The Contract with the Lord was a Trap

TCLT Chapter 9

“Tomorrow is a very important day. It will be Daisy’s debutant ball.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

It was a place where powerful people would be gathered. A place where young men and women danced together, in search of someone to marry. Society balls were the core of the marriage market. In addition, parents, accompanying their eager children, would mingle around the room, chatting like close friends.

“Of course, I will be there as well, but Hestia, I hope you will remain by Daisy’s side and good care of her, because it will be her first time.”

Countess Carlton not only had to take care of Daisy, she also had to establish herself among the ladies. It was the same for all of the Carlton family members, Hestia was the only one who had nothing to do with high society.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I’m worried about her, because she’s still young.”

“Miss Carlton is wise, she will be able to adapt quickly.”

“From what I have heard, many of the young people participating in this dance are from that academy, correct?”

Hestia smiled slightly, as the Countess vaguely asked her.

Countess Carlton’s goal was to get Daisy married to a man from a noble family who would cherish her, therefore, a proper bridge was needed.

“Yes, there are many talented people in the empire, and they are all blessed by Goddess Lillian.”

“Indeed. I’m sure there will be many there that I have not seen for a very long time.”

Hestia answered with a faint smile raising her teacup.

A pleasure indeed. There would be many familiar faces, but her life at the academy had not been happy. So much so, she didn’t even want to think about it.

“If you see them, introduce Daisy as your cousin.”

“…All right.”

Technically, they were 8th cousins. However, even though they were distant cousins, it was common to introduce them as close cousins because they often saw each other.

“Okay. You must be tired. Get some rest for tomorrow.”


“I’ll send Penny to you with your dress when it’s time to get ready.”

“Thank you for your grace.”

The Countess put down her empty teacup and Hestia bowed elegantly as she took a step back.

Since she had already been woken from her sleep, she decided to go back to her room to finish and mail the letters she had written on her way to the capital.


“Adrian Luke Kingston. I honor you, here and now, for your contribution in protecting the empire, which will forever be recorded in history.”

The prime minister’s solemn voice filled the bright room. The Chamber of Light, usually reserved for kings of other nations or official international conferences, had been opened today to honor him. It was filled with men, including the Emperor, ministers, senators, nobles of high rank and knights. Archivists and painters worked diligently to record this historic moment.

The court painter gazed in wonder at Adrian, the most important person of the day. It was said that the Kingston family only had handsome men and beautiful women for generations, and it was clearly true.

“You protected the sacred lands and people of the empire from evil.”

Because the Chamber of Light was a sacred area for men, women did not dare enter it. However, there was one who was present this day, and that was princess Lillian.

Wearing a white dress with golden embroidery, with long platinum blond hair, she was by far the most conspicuous person present in the room. Adrian walked in front of the princess and knelt, bowing his head.

“As a faithful subject of the Emperor, I bestow upon you a medal imbued with the light of the goddess.”

In response to the prime minister’s remarks, a servant came to the princess’ side holding a velvet box containing a medal. The princess held the medal in her hand, but there was still a mountain of things to say on the ministers scroll, and the long day continued.

It was all commonplace complements.

Adrian was sure the princess wasn’t even listening to the prime minister. She hated wasting her time.

As expected, as soon as the attendant stepped away from her side, the princess warned in a voice so low that only Adrian could hear.

“Don’t ask me to dance again later.”

“I’m glad were on the same page.”

He lowered his head and whispered in a voice containing laughter. He was glad to hear her voice. She hadn’t changed in the last few years.

“Don’t laugh like a fool.”

“I’m about to kiss the back of your hand.”

“Don’t touch me with your lips.”

“Yes, yes. I won’t.”

“You succeeded so fast. Why did you break the schedule?”

Everyone had expected the war to take a year and a half. A year and three months at the earliest. However, someone even more monstrous than the actual monsters they were fighting, had returned exactly a year later. Just before the social season, as he had intended.

She could picture what his daily life must have been like, from the day of his departure until now.

It was reported that he led the front in every battle. In other words, he spent every single day shooting, slashing and casting spells at monsters.

He was crazy.

In some ways he seemed even more harsh than his brother, Archduke Leonhard Kingston.

“There’s someone I want to see.”

Adrian raised his head and looked at the princess. The princess also looked directly into his eyes.

What was with that innocent look? She was so dumbfounded she let out a laugh in disbelief.

“…Are you serious?”

“I was always serious, Your Highness.”

The princess had been busy preparing for the banquet and the ball over the past few days. Because she was busy, it made it even more difficult for the palace maids, servants and cooks. When she thought of their hard work, it made her want to smack the man smiling like a fox in front of her. What he was saying was outrageous.


He laughed at the princess’ expressionless face, which was as cold as her words. At that moment, the prime ministers voice finally stopped, the two people who had been chatting went back about their business as if nothing had happened. As was the custom, he stretched out his white gloved hand and gently squeezed the princess’ hand. He had to kiss the back of her hand in respect.

As she requested, he got close enough until it seemed that he had touched the back of her hand with his lips, but it was all an illusion. He disliked contact with others. He was able to fool anyone.

The princess approached him as he slowly stood and placed a medal around his neck. The sound of thunderous applause rang throughout the room, spreading outside. At that moment, the princess’ mouth moved.

“Hestia Welter.”

He heard it clearly, even through the applause that was echoing throughout the room. The voice was as small as a whisper, but how could he not hear that name? The princess, who noticed the subtle change in his expression was convinced.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

He simply smiled. There was nothing he could hide from the princess. And, he had no intention of hiding it anyway.

The princess smiled and stepped back. It was time for her to leave now that she had no reason to be in the room anymore. No one objected or stopped her as she headed for the door. Unlike her, Adrian moved in front of the Emperor. There was still a lot left in the schedule for the event, but the princess knew what would happen, even if she was not there to hear or see it in person.

She was able to outsmart the idiots in the room, even her father, the emperor. And she was also one of the few people who knew Adrian well.

Now, he would be fighting a second war, a seemingly noble one, but only on the surface. The hero would smile gracefully and then devour his enemies, there was no need for her to worry about him. It was a little disappointing to not be able to see the crumpled faces of the children fighting to protect their bowls at all costs.

“Your Royal Highness, shall we escort you to the princess’s palace?”

When she came out of the room, her maids and ladies in waiting were there outside with their heads bowed.

“No, let’s go to the inner palace.”

“Do you have any business at the inner palace?”

“There will be soon.”

The maids quietly lowered their heads and followed behind her. Because everything their princess did was right.


A loud noise could be heard coming from downstairs. It was the sound of the painstaking efforts being taken to prepare for the ball that evening. The sound of items being taken out and moved around with laughter could be heard all the way to the third floor.

On the other hand, Hestia’s room was very quiet. Unlike Daisy’s room where all the maids in the mansion were gathered, Hestia’s room had only her and Penny.

Penny spoke to Hestia in a bright voice, in an attempt to lift her depressed mood.

“Miss, the waist of this dress is very large, I’ll try to smooth out some of the wrinkles.”

Penny secretly sighed as she looked at the modest royal blue dress with only a small amount of lace. She had gotten it in a hurry, but what if she couldn’t make it fit her waist? But, Hestia didn’t seem to care at all whether the dress was big or small, bright or dark. She just stared blankly at the mirror, mechanically running a comb through her hair for the umpteenth time already.

‘Poor Hestia.’

Penny sympathized with Hestia, who was not having fun preparing for the ball. All that Lady Hestia, Daisy’s chaperone for the ball, had to do was follow behind her and take care of her.

If Lady Hestia’s family hadn’t been ruined, she might have dressed just like Lady Daisy, possibly even more extravagantly, and excitedly prepared for the ball with herself as the main character.

‘What if he recognizes me?’

However, unlike Penny’s worries, Hestia’s worries were completely different. This ball was Adrian Kingston’s victory banquet. As the main character, he will definitely be there. The question was, did he remember that day?

The best-case scenario is if Adrian doesn’t remember that day and doesn’t even recognize her. She just needs to take good care of Daisy and then return home.

But if that wasn’t the case? What if the worst-case scenario unfolded?

When Penny finished pleating the waist of her dress, she was brought back to reality and realized she had been swept away by arrogant thoughts.


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