The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 113

113. The Jewelry Box

So red hair really is in vogue on the streets of the capital.

The maid seemed to notice my stare and lifted her head. When our eyes met, she quickly lowered hers.

With red hair becoming so common, there wouldn’t be any need to hide it with dye. Especially if I didn’t run into Deon. Red hair wasn’t a rare color anymore.

As these thoughts crossed my mind, I stirred the soup in front of me. Steam rose from the hot broth.

“There’s no need for a splint. Fortunately, it’s just a minor sprain.”

The doctor, who had been examining my ankle carefully, spoke softly.

“But still, avoid running or any vigorous activity for a while.”

The doctor wrapped my leg with a bandage, securing it tightly. The bandage made my ankle feel numb, as if all sensation had been dulled.

Following Edan’s orders, the maid and doctor quickly withdrew after finishing their tasks. The room fell silent once again.

The only sound was the clinking of dishes as the maid prepared the meal.

The maid, slicing bread for me, remained silent.

Curious about the prolonged silence, I looked up. Her gaze was fixed on my hair.

When our eyes met, she smiled gently and spoke.

“Red hair, I see.”

She had been examining my head in the quiet.

I hastily placed my hand on the top of my head. Though I knew my fingers couldn’t cover it all, I had to try to hide it. Seeing my urgent movements, she smiled warmly.

“I understand. There’s a strange rumor going around these days. They say women with red hair are being taken away. It must be tough having such a rare hair color in these complicated times.”

As she spoke, she stacked the dishes on the table. As she tidied up the basket, she asked again.

“Would you like me to dye your hair?”

Even though red hair was now admired by everyone, she didn’t question why I wanted to hide it.

Maybe it was because of Edan’s orders. Regardless, it seemed she wouldn’t spread rumors about the unfamiliar woman staying at the mansion or cause me any harm. I let my guard down and slowly lowered my hand.

“Yes. Please.”

She smiled, took the empty plates, and left the room. When she returned, she had a large bowl, a small brush, and dye.

She skillfully seated me in a chair and began to section my hair, applying the dye meticulously. A cool sensation spread across my scalp. Though the dye had its distinctive smell, it wasn’t as harsh as the one Timo had procured.

“Why did red hair suddenly become fashionable? There are rumors that it’s because the Empress has red hair… Is that true?”

Unable to hold Edan back to ask in detail, I casually inquired. She responded with another smile.

“It’s not the Empress, but rather a woman who boasts that she will become the next Empress. She has red hair, and that’s why there was a brief trend of red hair dye in the capital. The rumor goes that the Emperor likes red hair, which is why she can stay in the palace.”

“The next Empress? Which noble family is she from?”

“I’m not sure. She’s kept hidden so well. She doesn’t accompany anyone to social events either.”

Though she denied it, it was clear that it was Isella.

Why do they keep lying? How far are they willing to deceive me? The thought of being fooled again made my heart ache.

“She must be from a fallen noble family if her name isn’t widely known. For some reason, the Emperor doesn’t expel her, so everyone is being cautious. It’s like a fox acting like a king in the tiger’s den.”

She said this as she applied more dye.

“It’s just a short-lived amusement that will soon be sorted out.”

“Still, isn’t it significant that she’s staying in the palace before marriage?”

No matter how much in love he was, openly showing a preference for red hair seemed odd. Had his tastes changed?

As always, Deon’s true feelings were impossible to grasp.

She shrugged at my question.

“That’s how it seems to me.”

The maid, with her years of experience working in a powerful household, could have easily ingratiated herself with the rising power. Yet, she dismissed the matter of the red-haired woman as something trivial that would soon be resolved.

“My master asked me to deliver any necessary items to you as soon as they are ready. I’ll bring them to you immediately.”

She seemed to be referring to the travel pass I had requested.

“Thank you.”

Things appeared to be progressing smoothly. The soothing touch of her hands on my hair made me drowsy, and I closed my eyes.

* * *

Three days had passed since I entered Edan’s mansion.

Edan had left for the palace and there was still no news from him.

Nevertheless, he was likely preparing the travel documents and funds step by step. He kindly sent occasional messages through the maid who took care of my meals, asking how I was doing and expressing his concern.

I spent my time reading in the armchair. With all the curtains drawn, even the bright midday required candlelight.

The maid Edan had assigned brought in books and board games to keep me entertained and served meals at regular intervals.

As usual, the maid came in with lunch and placed the dishes on the table. While setting the table, she gave an unusual warning.

“The 3rd Knight Division, which guards the border, has visited the mansion. Please do not leave the room for the time being. It’s suffocating, but we can’t prevent all the maids and external knights from talking.”

Indeed, the hallway was noisier than usual today. Through the slightly open door, I could hear the busy voices of the maids.

“The 3rd Knight Division?”

No one had come near Edan’s mansion due to the strange rumors Rian had mentioned, so this was unexpected.

Were they acquaintances from before? Perhaps one of the soldiers who had followed Edan.

“Do you know why they visited?”

“I’m not sure. They said they came to request the cooperation of the Knight Commander.”

“I see.”

I responded and took a bite of bread. But her next words made me freeze.

“They brought a jewelry box with them.”


“They said it was an urgent matter and handed it over.”

I gasped in surprise. The bread caught in my throat, and I began to cough. The maid pulled a handkerchief from her apron pocket.

Taking the handkerchief, I wiped my mouth and asked,

“By any chance… was the jewelry box blue?”

She turned to me with wide eyes.

“Yes, it was.”

“Did you see what was inside?”

“I didn’t open it since the master wasn’t here, so I don’t know the contents. But being a jewelry box, it might be spoils of war from the enemy. They might have brought it for appraisal to ensure it wasn’t poisoned.”

No, I had a pretty good idea of what was inside without needing to check. The ugly bracelet I had carried would surely be sitting prominently in that box.

Fortunately, it had been brought here before ending up in Deon’s hands. Should I consider this fortunate?

The maid, noticing my increasingly pale face, looked at me with concern.

“Where is that jewelry box now?”

“It’s in Sir Edan’s study. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.”

She tried to reassure me, but I couldn’t shake off the worry. The appearance of the jewelry box had unsettled me deeply, and I needed to see it for myself.

The maid, noticing my anxious expression, seemed to think it was because of the sudden visit by the knights. She tried to soothe me gently.

“No one can enter the Imperial Knight Commander’s office without permission. It should be empty for now.”

Watching the maid tidy up the dishes, I made up my mind to sneak into the office. I needed to retrieve the bracelet from the jewelry box.

Deon, who had fallen in love and was chasing after a blood pouch, probably wouldn’t care about the bracelet’s whereabouts. It was better to eliminate it rather than risk reminding him of my existence and causing unnecessary trouble.

Feigning a calm demeanor, I watched the maid’s retreating figure.

Soon, the hallway fell silent.

Once I confirmed the maid had left, I quietly opened the door. Fortunately, there was no lock, as if they trusted I would be cautious on my own.

The first place I had entered in Edan’s mansion was his office. I clearly remembered the way; it was very close to where I was staying.

Possibly due to Edan’s precautions, the corridor was empty. I tiptoed silently down the hallway and opened the office door. The familiar scene from when I had been with Rian greeted me.

Nothing had changed. The room remained untouched in Edan’s absence, except for the blue jewelry box now sitting on the desk.

The latch on the jewelry box glistened brilliantly.

I carefully walked to the desk and picked up the box. Just as I was about to open it and check the contents, I heard murmured voices behind me.

“When will the Commander return?”

I froze, my hand hovering over the latch. A familiar woman’s voice echoed from behind.

“I need to discuss the lady with him.”

I lowered my hand from the box.

It was the knight who had brought me to the capital. I didn’t need to turn around to know. In this large mansion, no one but the knight would refer to me in that manner.

I turned my head towards the voices. The knight was talking to the mansion’s butler.

I couldn’t let her find out I was here. Cold sweat ran down my back.

A woman who had disappeared suddenly being in the Knight Commander’s mansion could lead to complications. And it might even bring trouble to Edan, who had helped me.

I quickly pulled the veil from my pocket and covered my face.

My reflection appeared in the glass of a nearby cabinet. The veil, leaving only my eyes visible, made it difficult for anyone to recognize me.

* * *

I carried the jewelry box and headed towards the forest behind Edan’s mansion. I needed to find a place to hide and bury the box.

From beyond the forest, the tall spires of the palace were visible. Edan’s mansion was closer to the palace than I had realized.

Living so close to the enemy’s heart. Although there was no place to hide now that Deon had become Emperor, this was right under his nose.

While staying by Edan’s side, there was no risk of being discovered by Deon, but with each step I took, my heart pounded with anxiety.

The forest seemed to lead directly to the palace’s back garden. There was no fence around this part of the palace.

It made sense to have a path connecting the knight’s mansion to the palace for emergency situations.

Pushing aside large leaves, I saw that the area was deserted. The forest was quiet and secluded.

Brushing away leaves that scratched my face, I looked for a suitable spot to bury the box.

How far had I walked? The dense trees suddenly gave way to a vast garden.

The sound of wet grass beneath my feet echoed in my ears.

I searched the ground, looking for a spot where I could dig easily with my hands. As I pushed aside some leaves, bright sunlight poured down on my face.

Blinking against the light, I saw a large lake in front of me. The water’s surface sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight.

So this is that lake.

The royal garden’s lake, said to look like it was sprinkled with jewels.

Even without anyone telling me, I knew it at a glance. The surface of the lake sparkled vividly, as if it had been scattered with jewels.

The lake stretched endlessly, calm and serene.

It was so wide that the other side was not visible. Only the shadows of trees on the far side gave an idea of its expanse.

Next to it, lush green grass thrived, and at its end stood a large greenhouse.

It was much larger than the greenhouses in the north or at the prince’s residence. Through the transparent windows, I could see tropical plants and birds flying inside.



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