The Contract with the Lord was a Trap

TCLT Chapter 25

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“You must be tired, so I’ll send the valet up to you.”

Evan said as he guided Adrian to the best guest room. While Adrian rested and changed clothes before the formal dinner, Evan planned to hear from his aide what had happened with that fool earlier.

Honestly, he had the intention of delaying Adrian so he would have to participate in the dinner anyway.

“Oh, sure. Send one to Colin, too.”

“Of course. He’s probably already been informed. Then please rest well.”

Evan bowed politely and left the guest room. As expected of the best guest room, it was filled with famous paintings and luxurious decorations.

However, what caught Adrian’s attention was none other than the window.

Since it was still daylight, it was unlikely that anyone outside could see in. Yet, he slightly opened the curtain, just enough to peer through as if to conceal himself.

The Haleson family’s garden, meticulously maintained by Lady Haleson, unfolded beautifully outside. But he saw something far more beautiful than that.

“You’re still—”

Radiant as always. He couldn’t finish the sentence, swallowing the rest of his words.

Far in the distance, he saw Hestia. Although she appeared very small, he could spot her at a glance among the many young ladies.

While the other young ladies were dressed like flamboyant peacocks, she stood alone in a simple dark green dress, her hair tied with a small ribbon.

He wanted to see her up close. He wanted to see her green eyes. He missed those green eyes looking at him.

But she didn’t welcome him. In fact, she seemed to want to avoid him. She didn’t want him.

Realizing this again, he felt a sharp pain piercing his heart, breaking him once more.

But there was nothing he could do. The more he recklessly approached Hestia, the more she would only get hurt.

For her, that day was a painful memory, and she had already rejected him. No matter how much sorrow he felt, if she didn’t want him, he had to step back.

‘But at least allow me to watch from a distance like this, Hestia.’

He hid further behind the curtain, suppressing his complicated emotions.

The tea party seemed to be starting, as maids began placing plates with light refreshments in front of the guests. It was only then that he noticed the table.

His eyes widened in an instant.

“Excuse me.”

The valet knocked on the door and bowed deeply to Adrian. He pushed in a trolley carrying water, wine, and some light snacks.

Just as the valet was about to pour wine into an empty glass, a cold command was heard.

“Bring my evening wear immediately.”

Adrian Kingston turned away from the window, throwing off his hunting coat.


“Right now!”

“Yes, right away!”

The valet, not understanding what was going on, obeyed the order with precision. Something urgent was clearly happening.


* * *


“Girls, clear the tea quickly. We need to prepare lemonade and champagne for the young gentlemen!”

Adrian quietly approached the back of the young ladies’ table. Laughter, however artificial, should have filled the air, but the atmosphere was strangely cold.

Everyone kept glancing at Hestia with either cold or unsure expressions. Even Daisy looked like she was about to burst into tears.

His eyes quickly swept over the untouched lily cookies on the tea table, Dianee’s attire, and the luxurious, colorful teacups that were quickly being put away without touching them.

Finally, his gaze rested on Hestia, whose face was frozen in a stoic expression. His anger flared up, but he cooled his emotions and calmed his mind. Then, he flashed a smile so charming it could even captivate a nightmare.

“Hello, Diane. Looks like fun—mind if I join?”

“Adrian? How are you here at this time?”

The table became lively with his sudden appearance. Even Diane seemed genuinely surprised, her expression a mixture of shock and delight. Adrian smiled warmly at her and replied.

“I’ve caught enough. Others were taking too long, so I came down out of boredom. I hope I’m not intruding?”

He was already dressed in formal dinner attire, having changed from his hunting clothes. His confident words, ‘I’ve caught enough’, made him seem even more perfect.

With his handsome face and charming smile, Adrian looked relaxed as he glanced around the table, showing no signs of nervousness despite being the center of attention.

Except for one person, everyone was welcoming. And even if there were dozens of hostile gazes, would that make him blink even once?

“Not at all! How could you say such a thing?”

“Of course, you’re more than welcome, Lord Kingston.”

“It’s an honor to see you up close, my lord!”

“We’ve heard you were given the title of viscount! Congratulations!”

All the young ladies stood up, eager to speak with him. Diane, quicker than anyone else, approached him with a bright smile and asked kindly,

“We were just about to prepare drinks for the gentlemen. Care to join me?”

She was implying that she wanted him to escort her as they moved. But Adrian pretended not to hear her suggestion and walked toward the tea table.

Before the maid could clear away the teacups, Adrian picked one up, faster than anyone could react. It happened in the blink of an eye. Then, loud enough for everyone to hear, he asked Diane,

“This is a color-changing teacup, isn’t it? Isn’t this from the Kingdom of Tejan?”

At the same time, the teacup in his hand turned into a transparent blue color, similar to Diane’s. The young ladies’ faces showed signs of shock.

Adrian had used magic to change the color of the teacup. Although the other young ladies’ cups didn’t change as quickly, they were too distracted by the color of his teacup to notice the time difference.

The young ladies never thought for a second that Lord Kingston wouldn’t have already embraced a woman. He was famous for being popular since his academy days and had publicly enjoyed deep romances with several courtesans and famous dancers. He even had a reputation as a playboy at the academy.

“What’s this? Why is everyone so tense? Did I do something wrong?”

Feigning ignorance of the tense atmosphere, he turned to Diane and asked. Meanwhile, when Adrian showed interest in the teacup, the maids dared not approach any further and obediently stepped back.

Among the pastel-toned teacups, Hestia’s red teacup shone even more enchantingly.

“It’s nothing. Since it’s time, we should all move now.”

Diane quickly tried to leave their location. Adrian’s interruption was not part of her plan.

Even though she didn’t know what Adrian had done, his teacup changed to a color similar to hers. This wasn’t a good sign at all.

He was very clever but was also sometimes called ‘a fox’ by the princess herself. This implied he was a man full of sly tricks.

This must be one of his tricks. He must have used magic to change the color of the teacup. But there was no way for Diane to prove it. If things kept going like this, her perfect plan would be ruined.

“Yes, it’s a product our family formally imports from the Kingdom of Tejan.”

Iris, who had been silently fuming all this time because no one took her side, seized this opportunity to speak up.

Even Diane, who caused this mess, hadn’t supported her. Her frustration had reached its peak, and she decided that even if her relationship with Diane deteriorated, she would protect her family’s honor.

To prove that the product wasn’t a worthless counterfeit, she nodded enthusiastically and explained.

“As expected, Lord Kingston, you have a keen eye. I can’t believe you recognized it in one glance!”

“I once met the teacup’s maker when I studied abroad in the Kingdom of Tejan for a short time. Christine Harper, a magical item maker.”

Just as he said, Christine Harper’s signature was engraved on the handle of the teacup. Not only did he recognize the teacup, but he had also met its creator!

Everyone knew that Adrian Kingston spent a fortune traveling abroad during school breaks, expanding his knowledge. As the most informed and knowledgeable person in the room about the teacup, Adrian kindly explained it to everyone.

“Isn’t it a fascinating teacup? The deeper the red, the warmer the person’s nature is said to be. Since my cup remains a transparent blue, it seems I’m still as heartless as ever.”

He pretended not to notice that Diane’s teacup was a similar color to his own and made a pointed comment toward her, without even looking her way.

The young ladies were all aware of the color of Diane’s teacup, and they assumed Adrian hadn’t noticed it.

Diane, who had now become the least compassionate person at the table, bit her lip secretly.

“Oh my, my lord! Warmheartedness is a quality needed for women.”

“And determination is what’s required for men. Especially for a lord such as yourself, who is also an officer.”

Adrian smiled seductively and bowed respectfully to the young ladies who had defended him. Then, looking around at all the young ladies, he asked kindly,

“Would anyone happen to know the owner of that red teacup?”

“It’s Miss Welter’s! That is, it belongs to Hestia.”

Daisy quickly stepped forward and answered. Desperate to exchange a few words with him, this felt like a dream opportunity. Everyone’s eyes turned toward Hestia.

“As I thought, Hestia. I had a feeling it was yours. Truly admirable.”

Adrian gave her a respectful knight’s bow. Hestia, still somewhat stiff, bent her knees slightly to return his greeting with a curtsy.


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