The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

“Ji Xingran???” Chu Han stood still in place, stunned.

Ji Xingran didn’t speak, nor did he glance at Wen Ke’an again. He coldly stared ahead and entered the elevator, closing the doors.


Watching the elevator go down, Chu Han snorted and said angrily, “That stinky face again, don’t let it bother you, An-An.”

Wen Ke’an had already experienced many ups and downs and she’s not a seventeen-year-old kid anymore. So, she won’t take such things to heart.

Wen Ke’an replied calmly, “It’s okay.”

On the first floor of the shopping mall, Ji Xingran walked ahead with the black-clad young man by his side.

“I told you, how could Wen Ke’an not like you anymore? She even bumped into your arms.”

“Do you think she followed you here because she knew you were here?”

“The school beauty has a deep affection for you. Bro, just accept her feelings.”



Wen Ke’an didn’t mind in her heart, but after seeing her good friend being ignored like this, Chu Han felt uncomfortable and kept defending Wen Ke’an all the way.

“An-An, let me tell you, there are so many good-looking and smart boys in our school. When you get in, you’ll realize that Ji Xingran is nothing special!”

“Do you know? Even the vocational high school next to our high school has a bunch of handsome guys! Especially their leader who’s tall, handsome, and skilled in fighting! I once caught a glimpse of him from afar, and he’s incredibly good-looking!”


“I heard things can get messy over at the vocational school. You better focus on your studies and avoid too much contact with those people,” Wen Ke’an carefully considered her words and spoke softly.

In the previous life, Chu Han fell for a second-generation rich troublemaker, and she learned smoking and drinking from him. She transformed from a well-behaved girl into a woman who spends the night at the bar.

Wen Ke’an didn’t want Chu Han to repeat the same mistakes, so she continued to earnestly advise, “You’re still young now, and in the future, there will surely be good people to take care of you. Don’t fall for those irresponsible men.”

Talking about these things made Chu Han feel a headache coming on, and she chuckled, saying, “Alright, alright, I know. Why are you nagging at me like my mom?”

After having lunch with Chu Han and doing some window shopping, they returned home, and it was already 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

Liu Qing and Wen Qiangguo had already had their afternoon meal and were packing up their things to set up their stall. Some cooked food was left for Wen Ke’an in the kitchen, and she had a simple meal before returning to her room to study. Today, she decided to go out and play impulsively, so she hadn’t finished her study tasks for the day yet.

According to today’s study plan, Wen Ke’an finished several sets of test papers. By the time she was done, it was already nine o’clock in the evening. During her break, Wen Ke’an took out her mobile phone and opened a study app.

She had discovered this app a few days ago, and it was excellent for answering practice questions. Moreover, the app had features for communication, a study room, and regional rankings.

Out of habit, Wen Ke’an opened the app and entered the study room to answer some questions. Her accuracy in answering the problems was good. After completing several sets of test questions, Wen Ke’an’s regional ranking improved.

Just as Wen Ke’an was about to log out, she accidentally noticed that someone else had entered her study room. The username was: 【The Most Handsome in the World】.

Curious, Wen Ke’an opened their profile and saw that it stated their gender as female.

Perhaps seeking a place without many people, Most Handsome lingered in her study room for a while and finally stayed.

Since this was her first study roommate, Wen Ke’an felt that being too distant might not be a good idea. So, she took the initiative to open a private chat window and sent a message: “Hello, classmate.”

There was no response for a long time from the other side, and Wen Ke’an didn’t mind. She logged out directly to rest and sleep.

When Wen Ke’an opened the app again the next afternoon after having lunch and taking a nap, she checked her chat messages. But there was still no reply from the other user, and her greeting remained unanswered.

At first, Wen Ke’an didn’t think much of it and assumed the other person hadn’t seen her greeting. However, her curiosity was piqued when she checked the rankings. The ID and avatar of the person above her seemed very familiar.

That classmate had a relatively low ranking in the previous night, but within just one night, they had surged ahead of her. Judging by how this app calculated rankings, it seemed that the classmate had likely stayed up all night, and continuously practiced answering the problems.

This person’s action unknowingly triggered Wen Ke’an’s competitive spirit. The rankings were becoming harder to improve, as those ahead were mostly students from Yizhong High School. To climb up further, she would have to solve increasingly challenging problems. After spending an afternoon just answering, Wen Ke’an managed to rise five places, overtaking that classmate.

When it was time to sleep at night, Wen Ke’an checked the app again, and the classmate still hadn’t come online, maintaining their position.

The first thing Wen Ke’an did upon waking up in the morning was open the app on her phone. This time, the classmate’s ranking had changed, and they had surpassed her by several places again.

After finishing her run, Wen Ke’an immediately opened the app to answer the questions.

The two of them engaged in this strange competition in secret, and within less than a week, Wen Ke’an and the The Most Handsome classmate both made it into the top ten of the app’s rankings.

Now, both ahead and behind them were students from Yizhong High School. It seemed that this app was launched by Yizhong, and the students there used their real names. Only the two of them didn’t use their real names on the leaderboard.

The usernames The Most Handsome in the World and An-An Eats Lemons Everyday stood out on the rankings.

After completing a mock test, Wen Ke’an logged out. Her parents were coming home late tonight, and it was already past ten o’clock. Normally, they would be back home by around nine o’clock. Just as Wen Ke’an was thinking about giving them a call, she heard the sound of the gate opening in the courtyard—it was her parents returning.

Wen Ke’an walked into the courtyard to greet them, “Dad, Mom.”

Wen Qiangguo looked at Wen Ke’an, smiled, and said, “We’re back.”

“Why did you come back so late today?” Wen Ke’an asked softly.

After speaking, Wen Ke’an noticed the braised dishes in their car. Surprisingly, they hadn’t sold them all tonight. In the past, their family’s braised dishes would always be sold out.

“What happened?” Wen Ke’an raised her head to inquire.

“A new shop that sells braised food opened at the night market,” Wen Qiangguo explained.

Their business at the night market had always been good, so it wasn’t too surprising that others followed suit. Just as Wen Ke’an was about to comfort her father, she heard her mother speak up.

“It was opened by your second aunt.”

-End of Chapter-

Hi~ Tanuki here! Hope you enjoyed the novel~


  1. 🐥 says:


    1. Bookwormdee says:

      Right? What a bitch.

  2. Datsukai says:

    Thank for the extra long chapter. Oh my gosh it is so full of drama

  3. Gisele says:

    Aaahh eu sabia, aquela velha nojenta tava quieta demais. Aposto que aquele usuário ” The Most Handsome” é o Gu Ting kkk.
    Obrigada pela tradução

  4. hdms says:

    Ask them to join the business with you? *No just steal it* How much of a lowlife does she wish to become?

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