The Crazy Prologue Never Ends

CPNE | Chapter 103

103. Pretending to be a Couple (3)


If this place isn’t peaceful, then where could possibly be? Compared to the harsh capital, this place was almost a paradise.

“I haven’t lived like a flower in a greenhouse. No matter what they say, I won’t be easily fooled.”

Was he worried I might get scammed? I spoke confidently, and Timo hesitated, wanting to say something, then shook his head.

“Alright, I get it. I’ll arrange a travel pass through someone in the village. Where do you plan to go?”

“I’m not sure.”

I recalled the map the hunter had given me. The Empire was centrally located, connecting to almost every country. To get far away from him, it seemed best to cross the sea to an island.

“How about Solan? It’s adjacent to the Empire, but there’s less hostility towards minorities.”

Solan was right next to the Empire on the map. I had considered it once, but then I heard they had an agreement allowing free travel between the two nations, and I gave up the idea.

“As long as I can get far from the Empire, anywhere is fine. Discrimination is okay. My hair won’t be an issue.”

“I don’t understand why you want to leave the Empire. There’s no better place for minorities to live.”

Even a supposedly good country can be a terrible place for someone.

I didn’t bother to point that out.

“I understand your decision. But, just to be cautious, if people in the village start suspecting you…”

Timo hesitated again, unable to finish his sentence. His half-open mouth was frustrating, and I urged him to continue.


“So, I think… if you’re planning to go down to the village, we should pretend to be a married couple for a while.”


He had proposed it, but his face turned as red as if he had just heard it himself.

“It’s not that I have other intentions! There’s a rumor they’re focusing their search on young women. If you pretend to be my wife, it would prevent suspicion. They wouldn’t think you’re a suspicious stranger if you’re married to a long-time resident.”

Timo added unnecessary details, speaking in a flustered manner like a guilty person.

His neck was flushed, the veins visible. His bloodshot eyes were bright red.

I stared at him for a moment before chuckling and shaking my head.

“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want to be tied down.”

“You don’t have to see it as being tied down. It’s just a… contract arrangement.”


I shook my head even more firmly. I was sick of contracts.

“I’ve told you repeatedly, it’s dangerous. I’m not just worried about your identity being revealed. The security is tighter than before. If you leave while I’m not around, I can’t watch over you.”

“The border area has always been safe. Don’t worry too much.”

Timo finally conceded, lowering his head. But his face still looked troubled.

* * *

Before leaving the cabin, I dyed my hair once more. The freshly colored hair was so black it almost looked like a wig.

I fingered the strands. Though red hair wasn’t my natural color either, it felt more familiar. The black hair, which I hadn’t touched in a long time, felt foreign.

I extinguished the fire in the stove and tidied up the bedding. Then, I quietly closed the door and dusted off my hands.

Goodbye, cabin. Though I hadn’t stayed long, I’d grown accustomed to it.

I knew exactly where to position my head to avoid the blinding morning sun, how much firewood to burn to keep the interior warm, and which spots to block when it rained.

I wanted to stay longer, but it was time to leave.

I stepped out, closing the door behind me. The cabin was a temporary shelter, so there were no locks or keys.

Walking the path Timo always took, the village came into view. It was early morning when I set out, but descending the mountain brought me close to noon.

I descended and walked slowly through the streets. The shop where Timo said he would leave the travel pass should be around here.

Despite consulting the map, the scant markings weren’t enough to guide me.

“Hey, miss!”

As I reached the village outskirts, a man in a fruit shop called out to me. I tensed up, my shoulders hunching instinctively.


“You’re the young lady with black hair, right? Planning to cross the border? Timo asked me to help you.”

Relieved that my hair hadn’t given me away, I approached. The shop, draped with curtains, smelled strongly of fruit.

“But where’s your luggage?”


He looked puzzled at my light load but soon nodded in understanding.

“Wait just a moment. I’ll finish up here and take you to a cart leaving the village.”

He pushed a box of fruit further into the shop and pulled down the curtain to cover it.

While he wrapped up his business, I leaned against a tree, surveying the street.

It was a small but bustling village. Though I’d visited a few times with my hair hidden, this was the first time I lifted my head and truly looked around. As the hunter had said, there were more elderly people than young ones.

I strolled slowly down the street, taking in my surroundings.

## Chapter 103: Pretending to be a Couple (3)

The men in the village had particularly robust physiques. Their arms were thick, like Timo’s and the hunter’s.

Was this a characteristic of the village? It was odd. It was strange that people with such arms weren’t mercenaries but instead stayed in a rural village. They could earn far more money doing something else than running shops.

There was also a butcher shop on the crowded street. Many customers were waiting outside.

The crowd around the butcher shop watched the actions of the man, who appeared to be the owner, very closely. The man was cutting through what looked like a cow’s leg tendon with a large knife.

“Are you the one associated with that merchant group?”

The man, who had been casually slicing the meat, stopped at the question.

The crowd at the butcher shop was asking unusual questions for mere customers. Instead of looking at the cuts of meat, they were staring intently at the man’s face.

Despite the provocative question, the butcher remained calm and resumed cutting the meat.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“How could you not know?”

“If you’re not buying meat, you’d better leave.”

“Really? Then give me a piece of the hind leg. And also what you’re hiding.”

Their gazes locked in a tense standoff. The atmosphere grew hostile.

Only then did I sense the strange tension in the village. Everywhere I looked, there were people wearing the same outfits, scattered throughout the village.

At first, I thought they were villagers since I hadn’t been down here in a while, but their behavior was too odd for that.

One of the men in the crowd gave a signal, and they swiftly descended on the butcher shop. Ignoring the man with the knife, they began tearing the place apart. I was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

When one of them opened a nearby box, several large knives were revealed. They weren’t for butchering.

I gasped. I needed to get out of here.

As I scanned the area, I saw more of these strangers scattered throughout the village. They didn’t belong here.

I quickly tried to back away from them, but soon soldiers blocked my path.

One soldier leisurely stepped in front of me and spat on the ground.

“And who are you?”

He glanced at a list of names on a piece of paper.

“I’m just passing through, trying to get to another village.”

I answered calmly, but it wasn’t the answer he wanted. His sharp gaze cut through me.

“You’re not from this village?”

His eyes glinted dangerously. The men with spears behind him looked ready to act.

Timo’s words came back to me. Pretending to be married would avoid suspicion if I were in danger.

“No, I mean, I am married.”

A weak excuse wouldn’t work. I decided to go with Timo’s suggestion of claiming marriage.

“Who to? There’s no one by that name on this list. Did someone get married in this village recently?”

The man unfolded the paper, which listed the names of the villagers. It also had a map and family trees.

“Who are you supposed to be married to?”


I figured it was safe to use his name. Timo was out hunting and wouldn’t return to the village for at least ten days.

“Timo… You mean the hunter’s nephew?”

I nodded vigorously. The man scribbled something on the map.

Relieved, I took a breath, but it was short-lived. The soldier signaled to another man behind him.

“Then she’s in on it too. Take her.”

* * *

The soldiers turned the village into chaos in no time.

People of all ages were dragged out of their homes, forced to submit to the soldiers’ orders.

The soldiers roughly forced the captives to kneel on the ground.

“Who would’ve thought this whole village was a base for illegal activities.”

“Keep an eye on them. We’ll be selling the captives soon.”

A soldier dusted off his hands and spat on the ground in disgust.

“Where will they be sent?”

“Who knows? Probably sold as slaves. A village hiding illegal weapons and engaging in unlawful trade won’t end up in a nice place.”

Oh no.

<I don’t know if you realize this, but the village isn’t as peaceful as it looks.>

Timo’s words echoed in my mind.

Now it made sense why the villagers were so isolated and why they could easily procure travel passes. Why Deon’s soldiers had a hard time finding the cabin.

Piece by piece, the puzzle came together.

Could it be that when Timo said the village wasn’t just peaceful, he meant this?

Had Timo and the hunter really gone hunting, or was there something more?

Timo, if this was the case, you should have warned me before you left.

There was no time to sort out my chaotic thoughts. The soldiers herded the villagers into cages like animals.

People I had seen while visiting the cabin were being pushed inside. Among them were children. I was thrown into a cage as well.

The iron gate clanged shut.

Outside, soldiers carrying torches bustled about as evening fell.

Through the layers of cold iron bars, I could see the soldiers who had imprisoned us.

Their uniforms and the familiar emblem on their shoulders and buttons were unmistakable.

Imperial soldiers.

My heart pounded as I recognized the emblem I thought I had escaped.



  1. vinkoo7 says:

    My god 😭😭 Leony can’t catch a break 😭😭

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