The Contract with the Lord was a Trap

TCLT Chapter 21

“Father! Aren’t you going a little overboard for just one mistake?”

“What? Just one mistake? Are you stupid? If you make the same mistake twice, our family will be ruined!”

Count Carlton scolded Ted, as if he’d been waiting.

“You were throwing temper tantrums and drinking heavily at an important event, weren’t you? And you’re calling it all a mistake! I calmly asked you to sober up in the break room, but instead, you decided to wander around and pass out, falling down the stairs.”

The more the Count thought about it, the angrier he became, slamming his fist on the desk.

“I couldn’t even show my face because I was so embarrassed that that stupid beggar was my own son!”

“It’s not my fault! Some bastard pushed me down the stairs and I passed out!”

“Again, and again, and again! Every time you open your mouth, you spout lies! Ever since you were young, any time you were at a disadvantage, you’d lie, nothing has changed!”

“This time it’s the truth! Why won’t you believe me? This is so frustrating!”

“What? You bastard!”

Count Carlton’s face turned red at his son’s attitude, which went beyond rudeness, and he eventually raised his fist.

“Honey, calm down!”

At that moment, Countess Carlton ran into the room and grabbed onto her husband’s upraised arm.

“Please have mercy. It’s all this mother’s fault for not taking good care of the child.”

She sobbed, tears streaming down from her wide eyes. Count Carlton fussed, but did not shake off his wife.

“No! I know you did your best!”

That was the truth. From the time Ted was young, Countess Carlton cared for and educated her children with love, never even raising her voice.

A loving mother and an aristocratic father who made plenty of money. Their son lacked nothing, so how did he end up like this?

He thought of his daughter, Daisy, and finally took a deep breath to calm himself. His son may have failed, but he had a daughter who’d successfully entered society.

Her marriage was on track to success. This time, she was even invited to the Marquis of Haleson’s dinner party?

The Count threw an invitation at Ted, it was an invitation to the capital’s newest social club, the Hunting Club.

“This is your last chance! Do what I tell you, no more, no less! I don’t want anything else, just hunt one wild boar while at the hunting club and give it to Lady Haleson!”

“Excuse me? What are you talking about! How can I hunting with this leg-”

“Even if we give this brat an opportunity, he can’t even say thank you, huh? You can’t even handle one little hunt?”

“Ted, quickly tell your father you’ll gratefully obey his wishes, come on!”

Seeing his father’s fury, Ted could only gape like a carp, and finally bow his head.

His father was glaring at him, and he looked like he was about to punch him in the face.

“If you don’t get it right this time, I’m going to cut off all your allowance!”

Count Carlton spoke his final words, leaving the room.

“Ugh, how did such an idiot come from this family!”

The door closed with a thud. The Count’s stomping footsteps and Countess Carlton’s soothing voice faded into the distance.


Ted cursed loudly and slammed his fist against the wall. He’d tried to remove a blemish, but ended up making everything worse.

He wanted to kick everything that was in his way, but with his ankle still not fully healed, he couldn’t even walk properly, let alone unleash his anger.

But hunting? Ted gritted his teeth stubbornly. Venturing out for a hunt with this leg would be a colossal struggle, right from mounting the horse.

Dreaming about catching a bear was out of the question, and as for small game like rabbits or foxes, how many could he possibly catch? He would probably even become the subject of mockery among the other hunters.

His father didn’t consider any of this and was only thinking about the status of the Carlton family!

He was the son of a Count and the future Count of Carlton, he shouldn’t be treated like this!

Ted was overcome with the urge to kill everyone; his father for not believing him, Colin for hurting him, that rascal of a man that pushed him down the stairs, who may or may not be Colin, and Hestia for refusing to do his bidding.


* * *


There’s a saying in the capital’s social circles these days: ‘You can’t have a conversation without talking about the Kingston family.’ This is because, according to a rumor that circulated, even among the common people, the emperor granted the title of Viscount and a fiefdom to Adrian, a hero of the battlefield.

Leonhard Kingston, the head of the Kingston family, had the title of Archduke, so it was very unusual for the second son, Adrian, to also receive a title.

Moreover, since Adrian was still unmarried and didn’t have a fiancée, noblemen with daughters were eager to make even the smallest connection to the Kingston family.

Therefore, when the rumor spread that Adrian Kingston would attend the dinner party held at the Haleson’s today, some people even spent a fortune to send their daughters, if only to accompany the invitees.

He rarely participated in anything other than major social events. Daisy was proud of the fact that she could go to such a prestigious event and made a big show of it.

The Carlton family’s carriage was heading towards the Haleson mansion a little earlier than was was usual for a dinner party. Dinner usually started around 7 o’clock, so it was common to leave around 6 o’clock, but today was different.

Lord Haleson’s hunting club meeting started around noon, and Lady Haleson proposed that they greet the participants at the end of the hunt.

Cold lemonade and light refreshments would be prepared and shared with the young men as they returned from the hunt.

Of course, the ladies wanted to meet the young men, so they welcomed the opportunity. The small tea party being held was also a precious opportunity to interact with Lady Haleson.

Everyone was moved by her kind heart and delicate consideration.

But Hestia knew her real purpose. She was taking out some insurance.

Adrian Kingston might just leave after the hunt, so she was using any means possible to meet him somehow. But Hestia didn’t care one bit whether her plan succeeded or failed. It was none of her business.

“Oh my. It’s beautiful!”

While Hestia was lost in thought, the carriage arrived in front of the Haleson family’s mansion, and Daisy, who was looking out the window, exclaimed in praise.

The mansion’s magnificent iron gate sparkled gold, and guests were being politely greeted by servants dressed in luxurious clothing, similar to those worn by imperial palace servants.

Even the clear weather matched the atmosphere of the mansion, heightening the anticipation.

“Welcome. Countess Carlton, Miss Carlton, Miss Welter.”

Finally, the Haleson family’s servant opened the carriage door and set up the removable stairs. The three women were escorted out of the carriage. As soon as they got off, they heard the voices of people gossiping.

“Did you hear? His Majesty has bestowed the title of Viscount and a fiefdom to Sir Adrian Kingston!”

“You’d have to be deaf not to have heard that news already! Now even the second son is a Lord.”

“It’s amazing that the eldest son and the second son both have titles and estates at such a young age. Is there another family who could possess more noble blood than the Kingston’s?”

“I’m already curious about who’ll become Mrs. Kingston alongside Lady Haleson.”

As expected, the main topic of conversation among the people gathered in small groups was Adrian Kingston.

Countess Carlton, listening to people’s conversations with her ears perked up, straightened her back, thinking that the position of ‘Mrs. Kingston’ belonged to Daisy.

“Baby, take a good look. Soon, our Daisy will also have to manage a mansion as the mistress of a family.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Mom.”

Daisy answered obediently, but in truth, she wasn’t really listening to her mother’s words.

Sir Adrian Kingston would be there. She was extremely nervous because she’d had a hard time sleeping last night and her skin felt a little dry.

Just to impress him, she woke up early that morning, carefully combed her hair, and dressed up in a new gown.

It felt like hundreds of butterflies were flying around in her stomach. If she saw his perfectly handsome face again, she’d show her benevolence by acting as if she’d forgotten all about his previous antics.

Every man’s ideal woman was a kind-hearted lady who was gentle with her children and supportive of her husband. Today, she was determined to win his heart by behaving in a sweet and gentle manner.

The garden was decorated with delicate lilies at the entrance, and an immaculately groomed young woman, who was so beautiful that you wouldn’t even notice the lilies blooming, greeted the guests with a smile.




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