The Consequences of Messing with the Original Work

“Peonia Felicia.”


It was in the grand banquet hall. Chandeliers with finely crafted glass sparkled with bright light, and sweet music invited dancing in the enchanting ball. But the Crown Prince Trips’s angry shout brought the enchanting banquet to a cold halt. In the midst of that discomfort, only one person remained composed—the duke’s daughter, Peonia Felicia, whose name had been called by the prince.


The Felicia family, a distinguished noble house and a pillar that supported the empire, was treated with the utmost respect, even by the emperor. The imperial family and the duke’s family had a long-standing friendly relationship. Thus, the crown prince had just committed a serious offense. He had not only insulted the Felicia family but also the emperor, who was the sun of the empire.


“You should be well aware of your sins.”




“I can’t hide my disappointment. No woman in this world would resort to such despicable and vile tricks as you have! If you have any conscience, you won’t be able to make any excuses!”




“Come to think of it, you’re a black magician, aren’t you? A talent that perfectly matches your vile nature.”


The insults had crossed the line. People looked back and forth between the Trips and Peonia in disbelief.


Trips, who had said everything he wanted, stood with a stern and angry expression. But Peonia, who was being insulted, remained calm. Despite the harsh words directed at her, she maintained an unruffled posture.


Her beautifully flowing black hair cascaded softly, and her upright posture and proud jawline were as elevated as the dignity of the Felicia Ducal House. To some, she appeared even more noble than the crown prince.


“Your Highness!”


At that moment, Lillie Albeolus, daughter of Viscount Albeolus, rushed out from the crowd. Her honey-colored hair shone brilliantly under the lights.


“Your Highness! This lady is innocent!” Lillie pleaded with a desperate voice, her delicate eyes filling with tears, resembling a lily bathed in morning dew.


“Lillie, why are you so kind?” Trips’s gaze softened.


“You’re mistaken! The lady did nothing to me…”


“Don’t worry.”


Trips pitied Lillie’s plea, thinking that his delicate lily was only pretending to side with the wicked duke’s daughter out of fear.


Wow, that crazy guy. Seraphie Vallidus, who had been watching the entire scene, was on edge. Everyone in the banquet hall was likely feeling the same way, but Seraphie was anxious for a different reason.


Suddenly, she felt a gaze from across the room. When she looked up, she saw a familiar figure. Those persistent, almost obsessive violet eyes. Seraphie quickly turned her head to avoid that gaze. Those eyes, seriously.


Feeling her face heat up for no reason, Seraphie fanned herself with her hand. Then, she quickly shifted her focus back to the crown prince.


That damned guy! A guy just like her wretched father! How dare he insult people so recklessly just because of his position!


Trips was nothing like the way he was described in the original story. He was an arrogant man who believed that everything he thought was right and that he could never be wrong.


How hard did I work to prevent this scene from happening!


The world had definitely changed. Because she, who knew the original story, had been frantically meddling with the ‘original’ to survive in this hell. But despite everything, this situation had unfolded, and Seraphie felt a sense of dread.


No, it’s too early to make judgments…


Seraphie forced herself to think positively. Compared to everything she had dealt with so far, the crown prince was not as formidable as she had expected. Maybe this could even be a golden opportunity for Peonia and Lillie to break away from him. Trips was definitely too lacking for them.


If things go as I expect…


Just as Seraphie was speculating about whether her efforts had indeed changed them.


“Your Highness.”


Peonia, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke. Her voice was cold and calm, with hidden anger. Everyone held their breath.


“As Your Highness said.” Peonia’s crimson eyes, looking at the crown prince, sparkled with an extraordinary brilliance.


There it is. Seraphie smiled.


“I am unfit to be the mother of a nation. I am full of jealousy, and as a result, I have shamelessly engaged in vile behavior that is difficult to even speak of.”


Ha! And now you’re admitting your wrongdoings?”


“No, Your Highness. I have long been aware of my inadequacies. There is nothing wrong with what Your Highness said.”


Peonia lowered her head. She did not strongly deny Trips’s words. But her proudly raised posture made him feel a twinge of insecurity. Though by status and circumstance, the crown prince held the upper hand, a sense of defeat and humiliation crept in.


“I understand Your Highness’s intentions well.” Peonia’s voice echoed throughout the hall. “I acknowledge my lack of virtue and will step down from my position as Your Highness’s fiancée.”


Finally, the words ‘breaking off the engagement,’ which Trips had been waiting for, were spoken. It was a rather vile outcome.


Trips had been too afraid of the emperor and the Felicia family to say he wanted to break off the engagement first. Instead, he had exposed Peonia’s misdeeds in front of everyone, creating a situation where breaking off the engagement was the only option.


What a truly despicable man. Seraphie bit her lip as she watched. She had tampered with the original story countless times, but that arrogant crown prince stubbornly behaved exactly as described.


However, Peonia chose to part ways with the crown prince. Seraphie was relieved by this change in events.


“I wonder what you’ll scheme next.”


“The distinguished guests here will serve as witnesses.”


Peonia remained polite to the crown prince until the end. Trips, feeling pleased with this, began to relax.


“…I’m glad you’ve finally realized your mistakes, Lady.”


“Lillie.” Trips, who had turned away, looked at Lillie. To the bewildered Lillie, he gave a reassuring smile. “The person who has been troubling you—”


Slap! It was then followed by a sharp clatter.


The first sound was from Lillie’s hand, which had slapped Trips’s cheek, and the second was from someone dropping a champagne glass in shock at Lillie’s audacity. Everyone in the hall was as shocked as if the champagne glass had shattered into pieces.




Lunie, who was standing next to Seraphie, slapped Seraphie on the shoulder as if to ask if she had seen that too. Of course, Seraphie had seen it. And she was shocked as well, her mouth hanging open like a fool. But she was shocked for a slightly different reason.


“…You b*stard!” Lillie shouted, clutching the hand that had slapped Trips’s cheek.


Avoiding the stunned crown prince, Lillie ran to Peonia. Trips remained frozen, his head turned to the side from the slap.


“Lady Peonia! Lady Peonia!”


Trips had made it seem like Peonia had bullied Lillie. But as Lillie approached Peonia, her eyes filled with tears of regret.


“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry.”




“You must have been so startled. What should I do, our dear Lady Peonia…!”


“I was startled, but… because of you.” Peonia let out a faint laugh.


Who would have thought Lillie Albeolus would dare lay a hand on the crown prince? Even yesterday—or even ten minutes ago—it was unimaginable. Still, it was undeniably satisfying.


Peonia had endured Trips’s nonsense without much damage, and now she had the privilege of witnessing him getting slapped up close. Even though he was someone she had once liked, there wasn’t a shred of pity for him.


“Lillie,” Peonia whispered softly. “Shall we leave together?”


“Lady Peonia…”


“Do you remember the proposal I made back then? If you’re interested, shall we go?”


It was the suggestion of leaving together from some time ago.


“…Yes!” Lillie wiped the tears from her eyes with her fingers. “I’ll go! I’ll join you!”


“Then let’s hurry and get out of here.” Peonia smiled magnificently at Lillie’s spirited answer.


The two held hands like close friends. Then they turned toward the crowd, specifically to the other friends who had been watching them all along.




“Lady Sera!”


Everyone’s gaze naturally turned to Seraphie, whose name had been called.


Seraphie unknowingly closed her eyes tightly. But that wouldn’t make Peonia and Lillie, who were approaching her, disappear.


“Sera, it’s thanks to you that I’ve made up my mind.”


“If it weren’t for you, Lady Sera, I would have continued living while suppressing myself.”


“No, that’s not…” Seraphie felt as if cold sweat was running down her back. Or perhaps it really was sweat, as her bare shoulder suddenly felt cold.


“As expected of my friend!” Even Lunie joined in, praising Seraphie.


The four of them—or more accurately, three—hugged Seraphie tightly, sharing a moment of warm friendship.


A suffocated groan escaped from Seraphie’s lips. This isn’t good… What had just happened was undoubtedly not the outcome Seraphie had expected.


Lillie, a candidate for saintess with a talent for white magic, and Peonia, the heir to the Magic Tower with a specialty in black magic. These two were supposed to engage in a fierce battle that would shake the empire’s future.


But why are they getting along so well…?! And hugging me in the middle of it!


Up until now, Seraphie had been meddling with the original story for only one reason. To ensure her own safety. She cared only about herself and didn’t care what happened to this world. That’s why she used the original story in every way possible. So having these two people, who had defied the crown prince, come running to her for a hug was definitely not a good thing.


Seraphie felt dizzy. All her efforts so far were about to go to waste. And then,




In the silence, someone called Seraphie’s nickname in a low voice. It was the man who had been watching Seraphie throughout the banquet, the man who resembled Peonia. The man with violet eyes that seemed to trap Seraphie’s entire being.


Orkis Felicia.


He moved his lips once more. “What is going on here?”


Seraphie tightly closed her eyes. I’m done for…!


But this torment was something she couldn’t confide in anyone. Because all of this had happened because Seraphie had tampered with the original story, just to save herself.


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