The Boss is Reborn with his Little Fairy

When Wen Ke’an woke up in a daze, all she heard was the sound of rain outside the window.

Her body felt cold and stiff.

Wen Ke’an knew very well that she must have slipped into a coma again. Her condition was getting worse day by day. Perhaps the day of her departure was approaching.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Wen Ke’an’s eyes finally cleared up.

She lived in an old residential building, and the walls of the room had a faint yellowish tint. The room was not big, but she had decorated it warmly.

Two years ago, she and her husband had spent all of their savings to buy this house in a school district. Although the house was old and small, it was still her beloved home.

Outside the window was a small street, usually bustling with people. Even on rainy days, she could hear the lively chatter of the people outside.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Wen Ke’an struggled to lift her head and saw Gu Ting, who limped and hurriedly came to her bedside.

He, who was usually neat and tidy, was now dirty with mud and rainwater. She wondered what he had experienced today.

“A-Ting,” Wen Ke’an weakly spoke.

Gu Ting had already reached her bedside. He half-knelt in front of her bed and gently took her outstretched hand in his, being careful and cautious. “An-An.”

His tone of voice was gentle and calm. However, Wen Ke’an still felt the coldness of his hand, and even a slight uncontrollable tremor.

As Wen Ke’an held his hand, Gu Ting carefully took out a well-wrapped package from his pocket with his other hand.

Wen Ke’an’s gaze followed his, noticing that he was completely soaked, yet the little package remained untouched by the rain. Wen Ke’an watched as he opened it, revealing a perfectly roasted sweet potato.

Yesterday, she casually mentioned to him that she wanted to eat roasted sweet potatoes from the west side of the city. Little did she expect that today, despite the drizzling rain, he would still think of buying it for her.

“Take your medicine first, and then eat the sweet potato while it’s still hot, alright?”

After Gu Ting finished speaking, he anxiously opened a drawer and took out her medication, skillfully preparing it for her.

While Gu Ting was busy, Wen Ke’an reached out and touched the roasted sweet potato.

It was still very hot.

It was the beginning of spring, and the temperature outside was not particularly high.

Wen Ke’an could even imagine that he must have kept the piping hot sweet potato in his clothes all the way here.

“A-Ting,” Wen Ke’an’s voice trembled as she called out, and when she saw Gu Ting looking at her, she was overwhelmed with love and was about to cry. “Is it too hot?”

“It’s not hot, not at all.”

Gu Ting finished preparing the medicine, and the bitter smell of it filled the room.

Wen Ke’an looked up at Gu Ting’s beautiful eyes and whispered, “A-Ting, I don’t want to drink it.”

She could feel her strength fading away, and at this point, any medicine would not help her anymore.

“An-An,” Gu Ting knew what was going through Wen Ke’an’s mind. His fingers gripped the cup so tightly causing his knuckles to whiten as his eyes began to redden.

He remained silent for a moment, but ultimately brought the medicine to her lips, his voice trembling, “Please.”

Wen Ke’an saw the faint redness in Gu Ting’s eyes, and she couldn’t bear looking at it. Perhaps drinking it would give him a bit of peace of mind.

Lowering her head, Wen Ke’an obediently swallowed the medicine.

The taste of the medicine was extremely unpleasant, but perhaps after drinking it for so long, her sense of taste was gradually disappearing.

Just as she finished drinking, they heard a knock on the door. Gu Ting stood up and went to open it.

Outside the door was their neighbor, Auntie Wang.

“Oh, you’re both at home. Is An-An feeling alright now?”

“I’m fine, Auntie Wang,” Wen Ke’an replied with a smile.

Auntie Wang walked to her bedside, gazing at Wen Ke’an’s pale and frail body, with a sense of pity. After being neighbors for such a long time, they had developed a close bond.

Auntie Wang held a basket full of eggs in her hand and placed it on the ground. She smiled and said, “These are eggs from my relatives in the countryside. They raise their own free-range chickens. I’ll give you some of it. These eggs are particularly nutritious. I guarantee that An-An will become chubby and healthy after eating them!”

Wen Ke’an looked at the eggs on the ground and instinctively refused, “It’s okay, Auntie Wang…”

Before Wen Ke’an could finish speaking, Auntie Wang interrupted, “Oh, just take them. It’s important to nourish yourself while you’re not feeling well.

Looking at Auntie Wang, Wen Ke’an was touched. Her voice choked up a bit, “Thank you, Auntie Wang.”

Auntie Wang simply smiled and didn’t say anything else.

Gu Ting went to pour water for Auntie Wang, and she turned her head to glance at his limping figure, then lowered her head to look at Wen Ke’an lying on the bed.

Her gaze ultimately landed on the large scar on Wen Ke’an’s face.

Many times she thought that without this scar, this girl would surely be very beautiful.

Gu Ting returned with the water, and Auntie Wang looked at him again.

This young man had a good appearance, with deep eyes, a straight nose, and a strong and upright figure. However, he had a limp at such a young age.

This couple was very unfortunate.

Auntie Wang sighed silently in her heart.

Wen Ke’an had been sleeping a lot these past few days, often sleeping through the entire day.

Meanwhile, Gu Ting never left her and remained constantly by her side.

Every time Wen Ke’an woke up, she would see Gu Ting by her bedside. He looked like he hadn’t had a good sleep in a long time.

Wen Ke’an felt sorry for him.

She moved her body slightly, making space for Gu Ting. “Come up and rest a bit.”

Gu Ting hesitated for a moment, then took off his soaked jacket and laid down beside her.

Wen Ke’an reached out and hugged his lean waist, resting her head against his chest.

He was much taller and bigger than her, and she particularly enjoyed snuggling up to him while sleeping.

“A-Ting, I might…” In the midst of the silence in the small room, Wen Ke’an closed her eyes and weakly began to speak.

Before she could finish her sentence, Gu Ting interrupted her, “No, don’t say such things. You’ll be fine.”

Gu Ting also embraced her and gently stroked her hair.

Wen Ke’an looked up at him and didn’t speak again.

Gu Ting thought she wanted to sleep again when he saw her close her eyes, so he didn’t say anything either. It wasn’t until he heard a soft cough that he quickly looked down.

There was black blood flowing from the corner of Wen Ke’an’s mouth.

Wen Ke’an wasn’t asleep. She opened her eyes and wiped the corner of her mouth. “It’s an old injury resurfacing.”

She had been in a car accident before, and her internal organs were damaged horribly. That was also the reason why her body had been weak for so many years.

Seeing the blood at the corner of her mouth, Gu Ting, who was usually calm and composed, completely panicked. His eyes turned red, and his hands trembled as he carefully wiped away the bloodstains from her mouth. “It’s alright, An An. We’ll find someone. They’ll definitely have a solution. It’s going to be okay.”

He could go and find help, he could plead, and he would let those people trample upon his dignity.

But his An An couldn’t leave.

Wen Ke’an knew where Gu Ting wanted to go, so she reached out and held his hand, softly persuading him, “A-Ting, don’t go. Stay with me.”

Gu Ting lowered his head and remained silent.

Wen Ke’an looked at him with mixed feelings. Tears uncontrollably streamed down her face, and she called out softly again, “A-Ting.”

Seeing her tears, Gu Ting felt like his heart was about to explode. In the end, he compromised. He half-knelt in front of her, reached out, and gently wiped away her tears, his voice trembling slightly, “Okay, I’ll stay with you. Don’t cry.”


Wen Ke’an wanted to go outside and feel the breeze, so Gu Ting took her to a nearby park.

The weather outside was beautiful, the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze.

Wen Ke’an quietly leaned against Gu Ting’s chest.

In a daze, she recalled the first time they met.

They were both in a miserable state at that time.

She was originally the most promising dancer at Xia Yu Entertainment, but unexpectedly, she offended the daughter of the company’s CEO and was set up for a car accident. Her face was disfigured, and her legs were crippled, preventing her from ever standing on her beloved stage again.

As for him, he had just been released from prison, penniless and targeted by his former enemies.

Two people in the depths of darkness crossed paths, but little did they know that they would support each other and get through the most difficult years of their lives.

Eventually, things gradually improved. She found a job of her own, and he pursued new goals for their family.

They saved money, bought a house, and imagined whether they would have a boy or a girl in the future.

Although those days were tough for them, Wen Ke’an reminisced and felt happy.

The seven years they spent together were the most fulfilling and joyful days of her life.

Gu Ting’s gaze never left her, nor had he ever looked away for a moment.

He didn’t know what she was thinking, but a sweet smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. 

Seeing her smile, Gu Ting couldn’t help but smile gently along with her.

Wen Ke’an met Gu Ting’s gaze. She knew he had been watching her all along. She turned around, and encircled her arms around his neck, planting a tender kiss on his chin.

Gu Ting was slightly stunned.

After being married for so many years, her kisses still made his heart skip a beat.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable with their position, Wen Ke’an couldn’t help but cough lightly.

Gu Ting wanted to let her drink some water, but Wen Ke’an refused.

She leaned against his chest, closed her eyes, and spoke softly.

“A-Ting, don’t always eat cold food in the future. It’s not good for your health.”

“And don’t overwork yourself. Doing too much work will be too much for your legs.”

“If I’m gone, I hope you’ll be well.”

“The little flower on our balcony is about to bloom. Please remember to take care of it for me.”

“A-Ting, I love you so much.”



Under the twilight of the setting sun.

Gu Ting called out over and over again, but there was no response.


Wen Ke’an was gone.

Gu Ting locked himself inside their house for a long time, staying with his beloved.

People in the community thought Gu Ting had gone mad. He refused to eat or drink and wouldn’t allow Wen Ke’an to be buried.

He had spent his days inside the house, talking to the departed Wen Ke’an.

Everyone felt that this couldn’t go on.

After a long time, Auntie Wang finally knocked on Gu Ting’s door.

The once clean and handsome young man now had a scruffy beard, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

His eyes were hollow, filled with despair.

Aunt Wang looked at him for a while before finally speaking, trying to persuade him, “Ah Ting, it’s time to bury An An.”

Aunt Wang didn’t dare say anything else, afraid of triggering this man in front of her.

But to Aunt Wang’s surprise, Gu Ting remained calm and quiet.

He said, “Okay.”

Although Gu Ting was cooperative and seemed calm, those close to him could feel that the Gu Ting with bloodshot eyes was like a deeply suppressed beast.

A beast that could go mad at any moment.

After Wen Ke’an’s burial, Gu Ting suddenly disappeared too, and no one knew where he had gone.

It wasn’t until a month later that the media released two news stories.

“[Xia Yu Entertainment Group’s Heiress Mysteriously Disappears]”

“[Xia Yu Entertainment Group, Suspected Revenge Attack, Entire Building Burned Down, Countless Losses]”


T/L Note:

Heya readers! This is Tanuki, your translator for this lovely book, “The Boss is Reborn with His Little Fairy”. This is my first project as a translator so it won’t be as perfect as the others but I really enjoyed translating this book.

Enjoy reading everyone~

Hi~ Tanuki here! Hope you enjoyed the novel~


  1. Anotherdumbbish says:

    Goddamn, I did not expect to be hit in the feels this hard. I started crying after the first few paragraphs :’)
    (Also thank you for the excellent translation, Tanuki! ❤ 🙏🏻)

  2. Berra says:

    Sanırsam ağlayacağım çok dokunaklı ve tatlı

  3. STARKRUTH says:

    Gracias gracias gracias, gracias por aceptar realizar esta traducción, encerio 😭😭😭😭.

  4. Gisele says:

    Estou amando ler essa novel. Os primeiros parágrafo foram muito tristes. Saber que depois da morte dela ele se vingou…. céus isso foi gratificante. Muito obrigada pela tradução.

  5. rvmac06 says:

    First chap, and I’m already in tears

  6. Hpnl says:

    I’m not crying…my eyes are just sweating。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。.

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