The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

Chapter 20: Go for it Wen Ke'an!

“I’m sorry, we were just having fun and she got lost. Don’t mind, don’t mind,” Jin Ming said first. She chuckled awkwardly twice before walking up to Wen Ke’an’s side and dragging her behind her.

“Um, we won’t bother you any longer. You guys go on with your busy lives,” Jin Ming replied, not even raising her head to notice Gu Ting’s look. She drew Wen Ke’an away from there swiftly.

Jin Ming didn’t let go of Wen Ke’an until they reached a corner where no one was looking. She turned to face Wen Ke’an, somewhat stunned and helpless. “Do you realize what you just did?”

Wen Ke’an remained quite calm. “I do.”

Seeing Wen Ke’an so composed left Jin Ming both surprised and a bit confused. “You, him—”

“I’m pursuing him,” Wen Ke’an interrupted.

Jin Ming fell silent for a moment and then asked, “Do you usually chase after guys like this?”

Wen Ke’an thought for a moment. “Is being straightforward not a good approach?”

Jin Ming sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Being straightforward is good, but it’s also important to take things step by step.”

Wen Ke’an silently nodded, taking Jin Ming’s words to heart.

“I’ve also heard that Gu Ting is a bit of a germaphobe and dislikes it when others touch him casually. Last time, a girl purposefully clutched his hand. Can you guess what happened?”, Jin Ming created suspense.

“What exactly happened?”

“Snap.” Jin Ming put her hand on her wrist. “That girl’s wrist ended up being dislocated directly by him.”

“You may have better luck this time, and you fled faster. Perhaps he hasn’t realized yet,” Jin Ming summarized the day’s events. “However, you should be more cautious next time. Don’t just go around hugging people like that. If he pulls a judo throw on you, your petite frame won’t be able to handle it.”

“Got it,” Wen Ke’an responded in a muffled voice.

“I’ve come to realize something now,” Jin Ming fixed her gaze on Wen Ke’an’s innocent and beautiful face. “Looking at your face, one wouldn’t think you have such courage.”

Several males had not yet departed their original positions. Gu Ting’s solemn expression drew their attention, and everyone could sense that the environment around him was tense. As a result, no one dared to speak, and the stillness was maintained.

“Ting-ge, everyone’s gone,” Xie Hongyi said as he stepped up to Gu Ting’s side and patted his shoulder. Don’t look any farther.”

Gu Ting averted his gaze as her figure faded into the distance.

Her aroma seemed to linger about him. He felt his entire body tighten as she hurried over to hug him. His heart was pounding, and he wondered if she had noticed.

“What just happened to you? Even your tiny sister-in-law approached you and hugged you on her own, and you didn’t respond?” In amazement, Xie Hongyi inquired quietly.

When Xie Hongyi noticed Gu Ting was silent, he blinked and smiled and asked, “So, what do you think? Should we go get our little sister-in-law and bring her back?”

Gu Ting gazed at them, each with tattoos and hair colored in different colors—clearly not the finest bunch.

Gu Ting paused for a bit before saying, “No need. She is easily frightened. You guys would scare her.”

Xie Hongyi didn’t say anything, but he couldn’t help but chuckle as he lowered his head. After a while, he smiled and asked, “Ting-ge, how come we didn’t notice before?”


“You’re such a coward.”





The first monthly tests were about to begin, thus school had entered exam week. Everyone was preoccupied with studying for the exams. Wen Ke’an was likewise quite busy these days, with little leisure time.

Physical Education was the first class in the afternoon. Jin Ming and Wen Ke’an had arrived at the playground early and were relaxing under a large tree.

“It’s quite bizarre. Why hasn’t the Boss shown up at our school gate lately?” Jin Ming reached out and picked a tender green blade of grass next to her, puzzledly gazing at the distant blue sky.

Jin Ming had always kept an eye out for Gu Ting at the school gate after learning that Wen Ke’an had a crush on him. Gu Ting, on the other hand, hadn’t been seen there in a long time.

“Isn’t that self-evident? There are now almost a dozen teachers standing at the school gate after school. Even the pupils from the neighboring school are afraid to come here,” said the female class leader, who was sitting on the other side of Wen Ke’an.

“I don’t think that’s the whole reason,” replied the artistic committee member from their class, a tiny girl with two braids in her hair. She was talented at painting, but she also had another talent: gossip. She was well-versed about the important gossip events in the school.

“What do you know now? Come on, spill the beans!” Jin Ming leaned over to the artistic committee member, asking curiously.

“It’s due to something that happened in Gu Ting’s family.” You’re all aware, right? Qingteng Group’s CEO is Gu Ting’s father. Have you watched the news recently? Fraud is being probed against Qingteng Group. It’s a significant deal, and if they’re found guilty, Qingteng Group might be in tremendous trouble.”


Wen Ke’an was aware that Gu Ting’s family was formerly prosperous, but that sad circumstances had transpired. Later, his family fell bankrupt, and Gu Ting was even falsely accused by his brother and imprisoned. They didn’t talk about these tragic situations very much, so Wen Ke’an wasn’t sure what had happened during those years.

“However, there’s something I’m really curious about,” she says. “With Gu Ting’s family being so wealthy, they could easily afford to send him to a much better school abroad,” Jin Ming said, playing with a small blade of grass in her hand. So, what made him choose the vocational high school next door?”

“Because Big Brother Gu is rebellious,” the artistic committee member summed up succinctly.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go to the field for class!” the class leader stood up and said.

Wen Ke’an was completely distracted during physical education class. She didn’t know if this was a watershed moment in Gu Ting’s life. However, such a circumstance occurring at home must be devastating to a seventeen-year-old lad.

When the physical education instructor completed calling the roll, Wen Ke’an changed out of her school uniform while going to the storage room to fetch a volleyball. Jin Ming had joined her this time, and when she noticed Wen Ke’an’s activities, she opened her eyes slightly and questioned, “What are you doing? Are you thinking about skipping class?”

Wen Ke’an nodded. “The teacher has already called the roll.”

Jin Ming understood what Wen Ke’an wanted to do. “But if you go out now, you won’t know where he is. How will you find him?”

“I have a way.”

Jin Ming conceded after seeing Wen Ke’an’s persistence. “I never thought that after helping you climb over walls, I’d be aiding and abetting you in skipping class,” she shook her head. “What a twist of fate.”

Wen Ke’an grinned. “Thank you.”

Jin Ming said to Wen Ke’an, “Be careful on the way.”

Wen Ke’an couldn’t simply go out through the main door since the school gate was strictly regulated. After a few attempts, she climbed over the wall on the west side of the school to reach the neighboring school. The nearby school had laxer security and permitted unrestricted entrance. Wen Ke’an walked out of the school gate with ease.

Gu Ting, as the heir, must be present at the corporation in this case. Wen Ke’an remembered Qingteng Group’s location, which was near a nearby retail center. She boarded a bus and arrived near Qingteng Group.

Qingteng Group was a multinational firm with high-rise office buildings. Because of the current scenario, many police cars were stationed beneath the firm building, and reporters had congregated at the entrance.

Because of the large number of reporters outside the building, the company’s security had been strengthened even more, making it difficult for Wen Ke’an to enter. She had no choice except to go around the building’s perimeter, looking for alternate openings.

Wen Ke’an had just walked a short distance ahead when she noticed a young man standing at an inconspicuous corner. The young man leaned against the wall, the ember of his cigarette flickering.

Wen Ke’an distinctly recalled, as if mirroring the image in her mind, that in the early days of getting to know Gu Ting, he would escape to corners like this and smoke when he was in a bad mood.

However, he later stopped smoking because she disliked the scent of it on him.

“Ting-ge, let’s get going. Some reporters are coming over there,” Xie Hongyi said as he arrived from the opposite side of the building, frantically nudging Gu Ting.

Gu Ting raised his gaze, but he was surprised to see that small figure not far away.

The girl’s eyes shone brightly, and the dappled sunlight flowed through the trees enveloping her gently.

Gu Ting paused for a moment, instinctively extinguishing the cigarette in his hand.

“Why is she there?” Following Gu Ting’s gaze, Xie Hongyi spotted Wen Ke’an appear unexpectedly in this location. He gave a puzzled expression.

Just as Xie Hongyi finished speaking, he realized Gu Ting, who had been standing next to him, had vanished.

Gu Ting approached Wen Ke’an.


Xie Hongyi had only said two words when a loud crash could be heard not far away. A huge truck on the road had been involved in an accident, hitting a black sedan and forcing the truck to flip.

Wen Ke’an turned to look when he heard the noise. Everything on the road was visible from her vantage point.

The black vehicle had been seriously damaged, with the rear end smashed. The front of the truck, on the other hand, was just partially dented.

Wen Ke’an’s body froze in place when she witnessed this incident. She couldn’t stop the shiver that rushed through her body, causing her to shake.

Because the two car accidents that had changed the course of her life were enormous trucks, she had suffered tremendous psychological trauma as a result of them.

Wen Ke’an’s vision was distorted by tears, and her mind was in disarray. She was terrified.

Someone immediately covered Wen Ke’an’s eyes from behind, just as she was ready to collapse.

Simultaneously, she heard a familiar and calming voice from behind her, “Don’t look.”



T/L Notes: Me this chapter: (;´д`)ゞ  →  ( •̀ ω •́ )✧  →   (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Hi~ Tanuki here! Hope you enjoyed the novel~


  1. Blessed_Berries says:

    Aaaa Ke’an o(TヘTo) くぅ

  2. Dawn says:

    Omg omg omg, will they find out they were both reborn at some point! 😮 I hope so!

  3. Hpnl says:

    Please… please… Enough of running away…

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