interrogated by the knights?”

“I didn’t know it connected to the palace.”

Edan continued as he swept my hair back,

“Few people know about that path. It’s not safe to return that way.”

Edan drew the carriage curtains and motioned for me to remove my veil.

Once he confirmed I had taken it off, he pulled a small piece of paper from his coat.

“I obtained the travel pass.”

He got straight to the point. I, still distracted by the thought of being pursued, half-heartedly acknowledged his words.

“That’s a relief.”

The pass was made of thick green paper. As I unfolded it, I saw a picture of a woman who looked similar to me.

“I also secured a false identity for you, listing me as your guardian. It’s under the name we had decided earlier.”

Linia. The name I had thought of offhandedly was now printed on the pass, along with brief personal details.

It wasn’t until I saw the age, gender, and nationality that I fully realized I was about to start a new life outside the empire.

“Thank you.”

I had met with Edan and safely received the pass, but I still felt uneasy.

A new variable had emerged. While everything was proceeding as planned, running into Deon was not something I had anticipated.

In this vast palace, during the short time I was there, I unexpectedly encountered him. He usually had no interest in the greenhouse, so I hadn’t expected him to visit the royal garden.

It was a stroke of bad luck. Fortunately, I had the veil and my hair dyed black, so I wasn’t recognized.

I clutched the travel pass tightly, as if it were a lifeline. At least now, I could cross the border.

“If you have a specific country in mind, let me know. I’ll exchange the currency and prepare everything you need. You’ll have enough to live comfortably for at least thirty years,” Edan added, concern evident in his voice, as if he were seeing off a younger sister.

I nodded, appreciating his worry. He was doing everything to ensure my safety and new beginning.

“I haven’t decided on a country yet, but I will let you know soon,” I said.

Edan smiled reassuringly.

“Take your time. It’s important to choose a place where you’ll feel safe and happy.”

As we made our way back to the mansion, I couldn’t help but glance back towards the palace, wondering how close I had come to being caught. The encounter with Deon was too close for comfort, and the reality of my situation weighed heavily on me.

But with Edan’s help and the travel pass in my hand, I had a chance at a new life, far from the dangers of the empire.

“Don’t worry.”

I reassured him.

The carriage didn’t travel far before it came to a halt. The distance had been too short for a carriage ride in the first place. As I put the veil back on, Edan asked in a puzzled tone,

“Why are you putting it back on? You can relax here. There’s no need to cover your face.”

“The commander of the 3rd Knight Division came to see you.”

I whispered the words into his ear and slowed my steps. Edan chuckled softly at my behavior.

“It’s alright. I met him at the palace and he’s already left.”

Edan said this as he skillfully led me to the drawing room. His steps were light as he guided me into the mansion.

“Everything is prepared. Now all that’s left is for us to part ways safely.”

He murmured quietly, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

“I’ll send trusted people periodically. If you need anything, whether it’s money or a new identity, let me know.”

Despite his hopeful words, I couldn’t shake the image of Deon’s shadowed face from my mind. I should have checked his expression.

“Your complexion doesn’t look good. Did something happen at the palace?”

Noticing my uneasy expression during the carriage ride, Edan leaned closer to examine my face.

“Nothing happened.”

“Are you sure?”

Edan’s gaze was serious. I hesitated, then decided to be honest.

“I just… I met a woman in the garden who might pursue me. I think it’s best if I leave tomorrow. I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

Edan thought for a moment before shaking his head.

“I know who you’re talking about. But there’s no need to worry. She won’t be able to trouble you easily. And if she tries, I will stop her.”

Edan’s resolute words were meant to reassure me, but I still felt uneasy. The scene in the greenhouse kept replaying in my mind.

A woman standing confidently beside Deon. And his hidden gaze that I couldn’t decipher.

“And also… I saw Deon.”


“I saw Deon.”

Perhaps it was because I didn’t use a formal title. His face darkened immediately at my words.

He removed his hand from my head. Standing stiffly, he turned around.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“He didn’t see me.”

It wasn’t something to worry about. At least, it shouldn’t have been.

But Edan’s stern expression didn’t relax. His eyes darkened. He rubbed his face with his hands, then muttered,

“…No. He must have seen you. I’m sure of it.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“I noticed you. There’s no way His Majesty wouldn’t have.”

Edan’s voice was low and heavy.

After pacing around, rubbing his forehead, he suddenly stopped. His gaze fixed on the curtain fluttering in the breeze.

“He’s here.”

Edan’s low voice carried a note of finality as he stared out the window.

Edan continued to stare out the window with heightened alertness, listening for something. There was no sound outside, but his instincts seemed to be warning him.

Curious, I approached the window.

The wind blew just then, parting the curtains and giving me a clear view outside.

The garden was lush and green, the world bathed in shades of verdant life. It seemed peaceful, save for the group of riders kicking up dust as they rode towards the mansion.

The saddles bore the imperial emblem, a golden symbol that was unmistakable even from a distance.

The sight of the eagle crest flapping in the wind made it clear that Deon’s forces were approaching the mansion.

The first rider to arrive pounded on the front gate. The head butler, who had been tending to the garden, rushed out to meet them.

Seeing this, I quickly dropped my gaze from the window. My heart felt like it had stopped.

Even with my eyes closed tight, the scene remained vivid. I backed away from the window until I bumped into something. Turning around, I found Edan standing there.

Edan, who had been staring blankly out the window, swiftly turned me around and grabbed my shoulders. His fingers were white with tension.

“My Lady”

He said, his dilated pupils reflecting my pale face. He was struggling to remain composed, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

“Hide in the armory. Do not come out under any circumstances.”

I understood the gravity of the situation. If the emperor found out that Edan had hidden a blood pouch, the consequences would be severe.

“I could slip out before the soldiers enter the mansion—”

But Edan cut me off, shaking his head firmly.

“It’s too late. If they’ve reached the gate, the imperial knights have already surrounded the back door and the perimeter of the mansion. And… they’ve already arrived. They’re inside.”

As soon as he finished speaking, heavy footsteps echoed through the walls, reverberating down the hallway.

Edan bit his lip. His grip on my shoulders tightened painfully, but I couldn’t show my discomfort. He was clinging to me as if I were his lifeline.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about me. I promised to protect you, no matter what.”

Despite the turmoil in his eyes, he fixed his gaze on mine with resolute determination. His loyalty as a knight shone through.

“Hurry. The armory in my study has a hidden compartment. It’s small, but it might just be enough to hide you. No one would think to look there.”

Edan pushed me towards the old armory in his study.

The armory was a neglected and rusted room, not something anyone would think was still in use. The wooden door creaked as it opened.

The compartment was barely big enough for a child. Even with my slender frame, it was a tight fit.

“I’ll make excuses and if they catch on, I’ll tell them you’re hidden in the annex. When I lead His Majesty out, use the distraction to escape in disguise. The head butler is instructed to help you.”

Edan said this and practically shoved me inside the armory.

I crouched inside, the rusty hinges barely holding the door shut. The door kept sliding open, forcing me to hold it shut with my hands.

Footsteps grew louder, a mix of Edan’s and the imperial knights’.

The steps were getting closer to the study.

My hands trembled as I clung to the door handle. I didn’t want to close my eyes; I needed to stay alert.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

“Where is she hiding?”

The harsh, rapid breathing was unmistakable.

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

Edan replied calmly. His voice was steady, as if he truly didn’t know where I was.

But Deon wasn’t satisfied. His low, mirthless laughter filled the room, carrying a chilling undertone.

“Is that so? Then you won’t mind if I search the mansion thoroughly. Leave no stone unturned.”

At Deon’s command, soldiers poured into the study.



  1. Bree says:

    The Chaps you guys are skipping have more….
    We are done till 115. 16 more chapters also 8 side stories left Enjoyyyyyy
    Oh and I have reduced the amount of moondust. It’s 3 now, so you guys can read without thinking about money
    It was never my intention to get money out of you guys. Don’t worry when we are on the last chap Ill open all the chaps for non moondust users

  2. nia_17 says:

    thank you for the update… Will you be posting another 5 chapters tomorrow?

    1. Bree says:

      Yup 😉

      1. lilianasabitha says:

        thank you so much… I always enjoy your hard work…
        I was trembling when I was reading it.. the climax..
        poor Leony

  3. vinkoo7 says:

    Oh we are getting to the part at the start of the story 🫢🙂‍↕️
    I’m gonna keep saying it, Edan I love you su much 🫶🏼❤️ my king!!

    16 chapters more? Uff I remember when I found this story with only 5 chapters 🥺
    Thank you for your hard work!!

    1. Bree says:

      Love you my loyal readers❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  4. Tom says:

    were at the opening of chapter 1

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